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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Don't think i am puting wrong message here. There is one similar thing i met.

Once i found an organaztion "Business Mentor" in the internet. I called them and told them I wanted to get some advices from them.

You probably figue it out what happened later. The person who got my call was very enthusiastic. He suggested me to bring some friends and come to his office. I was so stupid to have done it, then it found out they were WMA guys.

It is just waste of my time, and how embarassed am i because i also waste my friend's time. I hate them to do things in such way.

It is CHEATING!!! no doubt.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / Problem in ICCT. I met the same thing as this.
    Has anyone met problems like me in ICCT?
    I called on Saturday morning11:00 to ask specificly whether they have Maxtor 40G hard drive in stock or not. The receptionest is so affirmed. She said: "Come. We have".
    But when I got there for 20 mins, they treated me with "smile" and said they did not have that in stock and recommended other hard drives. I do not need other hard drives. I have gone through all commercials. I know which one I want. Does anyone have the same experience? They cheated you all the way there, no matter how far you are, they just do not care, and then try to sell you something else?

    Be careful.
    • 我的一个朋友想买MONITOR也遇到同样的情况.
    • 不少做生意的都是这样,其实这种手段已经过时了,就象上饭店点菜总是向你推荐最贵的菜一样,说到底是没有长远的眼光,客人不愿意再次光顾。
      • 上学了,长见识了不是?!
        • 可不是咋地?!对了,怎么又把马甲换回来了?昨晚不是说换新的了吗?
          • 没跟老婆商量我自己做的决定, 被骂了不是.
            • 目无组织,目无领导,该!
              • 昨天都狗血淋头了, 你倒好, 又落井下石. WuWuWu...
                • 呵呵,咱下的石头可是救生圈形的。
                  • (乐呵呵地抱着救生圈,却发现自己在下沉)!@^#$%$&$*,你丢的什么狗屁救生圈,我到了阴间也会回来找你的。(终于沉到了底,没有了声音...)
                    • 咱这跑题跑得有够远的。
                      • :D 咱看着呐
                        • 也给您来个救生圈?
                          • 每个跑题的发一个.
      • 各位大虾,WMA已改名为WFG了。
        Don't think i am puting wrong message here. There is one similar thing i met.

        Once i found an organaztion "Business Mentor" in the internet. I called them and told them I wanted to get some advices from them.

        You probably figue it out what happened later. The person who got my call was very enthusiastic. He suggested me to bring some friends and come to his office. I was so stupid to have done it, then it found out they were WMA guys.

        It is just waste of my time, and how embarassed am i because i also waste my friend's time. I hate them to do things in such way.

        It is CHEATING!!! no doubt.
        • I do not know WMA, and WFG, would you please kindly enough to tell me? Thanks
          • Forget the meaning of WMA, probably WFG stand for World Finance Group. They are a famous company acting as an agent or broker selling all kinds of finance products, including insurance, mutual fund, RESP and so on.
            But they do a pyramid sale, like 美安。
    • BTW, Where is ICCT? In Toronto?
      • here
        • 我在多市几个英文BBS的网站上也看到老外说ICCT不诚实, 那里雇佣的是chinese refugee. 东西便宜(退货扣20%), 但根本没有好的SERVICE.骗人买显卡以次充好... 看来不是家好PC店.
          • 还有好的吗?ICCT在我家旁边刚好有一个,都不敢去了。
        • Thanks.
    • 对于这种转法律空子的骗子,就要用#478734的办法收拾他们。让他们真正疼一疼。
    • 我在ICCT卖的电脑。那里服务是不太好,但东西的确是便宜。所以,就看你的眼光了,调好你就乐,不好,就认倒霉。跟在中国配件市场买东西差不多。
    • 1分钱1分货, 我在icct买的显卡, $275, 在futureshop要$329.99. 价钱不同服务自然也不一样.
      • 你也可以要futureshop给你那个价钱啊。
        • 哦, 倒是忘记了这一招. 不过已经买了, retail版的东西不太怕有质量问题.
      • 不能说价格便宜一些就可以欺骗顾客吧. Cheating service and simple service they different. Do you understand? (maybe you believe icct is fine.)