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Honda Accord best-selling car in U.S.

Torrance, California - The Honda Accord was the best-selling car in the United States in 2001, according to a review of auto industry sales figures. With sales of 414,718, the Accord topped the second place Toyota Camry, which reported sales of 390,449 in 2000. The Ford Taurus finished in third place with 353,560. In fourth place was the Honda Civic at 331,041. The Civic also repeated as the best-selling compact car for the fifth consecutive year.

The Accord last held the top sales spot from 1989 to 1991, and has continued to be one of the three best-selling cars in America, along with the Taurus and Camry, in subsequent years.

More than 7.7 million Accords have been sold in the U.S. since it first went on sale in 1976. Currently about 85 percent of all Accords sold in the U.S. were produced in North America and those models have a domestic content level of 97 percent.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 新款的丰田RAV4和本田CR-V哪个更好些,,有娜位知道一些汽车测评的网站?
    • www.carpoint.com has it.
      • thanks
      • 那些玩具是中看不中用的,很多都是两驱,就是个样子。何况SUV高,日本轻,风大给吹跑了,我的一个朋友的CRV给小SUNFIRE 撞了个大扁脸,那SUNFIRE居然只是发动机盖翘了起来,没花多少钱。
        • 怎么你各个朋友都撞车?
          • solution: 只交撞车的朋友就行了
            • 很简单,因为我们兄弟姐妹多,要不招呼十几二十个去你家团聚一下?同时,别忘了我是做成什么的嘛,就是处理车祸的和受伤的。帮你们找钱的。
          • All lawyers are liar.
          • 他的朋友开什么车都撞,美日欧车都有.
          • 这还不明白?看他的中文名字是什么?
          • it's unluck to be his friend. ^_^
            • 是吗?你要是和我认识,哈,算了,懒得和你们讲。
            • You are a pathetic corrola garbage.
              • 你除了那词还有什么新的?都腻了,和你说话不还不如去开烤肉啦。
        • 又在这胡说。
      • 星岛日报叫这几种车非驴非马。真正的能有点用的SUV是JEEP 切诺基,FOOD EXPLORE,最好的当然是英国 LAND ROOVER 或 RANGE ROOVER。还有最小也是最能越野的是SUZUKI SIDEKICK。车评说连大 EXPLORE去不到的地方它都可以如履平地。
      • 其实最新的JEEP LIBERTY 是又便宜又酷的又是传统越野JEEP专家克式家族的杰作。要不就买JEEP TJ, 我们凑个对。
        • hand!!i love my liberty,totally different as those rubbish
          • 爽,什么时候买的?
    • up!
    • 我的感觉是RAV中看不中用,CRV是评分比较高的SUV,看看www.edmunds.com上的评测,CRV排第一,只是样子没有那么好看。Tribute也是可以考虑的好车。
      • CRV是事至名归
      • CRV和RAV4都是垃圾车,看看车下的轴承有多细就知道了,真不明白有人要买这种车。要买MINI SUV就买JEEP LIBERTY。
        • 美国政府是垃圾政府,居然把CRV这种垃圾评为第一,美国人都是垃圾人,各个都开HONDA ACCORD,搞的他排名销量榜第一,让我们这些爱国同胞心理不平衡!
          • 不是爱不爱国的问题,像COROLLA,CRV开起来就是不爽,没有驾驶乐趣。车开多了你就知道了。
            • "驾驶乐趣"难道每个人都是一样的感觉?还是老话,要么就找点有说服力的证据.这些含混其词的东西,就别说了.要说驾驶的车型,法拉力我是没开过,其他车我可开的不少,加拿大有不是中国,随便到哪个DEALER那,想开什么车不行?
            • 你不就开一neon吗,还是自动挡的?纯粹的代步工具,百把hp,个方面中规中距,怎么就那么有驾驶乐趣?你整天驾驶乐趣驾驶乐趣,去年最有驾驶乐趣的车是什么
              impreza wrx,不是美国车
              • NEON 也比COROLLA 有乐趣
                • 什么乐趣?
                  • 看外表比COROLLA 好看,内部比COROLLA 宽敞,内饰及仪表盘等比COROLLA 生动,马力比COROLLA 大,高速公路上开快了也不像COROLLA 发飘。再加上比COROLLA 便宜。还不够吗。
