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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Here are some of the PHOTOS of today's horse back riding .....

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / 寻 UP TOWN: Scarborough、North York 好 朋友、加入我们熱鬥小馬 5月 20 th 长周末電動騎、模擬機電動馬風靡北京、上海等時尚前沿城市
    溪景 + 阿女山森林區 + 开斋 阿弥陀佛 善哉善哉 [提醒] 没吃饭的勿进~!

    ... 您想要看日出、觀雲海、森林縱走、爬山、享受森林浴嗎?快來﹝山上人家﹞,這裡應有盡有唷!
    竹林餐廳內任何21 歲以下人仕必須由父母或法定監護人*陪同。

    1: Name:
    2: Phone:
    3: E-mail:
    4: M/F:

    5: Intersection (如 Finch/ Kennedy)
    + A: Carpool Offer 3 seats/ B: Carpool Need
    就近上车,请有车的同学尽量帮助carpool没车的同学(主要是接送同学到 Fairview Mall TTC Subway Station)。没车的同学我们将尽量安排。


    Fairview Mall停车的地方免费。
    騎模擬熱鬥小馬機所$ 25+。
    免费饮,Lunch $ 5+。


    欢迎继续报名,17 th MAY晚上21:59pm截止报名。

    4 gals 3 guys ALREADY
    • 是騎真马,还是騎模擬马?
      • 模擬機電動馬
    • 陳慧琳因工作練習騎馬時,不慎墜馬受傷,經醫生治療後,需臥床休息一星期。其實陳慧琳一直在為與黎明合演的 ...
      • 以最先進3D模擬技術模彷騎馬運動,達至健體功效; 嶄新8字型動作,配合軸心水平橫向及向前/後傾,鍛鍊腰腹、臀部及大腿各組肌肉; 有效改善及保持良好姿勢,提升肌肉力量及神經系統反應; 有效促進新陳代謝及血液循環,增強心肺功能; 3組預設健體程序及手動 ...
        • 是模擬機電動馬 ---- 不是真马吗?電動馬要25元一小时?我才不会玩一小时電動馬,你说什么"日出、觀雲海、森林縱走、爬山、享受森林浴",原来是卖广告,是要自己想象出来的吧? 要运动,去 gym 吧!何必玩一小时電動馬?
      • 007, 我们三缺一,过来打羽毛球啊, yonge+finch 附近, 今天下午2:00-400:
    • 女人刹伤力大,有没有模擬女人機,有的话,放在club里就不须要真女人了,还可做运动呢!是不是也是25元一整小时啊?
      • 以最先進3D模擬技術模彷騎馬運動,達至健體功效; 嶄新8字型動作,配合軸心水平橫向及向前/後傾,鍛鍊腰腹、臀部及大腿各組肌肉; 有效改善及保持良好姿勢,提升肌肉力量及神經系統反應; 有效促進新陳代謝及血液循環,增強心肺功能; 3組預設健體程序及手動
        • 你有网址吗? Thanks in advance!
          • 会组团去的,网址不可泄漏。
    • 在一般人想像中騎馬是在大草原奔馳,但目前在國內受限於場地,大多在馬術俱樂部內,馬術運動場的面積大約是長90公尺、寬45公尺左右皆可,視各馬場之面積而定,以沙地及草地為主,靠海的馬場則有馳騁沙灘之樂,靠山區的馬場則享有野外騎乘豪邁之感。 ...
    • We are going to ride REAL HORSES, not electric horse, please don't be misled by other people, <donstation(迎接零零七)> said that we are going to ride REAL HORSES. The horses will run through streams, bushes and grassland, It's gonna be fun !!
      You don't really need to know how to control the horse, as it will follow the leader in the front. It is very easy to control it anyways, if you pull on both the straps, the horse will stop. If you want the horse to go left, just pull the left strap, if you want the horse to go right, pull the right strap. That's all you have to know. I have tried it once a long time ago, it was really fun.
      The horses will run through streams, bushes and grassland, you will feel fantastic, there is no way to get through those areas except by foot OR by horse, you will feel someone is carrying you through the wilderness, plus all the horses are jogging together, it is very eye catching.
      • 楼主, 记的給我留了位, 感激ING.
    • added 2 more Name: Sop-0577, Name:Dav-2418, thank you
    • 既然是周日的活动,不妨周五才截止报名。咦,骑马是:騎“模擬”熱鬥小馬機所?
      • 騎“模擬小阿姨”馬機, sure, will call the STABLE after work!
    • Time Schedule:
      20 th MAY, 2007 SUNDAY


      Time Schedule
      11:00 am FairView Mall Don Mills TTC Pick Up Zone,

      11:15 am heading to the Chinese Temple,
      you can drive yourself, just meet us THERE ~ the Temple, you don't need come to Don Mills

      12:00 ~1:15 am Lunch ,and enjoy the LUNCH
      6525 Millcreek Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 7K6

      1:45 ~ 3:45pm Beer time and play cards
    • Here are some of the PHOTOS of today's horse back riding .....
      Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
      • thanks Donstation for oganizing the activity, it was fun !
        • horseback riding is fun fun fun....many thanks to the organizer
    • will upload all the photo (where? any ALBUM?) and will post some of the photoes, yes, do it after the DOORS OPEN TORONTO, anyone interested DOORS OPEN this SAT 26th?
    • 活动的照片 因為騎馬講究的是安全、美觀,裝備良好才可顯示出人、馬的雄姿飛揚,一般馬的裝備:馬鞍、手韁、籠頭、水勒、汗墊、護膝革、綁腿、肚帶、馬鐙等。 騎士的裝備:安全帽、長筒馬靴、手套、馬褲、馬鞭、馬刺…等,騎馬之前有了這些裝備才可以事半功倍。 ...