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注意了:战争游戏:(paintball/颜料枪):Proposal 1.0Draft:March 23rd,Wasaga beach.

1.想去的Email 到: JamesYaoL@Yahoo.CA (Information: Name, ppl number, if u need car pool or if u are willing to provide carpool. If the answer is yes, please provide the the biggest block close to you home to show your location.) wasaga beach = 1.5 hour

2.如果我收到25个人的email,我将申请group price($25). If not, we go together and pay for individual.($30)

3.想去的今天起要开始锻炼了(it is why I set it 3 weeks later!),深蹲跳 is very helpful.不然第二天过马路,人行道的灯都红了你都走不到对面!上台阶恨不得爬上去!



some information and chat here: #387251

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / 注意了:战争游戏:(paintball/颜料枪):Proposal 1.0Draft:March 23rd,Wasaga beach.
    1.想去的Email 到: JamesYaoL@Yahoo.CA (Information: Name, ppl number, if u need car pool or if u are willing to provide carpool. If the answer is yes, please provide the the biggest block close to you home to show your location.) wasaga beach = 1.5 hour

    2.如果我收到25个人的email,我将申请group price($25). If not, we go together and pay for individual.($30)

    3.想去的今天起要开始锻炼了(it is why I set it 3 weeks later!),深蹲跳 is very helpful.不然第二天过马路,人行道的灯都红了你都走不到对面!上台阶恨不得爬上去!



    some information and chat here: #387251
    • Their air soft guns are pretty cool!!
    • what's the ppl number?
      • 如果你和你老婆一起来:ppl number = 2
        • up!
          • good job! thanks!
            • 你在网吗?
    • 到底用不用对讲机?人手一个?用望远镜吗?还有夜视仪什么的
      • 你当是打拉登啊
        • 要是白天玩应该不用夜视仪了。有个对讲机应该挺好。望远镜早就想买了,因为俺家对面是施乐的大楼,瞪大了眼睛也看不到里面,总想有个望远镜好好看看
          • 俺有个激光测距的望远镜,2KM,1M精度,呵呵。。。
            • 用来看什么?我不想弄得太专业,只要能看到对面楼里在干嘛就行,估计距离50米
      • 那就要搞一些高精度炸弹。
        • paintball确实有手榴弹!(导弹有没有就不知道了)第一次跟同事去paint ball city的时候,一个发烧友就带了几个。据说是扔出去以后会原地打转,颜料飞出,把周围的人“炸死“。可能是太贵,他一直没用上
          • 上次我去玩,手榴弹 5 圆一个。不过确实没有机会用。除非守方被限制在城堡之类的狭小空间内。还不如要个狙击枪呢。另外望远镜在野外场地很有用,特别是对我这样视力不好的人。
            • 不会吧,老大,还真有狙击枪?那我们的mp3不是白给嘛! 555~~~
              • Check your mail please.
    • excellent
    • 不用对讲机,不会迷路的。最重要的一点是要穿耐磨而且不需爱惜的衣服,最好有替换的衣服,否则会把车弄得很脏。鞋子最好穿耐磨的登山鞋。另外多带水。
      • 收到!另:您说这种东西玩完了走不动路是因为累还是因为被抢打中疼得
        • 主要应该是冲锋的时候跑的。补充一点,如果比较爱出汗的话,还是做防守队员比较好。否则除了汗以后,护目镜里全是雾,什么也看不清楚,那就只剩下挨打的份了。在场地内一定不要摘下护目镜,切记!!!
        • 冲逢时候是蹲跳
      • 这里不发统一服装吗? 像拉登的游击队?
        • 每人发一件军装(只有上衣)和袖标(用来区分帮派), . 如果是室内的话还有一件塑料小背心, 近距离中弹不至于太伤. 因为常要在地上滚,会进沙子, 里头的衣服不要穿太好
          裤子要穿厚一点的, 上次树枝把我的LEVIS划掉一个大口. 心疼不已
          • 放心吧,我根本没有好衣服
          • 嘿嘿, 能不能刺博上阵啊?
    • 大约几点走,几点回来?女儿上午有课,11:15下课。I DO WANT TO JOIN.
      • 我也去!
      • 小孩也可以参加吗?
        • 估计管理处也不让小孩进. 好像要16岁以上才让玩的, 而且要签一分无责任声明
          • 知道了, 谢谢!
          • 老婆,小孩能不能隔着防护窗观战呢?
    • 那里好象四月份才可以开杀戒吧
    • I have made the call. If I have 20+ ppl on hand by this Friday, I will confirm the list and book it as the number on the list! Cheers!
      • GOOOOOOD NEWS!!! Already 17ppl on the list. I believe I can make the reserveration next Monday!!! If this friday is still such cold, I will book March 30th.
        • 先确认一下3月底开了没有。
          • Yes. I did. But I am not sure I will book Mar23rd or Mar30th.
        • I can get some other friends if the attendees will not over 20. Please make sure the time frame, requirement and cars. We all appreciate your good work.
          • so, we have 20ppl on the list. But to ensure, let's guess 70% will show up, more is better .. more mean热闹.
        • 最好能在3月份,4月俺就遗憾了
          • 你也回国结婚?
            • Sheng(1) Hai(2) zi
              • 不得了。你连这都会。你肚子几个月了?
      • ra95, 给你发了邮件,不知道受到了没有?我想参加呀!
        • of course. I am still recieving emails ... I will post the list on this Friday ... But all wanna to go with us are still welcome at any time!
          • 顺便把日期贴出来,俺想知道是哪天