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some domestic comments





魔法蓝猫 发布于:2008-06-26 08:19

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“What if mankind had to leave Earth, and somebody forgot to turn off the last robot?”






“I only have one thing to tell in this movie: everything will be benefited if you pay attention to the relationships! It’s all about connecting to each other, that’s what WALL-E tries to do and others are just the side-effects.”


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说这句话的是一个我爱了快十年的男人---Andrew Stanton,[WALL-E]的编剧兼导演,一个说话总是有旺盛精力、像是被打了兴奋剂的人,一个相信爱情是一切灵感来源的人,一个总喜欢讲述小人物无意间造成大影响的人,一个办公桌打扮得像绿野仙踪的人,一个笑起来像孩子的人,一个喜欢在吃午餐时想出鬼点子的人,一个看球赛用望远镜就创造出WALL-E造型的人,一个十分有主见很难被别人说服却总能说服别人的人。。。。之所以说爱了他快十年,是因为我最喜欢的动画片前五名中的三个,名叫[Finding Nemo]、 [Monster Inc]和 [WALL-E],而创造这三个小片子的人。。。十分巧合的。。。都是他!叫俺怎能不爱他?


怎么理解他说的那句话?他始终都不承认自己制作这部电影的初衷与环保有任何关系,不过,如果你看完本片,会发现“环保”议题无所不在,而且十分抢眼。Andrew对这个的解释是,他一开始只想讲一个关于地球上最后一个小机器人的故事,而描述重点在于他的孤独,与外界失去联系,和他想要摆脱这种孤独。而对抗孤独的唯一武器就是爱,与另外一个个体在一起,通过“交流”产生connection(这个不知道怎么翻译好,“互动”?)。而WALL-E,作为被拉在地球上的最后一个机器人,在七百年里都没有这种connection,但是他需要从某些途径了解到,开始渴望得到,并最终在找寻到后坚决不放弃。这就需要他,一个机器人,首先要发展出人类一样的性格,感情和思想。而从哪里得到这些呢?收拾人类的垃圾!所以关于“垃圾地球”、“未来人类社会"及“拯救地球”等想法都是基于发展WALL-E这个角色和他寻找“Connection” 的衍生物。环保议题从本片的创意本身来讲只是故事发展过程中产生的附属品,虽然,它最后产生的效果是强大的。






It only takes a moment

For your eyes to meet and then

Your heart knows in a moment

You will never be alone again

I held her for an instant

But my arms felt sure and strong

It only takes a moment

To be loved a whole life long…….


 -               -----“It Only Takes A Moment”, from [Hello Dolly]


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以前,我只觉得Andrew Stanton是个很有童心,想象力丰富又很有画面构想才能和写作才华的人,他曾讲过亲情,友情,个人自我价值的实现等主题,现在我才知道,原来他也是个很会讲爱情故事、骨子里很浪漫的人。


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WALL-E (全称Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class地球垃圾处理运输员):



正确发音: WOLI(喔力)

他自己的发音:W-W-A-L-L-E (拖很长的音)






















EVE (Extra-terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator陆地植被探测员),也叫 Probe One




WALL-E的发音:Y-I-W-A! (伊--哇!,而且最后的WA还念得很重,像小朋友的发音,清脆可爱,声声叫得令人心碎)











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Axiom(Voiced by Sigourney Weaver,宇宙飞船):人类逃离地球后生活的地方,是一个由电脑完全控制的超级现代化生存空间,停留在宇宙中,人们生活都被机器人“伺候”着,但彼此之间没有交流。人类因为不需要自己做任何事情而都变成了大肥猪。


船长(Jeff Garlin配音):现任宇宙飞船的船长,与其他人一样肥,唯一的职责就是每日听机器人汇报情况,不做任何实质上的工作,也没什么权利。对地球缺乏了解,但后来托Wall-E的福,了解自己还有个被抛弃家园之后决定回去看看。(这个卡通形象基本上是按照给他配音的演员Jeff Garlin而设计,长得几乎一样。)


M-O(Microbe-Obliterator 清洁工,发音“牟~”):宇宙飞船上专门清理脏物的机器人,可以识别外来物质,发现后必须清理干净,一根筋,谁也挡不住他要擦干净所有WALL-E带来泥垢的决心,于是自打WALL-E上船,就一直尾随其后,关键时刻居然也起到了一定正面作用。


Reject Robots (问题机器人):原本是一群在宇宙飞船上为人类服务的机器人,有美发师,有修理工等,但后因出故障被送修,正郁闷的时候,遇到WALL-E和EVE,决定跟随他们一起造反。


The President (Fred Willard扮演,相当于总统)地球上最大机器人公司发言人,统治整个宇宙飞船上的人类世界,老是带来坏消息,最常说的一句话就是“很不幸。。。”,因此也可被称为“不幸先生”。



