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Hi all the friends, plz listen to me

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hi, friends,

I understand your feeling now. U r excited with little bit happiness or scare and going on the way of immigration. As a landed immigrant, I shoul dtell you the followings which cannot be told to u by others.

Almost everyone, your friends, donot tell me what real situation he is handling. They will tell u the refresh air and clean and spaceful space and good service and other goodness of Canada. BUt when u dream them, u forget one thing, the most important thing, that is if u have money or have satisfied jobs. If you have nothing, u feel uncomfortable when u serve the service.

But in this season, the economic situation in Canda is awlful. IT didnot escape from the teh shedow. In the last 1-2 years, IT professional can found job easily and get high salary, but now most of Chinese guys cannot find jobs, even low salary work. IF u r not confident to your skills or money , forget Canada. It is true!

U can tell me, u have blabla years skills in IT, But I know the level of IT in CHina. I will say almost all the guys cannot keep the track of Canada. If u have several years experence in Canda or the USA, maybe u can find job easily. Think ur background over and over.

Canada goverment allows u to live here becoz u have high education not u have professional experence in China. So maybe u have to do labour job here for 1-2 years or go to university for several years. SO plz consider the long way to go.

Moreover, if u have stable job and good boss and good prospection, why u lose all the thing just for a namimg like" u live outside of CHina" or "U live in North American". Canada is almost same as China. I donot understand that there are so many bad news out, but u donot pay any attention about them.

At last, if u persist to immigrate here, u can do it yourself, the agency doesnot do any thing for you except mailing ur own material for you. The total fee that agency pay for you is just serveral hundred yuan(believe it or not) DIY is the best way to do it. The speed of procedure depends on the Canda Immigrant bureu, agency cannot change it at all.

OK, too much. I just suggest guys to thin k it overe and over for ur present situation in China and the economic recession in Canada.

