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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

I feel sympathy for you and disgusted for those liars cheating. Dont lose your heart. 300$ is too hight You just give 20$ at most.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Last week I gave 50$ deposit for a Ford Taurus which is not a very good one and I treated it as an experience of knowing used car.
I'm also struggling to try to find a good used car. But it seems a headache : I've
already spent 3 weeks on that without doing or even thinking about anything else.
I'm in Vancouver. I 'll try to post my purchasing experience after I buy one finally.
I think you may just rent a car for serveral days first and try to be familiar with driving it and feeling of the engine sound and transmission smoothness(which is very importatnt). And you can drive this car to the seller's location wherver they are( I prefer private sale or big dealer: never try small dealer or curber!). When you really like some caar you give the seller a little (<20$) deposit with the condition like "purchase subject to mechanic check and .whatsoever". If you 're not sure you can have a mechanic checkign the car for you as a final secure step which at least can be used as a bargin CHOUMA(forgot what's in English:)).
Good luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 小心这位奸商DEALER!LANDWARD MOTORS 在此我告诉各位我买车被骗的经过。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Date: March 8, 2002
    Address: 172 Limestone Crescent (Keele/ Steeles St)
    Dealer Name: LANDWARD MOTORS, Toronto, ON, M3J2S4
    Owner: (Russian Woman) ILGAM KHAKIMOV

    I am a landed immigrant, and just got my G2 licensing recently in Feb 2002, I knew nothing about the mechanic of the car, and very little of the car maintenance knowledge, because of too expensive & high insurance cost for the new car, so I decided to buy a used car.

    I don’t have too many friends in Toronto who know well in car, so I found a Phone of a gentleman (Huang from ZheJiang Province, China, his phone No.: 416-892-9872, and 416-335-6732) from Sing Tao Daily, he claimed he knows very well in car, paid him $100.00, he will help you to find a affordable/well maintain car, that sound great! I would like to pay $6000 or even more for a used car, $100 more only to get an expertise advises and brings me to find a nice car, why not?

    So I called Huang and he came and brought me to visit some dealers (he will only bring you to dealers, no private, because he is making commission from dealer, I didn’t realize that until I was fully cheated). Huang brought me to visit three dealers.

    The first dealer was located in Eglinton/Don Mills, 1990 Acura $5500, the car was very bad maintained, engine sound like horse; right window glass can’t be opened, rust spot in many places. (I truly believe that car even not worth $2000). So we went to 2nd dealer, located in Sheppard/Midland $4500 Camry 1990, V4, 150KM, that car look okay outside, there are some rust spots, window has a broken line (dealer guaranteed he will replace a new one because of the safety test, he told me if I pay $5200, the car will be included everything, safety & emission test, tax etc), but when driving on the high way, the acceleration was very slow, Huang told me don’t go for this car.

    The next day afternoon, I was brought to the Landward Motors, the Russian woman show me her very friendly face and her car, 1993 Nissan Maxima GXE, 155K, Green color, asking for $7380 (included tax, safety & emission test), that prices sound no bad, and car looks okay too, there are some rust spots, and the Russian told me she will clear them and repaint them. And after replace the injector and oil changing etc. It will be a perfect car! We drove out for 10 minutes and came back, and then we started to negotiate for the price, Huang told me the car should be around $7200, then we come to the halfway, I agree with the Owner $7280 to buy this car, but before I pick up the car, I will have a final driving test and check up from my friend, and will check the car history from MOT, if I don’t satisfy with car, I will refuse the car, she said no problem, she will refund my deposit $300 right away. (I did a big mistake, I didn’t write deposit refundable and others conditions in the contract), Then I paid her $300. Then we signed the contract.

    So I got the VIN No. of the car, I went to MOT to check the car history, the result came to my big surprise, it had seven owners registered on that car, two leasing company, one private owner, and four dealers are got involved in. and the original color is Black color, but the current color is Green! (I had heard about the story of two bad cars became one NICE looking car). There are could be something wrong. So I called some of my friends, no even single one told me to consider this car. Because there could be some potential problem inside the car.