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前面已提到,环保和科幻只是本片讲述爱情故事的附属品,在片中只作为“背景”作以描述,重点展现“讽刺”作用。一方面人们看到,Wall-E的生存空间是满是尘土和垃圾的地球,昏黄的天空,时常袭来的沙尘暴,堆积成山的垃圾。。。影片并未解释地球是如何成为这样的,这对于一个动画片反而好,因为孩子并非想看到一个解释温室效应或环境保护的说教片和纪录片,本片则是在有趣的情节进行中展现出未来地球发展的一个可能性,让“懂事”的大人们自己去反思眼前的一切,在不张扬没压力的情况下起到警示作用,同时,结尾让人们走出绝望,感受到一切为时未晚的乐观态度。另一方面,人类和EVE则生活在高科技的未来之都,这也只是对未来生存的一种设想,并与地球形成对比,讽刺人们对技术的依赖和对同类与生物的不屑,预示着机器人统治世界的可能。这些科幻因素并未被展开得十分复杂,未来世界的设计也并未超越以前科幻式动画(比如Speed Racer或Meet the Robinson)所达到的程度,而是让孩子看起来新奇有趣为目的,直白易懂,而且不会喧宾夺主。




Wall-E与EVE的个性塑造和他们之间的爱情故事是影片的叙述重点。在通过Wall-E 每天的行为展现他的好奇后,再用他看电视时的陶醉眼神和伸展的手指去表现他对“爱”的渴望和内心的寂寞。EVE出现后,他一系列傻乎乎的行为则生动体现暗恋时的焦虑和慌张。而对于两个只会叫对方名字的角色来说,“谈情说爱”看似不那么容易,但Wall-E刚好证明爱需要的是“行动”而不是“甜言蜜语”。对他来说,表达爱的方式包括,俏俏跟着EVE,观察她的行为,做一个跟她一样的娃娃讨她欢心,迫不及待地把她带回 “藏宝室”展示自己的战利品并跳舞耍宝,在她“生病”时候为她撑伞避雨,把她打扮得漂漂亮亮带她去滑船。。。Wall-E的心思和行为其实都是按照人类中的“痴情男”作为样本,只是不像人类会考虑那么多,他只有一个想法,就是要和EVE在一起,因此爱情在这里也变得很简单,就是执着和永不放弃。“男弱女强”是爱情喜剧较容易打动观众的一种设计,男生穷一些,傻一些,土一些没关系,只要够专一和贴心就很容易让女生心软,便于观众看到角色可爱的一面。两人的性格特点也与他们来自不同的世界有关,Wall-E在凄凉和寂寞中仍然保持一颗温暖的心,并渴望交流,是因为他“学习”的是人类以前的样子;而EVE则是来自未来,一个人类已经放弃交流的世界,因此她是冰冷的,只知道执行程序,是Wall-E教会了她什么是爱。

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虽然影片对白甚少,机器人的“叫声”和配乐成了影片的重头戏,甚至影响成败,这两方面的出色也是我最欣赏本片的地方。曾经为[星球大战]的R2D2制作音效的Ben Burtt是本片的声效设计师,我觉得他让Wall-E叫EVE的声音听起来像刚学会说话的孩子叫妈妈一般可爱得让人肝儿颤,虽然发音从来没对过,但是发自内心最真挚最纯洁的呼喊,如此稚嫩,如此单纯。Ben Burtt用了很多真正飞机、汽车或生活中的运输工具行进的声音,让Wall-E和EVE的每个动作听起来真实。但他最高明之处不是用声音准确创造了一个机器人世界,而是让这些声音在带有明显金属、机械的生硬同时,还能传达出人类一样起伏多变的真挚情感,即给声音赋予了灵魂。








Can it be the most romantic movie of the year?




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Wall-E把这个肉球拿起来给大家看是谁,原来正是蓝猫的最爱--顽皮小猴悠悠,也是狂妄把自己称为"老大"的流氓头目.悠悠被人踢了一脚又被抓在手里,自然很不开心,愤怒着大喊:"这谁呀这是? 这么狂妄?把偶放下来!"

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悠悠怒了!,看自己打不过Wall-E就跑去搬救兵,于是土豆,巴斯,胡迪,尼莫,怪兽和超人爷俩立刻赶来救援...结果,他们发现Wall-E身上也写着跟他们一样的"Pixar" 字样,才知道原来是同门师弟...结果就与Wall-E成为了好朋友.



悠悠不服气地说:"偶老婆嘻嘻也很厉害!谁怕谁!...嘻嘻! 嘻嘻!你在哪里?"


悠悠:- -|||,女人啊,真靠不住....



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 正在播放:[A wink and a smile] by Harry Connick Jr. from the OST of [Sleepless In Seattle]


机器人总动员 (2008)



2008-06-26 09:44

今天早上来看消息,wall-e无缘内地,理由是受众面窄,nnd广  电,你枪毙一部片什么理由想不出来

2008-06-26 10:19

广电真tm sb

U can do anything u set ur mind 2
2008-06-26 16:33

只能说广电的人实在太没品位了!Narnia与Speed Racer其实完全可以不占名额的.

写的好写的好 2008-06-26 10:27





2008-06-26 16:34


2008-06-26 10:34




2008-06-26 10:41

如果今年在银幕上看不到就太遗憾拉     哭.....

2008-06-26 16:35


2008-06-26 20:08

这片即便是配音,也应该有原声版的,而且附带短片也应该会放到,上回cars前的one man band就播放了~~

2008-06-26 10:45

又一次被广电伤害了,逼着看盗版。。。我不想啊 啊啊啊  极度伤心中。。


有个性有个性 2008-06-26 11:14


好像pixar 这次比较成人化?

