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if you are smart invenstor, you should buy even you have just 1万块钱. you can try to put 5% down and get a 20 万, if you keep it for your self use , you do not sell, nothing to worry about the price down.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛example: you buy 50万加币,downpayment 10%, you take 5万 out of your pocket,this house may bring you return from many area:#1.your house can bring in house after years, similar to a farmer have hen and a egg, the egg change to hen, then the two of hen have 2 eggs.#2. have apreciation of 7% in downtown Toronto(33 year average), so you earn 50x7%=3.5万 for the first year. the second year you earn 50x1.07x7%=3.745万, the 3rd year , more than the 2nd year.this is high percentage return, if you have two or more house, the return will be even higher ,the 5万 out of pocket can easy growing at a rate of 50% or higher each year.#3. each year, you pay down some principle you can pay off the 40 万加币 in about 20 or 25 years, you benifit from this abour 2 万 a year.#4cash flow, each month, some people can get positive cash flow. if you pay $3000 to bank and many other parties such as handyman,city,hydro,gas, water,insurance, newspaper,account,lawyer , if you collect $3300 rent. yo have cash flow of 300.#5depriciation, when you do your income tax, your accountant will do that, saving on tax,#6.you can do equity take out and spend it, buy anything you need for yourself, such as a car of BMW? or any other things! this money is not youncome, there is no income tax on it. what a saving on the income tax.#7.low risk so you can sleep well.since you can buy house insurance at very low cost, you are not like those peopl buying stocks, no insurance can insure your stock value at low cost.#8requried very little time of yourself if you can hire handyman, hire agent to manage. #9 you can start from small house, grow to big.I know many people have more than 10 houses, they start from 1 house , in a few years, get on fast track.#10.you are using other people's money, other people's time! Do not work for money,let money work for you.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 老涨跌版与新移民同道们共勉
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛看到同道们在这里吵房子长跌, 觉得有趣, 熟悉。 因为几年前我也如是。2003年我头次看房, 好像2500尺的RICHMOND HILL在37万-39万。 真正喜欢的所谓BAYVIEW NORTH(north of Major Mac) 在42万。那时孩子小, 存款不多。 咬牙切齿也不敢买40万的房子。 老婆大人说算了接着租房子。那时大家都说房价要跌。 最有名的是 GARTH TURNER( 现在是国会议员www.garth.ca)天天在地产周刊喊跌。
    我的有房朋友们急躁放盘。朋友在MISSISAUGA 路3车房4000尺的只卖了58万。 C15 Bayview/Sheppard 5 Room卖了69万。怎么著,Oh My GOD. SAR过后房价疯了般上涨。Bayview North 37万涨到51-52万. Bayview /Sheppard 也叫的1.2Million. 看来我也要被PRICE OUT了。2003到2006年我和老婆没事就到梦幻地区作梦:TOOGOOD Pond, Bayview South。2006年我也坐不住要买房子了。因为不能免俗, 孩子要找学校了。眼光高了. CALEDALE area 50-51万老婆不喜欢。 William Berzy老婆考查了学校。 妈呀一个班有34人. JJ 说要沿着YOUNG街。 那就是说N03/N04。可是房价在50万以下的再也没有让老婆感冒的了。Willowbrook is so beautiful with the great trees and parks. But it is 太老了,多在30-40 年。 刚刚有新盘也飞快的在63-65万几天内没了。现在去看BAYVIEW NORTH, 觉得泡沫太大了。3000尺的MONSTER房子院子只有100尺。但我们仍旧每周去梦幻地区溜溜. 命运有时真奇妙。2006年唱跌派又把房子喊的不好卖了。 从5月份开始,平均SOLD 时间快到52天了。我们在Bayview South看到了一个房子有着巨大的美丽庭院, 价钱60几万。老婆动心了,下OFFER巴。 屋主一看价钱拒了.
