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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 萨省移民提名计划的官方十月一日实施的重要公告
    Important Information for Applicants
    As of October 1, 2008, the SINP will be implementing the following policy changes:
    • what a successful Olympic Games they could host
      Packing up with a heavy heart
      Bob Duff, Canwest News Service
      Published: Sunday, August 24, 2008
      BEIJING -- Walking down the street, in search of Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City, we thought we were headed in the right direction, but weren't entirely certain. A Chinese man came upon us and in near-perfect English, asked us where we were going.
    • "We need to increase the number of immigrants coming to Canada in order to meet labour market demands and support our regional and national economies,"
      Minister responsible for Immigration Rob Norris will call for increased collaboration on immigration when he is in Ottawa to meet with his federal, provincial and territorial colleagues Thursday, September 4 and Friday, September 5.

      We need to increase the number of immigrants coming to Canada in order to meet labour market demands and support our regional and national economies," Norris said. "When it comes to attracting skilled immigrants, we're competing internationally. To be competitive, we need to work collaboratively on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of our immigration system and increasing Canada's profile on the international stage."
      • check your PM.pls
    • Since August 2007, Regina's housing prices have increased more than those in any of the other major markets in Canada.
    • Nurses
    • 萨省大力招引安省下岗工人和新技工移民
    • 沙省 Saskatchewan 开放非直系亲属移民 吸引华人申请
    • Saskatchewan to lead Canada in economic growth in next few years: RBC report
    • 目前全加拿大唯一的可由非直系亲属申请家庭团聚类移民的省份: Saskatchewan 萨省
    • 推荐新移民登陆SASKATOON两个月开始药店工作的《自传体实录》帖
      今天当TRAINER很严肃的找我去谈话,要我的信息和SIN卡,这样子就是GET THE JOB了!几周的实习下来,决定录用我,一点惊喜又意料之中,因为实习过程中常常被别人肯定,感觉相互都很中意。能比其他的人提前完成TRAIN,很高兴~

    • 萨省从容应对危机 税收盈余高达30亿元
      由于油,气,碳酸钾以及铀的大批税收,省府有望在2008至09年获得23亿元财政年度盈余。据萨省财政厅长Rod Gantefoer报告,虽然财政部实际增长税收(08年春季预算财政盈余为29亿元)少于第一季度预算2亿元,但是考虑到税收总额即将突破120亿,这仍只是小幅度滑落,这份报告亦暗示了该省经济形势依然强劲。