2008-06-26 11:20


2008-06-26 11:23


2008-06-26 11:27



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / 死荐Wall E,内容极其震撼内心。the newest and greatest of all films by Pixar Animation. Put simply, WALL-E is about as charming as movies get.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ZT 提示: 有关键情节透露

      It's a great movie,很多老外们看好说。其实老外看什么电影都那么说。
      更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • This is the No.1 movie on the chart now. The robot looks very similar to the one in an old movie "Short Circuit".
      • not bad, they gave out a walle watch to every kid :P
      • 这个片子不光票房好,在各个方面都很出类拔萃。Best Movie of the year, by far, so far.

        299 out of 365 people found the following comment useful :-
        Pixar does it again!, 8 June 2008
        Author: DrWetter from Bay Area, California

        I just returned from an advanced benefit screening of WALL*E, and I want to be careful not to spill too much regarding the movie. I had the added privilege of watching the film at Pixar, which in and of itself, was amazing.

        This picture is not a cartoon; it is a film. In fact, it even has the LOOK of film. One of my complaints of more recent 3-D/CG animated films (not from Pixar) is that they all seem to look the same... clean lines, crisp colors, and very "virtual", for lack of a better term. WALL*E transcends the typical look of CG animation, and has a true to life "grit." The creators at Pixar are true artists, and are indeed masters of their craft. Not only are they masters of the technology, they are masters of telling a story. WALL*E is no exception.

        The best way to describe the film is as a science fiction, comedy, dramatic love story. WALL*E, as a character, has dimension, personality, and heart... pretty impressive given that he is essentially a trash compactor. It is true that there is little dialogue in this feature, but I personally did not feel it detracted from the story at all.

        WALL*E is very much a different Pixar film from it's previous features. I will be curious to see how it is received by others, but in my opinion, I think Pixar has stayed true to itself, demonstrating a commitment to telling great stories and pushing the edge of technology to leave your jaw dropping! My most sincere compliments to Andrew Stanton, Jim Morris, John Lasseter, Ben Burtt, and all the creative forces at Pixar. Can't wait to see what the future brings...

        232 out of 306 people found the following comment useful :-
        Pixar's still producing the best movies out there, 7 June 2008
        Author: CA_movie_fan from San Francisco, United States

        We went to the San Francisco Film Institute's first public screening at their campus in Emeryville. Everyone's sworn to secrecy, but for a film with little dialog, it carries more of an emotional punch and has a richer story than any live-action movie this year. The tone and style of the film is completely different for Pixar, and Disney haven't tried to override the darker thematic elements at all, making the story surprisingly three-dimensional.

        This will end up being the animated film of the year and I had the same 'wow' feeling as after seeing Ratatouille. Considering that animated films have always played second-fiddle to live-action, and have been aimed at kids, it's ironic that once again Pixar produces a film that rivals any live action on every level. Bravo!

        186 out of 216 people found the following comment useful :-
        Who says popular films can't be art? "WALL·E" is magical, 27 June 2008
        Author: AdnanZ from Canada

        Who says popular films are not and cannot be art? If anything is proof that popular films can be of a stunningly high quality, the beauty of the animation, writing, music, and sound design in "WALL·E" is it. "WALL·E" eclipses even Andrew Stanton's "Toy Story" and "Toy Story 2" in the Pixar pantheon, is perhaps Pixar's best film to date and, call me crazy as I've just seen it, a contender for the title of best animated film, period.

        "WALL·E" is everything we've come to expect from Pixar and more- colorful, vibrant, imaginative, exciting, involving, beautiful, and most importantly a film with interesting, involving characters. Sure, WALL·E is adorable, and as much credit as the animators get for that, this film would be nothing without Stanton's screenplay, which features very little dialogue but is still notably intelligent and surprisingly subtle, making a refreshing change from the 'go green' campaigns we're all so used to. Does "WALL·E" have a message? Sure, but it's an important message and it is delivered subtly and beautifully.

        "WALL·E" operates on two levels (and works spectacularly well on both). It is a majestic science fiction epic like we haven't seen in a couple of decades and it is a genuinely touching and never cheap romance. "WALL·E" will never get points for originality but it doesn't exactly need them because the homages to great films and figures of the past- Chaplin, Keaton, Tati, the Marx Brothers, "2001: A Space Odyssey" (this one is particularly spectacular), "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" are actually homages and not ripoffs. "WALL·E" is a wonderful tribute to a bygone cinematic tradition (well, two or three of them actually).

        The social commentary in "WALL·E" is sobering because it's never overbearing and most importantly because we see the world through machines, machines who feel more about Earth and life than the humans do. The depiction of humans on the ship could have been incredibly offensive, cheap, and tasteless in concept but the execution here is absolutely perfect.

        What is most surprising about "WALL·E" is how sad it is. Not even in the 'how will they get out of this, oh I feel so sorry for them' way "Finding Nemo", a previous Stanton effort, is, but in a truly melancholy sense. The early portion of the film maintains all the playfulness of a Jacques Tati film but also evokes a striking and powerful feeling of loneliness. It's a brilliant introduction to WALL·E, given that the rest of the film is too wacky to bother with long scenes focused entirely on character, and works beautifully with the ugly yet beautifully-rendered future Earth, a barren wasteland filled with nothing but garbage, a seriously resilient cockroach being WALL·E's only companion before EVE shows up, but I won't go into the story- it's best you see it unfold for yourself.