    没关系去美国休假回来一看房子还在LIST上。加点价 请JJ再去。 又拒了。 同道们, 这时就看JJ得了。JJ叫什么? 拼缝的!当然要往中间拉了。眼看就要摄了, 买房JJ找对方JJ说大家让利吧。买房 带头。于是 Conditional OFFER。
    验屋时状况又来了。毛病可打可小, 但刚下海的当然惦记了.买房JJ对卖方说, 卖方出点, 出头买房的JJ保底. 终于前后谈了4次历经半年成交了。现在入主半年回头有一看,这个区少有70万的了。 写的这里忍不住说。
    1. 好JJ存在是有道理的。确实一条龙服务。律师,验房师,搬家全有JJ客人评价。 我也碰到私售的房主。 但还真不敢买。大头都花了, 还在乎小利。所谓大牌当然因为成交量高加 客人回头率高。 SHIU, KWAN不在此范围。
    2。 房价当然有涨跌, 买房族大可不必灰心。 站在2003年谁会相信以后能买到老婆的梦幻之地哪。
    3。 我们不是巨富,也不会作买卖。工资一般。 是说谓报上讲的勤劳的打工族。但我们不同的是坚持中国人的传统: 量入为出,勤俭持家。租房子可以让你固定你的支出。 不开名牌车不意谓失败。个人保险也非是最好的理财之道(非挨砖不可)。
    4。 不要追在浪潮的后面。 应该让浪潮追你更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 如果你有个20-30万加币,买50万的房子,哪不算什么,如果兜里就1万块钱,就继续租吧,管他房价跌不跌~~~。
      • if you are smart invenstor, you should buy even you have just 1万块钱. you can try to put 5% down and get a 20 万, if you keep it for your self use , you do not sell, nothing to worry about the price down.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛example: you buy 50万加币,downpayment 10%, you take 5万 out of your pocket,this house may bring you return from many area:#1.your house can bring in house after years, similar to a farmer have hen and a egg, the egg change to hen, then the two of hen have 2 eggs.#2. have apreciation of 7% in downtown Toronto(33 year average), so you earn 50x7%=3.5万 for the first year. the second year you earn 50x1.07x7%=3.745万, the 3rd year , more than the 2nd year.this is high percentage return, if you have two or more house, the return will be even higher ,the 5万 out of pocket can easy growing at a rate of 50% or higher each year.#3. each year, you pay down some principle you can pay off the 40 万加币 in about 20 or 25 years, you benifit from this abour 2 万 a year.#4cash flow, each month, some people can get positive cash flow. if you pay $3000 to bank and many other parties such as handyman,city,hydro,gas, water,insurance, newspaper,account,lawyer , if you collect $3300 rent. yo have cash flow of 300.#5depriciation, when you do your income tax, your accountant will do that, saving on tax,#6.you can do equity take out and spend it, buy anything you need for yourself, such as a car of BMW? or any other things! this money is not youncome, there is no income tax on it. what a saving on the income tax.#7.low risk so you can sleep well.since you can buy house insurance at very low cost, you are not like those peopl buying stocks, no insurance can insure your stock value at low cost.#8requried very little time of yourself if you can hire handyman, hire agent to manage. #9 you can start from small house, grow to big.I know many people have more than 10 houses, they start from 1 house , in a few years, get on fast track.#10.you are using other people's money, other people's time! Do not work for money,let money work for you.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Question is where did you get the first $50000. people like me never get more $5000 :(
          • you do not need 50000 to begin with.we suggest buy a property of 200,000 at 5% down, that is 10000.
            begin from 500,000 house. if you have been working for half yera or longer, you have a saving( or you have ability to borrow from your family member or friend) of 10,000, you can buy a property of 200,000 at 5% down.
    • 前面说的挺好,就是结论3&4有些rush
    • 其实买房给自己长住的话管他升或降,就算降了最终还是要升回来给你。而且道听途说越听越怕越买不到房,等买的时候和刚开始想买已经有很大的区别了。
      • 喝喝,你能保证到时候房子还是你的吗?补不上差价,银行就收走啦.
        • "补不上差价,银行就收走啦",一直不知道这是什么意思,谁能解释一下?
        • 这个我可以讲一下,50w的房子,假如说你还了5年10W,但是这时候,房子只值30W了,这时候,银行会让你立马补10W,或者还要多点,并不是让你继续按你原来的节奏继续还钱,我的解释对不对?
          • 不对。
            • 你来说点对的。别老说房价是只涨不跌的。
              • 登岸有空的时候,好吗?
          • 只要你月供款正常,即使房子现在一文不值,银行也不会找你的。只有当你不能及时供款,银行要收回房子时才可能有补“差价”一说。
        • unless the bank is so stupid , the bank try to waste some money by taking your house back and sell it for less than the morgage.is there any person from the bank and tell me they want to waste money like this?
          unless the bank is so stupid , the bank try to waste some money by taking your house back and sell it for less than the morgage.is there any person from the bank and tell me they want to waste money like this?