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29 years old girl in Shanghai is looking for a soulmate and lifetime partner, I will come to Toronto in the end of this Aug for vacation.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I am 29, 165CM, 55KG, coming from one of small towns in Chong Qing, studied & Worked once in Chengdu(1996 -2003) and have been working n Shanghai till now since 2003. Currently I am holding a Canadian work visa for 2 years ( from 2007 to 2009). but the job in Shanghai I am taking is quite good. However, holding hand with Mr Right and enjoying point life will be in top place in my mind.

Most friends of mine agree I am nice, elegant, honest, easygoing, humorous and positive.

I love nature, music, sports, reading, animal, travele, paint , photography... but Shopping, computer games, and meeting bastards will be tasteless

If you are nice, humor, decent, well-educated, no marriage history, pls write email to me at heliyawen@hotmail.com with your profile, photo (important), I will definately respond you.

By the way I am pretty busy on the current job in Shanghai at daytime (just contrary to time zone); therefore email will be great options for me. Sorry about that!

我心目中的你, 温文尔雅, 知书达礼, 感情专一, 坚定不移,身体健康, 心智健全. 因为我需要你携我的手, 走过无数的春夏秋冬, 白头到老.

我29岁, 165CM, 55KG, 五官端正秀丽, 健美苗条, 健康乐观,大方有趣,爱好旅游,摄影,音乐。在大公司任职,上得厅堂, 下得厨房, 具有中国传统美德, 也接受北美人平等待人, 尊重个人自由, 自我实现的价值观.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net