    I called Mr. Chen (Headmaster of one local driving school, I paid him $60 for the checking) to go along with me to do the final checkup, then I went to see the car again, he advised me not to buy this car because the mileage could have been changed, and the car was not really well maintenance, after I told this Russian woman I am going to refuse the car, her face turn to like hell. And said it to me very loudly all deposits are none-refundable. We argued for 15 minutes, there is no result; I called the police but was told the police could be coming in 2 hours, what can I do? We left the dealer’s store.

    The next day, I went to the Limestone again to see others car in the nearby dealer. After I walked out from Qenniva Motors (it is next dealer to Landward Motors), to my big surprised, Huang was in the office of the Landward Motors with some Chinese! After we walked in and talked with these three Chinese, I was told they were brought to see the same car as mine!! I was shocked !!! And they were not told the details of this car at all. This gentleman Huang from Zhejiang Province looks very honest, he knew every details of the car but told nothing to the Chinese buyer! That is the way he is making money, from both buyer and dealer.

    This is my true story happened in March, 2002, that is my experience to pay $300 for the lesson, I wish you can learn the lesson from me but no pain:
    1. Don’t pay Deposit until you confirmed to buy the car (check everything you can and finally you confirmed you want to buy the car, then you can pay the deposit).
    2. Don’t trust dealer, most of the dealers are dishonest, they only want to sell the car, they don’t tell you the truth of the car, even they knew it something wrong.
    3. Be careful of this gentleman: Huang, he is a liar. He is making money from dealer and helping them to sell the car.
    4. Tell your friends who is looking for a car, don’t buy from Landward Motors
    Thank you更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 很感谢你,宝贵呀。
      • 对我致命的打击!!! 我已经花了1400元去学习car sales college,怎么都说dealer骗人呢?那个黄先生不是dealer!只是骗子而已! 我的两个朋友正在车行卖车,还一再叮嘱我要诚实,不要欺骗顾客,他们做了7年dealer了!!!!!!
    • 同情ing,dealer(都)是大骗子,至少我接触过的20多个都是,你想想,他们也要赚钱,竞争也很激烈,而且他们不象餐馆服务好了你还会总去,他们才不止着你这辈子再去第二次呢
      • 你不要误会吧?dealer都是骗子?你们这么说让我怎么做dealer? 我可不想骗人哪!!我也不会骗人!
    • very good article. Thank you very much. I'm thinking about to buy a used car recently. Could you please tell me what's MOT and how to check cars' history?
      • MOT means Ministry of Transportaion, you can check the car history from there, (not the the driver's pen test centre), it is Car tranfer/issuing centre
        • where is it? you have to go there or you can check everything from the website?
        • is it free to check the car history? I never checked my car's histroy.
          • MOT Issuers List- please see details address & phone, print the car distory cost $20.00/each time
            somebody told me can get it from MOT website (you need to pay by credit card $20) but I have never tried it.

