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在工作中生活中或者网络上结交一些朋友,常跟朋友聚聚,苦闷的时候找朋友聊聊天儿,不要一个人呆着流泪,对身体不好;不要再跟他见面和纠扯,开始设计考虑自己以后的生活才最重要。要强打精神制定一些健身或者户外活动,调整自己的生活,让自己忙起来充实起来,放眼未来, enjoy life!


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / 一个正被逼离婚的人寻求安慰和帮助
    我老公有girl friend, 现正逼我离婚. 我不愿意离婚, 我好话说尽,也没用。


    • 他心不在了,你还留他干什么。好离好散吧。
      • 道理我董,但是想起离婚后的日子,真不想离婚。
        • 重拾信心!坚强!打扮靓丽.多结交些男性朋友,能分散注意力. 早点找个男友, 会很快把前老公忘记掉. 找到新爱是忘掉旧爱的好办法. 
          除了找人倾诉,看书也行.我以前就这样做的. 现在再见当初为他痛不欲生的男人---心里庆幸当初没有嫁给他^_^ 时间会改变一切.记住,这个时候,不能自暴自弃.
    • be more specific, what kind of difficulties you will be facing? what kind of help you are looking for? etc
      • It's very nice yu talk to me. You are helping me now. I am really looking for some friend who have same experience with me.
    • 想要别人看的起你,你一定要自己先看的起自己,干吗"好话说尽"?这世界大的很,他心都走了,求都没用.自尊自强点吧!只有你自己才可以掌握自己.
    • 建议:
      在工作中生活中或者网络上结交一些朋友,常跟朋友聚聚,苦闷的时候找朋友聊聊天儿,不要一个人呆着流泪,对身体不好;不要再跟他见面和纠扯,开始设计考虑自己以后的生活才最重要。要强打精神制定一些健身或者户外活动,调整自己的生活,让自己忙起来充实起来,放眼未来, enjoy life!

