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We had a similar experience the weekend before last week except there were 4 baby birds...

For the first two days, we put them in an empty hanging basket and hang it close to the vent where they used to reside in so the mother could easily find the new nest of her babies and continued feeding them during the day time. In the evening, we moved the basket into garage because the mother was gone after dark (maybe because she thought the basket is too small for a family of 5 to stay) and more over it was pretty cold in the evening. We were a little bit worried on the first night that the mother would not come back next morning, but we were so reliefed and touched because when my husband took the basket out of the garage early in moring, the mother had already been waiting there with worms in her mouth. Last monday, it was getting much warmer so we moved the basket to the tree in front of our house. It seems that both mother and kids are enjoying the new place a lot...

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 昨天清理通风管道,掏出一个鸟窝,两只小鸟毛还没长全,张着两个黄黄的大嘴吱支叫得很可怜,丢到外面肯定会冻死饿死,怎末办?除了虫子他们吃什末呀?米饭和瓶装的babyfood可以吗?
    • goto pet store buy food for birds. You'd better know what kind of bird it is, worm eating or vegetarian.
      • 不知道啥鸟,挖了好多蚯蚓给他们吃,他们吃得挺欢,可是我的小院就巴掌大,一会就挖光了。刚才用蛋黄拌了米饭给他们吃了,他们吃了几口就不吃了,现在也不出声了,千万别吃坏肚子了。
        • 可以去超市或者充物商店买鸟食
          • 那是给成年鸟吃的吧?
        • 我家后院太多蚯蚓,来挖吧。
    • 也是个善心人。俺家一个通风道外面的盖子不知道啥时候被风吹掉了,里面也是住了一家子小鸟。天天叫得可欢了。有心修理,还得等它们翅膀硬了,能自己飞再说。
    • 小鸟需要大鸟的唾液,所以你最好小米和生鸡蛋,可以补充水分,都是生的就行。
      • 我拌的牛奶,弄成糊状,他们不怎末爱吃,每次只吃两三口,比吃蚯蚓热情差多了。不过好歹还没闹肚子,也长大些了,不知啥时这两个小祖宗才能长大飞走,我的院子已经祸害得差不多了
        • 真飞走了你就舍不得了,我也有过类似的经历,等走了时候我心里酸酸的,希望它还记得我,可惜再没回来过
    • 小鸟刚生的时候我没动他们,等长大他们集体出门的时候,做了个笼子封上了。
    • 钻到人家管道的鸟,不会是啥好鸟。
    • 卖渔具的地方有活的蚯蚓卖,一盒2块钱,放冰箱里能存很久。慢慢喂吧。
    • We had a similar experience the weekend before last week except there were 4 baby birds...
      For the first two days, we put them in an empty hanging basket and hang it close to the vent where they used to reside in so the mother could easily find the new nest of her babies and continued feeding them during the day time. In the evening, we moved the basket into garage because the mother was gone after dark (maybe because she thought the basket is too small for a family of 5 to stay) and more over it was pretty cold in the evening. We were a little bit worried on the first night that the mother would not come back next morning, but we were so reliefed and touched because when my husband took the basket out of the garage early in moring, the mother had already been waiting there with worms in her mouth. Last monday, it was getting much warmer so we moved the basket to the tree in front of our house. It seems that both mother and kids are enjoying the new place a lot...