            1871 O'conner Dr. Ph 416-285-1622
            2300 Lawrence Ave E Ph.416-757-1511
            3025 Kingston Rd Ph 416-266-2438
            3555 Don Mills Rad Ph.416-497-9497
            1164 Danforth Ave Ph 416-461-2785
            • Thank you .
            • thank you.
    • 感谢分享经验,这些天天天找车,确实觉得加拿大满地骗子
      • 是因为在国内我们信息多, 这里少。
        大家又不通气, 所以被篇没商量
    • thanks for sharing!
    • 谢谢分享,很为你伤心,就当是个教训.对国人的道德水准从来就不能高估.
      • 我在keele(finch与steele之间)一个红房子里的52号,碰到跟你说的一样奸的DEALLER。太不讲信用。他所讲的与写的WARRENTY都是骗人的。所以我还是建议买新车。新车3保价也不高
        • 怎么骗的?
        • 是不是4801KEELE ST。UNIT #52 ?
          • 是的!那天我们谈好价钱。其中包括油漆的修补。尾灯的修理。但提车时什么都没有做。还要榨300大元。
          • 我的朋友也在那里买了一辆。过几天就在路上熄火。即不能刹车也不能转方向。哪个DEALER真不怎样。
            • Could you please provide the dealer's Name, Address, Phone No. etc. as most details as possible. so as to let people know.
    • 1)不要花钱请人看车,我的朋友花200元,请的人专门给你找破车, 2)试开车,不要钱,可以留下驾驶证复印件。 3)新移民尽量少在西部活动(警察局不愿公布事实)西部太危险!!
    • This lanward is really a fucking bad dealer, and that Huang ia really a fucking bastard! I had almost the same experience as yours, never buy any car from there!
    • 帮主 与各位大侠, 设一个奸商榜和奸人榜如何?
      各位可以将各种不愉快和被骗的经过及DEALERS NAMES, ADRESSES ,PHONE NO LIDTED HERE, 警惕后来人!
      • good idea
      • 好极了!!,快来行动起来吧!
    • I feel sympathy for you and disgusted for those liars cheating. Dont lose your heart. 300$ is too hight You just give 20$ at most.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Last week I gave 50$ deposit for a Ford Taurus which is not a very good one and I treated it as an experience of knowing used car.
      I'm also struggling to try to find a good used car. But it seems a headache : I've
      already spent 3 weeks on that without doing or even thinking about anything else.
      I'm in Vancouver. I 'll try to post my purchasing experience after I buy one finally.
      I think you may just rent a car for serveral days first and try to be familiar with driving it and feeling of the engine sound and transmission smoothness(which is very importatnt). And you can drive this car to the seller's location wherver they are( I prefer private sale or big dealer: never try small dealer or curber!). When you really like some caar you give the seller a little (<20$) deposit with the condition like "purchase subject to mechanic check and .whatsoever". If you 're not sure you can have a mechanic checkign the car for you as a final secure step which at least can be used as a bargin CHOUMA(forgot what's in English:)).
      Good luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 转文: 买TOYOTA新车的朋友注意了. "DOWNTOWN TOYOTA "
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛买车的烦恼

       先"小人 "后"君子"

      ● 记者 苏扬

        【多伦多讯】 11月22日,我收到了陈钊(以下简称"陈")先生发来的"买车的烦恼"(以下简称"买")。"买"文中所描述的消费者在签署合同后发现自己"上当受骗"、投诉无术,最后变成"哑巴吃黄连"的情况,在英文水准相对不高的华人社区,可以说是见怪不怪。合同争执的一方往往是持中英双语,能说会道,知道如何保护自己既得利益的华人,另一方也常常是英文水平不高、老实巴交,不知道如何保护 自己权益的华人。为避免或减少今后类似问题的发生,让大家从"买"文吸取经验和教训,我决定向"买"文中的另一方--Downtown Toyota丰田车行(以下简称"车行")进行调查和核实。

        11月23日,我先给"车行"的营业员Arthur梁先生去电话,当梁得知我是记者,推说"车行"有规定,雇员不能接受记者的采访就将线给挂了。倒是贷款经理Silver梁女士比较客气,告诉我"陈"的案卷已经交给了"车行"律师,她无权接受我的采访。她告我她不知道律师的电话,并建议我同"车行"总经理Nasir Ghanny先生的秘书约时间采访Ghanny先生。当我在电话上等候同秘书约采访时间,梁女士又接上线,告诉我Ghanny先生现在忙于其他公务,不能接受采访,并让我过后同秘书再约采访时间。我问梁女士有否律师电话,她说她需要找到他(Ghanny)的秘书才能拿到律师的电话,并说他(Ghanny)要我去联系安省汽车工业委员会(Ontario Motor Vichle Industry Council)。就在此时,梁女士说Ghanny先生可以同我谈。我在线上等了不到一分钟,梁女士又告我,Ghanny还是没有时间同我谈,他让她给了我汽车委员会的电话。我此时的感觉是"车行"没有诚意同我对话!



