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遵照神的吩咐屠杀和掠夺是善还是恶? ZT

2:33 耶和华我们的神将他交给我们,我们就把他和他的儿子,并他的众民,都击杀了。
2:34 我们夺了他的一切城邑,将有人烟的各城,连女人带孩子,尽都毁灭,没有留下一个。
2:35 惟有牲畜和所夺的各城,并其中的财物,都取为自己的掠物。

十字军东征,到底是否神的旨意? 杀死至少5万“女巫“, 到底是否神的旨意?谁能代表传达神的旨意? 丑闻不断的教会? 与神的心灵交流?

At the end of the day, who wrote the bible? A Fax from heaven? Or Constantine? Constantine played a significant role in the canonization of the Bible. His desire for and actions to create unity and uniformity contributed to the process of deciding upon a fixed canon. In addition, he financed fifty copies of the scriptures to be produced for use in Constantinople. The production of these manuscripts were supervised by Eusebius of Caesarea, who tells about of the request in his book Life of Constantine. Presumedly, these scriptures were the complete New Testament but some scholars think they consisted only of the four gospels.

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  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 遵照神的吩咐屠杀和掠夺是善还是恶? ZT
    2:33 耶和华我们的神将他交给我们,我们就把他和他的儿子,并他的众民,都击杀了。
    2:34 我们夺了他的一切城邑,将有人烟的各城,连女人带孩子,尽都毁灭,没有留下一个。
    2:35 惟有牲畜和所夺的各城,并其中的财物,都取为自己的掠物。

    十字军东征,到底是否神的旨意? 杀死至少5万“女巫“, 到底是否神的旨意?谁能代表传达神的旨意? 丑闻不断的教会? 与神的心灵交流?