        From the entertaining shorts shown before the film to the memorable characters, locations, and animation we have come to expect, Pixar films are now event cinema, and they have outdone themselves with "WALL·E". This film is spectacular, majestic, touching, involving, and achingly beautiful. Most importantly, however, it is perfect entertainment. I may be saying this too soon, but I don't think I have ever seen an animated film that has satisfied me more than "WALL·E", and 2008 is going to have to work hard to keep this from being the top film of the year, which it most certainly is at the moment.


        227 out of 310 people found the following comment useful :-
        One of the greatest achievements in cinematic history., 27 June 2008
        Author: ifiswan from United States

        WALL-E, Pixar's latest film, is about a robot named WALL-E (or 'Waste Allocation Load Lifter, Earth-Class'), who is the only thing left on earth with some sort of emotion. He meets another robot named EVE, and the trip begins.

        It's hard to describe in words how incredible I personally find this film.

        The animation is flawless. Absolutely flawless. Especially on earth and the robots. It looks real. Much of the time it's impossible to tell whether or not it is real. The few slightly-shaky styled shots that appear a few times in the film only makes the animation that much more amazing and realistic. The humans are really good, too, while not realistic in the sense of you seeing it right now in real life, but they do have a realistic feel to them. The thing with the humans, I believe, is that they were purposefully meant to have this slightly rounded, slightly unrealistic feeling.

        I believe the reason is to take a satirical look at humans, and what our goals for a future, perfect utopia, is. It questions what we want, and shows you what is a very, very likely outcome of our desires for a 'better' world, showing both positive and negative effects. The animation for the humans, I believe, was made rounded and slightly more cartoonish to emphasize that that is how we will become. Fat, lazy, yet so perfect. At times, especially with that perspective on the humans, they actually do look very real.

        The story is brilliant. There are many little things in the film that have so much meaning to them. There are things that will be nostalgic to older viewers, and things that younger viewers will love to look at. However, it does steer for the cheesy, cliché aspects of a child's film, yet still remaining a completely G-rated film.

        I don't call this a child's film at all. Not because it has adult material, because it doesn't. I say this because the film is perfect for everyone. Literally, everyone. There are things in it every person can enjoy, no matter who they are. It has obvious homages to Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey", and any adult who remembers seeing that film will notice this.

        WALL-E is such a lovable character. I've never felt so much emotion for one character. He will definitely go down in history as iconic as Darth Vader, or Indiana Jones. I was so close to crying at pivotal parts in the film, and although I didn't fully break out and cry, I have never felt so much emotion in my heart with any other film as I did with this one.

        EVE is very fun and interesting. One scene in particular, with her, was so beautiful, that my eyes got teary. Her chemistry with WALL-E is so oddly perfect. They are so different in appearance and personality, yet they work so well together.

        The other robots are all lovable, except for the "enemy" robots, who still add much depth to the film. In particular, M-O was the cutest, obviously not counting WALL-E.

        Pixar has always made great animation films. But this, without a doubt, tops all of their own film, and most other films. It restores faith in the animation films. It captures the magic and wonder as past Disney films, which is something I have not seen in most modern animation films.

        I would not be surprised at all if this won for best picture of the year. It deserves it more than anything.

        This is one of greatest achievements in cinematic history, and I encourage everyone to see this.


        112 out of 133 people found the following comment useful :-
        Not just another Pixar masterpiece....A modern day SCI-FI masterpiece!, 27 June 2008
        Author: Valeen_the_II from United States

        *** This comment may contain spoilers ***

        This truly is one beautiful, touching animated sci-fi film....I cannot stress this enough. It's a unique cinema experience that you must enjoy firsthand.

        The tale is set in the 28th century , Earth has become a lifeless wasteland full of garbage, that the human race evacuated nearly a millennium ago....Lifeless, that is with the two exceptions being the "artifical" life form "WALL-E" & his pet cockroach.

        WALL-E is a squat humble trash-compacting robot who while continuing to fulfill the duties he was programmed for ( even though it's pointless considering there are no more humans on the planet ) collects certain leftover nicknacks, novelty items and even old films that he can still play. He mentally stimulates himself and enjoys fragments of the culture that is now gone ( that of the human race ). Though, WALL-E has imprinted on his little cockroach & vice versa, the little robot longs for more companionship.

        He receives it in the form of a beautiful, sleek, defensive "fembot fatale" "EVE "....In their own little forms of robotic communication ( repeating each other's names in various connotations depending on moods ; "WAAAALLL-E," "EEEEEEEE-VAH!" ) and WALL-E's Chaplin-esquire clumsiness that amuses EVE, the pair imprint on each other and enjoy each other's company.

        Sadly, EVE has located a small plant and must return it to her mother ship and leave WALL-E forever...But WALLL-E hops aboard the ship in pursuit of his darling "EEEEEE-VAH".

        And yes this film has very little dialog, but guess what, IT DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' DIALIOUGUE!....The brilliance and beauty of the film is in the interactions and responses of the little robots : a great representation of what "artificial intelligence" really is and what it may actually be one day!

        And how ironic it is that in this film the organic HUMAN RACE has become soulless, mirthless, artless, jaded, self-centered cogs in a machine of blind consumerism, yet the mechanical artificial beings still respond to their surroundings like a toddler or pet : with curiosity, wonder, and delight in communication & learning.