        我立即给加拿大丰田总部(Toyota Canada,下称"丰田")的公关部去电,并将"陈"的"买车上当记"传真给"丰田"、"车行"和"车行"律师,并要求对"丰田"和"车行"进行采访。"丰田"答应将在不晚于11月29日下午6点以前给我答复。"车行"律师在11月27日当天就给我回电:我不应该为签了合同又改变主意的人"鸣不平"。我反问律师,他是否代表"车行"回答我的问题?他说他不可以。

        11月28日下午,我完成另一个采访后回到办公室,我同事转告我说,Ghanny给大中报来电找我并两次声称要告《大中报》。我立即给Ghanny回电,问他是否要接受我的采访,且采访将是我问问题,他回答和解释。Ghanny对我大叫"Shut Up"后将电话挂断。

        对于"车行"总经理这种"行大欺客""不可一世"的态度,我决定上书多伦多星报(Toronto Star)及"丰田"。我在给他们的传真中列下了我对"陈"故事的观点:

        1.从任何合约有保护和制约双方(Equal Protection)的常识看,为什么"陈"仍然要买车的情况下被强迫购买修车的保修计划?





        作为推销者,尤其是那些拿销售佣金的推销者,要按职业操守和技巧向客人兜售自己的产品,决不可以为了争取客户而违反常识、违反行规向客人作不能兑现的许诺。一个对客人负责的成功推销者首要做到的是赢得客人的信任,并在长期、激烈的市场竞争中以自己的信誉扩大自己的市场占有率(Market Share)。

        作为消费者,在购买商品时,购物前多作点调查研究,在没有购买诚意的情况下尽可能的少占用卖方的时间,因为浪费别人的时间等于浪费别人的金钱。尤其在推销员们"狂轰乱炸"和"小恩小惠"面前乱了手脚,不要害怕告诉推销员们自己在比价或只是在作市场调研。千万不要担心"过了这村,就没有这个店",北美市场从来都是供大于求,这个优惠结束了,下个优惠可能很快就出笼了。更为重要的是, 不要在不知市场价格的情况下"乱砍价",既丢自己人格,又伤了推销方的自尊。在签署合约时,坚决信守"先小人,后君子"的原则,要不怕烦琐,将卖方许诺的东西白纸黑字地写下来。如果自己英文程度不高,用中文写也行,并不要忘记卖方代表在许诺上签字。

        最后,祝各位有个愉快地圣诞大采购(Happy Christmas Shopping)。



      ● 陈 钊



        星期一(11月6日)下午,我来到皇后东街677号Downtown Toyota买车。一位叫Arthur Leung的华人小伙子接待了我。首先问我是否有诚意。我想没有诚意我跑来干啥。我们坐下谈吧。我从Internet得知:2000年款式Toyota Corolla,2.9%Finance,$536×36M付完,我有兴趣。他不加思索答曰:2000年的车全Toronto都卖完了(经核实,2000年的车的确卖完了-苏扬注)。2001年新款Toyota Corolla CE,原价$16500多,加上空调Package$1400多,合在一起$18085。空调的Package除空调外,还有多项配置,您不要也不行。因为这是一个Package。如一个叫Keyless的东西,据说冬天车锁冻死,钥匙插不进去时,则这玩艺就派用场了(经核实,2001的车不但比2000年的配备要好,且价格也向下浮动--苏扬注)。