                    • 深有同感. 本人也有 1 NEON, 开了快 4 年, 感觉还很不错. 同朋友的同级日本车相比, 也不费油.
                    • neon当时就是模仿日车风格为和日车竞争而推出的,同时还有concord。为什么,因为大体形的四四方方的车不好卖了。你整天开着翻版日车还不知道吧
              • 你也太NB了,怎么就知道我开NEON,可怕啊。
                • 兄弟,你和他们费那么些时间做什么,有空去看看电影啦。有的人是不可以教育好的嘛。是吧
              • 我还以为你开BMW。
                • 在国内有一小bmw1200rt
                  • 了不得,厉害,原来你是为这去臭人是吧,看来那些兄弟也要去弄部毖马瘟才及的上你嘴大。
    • CRV 比RAV4强多了, 基本快不是一挡的了.
      发动机: CRV 2.4 I VTEC 160HP RAV4 2.0 148 HP
      车身长CRV 4517MM RAV4 4137MM
      CRV 是4轮碟试制动,RAV4是前碟后鼓
      其他特征没时间细说.你可以上二者的网站去看.我本来是想买30000左右的SUV的,但是现金不足才买的COROLLA,我试架了多款越野车,CRV可以说是最好的.内部空间很大,超过HIGHLANDER, XTERRA, JEEP LIBERTY,与PATHFINDER不相上下,马力和扭力也不错,而且HONDA的新款DOHC2.4的发动机公里油耗只比RAV4多0.1.
      • CRV这种破车怎么能和JEEP LIBERTY 比,居然还说马力和扭力也不错,和LIBERTY 比差远了. 坐满人一上坡你就知道了。
        • 对呀,JEEP 算什么,我们大解放比他强多了,可以拉几十人呢.
          • 知道什么叫抬杠吗?
            • 拿一点权威的官方数据说话就不叫抬杠,别老是用"钢板厚,铁皮硬"这种主观印象来和别人辩论.关于CRV的安全性,去看我的贴子把,美国政府怎么评比的?
              • 车撞墙和车撞车可是两码事儿
                • 那您到是给提供个撞车的实验数据给瞧瞧,别光说不练.
              • 评比在哪儿?把网址贴上来让我们学习学习。
                • #507682
      • CRV 只能算是MINI SUV,怎么能和HIGHLAND 和 PATHFINDER 比,后两种是 MIDDLE SIZE SUV, 老兄你首先概念不清,再说,SUV中的一项重要指标是OFF-LOAD 性能,而在这一点上CRV只能算个玩具。
        • OFF -LOAD性能是不是卸货的性能,这种性能翻斗水泥车最好了.
          • 又开始抬杠了,OFF-ROAD 性能和车的悬挂系统,高低差,底盘高度,牵引力分配等都有很大关系。
            • 那你贴个CRV和JEEP LIBERTY的比较数据?
              • 手头还没有,www.edmunds.com上评比MINI SUV就根本没把CRV放进去,可见CRV不算是真正的SUV,里面到是有RAV4,排在倒数第二。CRV就像个怪物。
                • 感觉您说话象小孩.
                  • 至少我不会抬杠
          • 整个一冒,OFF ROAD 也不知道还跑这里来和人抬杠,你不觉得有点啊那么些难看?告诉你啦,就是越野,就是没路的时候的性能。有见过什么CRV RAV4在非洲追野兽,在泥里扒头,在石头上拉力塞?这种东西就只能骗你这类冒哥个冒妹。
    • 去试架一下就有感觉了
    • 2002CRV在正撞和侧撞实验中均排名第一!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛2002 Honda CR-V receives five-star crash safety rating

      Monday May 6 9:15 AM EST

      Torrance, California - The 2002 Honda CR-V earned the Federal Government's top rating of Five Stars in all frontal and side impact tests, according to information released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as a part of its New Car Assessment Program (NCAP).

      Tests were conducted on CR-V models equipped with and without side airbags. Both models achieved top marks for all tests conducted. NHTSA tests vehicles in the most common injury causing crashes - frontal and side impacts. In frontal tests, vehicles are crashed into a fixed barrier at 35 mph, while in side impact tests, a deformable moving barrier impacts the vehicle's side at 38.5 mph. A vehicle's performance is given a rating of one to five stars, with five stars being the best level of crash protection.