Gook luck to all of u

Ralph更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 喂!请问有现在正在办公证,准备春节后递表的吗?报个名,我们认识一下,以便及时交流信息。
    • 一个都没有吗?
      • I am in BJ. Contact me at altezza@21cn.com
        • 已经递了吗?我也在北京。有事儿常联系!
      • 我在深圳,已经寄了CCPE申请表了,移民申请表还没有寄出。 你在哪里呀?
        • 我在北京。你是打算递表HK喽?
          • 是呀是呀
        • 我正在整理材料,准备递表,我正在犹豫在BJ 还是在HK,希望发表意见,my emai address :cuiw001@sina.com.
      • 我在广东,已于2000年11月递表BJ.
        • 你是programmer吗?
          • 我是以computer programmer来申请的.
        • 能把怎么办公证介绍一下吗?
      • 我也是十一月分递的表。Please contact me at: dbwbh@yeah.net
      • I am in Changchun. I will apply after spring festiver. Please contact me(kywang_yd@sina.com)
      • We plan before spring Festival. judyshen@263.net
        • 我收到你的email了。
      • 俺在济南,算我一个,请多交流。
        • 你好,我是淄博的,我也准备申请移民,有空联系
          • selena: 递表了吗,我计划下月初递表,我准备以double E 申请,多多联系。
          • 我也是淄博的,认识一下
        • 我也是济南的,你办的怎么样了?
          • I'm waiting for the CCPE assessment result.and you??
            • 刚刚交表!!
      • 算我一个。不过我在公证时需要提供档案所在地的单位证明可就麻烦一点。
      • 我在杭州,准备春节后开工。有事多联系。预祝大家顺利
      • 资料准备齐全,春节后准备正式开始,希望大家多联系。
      • 我在上海想用EE申请,有没有一起的朋友?我想春节后入表
        • 我也准备春节后递表
          • I am in shanghai.
            • 萍子:你是哪个专业的?能否与我联系,交流一下。cj781110@yeah.net
              • Sorry for the late reply. I major in materials science.
            • 算我一个,我也在上海,准备三月递表.
        • I will go with you
          Don't worry, don't hury,I will try with your surport. May all your dream come true.
        • 目前我正在准备材料,准备以EE申请,我的主要以电信工程师为主,请问你准备在何处递表!
      • 我正是。在南京,另有一个问题:
        “Application Kit for Independents—Section Three: Visa Office Specific Instruction----Beijing” 其中的“Appendix C Checklist” 中,我注意到有两大拦。 再第二大栏前,写有以下字:
        “Independents Must Also Submit”
        谁能帮我解释一下这句话的意思。是指在第一栏中提到要递交的资料,而在以下的第二栏中强调一下独立移民要递交的资料; 还是指在第一栏中提到要递交的资料,而在以下的第二栏中指副申请还要递交的资料;或者其他。
      • 我正在准备,马上就要递交材料到香港了,有消息大家多交流
        • 现在香港快还是北京快,我正在计划递表,请大家多多指教
          • 如果你是在外企的话,递表北京可能更快一些,因为有可能双免。如果你有什么担心的事情,递表香港可能更好一些。不过现在好象移民的审批速度又慢下来了。
      • 笨笨鱼,我见您在这网上去了不少地方,怎么至今不未递表?你准备DIY吗?我二月下旬递的表,代理告诉我得三月底才有FN,我没这么乐观。
    • 成绩公正一定要,工作公众可有可无,如果你有办法就办一个!我也在等!
      • 你在等什么?毛毛熊?
    • 我准备明天去办,希望以后多交流,我在南京 fh0898@sina.com
      • keep in touch.
    • 我也正要准备公证材料,很多疑问email:silencewrd@sina.com
      • 得档案所在地给开证明信。
      • 别着急,有人愿意回答,来信! webmaster@clkj.net
    • 报名:俺是把能公证的都公证了,想节前把表 递了,然后把这事忘掉,痛痛快快过年~ 以后常交流[foxtailer@163.net],也许我们是 新世纪申请枫叶的第一期,希望能顺利毕业:)
      • 问个问题?你在北京吗?如果是的话,你在哪儿拍的照片?
        • 不在北京,今天去拍的,就找了个大点的相馆,把使馆的白背景、绒面、头肩全露脸正中以及尺寸告诉他们,也不知能不能合要求
        • 我在中国照相管.三寸裁成的.
      • We have the same feeling with you. we have post the ccpe on Dec 22, 00. Now we are preparing other notary materials. good luck to all of us.
        • ok ,good luck to all of us:) 问一下你的表填了没有,北京的表我到处都找不到电子版,用打字机或者用手确实不方便
    • 小妹下星期一去办理公证,一拿到公证就去做CCPE,不过就要等到CCPE通过后才投档香港,目的地将是温哥华,我在广东,请多联系交流!greatsy@163.net
    • 成绩单和工作经历都是必须的。有那到使馆的表格吗?那上面提到的东西一样都不能少! 我先生的出生证明有点麻烦,因为他的户口已迁到北京,不同父母在一起,我们又不想惊动单位,如何是好?
      • 北京的户口卡上有一项是出生地。不论现在户口在哪儿,出生地是不会变的呀!
    • 我是十二月EMS递表到BJ,现在苦等FN到花儿都快谢了,祝你好运。
      • it takes around 2 and half months waiting for ems mail. why not pass application by yourself? it saves about 1 month.
        • are you sure it takes 2 and 0.5 month but not 1+0.5 month?
      • the post parcels piled a mountain in bj Embassy.
        • 因为我不在北京而又轻信网站上说的一个月的时间,现在只有欲哭无泪了,wu-wu-wu---
      • 各位大哥: 请问现在香港的入表时间,现在正在处理哪个时间的入表!
      • 你到现在还没有收到FN吗?希望给我点提示,我也在苦等FN。
        • i received my FN in Jan.15 and now i have just send my IELTS result to the embassy(BJ). good luck.
          • it's only one month.very quickly.thank you.
    • 我正要办公证,准备春节后递表。
      • 你递表了吗?除推荐信外,我们一切备齐。but, one problem arise: the application form, I find there are different versions of applicaiton form exits. What kind of version is the lastest one.
    • 我是:zzj0203@sina.com
    • 报名,kfjf#ncepubj.edu.cn,和你一样,我得照片是浅蓝色底,不成么?我们这里彩照都是这样底
    • 看到这么多人都与我同步,我真的是又惊又喜!我的公证材料已经补交全了,17日可以拿到公证。大家呢?
      • 我有好多问题呀,什么是ccpe,要自己去做嘛?老婆也要做成绩、工作公正嘛?
        • 工程师类的申请人要做ccpe认证,详情可以去看:www.ccpe.ca 。副申请需办出生、无犯罪公证。学历学位也可以做一下。成绩和工作不需要。
          • 奇怪,你能告诉我银行存款证明需要多少才行,我的存款证明已经开来,我想马上递交材料
      • 你交表了吗?春节搞得我们人仰马翻,交表的事就耽误了?有一个问题:现在最新的表格是什么版式的?我手头的表格是去年8月份在北京使馆取的。不知还有效吗?
      • 补充一下:我手中的申请表是四页,共分23项,附带Family Composition Information 和Details of Education and Employment.
      • 你是学什么的呢?
    • 我加入一个,进度完全一致。在陕西。
      • 我1月5日签约(找了家代理),1月20日完成所有材料,E&E,现在开始啃IELTS, 祝大家新年快乐,god bless us.
        • Would you please tell me, what kind of version of application form you use? I have in hand is the version with 4pages, total 32 item, attached with aFamily composition information and Details of Education and Employmnet
        • 现在IELTS准备如何,我也在准备,希望多交流信息
        • 我也在啃IELTS,感觉如何,计划何时考试,希望多联系。
    • 我在杭州,正在办理。
    • 我正在准备材料,请问FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT ANALAYSIS(投资金融分析) 的职业描述怎么写,我很急,谢谢大家了,拜托!拜托!
    • 笨笨鱼,我也是准备最近申请,有消息多联系。谁先收到档案号到这里通报一声!
    • 我才签约。正在公证。
      • 你在何处入表,入表时间,我可能下个星期准备入表,地点计划在香港。有时多多联系,我在郑州。
      • Hi all the friends, plz listen to me
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hi, friends,

