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以前Pipibug介绍过英国作曲家Sr. Edward Elgar的Pomp and Circumstance March,今天贴他另一部伟大作品Enigma Variations,这个作品共14节,其中第9节Nimrod广为后人传颂,电影Elizabeth等众多影视作品曾引用过这个音乐,这是CSO的演出,指挥Daniel Barenboim。。。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 以前Pipibug介绍过英国作曲家Sr. Edward Elgar的Pomp and Circumstance March,今天贴他另一部伟大作品Enigma Variations,这个作品共14节,其中第9节Nimrod广为后人传颂,电影Elizabeth等众多影视作品曾引用过这个音乐,这是CSO的演出,指挥Daniel Barenboim。。。
    • 顶一把大师, 《色。戒》里面也有这一段,剧社同学排演爱国话剧,高喊"中国不能亡!"
      • wow! good memory, black bird!
        • 我对三级片印象都很深刻~~~ ;)
          • 还是你厉害!检讨一下,本来我想说电影《色戒》等众多影视作品。。。但徘徊于装A与装C之间举棋不定,最后就用Elizabeth代替《色戒》了。。。LOL
            • 我要批评大师了,YYSX 里都是自己人,要把这里当作自己的家,知无不言 言无不尽 有啥说啥,和家里人还装~~~ LOL
    • 这些英国音乐慢悠悠的,急死个人了。
      • 呵呵,是有些慢,这是老头儿晚年亲自指挥Pomp and Circumstance March的珍贵影片, 也是慢悠悠的,急死你。。。LOL
        • 每次我看到广告说啥英国皇家尊贵,啥啥的,我就哼哼几遍这个曲子,立马觉得自己也尊贵了不少,档次一下提高很多。
          • 打高球,听歌剧,哼小曲,皮爷现在一副贵族气派,不与我们这些挣扎在YYSX的旧友们为伍了,People ah people。。。
            • 挣扎在YYSX? ah? i thought only people with sort of 贵族气派 would take YYSX as home, whom defined by black bird as 自己人...
              • Oops, your nice comment becoming more like Mood Essay。。。LOL
            • POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE -------------------------------------------------Why Americans graduate to Elgar(ZT)
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛In America today the tune of the trio from Pomp and Circumstance No. 1 is just as familiar as it is in Britain, but the words are virtually unknown. The tune has become virtually synonymous with school graduation exercises in North America. How did this come about?

              Transatlantic involvement with the March began on 28 November 1902, when Elgar’s great American champion, Theodore Thomas, conducted the Chicago Orchestra in its U.S. première at the Auditorium Hall in Chicago. Several further performances followed, but it was not until 1905 that the work was first heard at an American graduation.

              With the establishment of the Enigma Variations and The Dream of Gerontius as works of genius, Elgar began to receive many requests from the United States to visit and perhaps conduct some of his works. Elgar resisted these requests at first, but in August 1904, his great American friend, Samuel Sanford, Professor of Applied Music at Yale University, told the 47-year-old composer that he would receive a wonderful reception if he visited the United States. This led Elgar to change his mind and early in 1905 he received an official invitation from Sanford to stay with him at his home in New Haven which he accepted on 17 February. Then, on 15 May, at Sanford’s prompting, Yale University invited Elgar to receive an Honorary Doctor of Music on 28 June.

              The Elgars finally left England on the liner Deutschland on 9 June, arriving in New York six days later. Here they were met by Sanford who took them to his beautiful house on Hillhouse Avenue, very close to the main university campus. Sanford was a wonderful host, and despite the hot and often oppressive weather of a New England summer, the couple were able to visit several of the more interesting local towns and villages. On the day preceding the degree ceremony drew near, Elgar developed a dreadful headache but he had recovered sufficiently by the following morning to depart with Sanford for the Woolsey Hall were the ceremony was to take place.

              The commencement ceremony itself began with the academic procession that entered the hall to the accompaniment of Mendelsohn’s Ruy Blas overture. There followed a prayer given by the Rev. Dr. Twichell of Hartford and the singing of Psalm LXV. The President of Yale, Arthur Twining Hadley, then addressed the assembly. Following his words, the successful examination candidates, 669 in number, were presented with their degrees.

              After this the Meditation and opening chorus, ‘Seek Him that maketh the seven stars’ from Elgar’s Light of Life was performed by the New Haven Symphony Orchestra reinforced by several New York Musicians, while members of the College choir, the Glee Club and a few musical members from the faculty, some fifty in number, made up the chorus. The part of the Blind Man was sung ‘most effectively’ by the tenor, Dr. Charles H. Zimmermann. Professor Harry B. Jepson played the newly installed Newberry organ and Professor Horatio Parker conducted the work. Parker, who Elgar had met previously in England, had taught the young Charles Ives when he was an undergraduate at Yale.

              Although there were thirteen other candidates for honorary degrees, Elgar was the only one to be awarded a Doctorate of Music. Now dressed in Yale’s magnificent blue robes, he was introduced by Professor Williston Walker who said: ‘We would ask that Yale do her part to express the admiration of America for his talents and service by conferring upon Sir Edward Elgar the degree of Doctor of Music, already his by gift of the English Universities, and thus do herself the honour of enrolling him among her graduates.’

              Following his words, Professors Sanford and Schwab hooded the candidates. The Yale Alumni Weekly subsequently reported that: ‘the occasion was notable not only on account of the many distinguished Americans who received honorary degrees from Yale during the morning, but because of the presence of Sir Edward Elgar, England’s foremost musician ... His name was received with unusual demonstration.’

              The ceremony concluded with Martin Luther’s Eine Feste Burg and the Benediction before the guests left the hall to Elgar’s Pomp and Circumstance March No.1 played by the orchestra. The impression that the work had on the assembled audience led to its gradual adoption by other prestigious American universities: Princeton in 1907, Chicago in 1908, Columbia in 1913, Vassar in 1916 and Rutgers in 1918. By the mid-1920s it was being performed by many others, and today it is heard at graduation ceremonies throughout the country, both at colleges and at high schools.

              The reason for the popularity of the march has to do with Elgar's ability to invent melodies that convey a complex of emotions. The tune manages to sound triumphant, but with an underlying quality of nostalgia, making it perfectly suited to a commencement that marks the beginning of one stage of life, but the end of another.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • it's one of my favorites...
          <A Clockwork Orange> 里面曾采用此音乐,看电影的时候令我非常不解,不懂得其旋律和电影情节有什么关联,请同学们不惜赐教指点12
          • 寡闻,没看过这个电影。。。
    • 报告以大师,我喜欢的这个小曲儿虽然不伟大,但毕竟也是人老人家的作品:Love Greeting
      • 呵呵,这个小曲儿谁说不伟大,这个Salut d’Amour(Love's Greeting)是ELGAR当年给未婚妻的订婚礼物, 被世代的小资们所推崇,时至今日还被贴上来。。。
        • Agree
        • 小资一会儿也。
    • 今天看大片《Australia》,影片结尾的精彩之处,背景音乐又是选用这个作品,Nicole Kidman矗立在澳洲的荒野中,在夕阳下与Aboriginal boy惜别的场景,被这段音乐衬托的非常煽情。。。
      • 是吗?
    • Elgar Cello Concerto (1st mov) is my favourite! Probably played best by Jacqueline Du Pre who was married to Daniel Barenboim.....