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包括第八届总统Martin Van Buren 吗?

* Van Buren is reported to have attended the Dutch Reformed church in his home town of Kinderhook, New York[27], and while in Washington, services at St. John's Lafayette Square[28]. However, according to Steiner there is little evidence that he ever formally joined a church. Steiner states that the sole original source to claim that he did join a church – in Hudson, New York – is Vernon B. Hampton, in Religious Background of the White House (Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1932), the basis of which Steiner was unable to verify.[21]
* His funeral was held at the Reformed Dutch Church in Kinderhook with burial in a family plot at the nearby church cemetery[29]
* Steiner lists Van Buren among those "presidents whose religious views are doubtful".

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 康克由是1975年至1979年间赤柬政权领导人之一,在他管理的集中营里超过15000名的犯人中,只有7人从该集中营幸存. 被捕时他自称已皈依为基督徒. 请教一下,象这样的人上帝一般会如何处置?原谅他还是惩罚他?
    • 没听说这位老兄,他有没有退出共产主义?很多共产党冒充基督徒的。上帝当然会惩罚。
      • 朱海洋博客:来美3周记 “初步打算今年圣诞节皈依基督教”
        • 雷人,朱海洋也是党员?不是的话就别瞎参乎。
          • 共产主义是在宗教的基础上,新的势力为对抗宗教统治体制,总结出来另一个新宗教。是新的政治团体用来维护自己统治地位的幌子。宗教,民主,民族,主义,金钱都是政客们为了自己的目的,玩地骗人的花招,别理他们,看他们有啥能耐?
      • 布什也是虔诚的教徒,他把美国领导到崩溃的边缘。
        • 美国领导们没有一位不是虔诚的教徒。您想说啥?
          • 是吗?包括 OBAMA 吗?
            • 这个是有点雷,到底OBAMA信什么,咱们拭目以待。看他是领导到崩溃的边缘还是领导到崩溃里头?
          • 包括第四届总统James Madison 吗?
            Although Madison tried to keep a low profile in regards to religion, he seemed to hold religious opinions, like many of his contemporaries, that were closer to deism or Unitarianism in theology than conventional Christianity. He was raised in the Church of England and attended Episcopal services, despite his personal disputes with the theology.
            • 人都死了,你跑来怀疑一番,死无对证? 你要拿他活着时候的言语行动来才说明问题。怀疑一切是可以的,但是否定一切是傻的。要讲证据,说英语也一样。
          • 包括第五届总统 James Monroe 吗?
            # James Monroe –

            * Monroe was raised in a family that belonged to the Church of England when it was the state church in Virginia, and as an adult attended Episcopal churches.[20]
            * "When it comes to Monroe's ...thoughts on religion", Bliss Isely comments in his The Presidents: Men of Faith, "less is known than that of any other President." Monroe burned much of his correspondence with his wife, and no letters survive in which he discusses his religious beliefs; nor did his friends, family or associates write about his beliefs. Letters that do survive, such as ones written on the occasion of the death of his son, contain no discussion of religion.[20] Franklin Steiner categorized Monroe among "Presidents Whose Religious Views Are Doubtful".[21]
            * Some sources classify Monroe as a deist.[20]
          • 包括第六届总统John Quincy Adams 吗?
            John Quincy Adams

            * Adams's religious views shifted over the course of his life. In college and early adulthood he preferred trinitarian theology, and from 1818 to 1848 he served as vice president of the American Bible Society.[23] However as he grew older his views became more typically Unitarian, though he rejected the more rationalist views of Joseph Priestley and the Transcendentalists.[23]
            * He was a founding member of the First Unitarian Church of Washington (D.C.).[23] However he regularly attended Presbyterian and Episcopal services as well.[23]
            * Towards the end of his life, he wrote, "I reverence God as my creator. As creator of the world. I reverence him with holy fear. I venerate Jesus Christ as my redeemer; and, as far as I can understand, the redeemer of the world. But this belief is dark and dubious."[2
            • 去不同教会,这是个问题吗?
          • 包括第九届总统 William Henry Harrison 吗?
            * Harrison was a vestryman of Christ Episcopal Church in Cincinnati, Ohio after resigning his military commission in 1814.[31]
            * Harrison died just one month after his inauguration. At Harrison's funeral, the rector at St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. said Harrison had bought a Bible one day after his inauguration and had planned to become a communicant. Steiner inferred from this account that Harrison had not been a member of any church.[32]
            • communicant?
          • Religious affiliations of United States Presidents。 自己看看吧,大多美国总统都是信来信去,不虔诚的信徒,有的根本就不信。美国在第一次世界大战后,才用宗教来对抗共产主义的,是政治的需要。
            • 美国总统的信仰都是为了政治目的。克林顿是信 Baptist 但去他老婆的Methodist教堂。 里根 Reagan “During his presidency he rarely attended church services.”
              • 美国第一届总统华盛顿. 信什么教, 到现在还是争论的话题。The exact nature of George Washington's religious beliefs has been debated by historians and biographers for over two-hundred years。
          • 包括第七届总统 Andrew Jackson 吗?
            * He became a member of the Presbyterian Church about a year after retiring the presidency.[
          • 包括第八届总统Martin Van Buren 吗?
            * Van Buren is reported to have attended the Dutch Reformed church in his home town of Kinderhook, New York[27], and while in Washington, services at St. John's Lafayette Square[28]. However, according to Steiner there is little evidence that he ever formally joined a church. Steiner states that the sole original source to claim that he did join a church – in Hudson, New York – is Vernon B. Hampton, in Religious Background of the White House (Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1932), the basis of which Steiner was unable to verify.[21]
            * His funeral was held at the Reformed Dutch Church in Kinderhook with burial in a family plot at the nearby church cemetery[29]
            * Steiner lists Van Buren among those "presidents whose religious views are doubtful".
          • 包括第十届总统John Tyler 吗?
            * Franklin Steiner categorized Tyler among "Presidents Whose Religious Views Are Doubtful".[21] Although affiliated with the Episcopal church, he did not take "a denominational approach to God."[34] Tyler was a strong supporter of religious tolerance and separation of church and state.
          • 美国的总统们都是新教徒。偶尔出个天主教徒就成大新闻了
          • 他们都是愚蠢的可怜人,只知道用枪炮和宗教来摆脱绝望。来源美国 The TIMES 时代周刊。#5004974@0
            • 拜托不要使用谣言做证据,这使您自己看起来很。。。
              • 是反映美国社会对宗教的心态。
                • 您随便编吧
          • 不怪你不知道,只怪你中毒信了教。
      • 英文拼写:Kang Kek Iew, or Kaing Kek Iev, also romanized as Kaing Guek Eav, 也被称作 Comrade D[e]uch。他正在接受国际法庭审讯,前两天刚刚开庭。是第一个正式受审的红色高棉领导人。