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Littledog: this is for you :)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛‘Job Prison’ can hold only those who don’t look for freedom

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be in prison? The fear…the desperation…the frustration. It seems horrible, doesn’t it? Wouldn’t you do just about anything to get out and lead your life in a meaningful, satisfying way?

Job prison is like that. I suspect some of you may know exactly what I mean. Job prison is feeling stuck in a job that you hate and having the sense that you are trapped and can’t get out.

I recently spoke to Gloria Dunn, author of, From Making a Living to Having a Life, (1998 Violin Publishing), about why people get stuck in jobs they hate and how to break out. I asked her how someone could tell if they were in job prison.

"You take a step back and listen to yourself. For example, you say everything is terrible. Your boss is horrendous; your co-workers are idiots. You think the work is stupid. But you rationalize it all by saying you have to stay because you’ve only got ten years to go and the pension is good, or the benefits are good, or whatever. The minute you walk in the door at work, you become another person. You have to change who you are to survive another day."

We all have reasons for staying on our jobs and many of them make perfect sense. But Dunn points out that some reasons are really excuses that trap us. For example,

I have good benefits and I’ll be vested soon.
I’m used to this, at least I know what to expect.
I might not like my co-workers but at least I understand them.
I’m not a quitter.
I don’t have enough of a financial cushion to fall back on.
I’m afraid of losing the lifestyle I’ve gotten used to.

Dunn hears these excuses in her work as a professional speaker and consultant. "These aren’t good enough," she says. "Why not do something because it gives you joy and satisfaction, instead of only doing it because it pays well? Ask yourself, ‘If I stay in my present job, what will my daily existence be like for the next five years?’ and then, ‘What are the benefits of taking charge and making a change right now? Is it possible that I can resolve my concerns and not let them block my way?’"

Making a job or career change can be easier said than done, however. I asked Dunn what holds some people back from taking the necessary steps. "I think people let old messages and old beliefs keep them stuck. For example, if you as a child were told, ‘You should be seen and not heard’, and you bought it, you may still have trouble speaking up in a meeting. Then you kick yourself later for not speaking your mind. Or, perhaps a parent or teacher said to you as a kid, ‘Who do you think you are?’ You begin to doubt yourself.

For example, I have a friend who is a great artist but his father told him, ‘You’ll never amount to much’. He sabotages himself to this day by missing entry dates to shows. People love his work but he negates compliments he receives. If you, as the impressionable child, bought the message, it can affect you for life, if you let it."

So how do you break out of that prison? According to Dunn, here are some characteristics of people who make things happen in their lives:

Vision-- They know what they want. We all have dreams and desires but the difference is these people can actually visualize themselves in their new conditions.
Strong intentions--They make it real. They talk about it, think about it, read about it, explore it.
Unwavering belief—Other people, sometimes believing that they are being helpful, say, "Hey don’t be a dreamer." Successful people are practical dreamers. They keep their goals high and their expectations in line. They say, "They can’t stop me from believing in my dreams just because they can’t believe in theirs."
Action approach--Force yourself beyond the place where you are stuck and do something. Anything. By doing it you get more confident. We often want to be perfect right away. Let yourself learn as you go.
Focus-- There is so much that can interfere. Some people can focus for long periods, but many can’t. When you find yourself procrastinating, explore why you can’t stay focused. Make an appointment with yourself to get started, pick a small, easy piece to begin, create a checklist…do whatever it takes to give yourself a push.
Faith—They know it’s going to happen, they just don’t know when. If they get unavoidably sidetracked, it doesn’t have a permanent effect.

There are a lot of people who blame everyone else, they let the prison walls close in and they don’t see that they had the key the whole time.