        And yes there is plenty of comic relief ( albeit sans dialouge ) so no this movie is NOT BORING....It's beautiful, it even made me a little bit misty-eyed.

        So yeah if you're an a fan of animated films, sci-fi films, and romance you should definitely check out this movie.

        Obviously, it is going to win a very well-deserved Oscar for "Best Animated Film".

        130 out of 174 people found the following comment useful :-
        Not only great, but a new plateau in animation, 27 June 2008
        Author: buiredintime from orlando, flordia

        I can't say enough about how good this movie, that you probably haven't read, so I'm going to keep this short.

        This is the best thing out there in theater's right now, and might just be the best animated film of all time, whether you believe that or not, is your own opinion, but what Pixar has done here, can put companies like Dreamworks, Sony, and Blue sky to shame.

        Wall E also may go down as the most lovable character ever to grace the movie screen, I praise Ben Burtt and Andrew Stanton, and the people at Pixar for what they did, and will continue to do.

        This is why Pixar is the top studio in the world.


        152 out of 220 people found the following comment useful :-
        Awesome new Pixar feature on its way to amaze yet again, 20 June 2008
        Author: Movie Pundit from Amsterdam (Holland)

        I just saw the screener in the theater and was amazed. I am the kind of person that has never liked science fiction movies. I have tried all the famous movies in this genre, like Star Wars, The Matrix and A Space Odyssey and hated all of them. Next to me in the theater were a couple of Sci-fi-lovers and they loved Wall-E beyond belief. I did too, however. Wall-E is: A) A great story B) Packed with fun and humor C) Built up with memorable characters D) Fun for all ages E) Revolutionary in animation techniques

        The world Pixar creates is so credible, you forget it is animation. Thumbs up for Wall-E as well, he is such a cute and adorable character, you will fall in love with him immediately. I loved EVE as well.

        106 out of 139 people found the following comment useful :-
        An A+ for Wall-E! One of the best movies this century!, 29 June 2008
        Author: jedi-jones (jedi.jones@verizon.net) from United States

        Wall-E is the movie experience I've been looking for. I haven't seen a new film this richly entertaining, thrilling, touching and satisfying since Spider-Man 2. It is truly the finest Pixar or animated CGI film to date. I can discuss it without spoilers easily because it's one of those films, like 2001: A Space Odyssey, that exists more as a pure experience of the heart and the senses than as a collection of events that we're supposed to keep track of intellectually. Wall-E rises above that kind of unnecessary complication into the same kind of space occupied by dreams and the imagination.

        This film is beautifully animated, of course, to that magical Pixar point where even piles of what should be disgusting trash somehow look breathtakingly gorgeous and even fairly realistic-looking roaches look cute. But much more importantly, the heart, the emotion in this movie is unlike anything I've experienced at the cinema since Forrest Gump. Certainly my tear ducts have not welled up while watching a movie this much since then. I fell in like with the character of Wall-E when I saw the trailer. Watching the movie, I fell in love with him within about 2 minutes. Shortly after that, I fell in love with the idea of Wall-E falling in love.

        My previous favorite movie romance is Superman and Lois Lane in the original Superman films. The love story, or the love experience of Wall-E and Eve is perhaps the first I've seen since then that operates at and succeeds on that same level. These couples create an uncomplicated, innocent, simple, yet deep and powerful bond. They capture the experience of love at first sight, writ large. They possess an instant chemistry that tells you they belong together from the first time they see one another and makes you root for their relationship throughout the film. Wall-E and Eve share moments together of real cinematic beauty, true hilarity, frightening sadness, frustrating difficulty and delightful satisfaction. It's a testament to the level of genius at which the Pixar storytellers are operating that we feel every beat of this relationship resonate every step of the way despite the fact that the characters are robots that are not modeled off of humans and speak no more than a handful of words throughout the movie (this animated movie is refreshingly free of obvious "guest star" voices or any over-the-top stand-up comedians trying to upstage the movie).

        Just like in the first Superman films, once you care about the characters as individuals and care about their relationship, it's almost impossible for the rest of the movie not to work. You're hooked at hello. Wall-E adds all the expected complications to keep the would-be lovers from getting together most of the time. There is a truly great "McGuffin" that keeps the heroes and villains busy for quite a while (the item in question is something outwardly simple that ends up holding the key to something more important than anything in the world). The pacing during most of these adventures is as breakneck as anything out of the Star Wars films and the action is always staged with crystal clarity. There are several scenes of peril for Wall-E that are reminiscent of that oddly powerful sequence in Short Circuit 2 when Johnny 5 is almost killed. The filmmakers pull absolutely no punches when it comes to running your heart through the ringer over characters you care about. It probably helps that you can do a lot more physical damage to a robot character than you can to a human character while keeping a G rating and still getting the audience dramatically worried about their survival.

        Even on top of the action, the emotion, the visuals and the humor, Wall-E goes the extra mile into thought-provoking thematic territory. The film never hits you over the head with anything preachy and doesn't really even outright tell you what its opinions on the subjects it raises are. It also doesn't explicitly lay out explanations for everything that exists in Wall-E's world (there are no "talking killer" scenes and very little verbal exposition). I think the bits of ambiguity work here because they add to the sense of mystery, helplessness and alienation that most of the characters in the movie feel to some degree.

