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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

why not.

I just appreciate the natural thing. so I will not constrain myself. but I will be quite frank and genuis to my wife. I will let her know what's in my mind.
if we have kids, I will think more for the kids. girls should know people will intend to chase something fresh, something creative, try your best to make your life novel and interesting.

another issue is sex attraction will not last for ever. if the attraction is based on sex appeal, I would not care it too much. because I know the feeling will retreat soon after the peak.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 问个感情问题:


    • 依时间,环境,情况及个人性格和状态而定,这种事情也是一个量变到质变的过程,没有绝对。
    • 说的忒复杂,不就是”xx红旗不倒,xx彩旗飘飘“ 嘛
    • 怎么好象很悲观哟,其实在我认识的人里面,倒是大多数男士很专一,女孩子反而容易摇摆不定。。。
      • really ? I can not believe it.
        especially, in Canada, I think most cases are girls are much better or capable than their male partner. it will be potential for girls to be astray away from the family.
    • why not.
      I just appreciate the natural thing. so I will not constrain myself. but I will be quite frank and genuis to my wife. I will let her know what's in my mind.
      if we have kids, I will think more for the kids. girls should know people will intend to chase something fresh, something creative, try your best to make your life novel and interesting.

      another issue is sex attraction will not last for ever. if the attraction is based on sex appeal, I would not care it too much. because I know the feeling will retreat soon after the peak.
    • 又一MM"邂逅"有妇之夫?
    • 所有男女都来如实的回答你问题,现在外面恐怕尸横遍野了
    • Who are you?
      Kidding :D

      有句话叫“苍蝇不叮没缝的蛋”,虽然很粗俗,但是有一点道理。对于有了幸福另一半的人来说,“女孩主动... ... 所以我没法拒绝... ...”,都是骗人和骗自己的借口。

      • support.value = nod * 3 + hand * 2;
    • 先定义一下什么是所谓的“亲密接触”?
    • 我觉的是。可惜平凡的生活中没有那么多没后果没代价的“投怀送抱”。
    • 记得有讨论爱情寿命的贴子,那可以回答你的第一个问题,而且有所扩大,不限男女.从此可以继续推论.如果要直接了当地说,呵呵.....楼上说了"现在外面恐怕尸横遍野了".
    • 说真话,男孩确实可以象你说的这样。有女孩送上门来,确实是一个考验,特别是你脆弱的时候。但是说实话,同时喜欢几个女孩实在很烦,心理有很大负担,而且还得每个都花精力,试过的人都知道。
      • 你的意思是:
        • 呵呵,那时还小。
    • 大哥,i 服了u。当小弟正在为没有gf发愁时,你却在为多了几个烦恼!啊,我真活不了了,求你帮帮忙,让小弟开开壳儿吧,只要有一个就行,成吗?
    • 楼上大虾说的对,天下最痛苦的事情之一便是同时面对一个以上的女子,这时你恨不得出家当和尚!