        我看突然增加4千多就犹豫起来。Leung先生说,所有Toyota车行,卖的都是一样的车,就看Sales Person能为您砍低多少价啦。人为利益驱动,他留住了我。我自然要问,您能给出什么价?他说砍掉1000如何?我觉得一笔2万多的买卖,对我们普通人家亦非儿戏,应该夫妻商量一下再说,就想离开。他又说$21,000如何?我觉得他的诚意也不坏,就跟他约好,晚上7:30,我们夫妻来看车。



        经理是位女士,也姓Leung,叫Silver Leung。

        女经理在电脑前敲了一阵,显示给我们看,买这样$21200的一部车,在Down Pay掉$5000元的首期后,按3.9%做3年的分期付款,每月应付$478。接着她又谈起了保修计划。发动机及传递系统5年保修,其它3年。她递给我们一个小册子,是关于延长的保修计划(Extended Warranty)。她推荐说,大多数人都是选择72个月(6年)或12万公里啦。我们提出这个东西,可不可以暂时不要,待三年后视需要时再买。她说,可以呀,这是Optional。但三年后会贵,不如现在暂时先列上。看看有它,没它,价格有什么区别。我们想这倒也不妨。这时她给出这个延长的保修计划的价钱是$1300。加在Finance计划中,每月应付$524。接着又说了这 个延长计划的一大堆好处,诸如只相当于一天一块钱,每年CAA费已是过$80,每年tune up,又要过$200,Resale又可保值,放在3.9%的Finance里比银行利息还低,云云。由于当时正在不停地"念如娇,鸟儿回答",我们无暇顾及阅读英文的小册子。听她讲得不错,就加问一句,这是不是等于六年之内,我们可以修车不花钱?(显然陈家夫妇对车不熟悉,因为按常理,谁也不会让你只花$1300大元,就把成百上千的修车义务给"担"下来!--苏扬注)。她赫然 答道,是呀,是呀。我们觉得$1300可保证六年不用再为车花钱,却也不坏,就同意列在上面。反正是Optional,说明是可要可不要。但是是要时随时加上去,不要时随时去掉吗?答曰:可以,先暂时放在上面,以后可以随时更改。我们信以为真,决定买车。她要求我们用CredtCard付押金,可由于事先没有准备,已接近Limit。只有$150可支付,这$150就先收去了,签 了字,画了押,一份Agreement生效。她又嫌$150的定金较少,问我有无可能多付一些。正好我有一朋友在皇后东街740号开杂货店,并不远,尚未关门。我就去借了$460来付押金。末了不放心,又多问一句,这个Agreement,以后还可以改吗?比如说那$1300的延长保修计划我是否可以一次付清,而不用做Finance分期付款呢?

        女经理信誓旦旦地回答:没有问题,这只是个初步意向性的合同,向银行贷款做Finance还未开始呢,如果银行不同意给我们贷款,这合同也还是废纸一张。您想一次付清,取车时多带一些钱即可。我们觉得她说得有理,看来这确实只是一份意向性的合同,以后是可以更改的。并且也确实,在多收到$460现金(Deposit)之后,当着我们的面,女经理就很轻松随意地将前一份只有$150 押金的合同(agreement)揉着一团,作废了。然后在押金金额处做了修改,重新打印一份给我们,又重新签了字,表明协议是可以修改的。

        满心欢喜回到家,打开小册子,仔细读起来,才发现这个延长的保修计划名不符实,根本就不是六年内维修及保养都不用花钱的意思。而仅是六年内可以免费为您换换机油,调节车的平衡,调调刹车的松紧等。至于什么零件坏了要换修,当然是要付零件费的。况且这些保养,还必须在Toyota的车行,这些车行在哪?也没有地址。小册子上列出延长的计划有好几个档次,各档次是什么价,也根本没有明 码标价。回想当时是为比较价钱而列上这个计划,又当做六年不用花钱修车而留住这个计划在Agreement内,顿时觉得有一种买了洗衣机又被搭售一块搓衣板的感觉?拾售搓衣板也不是没有理由,但要知道这搓衣板单独放在那儿,是根本无人问津的。因此我决定要把"搓衣板"退掉。