        There are human characters in this movie too, quite a few. I think that's necessary because if humans aren't shown in a robot world, you have to wonder what purpose were the robots designed to serve? That was a curiosity of the earlier CGI movie, Robots. Most of the humans in Wall-E aren't as developed as the robots, but I think that's because they exist more to represent the whole of humanity rather than particular individuals. We're asked to ponder the consequences of the choices they make as though the whole society was moving in that direction, not just one person. Wall-E and Eve are the heart of this movie but the humans are used to add some intellectual gravity for the audience to chew on.

        Other choices made in the movie might also leave room for debate, such as the integration of some live-action footage into the film. But because the movie as a whole is so audaciously stimulating and brilliantly satisfying, it's a plus that they left us with a few unresolved or unusual things to think about and question after getting off of the great emotional and visual roller-coaster experience. Wall-E truly serves up everything that I think an audience could want in a movie experience. It will be very easy for me to watch this one over and over again. It is a modern-day classic that I believe should earn a place in cinema history as the "2001" of CGI animated films, both of them movies of indisputable brilliance, unyielding imagination and unending entertainment.

        Footnote: The pre-movie short is an awesome, violent Looney Tunes/Roger Rabbit-esquire toon. It wants only to entertain and does.

        99 out of 149 people found the following comment useful :-
        WALL-E is one of the most cutest, lovable characters Pixar ever invented!!, 26 June 2008
        Author: michael133420032000-1 from Augusta,Ga

        Not only it's Pixar's best film of all-time but it's the best movie of this year and one of the greatest imaginative, visually, moving & excellent animated films in years and surprisingly, one of the best sci-fi movies since E.T.!! Coming with high expectations, it definitely succeeded mines. It's so beautiful, moving, hilarious & sad at the same time. And for those who has been anticipating Thomas Newman's score for WALL-E, it's certainly one of his best right behind Finding Nemo in which I thought was his best score to date! Like I said it's Pixar best film so far, WALL-E knocked off Ratatouille of the top spot in which I thought it was their best film to date and officially, WALL-E is the best Pixar film i've ever seen with Ratatouille right behind and Finding Nemo, third. Pixar fan or non-Pixar fan, you'll definitely enjoy this one. WALL-E will forever be remembered as one of the most lovable characters ever created on film!!!

        70 out of 92 people found the following comment useful :-
        Honestly? This is the best Disney/Pixar movie I have seen, 27 June 2008
        Author: Kristine (kristinedrama14@msn.com) from Chicago, Illinois

        I'm starting to wonder if there is bad Disney/Pixar film, I mean, normally when we think of the combo, it does equal gold, we automatically know that everyone is going to love this movie, it's just a matter of comparison to the other animation films. I'm not just saying this because I had a good time when I was watching this, I'm very serious, this is my favorite Disney/Pixar film. It's completely worth the ticket price, this couldn't have been a more perfect film. Everything about WALL·E is just beyond great: the characters, the story, and the incredible animation. But the thing that I loved about WALL·E is it's message, I know that it does go a little over board with the "jog or get fat", "throw your garbage away", and the "we've become too dependent on machines" message, but I felt this was the most charming way to present it to the children who have to grow up in a world where they're going to have to worry about global warming, this may open their eyes a little.

        WALL·E is a robot that is left all alone on Planet Earth, Earth is now covered with garbage. The humans have left onto a corporate ship and are living their lives care free and well, thought free. WALL·E has been collecting little human pieces here and there and making them into his treasures, but the one thing he really wants is a friend. One day a ship lands with a female robot, Eve, who WALL·E just adores, but Eve is on a mission to find a plant to bring back onto the human ship to show that Earth is safe. But when the ship grabs Eve, WALL·E follows her and discovers the mutiny that is afoot on the ship. Everyone is overweight, can't walk, can't think for themselves, and let's all the robots do all the work for them. But WALL·E and Eve are on the mission to get them back to Earth and give it a little love.

        WALL·E is seriously the best movie I have seen this summer, I just adored this movie, it has great laughs, cute jokes and is entertaining for the whole family. Like I said before, when it's Disney/Pixar you just can't go wrong. WALL·E is one of their most lovable characters ever and was like the robot version of Charlie Chaplin, he brought great slap stick to the story. This movie delivers everything you can imagine and much more, not to mention a great message. I highly recommend this movie for everyone, it's just a very wonderful movie that anyone can enjoy. The animation, I can't believe how far we've come, but this was a beautifully made movie and couldn't have been better. I loved WALL·E, this is a movie that will bring you plenty of laughs for your summer.


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  • 看来是真不错. 为了不spoil, 没全读完. 这周去看. 不知道他们还送手表吗?
    • I did not know it.. no one gave me a watch!!
  • some domestic comments





    魔法蓝猫 发布于:2008-06-26 08:19

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    “What if mankind had to leave Earth, and somebody forgot to turn off the last robot?”






    “I only have one thing to tell in this movie: everything will be benefited if you pay attention to the relationships! It’s all about connecting to each other, that’s what WALL-E tries to do and others are just the side-effects.”


