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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Temperament: This breed is highly intelligent, loyal, and deeply devoted. The Labrador Retriever is reliable, affectionate, and thrive on human companionship and attention.

They are absolutely wonderful with children and get along exceedingly well with other dogs. They may be reserved with strangers and make good watchdogs. If this breed is left alone for extended periods of time without attention or stimulation they will become lonely, bored, and destructive.

Activity: Delightful, high-spirited, and energetic, the Labrador Retriever requires a great deal of exercise. They enjoy family play sessions, securely leashed walks, swimming, and a safely fenced yard to run and romp freely. This breed will do okay in an apartment dwelling provided they are given sufficient exercise, attention, and stimulation.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 正在考虑买狗狗,可是明年要全家回国一个月,没有人照顾狗狗. 不知道到时候可否将狗狗一起带回中国,之后可否顺利的再从中国带回来呢。如果可以就决定买Lab.Retriver.了,家里有1岁和3岁的两个孩子,这种狗从刚出生就养,适合有这么小孩子的家庭么?
    • why not leave your dog in the dog care for one month. I believe you could bring a dog from Canada to China, but it will be more costly and you probably have to leave your dog in the customer for couple days when you arrive Canada...
    • Temperament: This breed is highly intelligent, loyal, and deeply devoted. The Labrador Retriever is reliable, affectionate, and thrive on human companionship and attention.
      They are absolutely wonderful with children and get along exceedingly well with other dogs. They may be reserved with strangers and make good watchdogs. If this breed is left alone for extended periods of time without attention or stimulation they will become lonely, bored, and destructive.

      Activity: Delightful, high-spirited, and energetic, the Labrador Retriever requires a great deal of exercise. They enjoy family play sessions, securely leashed walks, swimming, and a safely fenced yard to run and romp freely. This breed will do okay in an apartment dwelling provided they are given sufficient exercise, attention, and stimulation.
    • 带狗回国太麻烦了,放在狗舍,一个月最少也要500加元以上(除非你能找个朋友帮忙带),
    • 把狗带回国再带回来很麻烦,而且听说运狗的费用都够一张机票钱了,来回就是两张机票钱,倒不如找一个专门的机构帮你看着,或是托朋友。
    • 据《环球华报》如果你有携带宠物出外旅游习惯的话,就需要留意了。从下月开始,所有动物将不再允许登上加拿大航空公司(Air Canada)班机。这是加航最新发出的“禁飞”名单。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛【多伦多在线】据《环球华报》如果你有携带宠物出外旅游习惯的话,就需要留意了。从下月开始,所有动物将不再允许登上加拿大航空公司(Air Canada)班机。这是加航最新发出的“禁飞”名单。


      周三(20日),加航去信加拿大航空运输局(Canadian Transportation Agency),信中说:“从7月15日开始,加拿大航空公司将停止在寄舱行李中托运宠物的服务,包括国内航班及国际航班(含跨境航线)。”


      加航发言人菲茨帕特里克(Peter Fitzpatrick)表示,过去确实存在一个问题,是应该照顾少数乘客的宠物,还是应该着眼大多数乘客的行李。


      虽然加航已经表明他们不会对意外负任何责任,但宠物主人雅库贝茨(Darren Jakubec)认为这一条款责任不清,告上加拿大运输局。运输局最后裁决:航空公司毋须为宠物的健康负责。


      不过,到记者发稿为止,加航的官方网站上仍然写著:“在目的地国家允许的情况下,您的宠物可以被放置在行李舱内运送。”(黄运荣)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net