      All 2002 CR-Vs feature dual seatbelt pre-tensioners for front passengers, Dual-Stage front airbags, three-point seat belts and headrests for all three rear seat passengers, "LATCH" system (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren), and front seat side airbags (standard on EX models, optional on LX models).

      The side airbags feature Honda's Occupant Position Detection System (OPDS) which monitors the size and position of the occupant to determine if it is safe to deploy the airbag.

      The CR-V was completely re-designed for the 2002 model year. Extensive use of high tensile strength steel create a "smart linked" unit body structure featuring multi-directional cross members. These cross members act to redirect impact forces away from the passenger cabin. In a frontal impact, the energy is divided between the parallel side frame and sub-frame. In a side collision, the floor, middle floor and rear cross members absorb most of the impact energy, helping to prevent B-pillar deformation. The structural systems on the 2002 CR-V work together to provide "all-around protection" to efficiently absorb the energy of an impact.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 你信不信? 赶明我做个实心木头车,照美国交通局的标准来实验,绝对比CRV强得多
    • 美国市场最畅销的车型,日本车占据前4名中的3位
      Honda Accord best-selling car in U.S.

      Torrance, California - The Honda Accord was the best-selling car in the United States in 2001, according to a review of auto industry sales figures. With sales of 414,718, the Accord topped the second place Toyota Camry, which reported sales of 390,449 in 2000. The Ford Taurus finished in third place with 353,560. In fourth place was the Honda Civic at 331,041. The Civic also repeated as the best-selling compact car for the fifth consecutive year.

      The Accord last held the top sales spot from 1989 to 1991, and has continued to be one of the three best-selling cars in America, along with the Taurus and Camry, in subsequent years.

      More than 7.7 million Accords have been sold in the U.S. since it first went on sale in 1976. Currently about 85 percent of all Accords sold in the U.S. were produced in North America and those models have a domestic content level of 97 percent.
    • 历史上最畅销的车型,不是FORD T,不是GOLF, BEELTS,是COROLLA!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛History's best-selling car gets even more appealing

      March 11, 2002


      Some people still think the top-selling car of all time is the Ford Model T or Volkswagen Beetle. Nope, it's the Toyota Corolla, the latest version of which has gone on sale as an early 2003 model.

      Corolla production has been staggering. More than 25 million have been sold in 142 countries since the car was launched in Japan in 1966--and in America two years later. The new Corolla is the ninth-generation model.

      Corollas are popular because they've always been affordable and have the reputation of being low-maintenance "run-forever'' gas-sipping cars. I've seen ancient Corollas zipping along at 75 mph, with almost no paint left and seemingly held together with bailing wire.

      The Corolla never was sexy. But it connected with many young motorists because it had functional styling and was generally fun to drive because it was light and nimble. Every new-generation Corolla has been better than its predecessor.

      A large percentage of Corollas are sold in America. But the Corolla has lots more small-car competition here from outfits such as South Korea's Hyundai and Kia, which offer cheaper models with more equipment--and a longer warranty to offset the Corolla's reliability reputation.

      The Corolla has been losing coveted young buyers to such rivals, so Toyota has made the 2003 model a little sportier than its conservative predecessors and given it added equipment and a more refined interior. It's emphasizing the S model, which is the sportiest of the three Corolla models, in initial marketing. However, the solid new car remains mostly conservative because too much sportiness would confuse older buyers. Toyota says the car "addresses concerns of current owners'' and "reaches out to younger buyers with a strong new identity.''

      The $14,515-$15,315 S model falls between the $13,370-$14,170 "value driven'' CE entry model and the top-line $14,680-$15,480 LE. The low price for each model shows it has a slick, standard five-speed manual transmission, while the high price for each means it has an efficient four-speed automatic.

      There's nothing seriously sporty about the S model. For example, it has the same 1.8-liter four-cylinder engine as other Corollas and no special tires or sport suspension. There's just cosmetic items, such as side rocker panels, front/rear underbody spoiler, leather-wrapped steering wheel and "sport'' speedometer and tachometer.

