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Try Qi Gong, actually just sit relax quietly at least 1 hour a day before you go to sleep, it is very effective after I keep trying this and it make me slimer than ever without going on diet.

Two month ago, I found the fine wrinkles on my forehead and also round the eye frame. I felt I need to so something but I don't depend on cosmetic stuff not only it is expensive but who knows what kind of adverse effect would incur many years later...So I select to use the costless way to control my aging. However, I found while my fine wrincles is getting less and less, my body is getting slimer and slimer as well.

Now, I can not find many wrinkles on my face and I can fit in all my favorite clothes which I deceded to throw away a year ago. It is really amazing if keep doing the practice at least one month and you can find that your beauty and energy is back.

Believe or not, it's up to you! But don't throw any bricks on me because I am not an evil persuader.

Any more questions, if any, e-mail to me.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 时尚 / 亲爱的JJMM,最近照镜子发现眼部多了很多细碎皱纹,原来自己已经老了!请教那种眼霜比较好?我以前从来没用过,觉得麻烦,现在看来没有选择了:(
    • 每天做脸部按摩,尽量不笑。
      • 不是尽量不笑,而是绝对不要笑。
        • 对,试着做个冰美人。
          • 对我,可绝对不可能
            • 我不是开玩笑。自己按摩是好办法,喜欢笑的人皱纹会比较多,尤其是眼角。
              • 怎麽按摩,你有什麽IDEA?
                • 《《资料》》
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛面部按摩的方法是应该沿着皮纹走行方向进行按摩。先从前额部位开始按摩,从印堂穴往上推移,这样推移的方法一般要求三十次,这样一方面可以增加皮肤的弹性,一方面可以改善面部的血液循环;第二步应该是从承浆穴开始,沿地仓到颊车部位,向上推移,推移的时候要重点压穴,这可以防止面部皮肤的松驰下垂。有一些人,尤其是三十多岁以后,颜面开始松驰下垂,脸皮往下耷拉下来了,皱纹出来了,那么经常这样推,可以保持皮肤的弹性;第三步应该从迎香到攒竹穴进行推移,都是向上推移,在推移的过程要重点压穴;第四步应该从四白开始到丝竹空,这个穴位整个是面部的重点穴位,防止鱼尾皱的发生,向上推移。




                    6、将两手指并拢,用手掌轻轻拍打面部,从上而下,从下而上,使皮肤受到轻微的震动,可拍打数十次。此法可保持皮肤的红润光泽,增加其弹性更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                  • 太专业了.穴位名蛮复杂的,有些不太明白.
                  • 还有一个想确认一下,眼部按磨到底是顺时针还是逆时针啊.怎么你的资料里说'内眼角沿下眼睑揉至外眼角'. 我以前看的好象是逆时针,从里向外啊,这个很重要,别越揉皱纹越多了,可麻烦了.
                    • 左眼逆时针,右眼顺时针。
                      • 对了左右眼还不一样,我怎么给忘了. 好,这下记住了.谢谢
                      • 能告诉我为什么左右眼要沿不同方向按摩吗?
              • 谢谢了!小声问一句,按摩,你坚持做吗?
                • No. never do that.
                  • that is what i think.
            • 原来是个乐观主义派呀。看来只有用透明胶纸粘住眼角了。
            • You can benefit on slight smiling. No smile is no good at all if you want to fight your aging. But remember: just as slight as you can.
              • 我笑的时候,可顾不了那麽多,比较豪爽的那种
                • Try close your mouth when you smile, only let the end of your mouth go up a little and fix a degree where no obvious wrinkles comes out. Face to mirror when you try this.
              • 这个度好难掌握哦。弄不好就变成皮笑肉不笑了。
                • So that's why you need to exercise many times to find the optimum degree: a charming smile.
      • 这是个好办法,很多模特笑的时候都用手撑着眼角
        • 我就是太爱笑啦!怎么办呀?外眼角倒还好,就是下眼睑靠近内眼角的部分,总是有一条挺深的笑纹。唉,看来以后不能总笑啦!:(
          • 得了,我才不信你能痛改前非
          • 看到你的名字就能想象到你满脸的皱纹,玩笑玩笑。
            • ^_^
          • 笑的美丽的女人才真正的美丽:)不用在意吧!
            • 呵呵,其实我也知道呀,我实在无法不笑,于是基本上大学3年级就开始用眼霜。不知道有没有效果,但好象是没有继续发展下去。好怕满脸皱纹哦!:(
            • 是啊,爱笑的女孩多讨人喜欢啊,有小小皱纹没关系的。笑了没皱纹才恐怖呢。
              • 9494,我还是接着开心吧!阳光多明媚啊!:)
              • 举双手赞成!!
            • 女人是因为可爱而美丽, 所以怎能不笑呢,
      • 其实脸部按摩不能常做,这样皮肤松驰得快,更容易长皱纹了。
    • 推荐给你一个特别好的产品——SK-II REPAIR C,不过不知道多伦多有无买。我用后细纹真的消失了。因为小细纹只是浅层的,可以修复,深纹就无法修复了。
      • 这麽恐怖?
      • 你们说的眼霜很诱人,很想试试,但担心一旦停止使用后,皱纹会不会越长越快越凶?!
      • AMBER,能否告诉我你用了多久细纹才消失的?谢谢!
    • Try Qi Gong, actually just sit relax quietly at least 1 hour a day before you go to sleep, it is very effective after I keep trying this and it make me slimer than ever without going on diet.
      Two month ago, I found the fine wrinkles on my forehead and also round the eye frame. I felt I need to so something but I don't depend on cosmetic stuff not only it is expensive but who knows what kind of adverse effect would incur many years later...So I select to use the costless way to control my aging. However, I found while my fine wrincles is getting less and less, my body is getting slimer and slimer as well.