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    说这句话的是一个我爱了快十年的男人---Andrew Stanton,[WALL-E]的编剧兼导演,一个说话总是有旺盛精力、像是被打了兴奋剂的人,一个相信爱情是一切灵感来源的人,一个总喜欢讲述小人物无意间造成大影响的人,一个办公桌打扮得像绿野仙踪的人,一个笑起来像孩子的人,一个喜欢在吃午餐时想出鬼点子的人,一个看球赛用望远镜就创造出WALL-E造型的人,一个十分有主见很难被别人说服却总能说服别人的人。。。。之所以说爱了他快十年,是因为我最喜欢的动画片前五名中的三个,名叫[Finding Nemo]、 [Monster Inc]和 [WALL-E],而创造这三个小片子的人。。。十分巧合的。。。都是他!叫俺怎能不爱他?


    怎么理解他说的那句话?他始终都不承认自己制作这部电影的初衷与环保有任何关系,不过,如果你看完本片,会发现“环保”议题无所不在,而且十分抢眼。Andrew对这个的解释是,他一开始只想讲一个关于地球上最后一个小机器人的故事,而描述重点在于他的孤独,与外界失去联系,和他想要摆脱这种孤独。而对抗孤独的唯一武器就是爱,与另外一个个体在一起,通过“交流”产生connection(这个不知道怎么翻译好,“互动”?)。而WALL-E,作为被拉在地球上的最后一个机器人,在七百年里都没有这种connection,但是他需要从某些途径了解到,开始渴望得到,并最终在找寻到后坚决不放弃。这就需要他,一个机器人,首先要发展出人类一样的性格,感情和思想。而从哪里得到这些呢?收拾人类的垃圾!所以关于“垃圾地球”、“未来人类社会"及“拯救地球”等想法都是基于发展WALL-E这个角色和他寻找“Connection” 的衍生物。环保议题从本片的创意本身来讲只是故事发展过程中产生的附属品,虽然,它最后产生的效果是强大的。






    It only takes a moment

    For your eyes to meet and then

    Your heart knows in a moment

    You will never be alone again

    I held her for an instant

    But my arms felt sure and strong

    It only takes a moment

    To be loved a whole life long…….


     -               -----“It Only Takes A Moment”, from [Hello Dolly]


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    以前,我只觉得Andrew Stanton是个很有童心,想象力丰富又很有画面构想才能和写作才华的人,他曾讲过亲情,友情,个人自我价值的实现等主题,现在我才知道,原来他也是个很会讲爱情故事、骨子里很浪漫的人。


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    WALL-E (全称Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class地球垃圾处理运输员):



    正确发音: WOLI(喔力)

    他自己的发音:W-W-A-L-L-E (拖很长的音)






















    EVE (Extra-terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator陆地植被探测员),也叫 Probe One




    WALL-E的发音:Y-I-W-A! (伊--哇!,而且最后的WA还念得很重,像小朋友的发音,清脆可爱,声声叫得令人心碎)











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    Axiom(Voiced by Sigourney Weaver,宇宙飞船):人类逃离地球后生活的地方,是一个由电脑完全控制的超级现代化生存空间,停留在宇宙中,人们生活都被机器人“伺候”着,但彼此之间没有交流。人类因为不需要自己做任何事情而都变成了大肥猪。


    船长(Jeff Garlin配音):现任宇宙飞船的船长,与其他人一样肥,唯一的职责就是每日听机器人汇报情况,不做任何实质上的工作,也没什么权利。对地球缺乏了解,但后来托Wall-E的福,了解自己还有个被抛弃家园之后决定回去看看。(这个卡通形象基本上是按照给他配音的演员Jeff Garlin而设计,长得几乎一样。)


    M-O(Microbe-Obliterator 清洁工,发音“牟~”):宇宙飞船上专门清理脏物的机器人,可以识别外来物质,发现后必须清理干净,一根筋,谁也挡不住他要擦干净所有WALL-E带来泥垢的决心,于是自打WALL-E上船,就一直尾随其后,关键时刻居然也起到了一定正面作用。


    Reject Robots (问题机器人):原本是一群在宇宙飞船上为人类服务的机器人,有美发师,有修理工等,但后因出故障被送修,正郁闷的时候,遇到WALL-E和EVE,决定跟随他们一起造反。


    The President (Fred Willard扮演,相当于总统)地球上最大机器人公司发言人,统治整个宇宙飞船上的人类世界,老是带来坏消息,最常说的一句话就是“很不幸。。。”,因此也可被称为“不幸先生”。



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    前面已提到,环保和科幻只是本片讲述爱情故事的附属品,在片中只作为“背景”作以描述,重点展现“讽刺”作用。一方面人们看到,Wall-E的生存空间是满是尘土和垃圾的地球,昏黄的天空,时常袭来的沙尘暴,堆积成山的垃圾。。。影片并未解释地球是如何成为这样的,这对于一个动画片反而好,因为孩子并非想看到一个解释温室效应或环境保护的说教片和纪录片,本片则是在有趣的情节进行中展现出未来地球发展的一个可能性,让“懂事”的大人们自己去反思眼前的一切,在不张扬没压力的情况下起到警示作用,同时,结尾让人们走出绝望,感受到一切为时未晚的乐观态度。另一方面,人类和EVE则生活在高科技的未来之都,这也只是对未来生存的一种设想,并与地球形成对比,讽刺人们对技术的依赖和对同类与生物的不屑,预示着机器人统治世界的可能。这些科幻因素并未被展开得十分复杂,未来世界的设计也并未超越以前科幻式动画(比如Speed Racer或Meet the Robinson)所达到的程度,而是让孩子看起来新奇有趣为目的,直白易懂,而且不会喧宾夺主。