      The roomier model is slightly more powerful than its predecessor. It's 4.3 inches longer, with a wheelbase up 5.4 inches to 102.4 inches. But the car also is 3.2 inches taller and virtually no wider, and that gives it an offbeat shape, compared with the last generation (1998-2002) Corolla. It looks somewhat like a shrunken Chevrolet Malibu with a few styling touches from Toyota's upscale Lexus division cars.

      The 130-horsepower engine has five more horsepower, but no more torque, than the 2002 model. The new Corolla is about 100 pounds heavier, and thus there isn't much difference in performance. The sophisticated-but-small motor needs lots of revs to provide the best acceleration. However, performance is lively and fuel economy is very high both in the city and on highways. This is yet another Corolla that will be cheap to run just about forever. And the magical Toyota name should ensure above-average resale if you're not the type of person who keeps a car for a long time.

      The precise variable-assist steering feels a bit heavy, but that's better than steering with excessive power assist. Handling is good with a revised suspension, and the brake pedal has a nice feel.

      Despite the longer wheelbase, the new model doesn't ride all that much more smoothly than its predecessor, but that's OK because the last Corolla had an unusually comfortable ride for a small car.

      Corollas never had a lot of standard equipment, but the new Corolla does better in that regard. For instance, the CE has standard air conditioning, AM/FM/CD, power mirrors, tilt steering wheel, rear defogger, intermittent wipers, tachometer and 60/40 split-folding rear seat to enlarge the cargo area.

      The LE adds such items as power windows and door locks and remote keyless entry, but you pay extra for a sunroof and leather upholstery. The S really should have a standard rear spoiler, but it's in a $825 Sport Plus package that also contains aluminum alloy wheels.

      Anti-lock brakes, cruise control and front side air bags are optional for all Corollas.

      The dashboard is cleanly designed, and new seats offer better support. However, the driver's seat should slide back more for those with long legs.

      The interior is generally roomy, although leg room is tight for a tall person behind a tall driver who moves his seat back enough to get comfortable. I expected more room with the increased wheelbase.

      The huge windshield and high roof give the interior a nice open feeling. There are a good number of small, but handy, storage areas up front, and rear windows roll down all the way.

      The trunk is large with a wide opening, but manual hinges eat into cargo space. The pass-through opening from the trunk to the rear seat area is only moderately large, and the split rear seatbacks should sit flatter when flipped forward to increase cargo space.

      The latest Corolla offers many comforts of a larger car in a refined small package, and that should make it more appealing than ever.





      Revamped. Roomier. More power. Very economical. Refined.


