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Listen to this entertaining and enlightening Torontonian, Russell Peters!

Russell Peters is becoming a famous comedian in Canada and US, who is an East-Indian Canadian born in Brampton, Ontario.

I ran into him on Youtube when I looked for funny videos yesterday. His talk is totally politically incorrect, yet so much fun to watch, making you laugh out from the bottom! He digs out and exposes cultural dirt and sh*t, and makes fun of his own and other cultures (Chinese, Asian, White and Black). The end result is -- with laughter, he helps people and particularly immigrants to get mentally strong and confident to face shortcomings of their own races and others, and have a deeper appreciation and understanding of our multicultural society.

Russell uses his fluent mainstream language to entertain, enlighten and influence not only his own Indian communities but also Asian, Brown, Black and White communities. He certainly becomes my favourite. I wish such a star would arise someday from the next-generation Chinese immigrants. I've seen enough 1st-generation Chinese elite immigrants whose deep thoughts and opinions are only circulating among Chinese readers and confined to our own communities (what a waste!).

Below are a list of his funny yet enlightening shows --- I really enjoyed all of them!

Russell Peters - Beating Your Kids

Russell Peters Indian Accent

Russel Peters - Outsourced - Chinese languages

Russell Peters - Toronto Directions

Russell Peters - Chinese Sellers

Russel Peters-Italy vacation

Russell Peters whole world's mixing

Russell Peters Outsourced Terrorist

Russell Peters - Asians

Russell Peters - NIGGA - MUST WATCH!!!!!

Indian comedian Russel Peters on Chinese,Italian,and British

russell peters - embarassin parents!

Russell Peters - God's Practical Joke

Russel Peters - Outsourced - Chinese/British names

Russell Peters Outsourced - English Accent

Russell Peters: Show Me The Funny (Part 1)

Russell Peters Interview Part 1

Best Of Russell Peters

Russel Peters - Gay Parade

Russel Peters - Indian Slaves in South Africa

Russel Peters on Arranged Marriage

russell peters-cheap indians

Russell Peters (45 minutes!)


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / Listen to this entertaining and enlightening Torontonian, Russell Peters!
    Russell Peters is becoming a famous comedian in Canada and US, who is an East-Indian Canadian born in Brampton, Ontario.

    I ran into him on Youtube when I looked for funny videos yesterday. His talk is totally politically incorrect, yet so much fun to watch, making you laugh out from the bottom! He digs out and exposes cultural dirt and sh*t, and makes fun of his own and other cultures (Chinese, Asian, White and Black). The end result is -- with laughter, he helps people and particularly immigrants to get mentally strong and confident to face shortcomings of their own races and others, and have a deeper appreciation and understanding of our multicultural society.

    Russell uses his fluent mainstream language to entertain, enlighten and influence not only his own Indian communities but also Asian, Brown, Black and White communities. He certainly becomes my favourite. I wish such a star would arise someday from the next-generation Chinese immigrants. I've seen enough 1st-generation Chinese elite immigrants whose deep thoughts and opinions are only circulating among Chinese readers and confined to our own communities (what a waste!).

    Below are a list of his funny yet enlightening shows --- I really enjoyed all of them!

    Russell Peters - Beating Your Kids

    Russell Peters Indian Accent

    Russel Peters - Outsourced - Chinese languages

    Russell Peters - Toronto Directions

    Russell Peters - Chinese Sellers

    Russel Peters-Italy vacation

    Russell Peters whole world's mixing

    Russell Peters Outsourced Terrorist

    Russell Peters - Asians

    Russell Peters - NIGGA - MUST WATCH!!!!!

    Indian comedian Russel Peters on Chinese,Italian,and British

    russell peters - embarassin parents!

    Russell Peters - God's Practical Joke

    Russel Peters - Outsourced - Chinese/British names

    Russell Peters Outsourced - English Accent

    Russell Peters: Show Me The Funny (Part 1)

    Russell Peters Interview Part 1

    Best Of Russell Peters

    Russel Peters - Gay Parade

    Russel Peters - Indian Slaves in South Africa

    Russel Peters on Arranged Marriage

    russell peters-cheap indians

    Russell Peters (45 minutes!)