      • 必要的时候可以考虑接受一些心理咨询
      • You really understand me, I am crying the whole day.
    • first, I need a lawer do separation agreement. can anyone suggest a good lawer?
      • 这是正事,帮你顶.
      • if you want a joint divorce, then you do not need a lawyer at all. You can ask him to buy a divorce kit from Staples ($40.00), then fill the form and go to the court.
        But if you want some finacial benefit from him, go to a lawyer ...
        • He is not man, he does not want to go court. If I do not agree to divorce , he will beat me to death.
          • if he wants to do such a stupid thing, call the police without any hesitation!
          • 你可以给华人家庭专业辅导中心寻求帮助: http://www.chinesefamilyso.com/gambling/stopgambleplan_chi.html
          • Call 911. Don't be too weak, protect you and your right. Don't think If u call 911, u cannot reunite with him anymore. If he doesn't love u, all your effor is in vain.
    • Second, is there any chinese divoced women club?
    • 你可以去找 華人家庭專業輔導中心,是完全免费的,他们会教你怎样去找免费的律师等,电话是 416-979-8299, 网站是 www.chinesefamilyso.com。
    • Third, I need find a place to live, is there any lady who want to share the apartment or house with me? My financial is ok, I still have job, just want to have friends to talk to.
      • call 211 and ask for Mandarin service. They can tell you all the organizations' phone numbers. I think you need women's shelter, it's free. If he hits you, call 911, the police will arrange everything for you.
        In Canada, women are very well protected. Even if you're just afraid that he will hit you, you can call 911 and police will come, then you can ask them to help you out.
      • If you get a divorce with him, don't forget to get half of the house (if he owns a house), and alimony (赡养费).
        • Thanks for rembering this. I do not think I can get anything from him. Both of us have same salary. What can I get from him?
    • 加拿大男人的地位在老人,儿童,妇女,宠物之后,离婚后你会发现天地宽的很,珍惜你的人很多,向前走吧!人挪活,树挪死,说不定以后你会感激你老公和你离婚,象我前妻一样.
      • :)))))))
      • Maybe your ex-wife is strong. I am very weak women, never live along before. I really scare to live myself.
        • 粗一点讲,三条腿的青蛙还挺难找,两条腿的男人满街都是,不信你可以试一试,可能还会让你烦.总之好合好散大家都会快乐
        • 做人一定要自信,说句难听的话,难怪你老公不想要你。
          • Do you think my husband want to devrce me because I do not have confidencce myself?
            • 你们2个人的事情我不清楚,不过,做人要自信,就像楼上说的那样,缺了男人这世界一样精彩,一样转,否则容易被男人看不起。
              • I understood "做人要自信", but every has weakness. Otherwise I am not looking for any help.
                • 我没有说做女人不能有weakness,不能有缺点。我在说,作为女人要独立,要自信,离开了你的男人,一样可以活得很精彩。你在这里寻求帮助,大家也正在帮你。但是,首先你要帮助你自己,然后大家才能够真正地帮上你。
              • good point.
            • I don't think so. The major reason is that your husband 变心了.
      • 听说在加拿大离婚对男人很不利,我都被吓得以后不敢轻易离婚了。没想到还有lz这样的事。
        • 看情况的,如果男方离婚的时候没有任何财产,连抚养费都不用付。单身妈妈可以领政府救济。如果女方财物多的话,兴许还要倒贴呢。
    • 都站着说话不腰疼。
      • 你的意思是叫他们躺下来诉心声? he he
    • ana, don't worry about it, if you have any problems, just post it here, I was just joking.
      • I am a serious women. Thank you for your new post.
    • 第一,有孩子没有?什么打算。第二,有房子没有?什么打算。第三,有工作没有,什么打算?
      • You live in real word. I do not have kid, still have job. But I can not work due to sadness.
        • 你也不像你描述的那么软弱,至少你还有心情用英文来表达自己。也许一个大坑吧
          • I use english because typeing Engish is faster than Chinese. Why did I waste my time to make "大坑".
        • 建议你尽快离掉, 如需法律援助可以找上面朋友们提供的途径; 办完手续后给自己放个假, 约几个朋友出去CAMPING什么的, 好好散散心, 尽量把过去忘掉. 记住: 既然最痛苦的日子都能过去, 那么今后的每一天都会更美好. 祝你早日快乐起来
          • I really try to make friends here. Specially divorced lady.
            • 这里有很多, 你会找到她们的:)
        • 没有孩子就少了很多麻烦。有工作,经济上可以自立,问题就只剩下咨询律师可以得到多少赡养费或者家产了。伤心没用,站直了,别趴下,越软弱越让男人看不起。
          • Divorce is biggest failure in my whole life, it is too heavy and I can not stand up again.I do not know how other pepole will treat me after divorce.
            • are you kill me ? so older
              • guess that's part of the reasons that your husband want to divorce u: his girl friend must be telling him how much she loves him, which probably is true.
                and it's not worth thinking anymore, just leave him alone, his heart and body all not yours anymore, so what's the meaning of sticking together.
              • I do not get the point here.
              • sorry, wrong place. this is to lz.
            • I am a conservative women. Maybe age is also older than you think.
              • 女人很容易钻在牛角尖不出来,忧虑,压抑,抑郁。但是一旦走出来你也许看到的是一片更美丽的天空
                • #3738210
                  • #3738216@0 :)
              • 不是说你年级older,你思维太老太土,土的掉渣土的没救了
            • 到了加拿大离婚的家庭太多太多了, 没有人会用异样的眼光看你, 你还会有新的生活, 别去想那些无关的事, 你为你自己活着, 他人没有资格对你的生活指手画脚
            • Really hope the sky is still bueatiful to me after divorce.
              • I'm sure it will:)
              • did u have dinner?
              • did u notice that u kinda think about yourself much more than him? no offence. just guess: he is feeling the love from her, not u anymore.
              • I do not fell hungry. We are already not eat together any more. My hunsband lost his mind. He think everything I did is not good for him.
            • 现在应该是最难受的时候,过一段时间会慢慢好起来的,be strong,lady.还有,离婚有怎么啦?别人不会因为这个看不起你的,至少做个普通朋友没问题,大家见面不会的介绍和自我介绍的时候马上问婚姻状况的。
    • Today I am crying and try to find a friend which I can talk to, my friend can not be reached. I have to go on website to look for friend. Your guys make me feel better now, I can see friends everywhere, I do not fell very lonely now.
      • sorry, u must be feeling bad. go out a little bit more, do sth. else which u have interest. he's not worth your thinking. i didn't think 2 much about your current situation.
      • 多和朋友聊聊,现在你需要一个倾听你说话的人.
      • I will go out for long walk usually when it is dark. No shiny and no pepole know me. I fell better in that situation.
      • 找朋友倾诉,在网上发帖子,都是发泄郁闷的方法,也许网络更好一些,,心中的郁闷发泄的差不多了,就要冷静下来,好好考虑了,关键:挺起胸膛做人
    • woman, pull yourself together, there are a lot of sisters with you. You are not alone. The path isn't clear, but you will find it. Have some pride of god. Stand for yourself. You aren't the weak!!!
    • 这种男人不能对他客气,赶紧收集第三者插足的证据,然后以后上法庭,让那个男人死得很难看~~~道德上、经济上、社会舆论上,压死他!!!!
      • 别那么粗暴,冤冤相报何时了,况且有曾是夫妻,一日夫妻百日恩嘛.我们中国男人也不是那么容易被击倒
        • 有仇不报非小人也:0
    • your lawyer will help you to get assets and money from your husband, so talk with your lawyer, he he he !
    • 建议你看看亦舒的小说《我的前半生》, 一个离婚妇人浴火重生的故事。 你比她还强呢, 至少你有工作, 英文也不错 。。。
      • Exactly.
      • Thanks you for the suggesting the book《我的前半生>>, I am definitly going to read it.
    • 你会走过这个坎的, Make more friends and join more activities. 有一天你会豁然明白不爱你不忠于你的男人不值得你爱, 不值得你为他抹去自己的尊严.
    • 我看你日子会很好过的。
      • Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ! LOL ! good point !
      • When I am strong, I hope I can become “快乐单身". When I am weak, I really want to die.
    • 这里好的国男也不少,先把下家找好,免得“踏空”,离婚的时候让你现在老公“割肉”。
      • "下家" !唉!说成好像寄生虫一样,去找下一个壳,真恐怖!走时还要旧的主体去死!真恐怖!
        • well ! 人不为已,天诛地灭,想做就去做吧!如他真的对不起你,就去找他算帐吧!
    • All the trouble come together, I lock my car key in the truck, still wait for service.
      • 帮你顶
    • Does anyone know: is there any chinese divoced women club?
      • 不要那么悲观,你可以加入单身俱乐部,不更好?呵呵:)
    • You can not change your husband, but you can change yourself, to be strong and kick him out, enjoy every minute in your life, you will be the winner, i have the same experience as you. Good luck!