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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Here is what I did before. I guess I was lucky that they stopped bothering me after this.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I was in the similar situation once. Got a message saying something like they are collecting agency, I owe someone certain amount of money for something and I need to contect them to arrange payment otherwise they would sue me. I got back and got answering machine. I just left a message saying that I got their message (with the case# they gave me) and ask them to provide me with more information about the transaction and the prove that it was me who bought the product, otherwise "I will be able to make the payment". - I know I didn't have any transaction with the company they mentioned.

As same time I checked by credit with credit bureaus. Everything was good with my credit, i.e. no credit card or sort of things that I didn't recognize.

It seemed they just ignored by message and keep bugging me. I finally got hold of a real person, instead of answering machine. He basically repeated the thread and didn't want to send me anything to prove the transaction (which I don't think they have). After listening to his seemed angry 'talk', I just simply said "OK, I won't pay you a penny. So, sue me." and hung up.

They stopped bothering me since.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 真倒霉! 被一讨债公司无端盯上,不知如何应对.
    一月底接到一个奇怪的电话:自称是 Total Credit Recovery Ltd. 要我24小时回电话,回过去总没人接,过几天就来一个这样的电话. 两周后来了一封信,信上说我们没有收到你的$4XXX 付款 ,你必需在10天内付清或给我们电话安排付款事宜, 这次留了一个另外的电话号码.

    按照号码打回去(当时还不知道是讨债公司),马上就感觉对方的态度极端恶劣,他说你欠我们4千多块钱,你要不付清的话,就要上法庭告你,我一听就焖了,然后问他是怎么回事,他说去年5月你在某某公司订了一批货价值两百多元,运到你家有人收了货,没付款. 我说我没订货也没收到货,他说那就是你的家人,反正是这个地址有人收了货没付款,我告诉他不可能,并要他给我一封信写明具体的情况(时间,地点,人,货物名称等),他说我已经都告诉你了,然后在电话中把我威胁半天,挂机.

    花了几天时间查了一下我的信用卡的情况,没有发现问题(担心被人冒领了信用卡). 原以为没问题了,过了两周电话和信的骚扰不断,有时接到了电话,他也不听你的解释,只是把你威胁一通: 我们将要采取法律手段,付款额却每两周长200.

    不知道大家碰到这样的问题如何解决?有没有好的建议? 先谢谢大家了!
    • 碰到过,打电话找他们的经理骂,骂了以后还打继续打回去骂,找经理的经理骂,威胁要找律师骂他们,一直骂到他们不打为止。
      • 谢谢回复! 一是骂不过他,二是电话只是转到具体工作人员手里(我有一个case number), 也担心真要打官司也是劳民伤财的事.
    • 我曾经遇到过,不过与你这件不大一样,但也是讨债公司的。说我欠了他们几百元电话费,但是名字又不是我的名字,我解释了两次,那些人的态度极端恶劣,后来我想我又没犯事,干嘛自寻烦恼?就不再理他们了。不过还是换了新的电话电码。已经2年多了。
    • 帮你顶, 也想知道怎么对付, 以防万一
    • You'd better check your credit history and make sure there is no bad credit in it.
      • 如果我的credit 或credit 卡有问题,我肯定会收到要我付款的credit 帐单,但没有.
    • 我接到过,但对方很客气,什么口音的都有,印度的,本地的,中国的,都是找一个人,让我打回去。我打回去留了言,过了些日子又打来,我接了,说号码是我的,但地址不对,是一个楼不同房间。对方说了sorry就挂了,再也没打来。
    • 再打来时,先说你会录音存证, 征求他的同意,若不同意则拒绝交谈;然后解释你没有买过那件东西,跟他说:如果继续骚扰你就报警, 这个录音就是证据。。。 前提是你肯定没有买过那个东西,家人也没有代收过
    • 碰上要债公司,第一千万不能透露新的信息给他们,他们有可能是骗子(骗资料或者栽赃)。第二确认你的信用记录是否正常. 一般到了讨债公司,你的信用记录已经有内容的.如果没内容,不要去理他们.
    • Here is what I did before. I guess I was lucky that they stopped bothering me after this.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I was in the similar situation once. Got a message saying something like they are collecting agency, I owe someone certain amount of money for something and I need to contect them to arrange payment otherwise they would sue me. I got back and got answering machine. I just left a message saying that I got their message (with the case# they gave me) and ask them to provide me with more information about the transaction and the prove that it was me who bought the product, otherwise "I will be able to make the payment". - I know I didn't have any transaction with the company they mentioned.

      As same time I checked by credit with credit bureaus. Everything was good with my credit, i.e. no credit card or sort of things that I didn't recognize.

      It seemed they just ignored by message and keep bugging me. I finally got hold of a real person, instead of answering machine. He basically repeated the thread and didn't want to send me anything to prove the transaction (which I don't think they have). After listening to his seemed angry 'talk', I just simply said "OK, I won't pay you a penny. So, sue me." and hung up.

      They stopped bothering me since.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • I will try this way. Thanks
        • where can you you check your credit for free? If you do check your credit yourself, will there be a side effect?
    • 很简单:挂电话。