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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

牛哥闪了,牛猫再来一段。多年前在纽约参加一个Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics的program. 我们部门凡是有幸参加那个program.的员工基本在一年内都会辞职。我也不例外。 估计是那个program做的太好了。让我们亚洲人认清了一些问题,也就开始为自己的将来做打算了。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛想想我开始意识乃至筹划职业生涯也就从那开始。记得最后一天最后一个program最与众不同 - 是一个极negative 的关于corporate power structure的讲演。那个人说的一些话是很少在北美公司里听到的。I don't agree with all that he said. But I had to agree some of them are sadly true.

The basic idea was that all drivers behind corporation executives, managers and employees' behaviors are about "power", and "influrence". Someone would argue that the driver should be for the benefits of stockholders. Wrong. As long as there is human hierachical structure, it is all about who gets the say, who makes the decision, who listens to who. To have power does not mean you are in a higher position. Some times, an employee can have more power than his manager.

And it is all about perceptions. if you appeared to have a nice chat with the CEO, even though you just asked if he has two or three sons, in this corporate world, your power scaled up quite significantly after that moment. if you appear to be a senior architect, people around you will start thinking that way.

You never work for the corporate. You always work for the person. You should knock on doors, and say "I want to work for the benefit of our company's business", and what you are really saying is "i work for you and only you, my boss". When you want a raise, say the same thing plus "how can i contribute more to our dear business".

There are different circles in the corporate world. As an employee, if you don't know who works for who, you does not belong to any groups and you are dispensable. You should be able to tell, from the directory, the line of the circle. Who belongs to which group. and that line should go up to the CEO. when you are invited to a family gathering from a senior executive, you know you are selected to join a group. They will test you, to see if you understand. the chance will only be there for once.

