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此次梁靠近大梁受剪力,如果断裂,裂缝应是上下垂直的shear force become smaller toward midle span

You should remove all the heave stuff from upstair room especialy bookcase or panio. and then apply some woodglue in the gap(indoor usage) lift up the beam useing 6x2 wood (diagnal first and then hammer to vertically). it should be lift up 10mm and close the break gap and wait for two days. then you need two 8"x2" wood both side bolted by 3/8" throught bolts. or 1mmX16"x16" steel metal sheet with lot of holes( sold in HD) wrap around the existing broken piece and screwed with mornal wood screw. you can remove the 2x6" wood support.
if don't like to doing any thing, you can just remove some heave stuff in upstair room.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 请教远帆,地下室靠近地板木梁有裂缝(请看照片),怎么办? 多谢,
    • UP UP
      • Who can help me?
    • 请你 正 对着 裂缝 再 照 一张 好供 专家 分析 给你提经验
    • looks fine, one joist cracks should not be any problem. If you are not comfortable with this, just nail a piece of 2X4 on the joist, it should take most of the loads.
    • 下面的梁看起来不是托住有裂缝的梁,可以不用理它。海兔子说的对,照多几张,好分析。
    • 多谢大家, 木梁裂纹较大,不知有无危险,请看更多图片 - 白天未上网,回贴迟误请原谅
      • 非常简单.多加一木板,厚,宽,尺寸相同木板在旁.用钉牢固.make it full length from one support to other support.
        • 多谢, 定钉子会不会使这个木梁彻底裂开? 你做过类似修理吗?
        • 不可能新加木梁, 有电线小木杆档着,又上载两个新照片,IMG_2679, IMG_2678,有新办法吗,多谢
          • How about this
            非常简单.多加一木板,厚,宽,尺寸相同木板在旁.用钉牢固.make it full length from one support to other support, IF can not make it full lengt, make it as long as possible,start from the nearest joist support. to the maximum length, do you know how hospital/doctor fix brokren bone for people? same idea. This is not a repair. it is a reinforcemant. it will not cause more issue. but it help................
    • 此次梁靠近大梁受剪力,如果断裂,裂缝应是上下垂直的shear force become smaller toward midle span
      You should remove all the heave stuff from upstair room especialy bookcase or panio. and then apply some woodglue in the gap(indoor usage) lift up the beam useing 6x2 wood (diagnal first and then hammer to vertically). it should be lift up 10mm and close the break gap and wait for two days. then you need two 8"x2" wood both side bolted by 3/8" throught bolts. or 1mmX16"x16" steel metal sheet with lot of holes( sold in HD) wrap around the existing broken piece and screwed with mornal wood screw. you can remove the 2x6" wood support.
      if don't like to doing any thing, you can just remove some heave stuff in upstair room.
    • 不是很有经验,建议:首先找到对应的位置上方,是不是有什么特重的东西(如 冰箱。。)处理后再修下面的,应该问题不大!
      GOOD LUCK!!
      • 发帖后才发现:”地瓜干“ 已经想到了楼上问题!!哈哈~~~~~
      • no, only staight up. all area in the room
    • 感谢无牌电工,地瓜干,asdwl的回复,木梁上面是卧室,没有重物,看来得按地瓜干的办法加固了,再次感谢大家
      • 看了pic 2688 和2690才知道下面的梁是托住有裂缝的次梁(joist)的主梁(beam)
    • 看了你的照片,觉得有几根基本上已经不能再用了,你要在有问题的粱两边各邦一条等宽的,长度大于6尺的木头,然后每边用大于4个的大螺丝锁紧,在加固的时候要检查楼板是否已经变形,如果变形还要先校正。
      • 谢谢远帆,只可以在有问题的粱一边绑长于6尺的同型木头,另一边最长可绑120CM同型木头且不能架上主梁,这样可以吗? 需要用千斤顶吗?哪里可租?
        • 千斤顶 NOT REQUIRED, READ MY INSTRUCTION IN ENGLISH CAREFULLY. YOU NEED A 2X6 WOOD, 先斜着支,在砸垂直就可顶起来了. 顶起来了后涂上木胶,楼上面压上重物,两天后再加固. 这样上部地板就不会变形了.
        • 1,越长越好,最好和原来的等长,两头可放在支撑架(或墙上),这样的话就不用两面帮了。 2,如果上面的地板没变形就不用“千斤顶”了。
    • 非常感谢大家的回复,上面地板没有变形,因有阻挡,只能有一块木板的一边放在大梁上,看来得用铁网了