      Now, I can not find many wrinkles on my face and I can fit in all my favorite clothes which I deceded to throw away a year ago. It is really amazing if keep doing the practice at least one month and you can find that your beauty and energy is back.

      Believe or not, it's up to you! But don't throw any bricks on me because I am not an evil persuader.

      Any more questions, if any, e-mail to me.
      • I am very interested in the method you said. May I know more? TIA!
        • Yes, you can call me if you want. I would like to share all my experience with you. Check your e-mail.
          • mee too !!
            • Sure, check your e-mail.
          • checked. but nothing there. haven't sent?
            • OK now
          • HOLLY WATER, could you tell me your way to deal with aging (Qigong) in detail ? I have the same problem as you did, I need your help--
            Email: linda_zli@hotmail.com
    • 推荐SKII或者SHISEIDO. 比较的适合东方人。
      • 和上面那位JJ说的是一种产品吗?我整个一个化妆品盲,我老公娶我多省钱。在多伦多哪里有买,多少银子?
        • 对,就是Repaire C。我见过有人用过后的效果非常得好。这里还真不知道哪里买,在mall里好像看不到SKII的店。以前都是在香港买的,大约是15ml左右的瓶子。400-600港币。国内800RMB.
          • 太古有卖
            • 太古在哪里啊?我比较的路盲:-P 是那个Pacific Mall吗?
            • 既然多伦多没卖,你们说的SK2 REPAIR C有网上订购的吗?网址?
              • 太古不是在多伦多吗?Kennedy&Steels
                • 你说的是太古的莎莎吗?好象有人说会卖假货?很想试试,又怕买到假货,可不便宜啊,唉!
          • 是呀,机上没有SKII的产品
          • 是不是用过了就要一直用?不然会不会老得更快?
      • SK2不是美国的牌子吗?
        • 日本的
      • 请问一下,SK2有收缩毛孔的吗?效果怎么样?有哪位用过?
    • 岁月不饶人, 若想不老找我--
    • 突发可想:能不能两种眼霜轮流用?比如几天用这个几天用那个,或白天用一种,晚上用一种?
      • 当然可以了。我早上用欧拨来的着哩眼霜,很清爽,去浮肿,不长脂肪粒;晚上用资生堂眼霜,去皱的,很滋润。每天坚持,效果很好。推荐给你。
        • 非常谢谢五月,你用资生堂哪个系列的眼霜?去皱效果好吗?HOW MUCH?最近正为选眼霜烦呢
        • 另,你说的欧伯来这有卖吗?在哪?HOW MUCH?英文名叫什么?