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My friend, forget about Delphi. C++ Builder is still used in some companies.

MS C++ defeated C++ Builder in the market by first introducing a bunch of wizards.

No one can find a job because he just knows C++ Builder or MS C++. He should have a skill set. Take myself as an example. I am a Java programmer, but I also know some C++ ( I think I am at entry level). I have ever played on MC++, BC++, as well as GNU C++ compiler. I am no expert in either of these compilers but I don't need people show me the basic operations.

If a person has spent 6 years on MC++ or BC++, he will at high risk in the IT market. Of course, I have ever met some people who claims 20 years of VB experiences. If you talk them, you will find most of these people have a very small skill set and they are not productive.

If you want to be successful, be sure to know more tools and become experts in some of them. Hope it helps. Good luck

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 我看了很多招聘信息,几乎没有提C++ Builder和Delphi的。我奇怪,为什么这么好的工具在加国没人认可呢?也许是我找的不够多不够细?
    • 俺不是专业人士,但是看过一篇专业人士的文章,分析 VC++ 和 C++ Builder, Delphi 的利弊。总的来说,Borland 的东东 IDE 做得好,比较容易上手。但是真的要稳定性好的话,还是微软的东东好。
      俺用 Delphi 写过程序,在某些计算机上就莫名其妙地内存溢出。查了很多地方都找不出毛病,最后专家解释说:“ Delphi 的编译器有问题。”分特!!!

      俺的另一个俄罗斯的朋友,给 Borland 做过两年程序员,因为有这份感情在,对微软的东东十分不感冒。但是也不得不感叹:“Borland is dying.”

      有工夫还是把 C/C++ 弄精的好。不过 C 这东西太博大精深,David 这样的夯货本领不行。看您老怎么样了:-)
    • My friend, forget about Delphi. C++ Builder is still used in some companies.
      MS C++ defeated C++ Builder in the market by first introducing a bunch of wizards.

      No one can find a job because he just knows C++ Builder or MS C++. He should have a skill set. Take myself as an example. I am a Java programmer, but I also know some C++ ( I think I am at entry level). I have ever played on MC++, BC++, as well as GNU C++ compiler. I am no expert in either of these compilers but I don't need people show me the basic operations.

      If a person has spent 6 years on MC++ or BC++, he will at high risk in the IT market. Of course, I have ever met some people who claims 20 years of VB experiences. If you talk them, you will find most of these people have a very small skill set and they are not productive.

      If you want to be successful, be sure to know more tools and become experts in some of them. Hope it helps. Good luck
      • 20 years of VB experiences, no kidding. These people must be novices to VB.
        • Not kidding. I also met people with 10 years of Java experiences
          • Hahahaha......
          • So funny. I can't stop laughing...
          • It must be people like me.
    • 关键是DELPHI价格是VC的好几倍,不象国内都是FREE。
    • 看到BORLAND的式微,很是感慨。现在C#的总设计师就是当初负责设计DELPHI的。他的争夺战曾轰动一时,最后无奈的BORLAND只能将MICROSOFT诉讼法庭。
    • In fact, all these IDEs just promote beginers to advanced programmers. I usually use UltraEdit and it's enough for me.
      • for VC?
        • For Java
          • what about Servlet/JSP?
            • Servlets are java code and mostly they are very simple controllers. It's web designer's responsible for writing JSP code. Everybody has his/her favorite editor, I really don't know which one is the best.
      • I服了U。
    • I also use delphi.
      I found some companies that needs delphi programmers in workopolis.com