During the 5 minutes discussion about promotion or lay-off, you should know who will speak up for you, or against you. usually that kind of decision will be made rather quickly.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 牛哥闪了,牛猫再来一段。多年前在纽约参加一个Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics的program. 我们部门凡是有幸参加那个program.的员工基本在一年内都会辞职。我也不例外。 估计是那个program做的太好了。让我们亚洲人认清了一些问题,也就开始为自己的将来做打算了。
    • Cool, very well said...
      • Thanks! 希望不会给我这等理想主义者一盆冷水。
        • 呵呵,规则与人品没大关系,说不定你上司也是理想主义者,这不就志趣相投了?
          • thats true. my two ex-bosses are all very good and decent people
    • Thanks for sharing, really good stuff.
      • 以前的帖子被人说象从党章里走出来的。希望这段能更正一下视听。 LOL.
        • 呵呵,是我说的,我想你的环境也不会是世外桃源。
          • true. survival is everything for year 2009
            • Time to make huge money for some.
    • Good!
    • 不错. 不过对于我这种胸无大志的人来说, 我只需要一个好的小环境, 不行就走人.
      • actually, me too. but that kind of talks is interesting. i dont play others, and don't want to be played with.
    • 很好的材料,明白人讲明白事,希望少走弯路。
      • 是呀。其实能想明白不一定能做明白。不是那种人,说什么都白搭。
        • 路是走出来的,不去经历,当然不知道自己或许更适合那种方式
    • 打酱油的
      • 同打
        • 我打,你不打,你是主角, 我是观众,好就看,不好就walk away
    • “基本在一年内都会辞职”------可否展开一下?如果这就是这边的企业文化,你又何所遁逃呢?
      • 宝马 还得 需要伯乐去发现
      • as far as I know, 4 of my peers over the year 2000-2005 attended that training. none was still with us. all quit within a year after the training for whatever reason.
        I quit after 7 months and re-joint the same company - another story. there is just nowhere to hide. after that, i pick the leaders i like, who have the vision and integrity. i have no shame knocking on their doors, talking to them, knowing them, and let them know me - "for the best of the business" LOL
        • 前两天刚看到的一句话,据说是盖茨说的:职场没有人关心你的尊严。一直欣赏有尊严有原则的人,自已也努力实践着,可是...呵呵,有点醍醐灌顶的感觉
    • 简言之,就是别站错队~~~
      • 为了义气,有时(其实就是昨天)也无所谓了
        • 有时那些牺牲是你可以承受的... 能讲义气说明你有能力...呵呵
      • 很简单的事情,被LZ说得很复杂
        • 用的是北美思维吧~~~
          • 会说话的人,当然会被认为很有才华
            • 我好不容易做到非必要的时候,不打断别人说话... 有时他们说得实在太多了, 太浪费才华了...
              • 那怎么办,送去维多利亚 开个 职业培训班
      • well said - precise!
    • very well written.
    • 谢谢分享,有时你想中立,可是别人已经替你分了队。一个理想主义者,没想到被卷入权力争斗,经历惨痛。其实水还半浑浊,我已经无意知道真相了。you want to know the truth? you can't handle the truth.
      • at least to get yourself prepared...
        • Life is full of surprises
          • Surprise is not always a bad thing...:-)
            • that is true, I am expecting good surprises in 2009. thank you!
      • 活活活. <<A Few Good Men >>中的台词用上了. :) . TRUE! HARD TO HANDLE.
        • 忘了出处,不过真的很贴切。我一直追求简单有原则的生活,与人为善....最后觉得无处可逃。难道只有改变自己?
          • 不能改变环境的时候就要适应环境. 就象今天这雪雹, 你就不能穿得太少出门.
    • 老猫,一个理想主义者,和现实中认真奋斗的人,总是在一片喜剧性的声色犬马的氛围中,安静地体会自省中的阳光中的孤独.忍受着思想与行为由于现实而有时不得不分裂的痛苦,可能除了你最亲近的人,没有人能了解你. -> 不用在乎, 来,则安之.
      • 沙发
        • 地库里的沙发
          • 管它啥SF,这个SF本论坛只有一个。
            • 哈哈,你太能 YY 了
              • 这是牛哥复出的处女贴,独一份。
                • 他就是被你们灌的
      • 你这就象中医所说的"气血, 胫脉不通", 才会有"不得不分裂的痛苦"
      • 很是'心情随笔'...
      • wow.. I am surprisingly honored.. Thanks!
      • 牛哥,俺这回有点信了,您原来真在心潭混的啊?
      • honestly speaking: if your posts made a little meat like 老猫's rather than "无病呻吟", you wouldn't have been given so many bricks.
    • 既然提到我,就趁下班前,再来一句: 大树将倾, 人,猴命运即将不同. 对于知天命而坚韧的人,自有伯乐火眼金睛.人,可以与狼共舞,不可与猴争一时意气.
    • about power, let me explain it further. Power is influence, if you you have more power, you can have more influence on someone
      so where does power come from ? or what is power based on ? power comes from dependance. if A is depend on B, B has power on A. You reply on your manager to promote you, to give you good perfmance review, or for pay raise, then your manager has power. If your manager reply on you to design, implement and maintain software system, and you are not subsitituable, then you have power - expert power. There are other ways to secure power - If you are specialized at something then you own information power - ie lawyer at a company to solve legal dispution. if you are the person that people like you, you got referent power. You have power doesn't mean you need to be manager or CEO like you. You are here because of business need you,people like you. So sharp your expertise, put your hand up for challenging job, don't hesitate, embrace change and failure, you will be fine.
      • thanks for sharing
      • 技术也就保保饭碗,象电视里的和坤与刘罗埚,好处和坤来沾,差使刘罗埚来,但和坤干不了刘罗埚的差使;刘罗埚不会沾和坤的好处。
    • 看了这一段, 我怎么觉得我们中国人应该比别人更清楚这些呢? NETWORKING中国人应该最擅长, 可能是特定的一些想避开NETWORKING的中国人选择来到了北美, 所以在这里的中国人NETWORKING反而成了弱项
      • 中国人应该是最会拉帮结派,与人斗其乐无穷的啦。就是在这里语言不通而已啦。如果这里的工作要让我尊严抛弃的话,我真不知道辛辛苦苦读书有何意义啦。不过有次听一老板诉苦:他曾经在一特别独裁的老板手下15年。。。
        • 我只是我看这个老猫也是个很有生活经验的人, 但是这一段话怎么能让这些人如此受益呢? 好象中国人一向知道站队要站对, 为领导工作不是为企业工作, 站错队一定要想办法改, 与其拼命工作还不如跟领导的家属套近乎, 还有做了领导一定不要期望属下关系太好….等等,
          这些许多年前就听说过, 只是对这种东西不感兴趣, 才会不选这条路, 跑到加拿大来
          • 对呀,我看着也是,权力斗争哪里没有啊
            • 可能这里的中国人太清纯了吧, 这一套经真的国内的人念得熟熟的. 我曾经听一个亲戚教另一个亲戚, 因为另一个手下有两个小头目老掐架, 他人老实总是希望他们能和谐, 而这个亲戚告诉他; 就得让他们掐, 他们不掐了, 你就什么也不知道了
              • 这里的中国人清纯?呵呵,没发现,我看得不多,但就我视线所及,这里的公司里,那些国移甚至于比本地人更势力和brutal---------全拜没有足够的安全感,以及对人缺乏信任所赐,再加上没教养。。。
                • 嘿嘿, 看人看事呢, 多几个角度看到的是不一样的, 我只是从对这个贴子的反应, 看到某个方面还清纯
                  • 哈,我说我看得少嘛:)
          • 朋友们捧场而已。I put some words around there exactly because i don't like it and can't act upon it, either in China or in NA. but I agree with your comment. Something is universal and nowhere to hide from. LOL
            • 我看出这版里的中国人很清纯, hehe
              • thats our hope.
                • 呵呵,你很含蓄。。。
            • well... it depends on what you are talking about , 'CAREER' or 'JOB' ~~~
      • 对了, 我觉得这里的NETWORKING在国内的叫法也相当的形象, 叫”关系网”, 想大发展, 就得会织网
      • 正是。 不同的是加国的领导相对“仁慈”和公平, 你不站队也不会直接当面给小鞋穿。咱们这些理想主义者还不至于太失落。
      • 嘿, 有时候成功的意思就是先做好这个BITCH
    • Mark.
    • inspiring. loyalty is a key trait to consider when managers are making promotion decisions.
    • 我怎么看完后没感觉.
    • 领导好, 我站你这队;但是您可别半道给俺们甩了。
    • 观点要看以什么来看:只有当你往上做,做到公司的上层,才有机会谈股东的利益,否则都是空谈。任何公司的权利斗争永远都是有的,只是有的是缓和的,有的是激烈的,缓和的是因为斗争已经结束,激烈的是因为还在进行,甚至是不明朗的。