    At the end of the day, who wrote the bible? A Fax from heaven? Or Constantine? Constantine played a significant role in the canonization of the Bible. His desire for and actions to create unity and uniformity contributed to the process of deciding upon a fixed canon. In addition, he financed fifty copies of the scriptures to be produced for use in Constantinople. The production of these manuscripts were supervised by Eusebius of Caesarea, who tells about of the request in his book Life of Constantine. Presumedly, these scriptures were the complete New Testament but some scholars think they consisted only of the four gospels.
    • 打仗是要死人的, 无论善人还是恶人, 都要死的, 死法不同而已. 不打仗也要死人的, 无论善恶. 你不想死, 但是大呼小叫是没用的.
      • so it does not matter who kills who because all people will die eventually. that's a new explanation of the bible. thanks!
        • The conculsion you made on Bible is one-sided. Actually Bible spent a lot of words explaining who kills who, how and why, but you didn't mention these words. I am not sure you read Bible.
          • Just thought for whatever reason, wherever it happened, killing is wrong, even to kill "bad" guys. And as Bible is timeless, it should be right against any standard.
            • killing is just killing. How would you treat "bad" guys, if you were God? Set them free?
              • Yesterday's "bad" guy could be tomorrow's average guy. if I were God, I would not let anyone to use my name for killings.
                • That's why you are not God, God knew what will happen tomorrow. Yesterday's "bad" guy could NOT be tomorrow's average guy without any treatment.
                  • "A God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings" is only your version of God. A God who is truly omnipotent does not concern himself with such earthly grindings; he will only be manifest through the beautiful workings of the cosmos
                    rather than through a stupid storybook that tries to document God's words, which might as well be fake and insubstantial.
                    • Please show me your god or your smart story book about him who has to do the ONLY job you just assigned him to do.
                      • The "sad" truth for you is, there is no God. Suppose there was some kind of divine being, he would only be manifest through the laws of Nature, and not through your pathetic little folktale.
                        • The "sad" truth for you is, you are seeming dissociative identity disorder. Sometime you say God, somtime you say no God. Because further detail thought may harm you, I suggest stop here.
                  • then my question is "who can represent God and God's words?". I will say no one. not from a book, not from a group that claims they have better radio channels to listen to heaven
                    • How about Jesus?
                      • Then my question would be "where is this guy now and who can speak on behalf of him? ". Not from a story book, not from self claimed group(s) who claim they has better reception to listen to his words
                        no matter how great he was, sadly, he is dead. and the church system was not set up until 400 years after that.
                        • How about Bible?
                          • the story book?
                            • Do you get Jesus from this story book? If not, where do you get Jesus?
                              • lol, prove to me that Jesus ever lived.
                                • mikesmith(老猫) knows him.
                                  • Jesus was a great person and had great influence over generations of people. to remember him, people worship what he worshipped, people wrote stories about him, Roman emperors used him 400 years after he died
                                    to establish the church system and turned him into something he was not.
                                    • Thanks for answering lifesucks(很好,很和谐) with so many details. I believe he is satisfied. I would suggest you answer my previous question directly as well. Further more, would you please explain how you connect God and Jesus?
                              • to hear someone who he was, where he from and what he did from a single source does not make it more credible if all other sources were burnt some 2000 years ago
                                • What sources were burnt some 2000 years ago (you mean before 8 AD?)
                                  • not exactly 2000 years ago
                                    Any Christian scholar of Christian history will readily confirm that after the famous council of Nicea (325 AD), the church of St. Paul (The Roman Catholic Church) selected out of the over three hundred Gospels in their possession the four that most closely conformed to their doctrines. All others, including the Gospel of Barnabas, were ordered completely destroyed. They also ruled that all Gospels written in Hebrew were to be destroyed. An edict was issued that anyone found in possession of an unauthorized Gospel would be put to death. Countless numbers of Christians were then systematically killed as heretics and burned at the stake if they maintained their belief in the divine Unity of God and did not conform to the innovative teachings of Paul. It is well known that this practice continued until at least the year 1616 AD.
                                    • So you learned Jesus from some source burnt during 325 AD to 1616 AD, right?
                                      • because all other sources were burnt, the only source available is not credible anymore.
                                        • Is the credible one burnt or non-exist?
                                          • i just do not know what to believe
                        • How about church?
                          • the group that claims they have better radio channels ?
                            • Do you get Jesus from this goup? If not, where do you get Jesus?
            • 如果你身上有恶性癌细胞,所幸尚未转移,一旦转移扩散了会危及生命。你是会选择开刀割了呢还是养着?当然,谁操刀是另外一回事。
              • I see your logic. The question is that who are the "bad" guys. A while ago, witches, gays, or anyone who is not a believer were all condemned and deserved to die. As the world change, who can say for sure those guys were killed for a good reason.
                • You did NOT know the logic. Witches, gays, and all of us deserve die. We are all bad guy.
                  • I certainly would not AGREE with that logic. That is insane and irresponsible. Human being should be in charge of own fate, even though they made so many bad choices.
                    At the end of the day, we are born free and equal and we bow to nobody.
                    • They made bad choice, then they die. No matter how resonsible they claimed to be, it wouldn't work.
                      • who defines the choice as "good" or "bad" ? some scientist was burnt by saying something he believed to be true. is that a bad choice?
                        • JESUS defines. For sure it's bad choice to burn scientist, but what's your point?
    • 这些是古犹太人给自己的杀人罪行开脱找借口而已。和中国古代皇帝出兵以"奉天承运", 以及土匪山贼杀人以"替天行道"为借口同理.看到挂在十字架的耶稣就知道什么是上帝的爱,不要被这些迷惑.
      • 不对吧?写在圣经里边的,是神的话语,怎么是开脱之词?你这么说话,真正的基督徒不干了,呵呵
        • 神在人世间只留下一把"尺子"- 耶稣基督, 拿着祂去就不难把真假给"量"出来.
          • 还要看你会不会用这把尺子。你说摩西五经的《申命记》是为犹太人开脱?你的尺子用错地方了吧?耶稣说:律法的一点一划也不能废去。。。
    • “屠杀和掠夺”认为是善,很多人是不会同意的。