    Wall-E与EVE的个性塑造和他们之间的爱情故事是影片的叙述重点。在通过Wall-E 每天的行为展现他的好奇后,再用他看电视时的陶醉眼神和伸展的手指去表现他对“爱”的渴望和内心的寂寞。EVE出现后,他一系列傻乎乎的行为则生动体现暗恋时的焦虑和慌张。而对于两个只会叫对方名字的角色来说,“谈情说爱”看似不那么容易,但Wall-E刚好证明爱需要的是“行动”而不是“甜言蜜语”。对他来说,表达爱的方式包括,俏俏跟着EVE,观察她的行为,做一个跟她一样的娃娃讨她欢心,迫不及待地把她带回 “藏宝室”展示自己的战利品并跳舞耍宝,在她“生病”时候为她撑伞避雨,把她打扮得漂漂亮亮带她去滑船。。。Wall-E的心思和行为其实都是按照人类中的“痴情男”作为样本,只是不像人类会考虑那么多,他只有一个想法,就是要和EVE在一起,因此爱情在这里也变得很简单,就是执着和永不放弃。“男弱女强”是爱情喜剧较容易打动观众的一种设计,男生穷一些,傻一些,土一些没关系,只要够专一和贴心就很容易让女生心软,便于观众看到角色可爱的一面。两人的性格特点也与他们来自不同的世界有关,Wall-E在凄凉和寂寞中仍然保持一颗温暖的心,并渴望交流,是因为他“学习”的是人类以前的样子;而EVE则是来自未来,一个人类已经放弃交流的世界,因此她是冰冷的,只知道执行程序,是Wall-E教会了她什么是爱。

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    虽然影片对白甚少,机器人的“叫声”和配乐成了影片的重头戏,甚至影响成败,这两方面的出色也是我最欣赏本片的地方。曾经为[星球大战]的R2D2制作音效的Ben Burtt是本片的声效设计师,我觉得他让Wall-E叫EVE的声音听起来像刚学会说话的孩子叫妈妈一般可爱得让人肝儿颤,虽然发音从来没对过,但是发自内心最真挚最纯洁的呼喊,如此稚嫩,如此单纯。Ben Burtt用了很多真正飞机、汽车或生活中的运输工具行进的声音,让Wall-E和EVE的每个动作听起来真实。但他最高明之处不是用声音准确创造了一个机器人世界,而是让这些声音在带有明显金属、机械的生硬同时,还能传达出人类一样起伏多变的真挚情感,即给声音赋予了灵魂。








    Can it be the most romantic movie of the year?




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    Wall-E把这个肉球拿起来给大家看是谁,原来正是蓝猫的最爱--顽皮小猴悠悠,也是狂妄把自己称为"老大"的流氓头目.悠悠被人踢了一脚又被抓在手里,自然很不开心,愤怒着大喊:"这谁呀这是? 这么狂妄?把偶放下来!"

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    悠悠怒了!,看自己打不过Wall-E就跑去搬救兵,于是土豆,巴斯,胡迪,尼莫,怪兽和超人爷俩立刻赶来救援...结果,他们发现Wall-E身上也写着跟他们一样的"Pixar" 字样,才知道原来是同门师弟...结果就与Wall-E成为了好朋友.



    悠悠不服气地说:"偶老婆嘻嘻也很厉害!谁怕谁!...嘻嘻! 嘻嘻!你在哪里?"


    悠悠:- -|||,女人啊,真靠不住....



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     正在播放:[A wink and a smile] by Harry Connick Jr. from the OST of [Sleepless In Seattle]


    机器人总动员 (2008)



    2008-06-26 09:44

    今天早上来看消息,wall-e无缘内地,理由是受众面窄,nnd广  电,你枪毙一部片什么理由想不出来

    2008-06-26 10:19

    广电真tm sb

    U can do anything u set ur mind 2
    2008-06-26 16:33

    只能说广电的人实在太没品位了!Narnia与Speed Racer其实完全可以不占名额的.

    写的好写的好 2008-06-26 10:27





    2008-06-26 16:34


    2008-06-26 10:34




    2008-06-26 10:41

    如果今年在银幕上看不到就太遗憾拉     哭.....

    2008-06-26 16:35


    2008-06-26 20:08

    这片即便是配音,也应该有原声版的,而且附带短片也应该会放到,上回cars前的one man band就播放了~~

    2008-06-26 10:45

    又一次被广电伤害了,逼着看盗版。。。我不想啊 啊啊啊  极度伤心中。。


    有个性有个性 2008-06-26 11:14


    好像pixar 这次比较成人化?

    2008-06-26 11:20


    2008-06-26 11:23


    2008-06-26 11:27


    • 很伤感吗? 俺喜欢喜剧片, 太伤感了怕心脏受不了.
      • IT IS a 喜剧片, not so 伤感... The settings may be sad in the beginning, but the characters are defintely not. they are cheerful brave, and full of fun!!
        • gotcha! Thanks for your recommendation! Let's keep on sharing some good stuff.
  • 现在才有时间看了. 真的是很不错啊. 集科幻, 喜剧, 爱情故事于一体. 感觉完全不是给小孩子看的.