    • 我从未请求过版主将自己的帖子上导读,这次恐怕要破例了。哈哈
      • 多谢版主!您动作真快呀!
        • Good to know..
    • RUSSEL PETER 就是搞笑
    • 我怎么觉得他说的关于中国人的这段一点都不好笑!内容见内。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Chinese people and Indian people cannot do business together because Indian people can't get along without a bargain, and Chinese people cannot give you a bargain. Their objective is to get every penny from you. And ours is to keep every penny. There's a really bad power struggle there. I went to this Chinese mall. Some of you may know it - Pacific Mall. That's the wrong place for an Indian guy to go. I saw this bag; I want to buy this bag, I go to the Chinese guy behind the counter, 'How much?' He goes, [(In a Chinese accent)] 'Thirty-five dollars.' 'Um, How 'bout thirty?' And Chinese people will never tell you no. They'll tell you "no," the longest "no" you heard in your life, like you just said the most ridiculous thing they ever heard in their life. 'I'll give you thirty.' [(In a Chinese accent)] 'No-oooo. No-oooo. I can't do thirty dollars. I sell you thirty dollars today tomorrow you come I close down.'...[(In a Chinese accent)] 'Ok. You seem like nice guy. I give you best price. Thirty-four fifty.' I'm like, 'That's fifty cents, man.' [(In a Chinese accent)] 'Fifty cents is a lot of money. You save fifty cents here then maybe you go somewhere else and you save another fifty cents, then you have one dollar. Then you take your dollar, you go to the dollar store, you buy something else.'更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • dude, the fun is from watching and listening, not from reading!
      • 太敏感了吧
    • 这就是说学逗唱四门功课啊,抖包袱的技法和咱相声同出一辙。什么时候咱中国人开得起玩笑了,什么种族政治语言宗教犯罪性趋向,都可以拿来开刷,百无禁忌,没大没小,相声才有出路。
      • 问题是中国人只会拿别人开玩笑--外国人,外地人,等。
        • 我第一次看这家伙在电视,心说身为一个印度人,怎么拿印度开涮还这么损。回头想来,相声不能振兴,根本是咱中国人个性使然,敢拿伟大民族当笑料,即使领导不管,群众的唾沫也要把他淹死
          • 中国相声也好,西方comedy也罢,关键是善不善于自嘲。像华人这样平时不善自嘲,只好缩着脖子等外人来嘲弄,然后剩下要做的便是暴跳如雷,抗议,吾等华族不可辱啊(想起那句“England...啊")!我们看到的美国媒介和美国华人这种对抗的例子还少吗?:)
            • 别逗了,中国人不善自嘲?中国人中拿自己和家人开玩笑逗人乐的还少吗?过去要饭的说数来宝,卖艺的开场和串场词里,戏剧里的丑角,为了逗人一乐,能把自己和家里人糟改的一塌糊涂也在所不辞。许多老相声段子里也是如此。
              • 你理解有误:你说的是开涮单一个别的现象,我们说的是开涮普遍性民族现象。中国没有人敢那么做的,楼上人说了,群众的口水就得把你淹死。
      • 我猜“不多也”哥们也喜欢钻研相声吧?或许就是那位有马三力风格的陈功?你不会也认为马老的相声与洋单口笑比只是小儿科?
        • 哈哈,我是小儿科,观众而已,不必敏感。相声是门艺术,现在衰落是有目共睹的,个人浅薄的认识,问题不在于艺术形式,不在于大师先后过世,后辈没有创作天分,中国人最不缺天分,问题是民族性格,大众把逗人一乐当成侮辱,就连您不是也认为



    • 那个CHINESE LANGUAGE,我同事问过我,是真的,哈哈,那个。。
      • 他时说“那个,那个”吗,跟水缸一个口音:涅嘎,涅嘎。我想起来相声里孔夫子说英语:Gangbepension, Penbewansion,Wanbediezsion ...
        • 凡事都是先入为主,罗素同学肯定一听到“那个”首先就想到了“nigga”(解释:extremely offensive name for a Black person. 例句:"only a Black can call another Black a nigga")!哈哈
    • 这个好。中国的现代相声和这个比就是小儿科,小孩子玩的游戏。相声要入世,和现实无关,诸多禁忌不能取笑,有什么意思?
      • 依我说,跟中国人千百年养成的克制性格有关。敢于和善于自嘲的人太少。
      • 小儿科吗?我看中国人中喜欢自嘲直贬的都大有人在。刚了解到别人点皮毛东西,就能自嘲自贬的一无是处。记得在国内刚学外语课那阵,一个崇洋狂的女同学在课堂上就讲:人家外国人就是比中国人文明多了,看看人家的语言中,根本就找不到一句骂人的词汇。
    • 这个有意思,这个要顶
      • 同感!不过没想到,这么快就提前从导读上拿下来了:)是不是有些领导觉得此文不利于中文网站的兴旺?果然如此的话,可见我们这里对国人肚量个性的批评和自我批评是对的。希望我是瞎猜了,嘿嘿。总之,能让不同的声音导读一、两天,已经不错了。祝周末愉快!
        • 估计此文和相声大会的政治任务有冲突;-)
          • 呵呵呵,知道了,原来如彼!