        I understand your feeling now. U r excited with little bit happiness or scare and going on the way of immigration. As a landed immigrant, I shoul dtell you the followings which cannot be told to u by others.

        Almost everyone, your friends, donot tell me what real situation he is handling. They will tell u the refresh air and clean and spaceful space and good service and other goodness of Canada. BUt when u dream them, u forget one thing, the most important thing, that is if u have money or have satisfied jobs. If you have nothing, u feel uncomfortable when u serve the service.

        But in this season, the economic situation in Canda is awlful. IT didnot escape from the teh shedow. In the last 1-2 years, IT professional can found job easily and get high salary, but now most of Chinese guys cannot find jobs, even low salary work. IF u r not confident to your skills or money , forget Canada. It is true!

        U can tell me, u have blabla years skills in IT, But I know the level of IT in CHina. I will say almost all the guys cannot keep the track of Canada. If u have several years experence in Canda or the USA, maybe u can find job easily. Think ur background over and over.

        Canada goverment allows u to live here becoz u have high education not u have professional experence in China. So maybe u have to do labour job here for 1-2 years or go to university for several years. SO plz consider the long way to go.

        Moreover, if u have stable job and good boss and good prospection, why u lose all the thing just for a namimg like" u live outside of CHina" or "U live in North American". Canada is almost same as China. I donot understand that there are so many bad news out, but u donot pay any attention about them.

        At last, if u persist to immigrate here, u can do it yourself, the agency doesnot do any thing for you except mailing ur own material for you. The total fee that agency pay for you is just serveral hundred yuan(believe it or not) DIY is the best way to do it. The speed of procedure depends on the Canda Immigrant bureu, agency cannot change it at all.

        OK, too much. I just suggest guys to thin k it overe and over for ur present situation in China and the economic recession in Canada.

        Gook luck to all of u

        Ralph更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • they are very brave and believe Canada is heaven. (many guys told me they do it for their child, I cannot understand it. Coul du expain it for me?
    • 大家好!!!各位都交表了没有??我已于3月3日从北京,用挂号信的方式递表北京了——
      • 哪里的雅思培训班比较好?交了表现在有消息吗?
        • 我收到FN了。3月3日寄资料,4月4日收到第一封信和FN。
          • 笨笨鱼,很高兴在这里认识你!我是3月13日向北京递表的,希望也能很快得到第一封信。感谢你热心为大家提供信息。希望多联系,我在北京。Catherine
        • 据说北语和新东方的不错。
          • 谢谢你!你的第一封信和FN就收到了?恭喜,恭喜!你是自己寄的,还是代理公司寄的?我是代理寄的,说是3月10日寄的,怎么现在还没有收到FN?该不是代理骗我吧?你投表是北京还是香港?
            • Donot worry about it. U know now, applying immigration is easy to handle, so agency must handle it, but they cannot accerlate the procedure. The time is same as time you apply it uself. Why donot you apply it youself.
              • Thanks,java!我是签约以后,才在网上看到,自己办也那么容易,现在只有后悔的份了!!唉,看来还是要多向你请教才行呀。你现在在哪里?
                • 临风,Have you received your FN?If you have good news, please let me know. I am waiting for it. Thank you. Catherine.
                  • Thank you!Ihave reveived my FN.Did you received it too?GOOD LUCK!
    • sure.
      • 笨笨鱼,临风,二位最近上哪去了?怎么不来此交流交流?临风,你收到FN和第一封信了吗?
        • 嘟嘟熊,谢谢你的关心!我在一周前刚刚收到第一封信和FN。现在正 在准备ielts。这儿的热心人真多!准备ielts谁有高招?请指教!!!