      "Sporty" S model not very sporty. Offbeat styling. Driver's seat needs to move back more.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 没错
          • Corrola is garbage.
            • 又是你,总是跟在别人后面骂街,你还真有"性格",嗯?
              • COROLLA 就是垃圾车,一点儿都没错!!!
            • hehe~ u 2
              • Not as garbage as you, pathetic b**ch.
    • 班主手好快
      • 你也别老发表炮仗捻子的贴子了,一点别人就炸
        • 好的好的.其实,在市场经济的今天,每一个产品都要经过消费者的考验才能成功.用个人感情去判断一个产品的质量,说的不好听,就是应了江主席的那句话.数字是最有说服力的,大众接受什么产品,人们消费时选用市场占有率高的产品,数字上一目了然.
          • 大众接受的产品就是最好的产品吗?记住:我们是买车的,不是卖车的。卖车的要考虑车子怎样最好卖,而买车,是考虑哪个是自己可以负担的最好的车、最喜欢的车。对于买得起BMW的人,你认为他会考虑Corrola吗?
            • 这是你们一概的混淆概念的方法,BMW和COROLLA怎么有可比性?事实是COROLLA, CIVIC,CAMERY,ACCORD这些车在比同档次的美国车价钱偏高的情况下依然保持旺销.难道美国人都是傻瓜?难道美国人不爱国?
              • 你吵来吵去不就是想说你买的那个COROLLA好吗。COROLLA算好车吗?当然不算。跟美国人是不是傻瓜、是不是不爱国有什么关系?有钱的,或是舍得在车上花钱的,自然不会买COROLLA这样的车,是哪国人都一样。
              • 你最好去看看统计数据再回来说话, 好吗? 在北美, 美国车始终是销量最高的.
          • 你也别和他们去争了,你自己喜欢就得了。你几时取车啊,选了喜欢的车牌号码没有啊。
            • 我把我的旧马卖掉了.10号左右提新车.开心呀.
              • 呵呵,让国内亲戚带个车垫来,漂亮便宜。
                • 选了个红色的,因为COROLLA比较保守,选一个比较活泼点的颜色,太多人开银灰色了.
                  • COROLLA里面的小门把手和车窗摇把,细细的,都不敢碰,一碰就要断似的。
                    • 说来说去老一套,摆脱来点专业精神把.
                      • 什么专业精神啊,粗和细不是明摆这的吗?难道美国人都是傻子,不会把钢板弄薄一点儿。日本车是省油,但要付出安全性低的代价。这件事是明摆这的,没有十全十美的事情。德国车为什么贵,看看是什么钢材料就知道了。
                • 什么是车垫呀?看到国内的人还在开老3样,还是咱们出国人幸福呀.
                  • 是呀,还是咱们出国人幸福,有新4样可开。
                    • 任你怎么说,也改变不了市场的选择把.您那么有性格,老跟在我们这些俗人过不去干什么.赶明儿,美国车的市场评价超过了日本车,相信国人自然会选择美货,否则,你再怎么说也是白说.
                      • #424430
                        • 可惜,我不想买PICKUP, 也不想买VAN.根据你的资料,我的首选SEDAN应该是HONDA CIVIC,你说呢?
                          • 就知道你要犯这个错误,看看那个“Sales by Platform 2001 ”,排名第一的Passenger car是Cavalier/Sunfire,而不是 Honda Civic/Acura EL。所以你应该买Cavalier或者Sunfire,明白吗?
                            • 我不知道你的数据是怎么来的?我在www.edmunds.com上找到的数据怎么和你有那么大出入呢?
                              1. Ford F-Series -- 911,597

                              2. Chevrolet Silverado -- 716,051

                              3. Ford Explorer -- 415,921

                              4. Honda Accord -- 414,718

                              5. Toyota Camry -- 390,449

                              6. Ford Taurus -- 353,560

                              7. Dodge Ram Pickup -- 344,538

                              8. Honda Civic -- 331,780

                              9. Ford Ranger -- 272,460

                              10. Ford Focus -- 264,414
                              • 你这是美国的数据,我上面列的是加拿大的数据
                            • 忘了,这是"BEST SELLING VEHICLE IN 2001",美国车在本土都打不过人家,我要贴个日本市场的占有率,他们更要羞死了.网址:http://www.edmunds.com/reviews/list/top10/49547/article.html
                      • 大哥, 您知道市场杂志的评价是怎么来的吗? 花钱砸的 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  • 别往自己脸上贴东西啦,国内开老三样?我这次回去开了富士小跑车,现代TIBURON跑车。连刚出的宝来我老弟也了辆,问我是不是和国外一样的。还有个妹妹居然弄了个BMW328。
                  • 连我们的VOLVO S 40也同学开,至于AUDI A6,passat 满街,我楼下车库还有凌治400和他妈的SAAB9000,什么桑2000,JETTA,新夏利,别克更多。
                    • 怎么感觉你这个律师在骂街
                      • 我都是,感觉你在无理吓胡闹
                  • 两年多没或去以前还满街摩托,现在居然老弟兄给辆小富国士我开两个月。我都觉得要努力了.你买一烤肉啦还要分期,国内的孙子们买雅格都全付清,
                  • 你怎么这么觉得自己了不得?伟大祖国的能人多了。我都觉得得汗颜。PASSAT ,亚洲龙,ML320,POLO等更是多。真不知道你从什么拐角来或在国内干过什么。
    • 说来说去,一提到数据,怎么各位DX就蔫了?
      • 开车是自己去感觉的,并不是看枪手的数据的。再多说一句,到DEALER处随便开一会儿是试不出什么的。
        • Agree with you
        • 枪手?跟国内看足球赛似的,主队一落后,球迷就喊“黑哨”
    • 好好一个讨论RAV4和CRV的贴子,给这些人绞的一他糊涂