        星期五,我又打电话给Leung女士,要求总经理的姓名和电话,我只好直接与他/她谈。Leung女士给了总经理的名字叫Ghanny,电话仍是(416)465-5471,是车行的电话。我要求接线员将电话转过去,接线员回答,总经理太忙,不能与我说话,又问我是不是说中文的?我说是。电话又转给了Leung女士。Leung女士说,她帮我转达我的意愿给总经理,让我在家等着消 息。

        度日如年,一天等过去了,根本没有消息。我对这种互相推诿,不理不睬的态度十分不满,同时对合同不能修改的回答十分愤怒,我们都是合同的双方,凭什么你觉得对你有利时,想改,说改就改了,而我们要想修改时,却是不可以。这太不公平了。当天,也即星期六(11月11日)我又给车行打电话,这回更惨了,连Leung女士都不能跟我说话,她正有其他顾客,让我留言,她打回来。我留了言, 如同石沉大海,依然不理不睬。

        星期天(11月12日)已经快一周过去了,银行贷款批得怎样了,也是没有消息,是不是因为我们有了修改合同的要求而这个贷款的申请根本就没有开始呢?不得而知。至于车能什么时候买到,更是把酒问青天吧。而天气却一天凉比一天,每天牵着孩子的手,步行去上学,冷风一吹,更加让人不愉快,也许因为不满意我们要求去掉那华而不实的延长保修计划因而减少了他们的利益,就对顾客采取这种漠视 的态度,旷日持久地拖你猴子成人?我觉得必须尽快有个了结,就发了一份传真给车行,表明如果星期一仍然没有回音的话,我这个车就不买了。

        果真,星期一(11月13日),Leung女士打电话过来,先解释为什么没有Response,责任推到接线员头上,她没有将我的留言传过去,又说一些话,前后矛盾,例如:这已是一份合同,双方签字以后,就都有履行合同的义务,是不可以修改的。但现在合同已经送到总经理那里去,她已经OutofControl。言下之意,即如果她还能Control,她还是可以修改的?这前后矛盾 。又如,既已送到总经理处,只有总经理可以修改,但是总经理说不可以修改。同样让人糊涂。总经理根本不在签字的双方之列,她凭什么可以修改呢?她可以不经我们同意而恣意修改吗?总经理说,不可以修改,是什么意思呢?是指合同是可以修改的,但总经理不愿意改而说不能修改,还是合同本身的严肃性根本不允许总经理修改呢?



        所有怕麻烦的人,还要再去找麻烦吗?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我有同感, 小心cheating. also need help.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I just read this article, and I have the same feeling, because I almost met the same person( huang from the province and I also ask him help me to search the used car. during the searching I have a little different sense for him. In the end he found a car which is nissan 1997/12 quest xe, he told me the price is 6000, also not include safety and emission. when I went to there, he told me after tax the price should be 6900 and for the safety and emission is 200, total is 7100. when I talked the price with dealer I asked 6000 included the tax, I find he shake his head between us, and in the end I got 6500 total. because the rear a/c vent could not work, I like them check it and I will buy it later. I found huang was not happy at that time.
      In order to confirm the car is goog and make sure what he said is true, I found a Mr. Liu from the 51.ca to check the car again today. by his adver, he will check everything by the checking list and stand by your side because you hire him. unfortunely, he is very busy to answer his cell phone during the checking, and dont give you the satisfied buy suggention for this car, also dont help you to discuss the price with the dealer just because I already talk with them the price. later I put 200 deposit to buy this car. but I dont check the vin no.
      after I read this article, i need to do several things, One is to write above, another is need to check the vin no.
      I need a buddy's help: it is 4N2ZN1110WD812807 ian_yi_zhao@hotmail.com.
      last thing, if this car is not good, can I withdraw this deal without deposit back in no conditions?

      thanks a lot.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net