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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本會將於國慶節長週末假期七月一日至二日(星期日到星期一) 於極樂寺(7609 Kennedy 在Denison以北)舉行二十四小時念佛。上午十時開始蓮池海會,中午用餐後讀誦無量壽經,精進念佛到隔天早上九時,然後讀誦地藏菩薩本願經,到十一時圓滿結束。需要交通接送者請於七月一日上午九時四十分在城市廣場二樓加華文化中心外集合。


Our next 24-hour Chanting Session will be held on Canada Day Holiday weekend from July 1 to 2 at the Ji Leh Temple (7609 Kennedy, north of Denison)

10:00 - “Gathering at the Lotus Pond”; Chanting

13:00 - “Infinite Life Sutra”

15:00 - 09:00 (07/02) Amitabha Chanting

09:00 - 11:00 (07/02) “Earth Treasure Sutra”

For those requiring carpool please assemble on July 1 at the FCCM, Market Village at 09:40 am. Participants provide own ‘Hai Ching’ and wear white socks. Veggie meals are served free by ILAOC.

Contact/查詢: (416)699-3372/893-3366/898-3880

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 无量光净宗学会7月1日24小时念佛通知
    本會將於國慶節長週末假期七月一日至二日(星期日到星期一) 於極樂寺(7609 Kennedy 在Denison以北)舉行二十四小時念佛。上午十時開始蓮池海會,中午用餐後讀誦無量壽經,精進念佛到隔天早上九時,然後讀誦地藏菩薩本願經,到十一時圓滿結束。需要交通接送者請於七月一日上午九時四十分在城市廣場二樓加華文化中心外集合。


    Our next 24-hour Chanting Session will be held on Canada Day Holiday weekend from July 1 to 2 at the Ji Leh Temple (7609 Kennedy, north of Denison)

    10:00 - “Gathering at the Lotus Pond”; Chanting

    13:00 - “Infinite Life Sutra”

    15:00 - 09:00 (07/02) Amitabha Chanting

    09:00 - 11:00 (07/02) “Earth Treasure Sutra”

    For those requiring carpool please assemble on July 1 at the FCCM, Market Village at 09:40 am. Participants provide own ‘Hai Ching’ and wear white socks. Veggie meals are served free by ILAOC.

    Contact/查詢: (416)699-3372/893-3366/898-3880
    • 你们晚上都不睡觉?