You can e-mail questions or comments to Gloria Dunn at gloriadunn@aol.com

Joan Lloyd works with executives and owners who want to improve the people side of their business, and with managers who want their employees to have a sense of ownership and commitment. She is a speaker and speaking coach, trainer & management consultant for companies of all sizes, from start-ups to the Fortune 500, as well as trade & professional associations across the country. Reach her at (800) 348-1944, Email info@joanlloyd.com, or www.JoanLloyd.com更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / Littledog: this is for you :)
    • 确实喜欢饺子的文章,让我想起我内心深处的自己。
      转眼就过去了自己的棉衫岁月,随着大溜在外企工作,西装百领,在高跟鞋的铿锵中度过了自以为别人认为好也自以为好的岁月,生活就象一张琐碎的网,密密麻麻地将我包了个扎实,慢慢地, 对自己感到陌生。
      • “不去使劲踩一踩异类,我的生活快乐从哪里来?”;-)
      • 未来的平均寿命要到120岁, 所以60岁才算中年阿. :) 同感. 看来我们好像同龄吧...
      • 虽然我不知道接近中年是怎样的情景,但“可以审视自己心中最深处的想法”并不一定需要接近中年才可以做到。有些人可能十几岁就在想这些了,有些人可能一半入土了也不知道自己到底要什么。而且,网络不是真实的世界,我们都是过路人而已。
        • Totally agree.
      • 的确,你在网络上看到的人生,有时候往往是虚假的。但是,还是很同意你的看法,虽然并不容易。
    • 回饺子:关于职业的困惑 (欢迎探讨)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛饺子,衷心的感谢你提供专家的意见,并花费精力写下这篇文章。你提供的专家,我在必要时会联系他们。关于职业的困惑我想一定不止我一人,我在此也发表自己的浅见,抛砖引玉,欢迎各位探讨。

      1 问题是什么?

      2 产生问题的根源是什么?
      1) 我究竟想要过怎样的生活?
      2) 我是谁?-- 我是否有实力做这份职业?

      3 分析问题根源,提出解决办法。

      这是我在这最近两天才悟出来的问题根源。如果不能清楚地回答这个问题,则考虑职业规划无疑如缘木求鱼。如果自己都不知道想要过什么样的生活,别人又如何能给你职业建议呢?如果别人说,以你的经历去尝试做manager吧,而我自己却说:我不想这么累。如果别人说:去作些office work吧,比较轻松。但我又可能会说:那样我没有职业成就感,薪水太少。总之,自己生活的目标,价值观要自己设立,别人只能在你如何达到你的目标上给出些如何努力的具体建议。这也是饺子文章中所说的vision.
      我比较看重这一点。比较正统的思想,希望通过自己的知识能给人带去较高的VALUE, 而不完全看这份工作薪水的高低。


      “我是谁?” --确定我能否有实力做这份职业。
      全面从SWOT四个方面分析自己:我的strength, 我的weakness, 我的oppotunity, 我的threat.
      这里要讲到OPPOTUNITY: 在这个信息时代,计算机系统应用的好坏已成为企业在激烈的市场中能否取胜的非常重要的因素,如ERP,CRM如果运用得好,可以大大地提高企业的竞争力。我个人的观点,不采用计算机技术的大型企业最终将被淘汰。而这些计算机系统运用的成功与否,不是决定于具体的计算机技术,而在于如何让计算机技术使得企业业务变得最优化。所以一个既能从公司业务层次方面看问题,又能了解计算机系统的人员应该很有市场价值。目前,IT公司缺少

      最后:形成自己特有的VALUE,工作比较有成就感,且比较comfortable. 如此工作15到20年,我可以完全做我自己喜好的事,将业余爱好变成专职的了!--但愿我的美梦能实现,哈!

      我想我是基本确定了自己的方向了,但是我还会花一段时间证实我的方向。希望与我一样有迷茫的各位也能找到自己的方向,我很乐于就这个问题与大家在探讨。再次感谢饺子的奉献。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 刚读了你的帖子的第一句, 赶紧跳出来解释. 上面的文章不是我写的, 而是著名的CAREER CONSULTANT的文章!
      • 分析的很系统, 几点建议:
        • 谢谢。与你一样,考虑职业改变真是一种痛苦的经历。“学会放弃”,说得很好,我们必须有所取舍,要有PRIORITY.
        • 同意饺子的观点. The article you provided is not only for Littledog. It is very valuable viewpiont for everyone.
      • 写的好
      • 还有两点...:)

        短期内赚钱少了很多, 也许是为了LONG-TERM GOALS.


        有了这条, 才能有竞争力, 在不同的环境里立于不败之地.

        3. 计划赶不上变化

        虽然有了好计划, 但要FLEXIABLE, PLAY IT BY EAR.

      • 请问从audit能不能转到consulting呢?
        • audit is one of the major businesses of many famous consulting companies, e.g.: Anderson Consulting, PWC, KPMG, Ernst & Young...