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U.S. over Canada, copied from XiXi's forum

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Posted by Scott on April 22, 2001 at 21:08:50:

In Reply to: Re: Huge king size of immagration to Canada !!! posted by sensibility on April 22, 2001 at 20:21:41:

I am not proving U.S citizenship is better, but here
is something we have to look at:

(1) Job opportunity and payrate:

It is generally believed that if you divide the
# of job opportunities by 2 and divide the salary
by 2, you get those of Canada.
For example, in US., a
fresh computer master's entry offer is between $50K
-$75K, with median $65K which corresponds to CN$50K
when divided by 2.
In the same time, I've looked the # of job ads
in a local newspaper and compare that of Toronto.
At the time when I was looking, there are 400 ads in
Toronto area, while 800 ads just in the state I
am in (I am not talking about California, or Texas).

Additionally, think of your kids. When they are
facing a land of opportunity in the south, will
they not flying south?

(2) Social welfare
There is no immediate worry that U.S.'s social
welfare system will bankrupt. Even when such a crisis
would develope, I believe it can be solved because
such a system is backed up with the strongest economy
in the world. But Canada has such a problem.
It would be miserable in the eldlyhood to see
such a system collapse, or semi-collapse like
we have it in China.

It is said it's safer to put money in your
own pocket than in governments's pocket. The taxes
you saved during your worktime serves very well
when you become old. You don't need "good" welfare
from the government. You can do it on your own.
Certainly, governement will give you some minimum
welfare so that you will not hunger to death.

In short, I am not saying US's welfare is better.
I am saying that Canadians are paying too much of
the taxes when they are working. The money they
get bakc when they are old is not worthy of the price
they have paid.

(3) Trend of future

U.S. can be proud of itself because it is leading
the world. Its main stream will become the main
stream of the world. There are so many things in
every aspect of life an American can take pride of.
This is much more important than the monetary facts
I mentioned above.

Probably, the negative sides of U.S. are sometimes
magnified, but looked in perspective, U.S. reprents
sth young, energetic, healthy and promising. I am
not saying U.S. will be properous forever, I am saying
that at the time of this writing, +-100 years, U.S.
was and will be leading the world, leading the
human civilization. --- This is the spiritual value
maybe an individual wants to realize.

Especially, when you have a child, this is the place
you want him/her grow and become properous. After all,
most of us wish the two things for ourselves and
our kids:
(1) live well
(2) realize our and their dreams.


PS. can you list some reasons why most Canadians
do not apply GC or U.S. citizenship even though
they work in U.S.A.? Thanks. --- I am interested
in knowing this.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 今天和朋友聊天,他说他的印度同事告诉他,现在印度移民加拿大的人急剧减少,因为印度的主要媒体对加拿大印度新移民的情况进行了大量报道和理性的分析。可怜现在中国还有不少人羡慕人家移民。
    • 请有印度同事的朋友证实一下
    • 也不要太悲观,最近开始陆续听到周围朋友的好消息了。
    • 本来印度人语言比我们好对加拿大比我们了解的更多,也只是去年才有2。6万人LANDING(比前年多50%),中国是3。6万(前年3万)。想想为什么
    • 在准备移民的人经常上网的估计不到1/10
    • up
      • upup
    • 加拿大前途的确让人担忧
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我在美国,加拿大都住过多年。 加拿大经济严重不平衡, 人口老化, 加拿大人对自己的国家缺乏信心,大多报消极态度,传统企业对本地人保护严重。
      在美国,以前跟我同一个学校念书的大陆留学生,不管是生化,机械工程,食品专业, 一般在拿到硕士后,总能找到一份大约5万美元左右的工作。但在加拿大,好象不是学电脑的,不管你是什么名校毕业,绝对找不到工作, 因为这些传统企业惰性非常严重,养活本地很多懒人(一般是受工会支持〕。加拿大本地人,人口老化严重,尤其是在这些传统企业,因为本地培养的年轻人,很多都去了美国(在DALLAS附近的RICHARSON, 成堆成堆的工程师都是拿着TN-1签证的加拿大人〕。 记得以前在美国看到一则关于加拿大的报道,心里很不是滋味: 有很多来自世界各地的学生在多伦多的一所中学渡夏令营,有一次公开演出,让各国小孩上台讲述自己的国家, 美国学生说“我从美国来,美国是世界最好最强的国家”,澳州学生说“澳州是最美最可爱的国家”,轮到一加哪大本地小姑娘了,她站在台上想了半天,说“
      I'm from Canada, but I don't know what it is". 我接触的白领加拿大年轻人, 一般都是对政府没有信心,普遍觉得政府"weak, stupid"。一个国家经济上要想特别出色,民族的凝聚力很民族自信是非常重要的, 我接触的绝大部分美国人都非常非常爱国,我虽然身为加拿大公民,但我却只会唱美国国歌,因为在美国的时候,经常听到演奏国歌,不想会唱都不行了。大家看看德国,日本,民族凝聚力也是起了对经济的推动的作用。总的来看,我感觉加拿大在保守程度上比较象英国(传统产业结构〕, 但没有英国人的民族骄傲。 一个失去骄傲的民族,,让我想到了如今的中国。。。唉。。
      悲哀的是,就是哪到加哪大公民,申请美国绿卡也得从头排队,因为美国绿卡的QUOTA是按照出生国来排队的。。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • I am on the same boat as you. That's also how I am thinking about Canada. A second home, a second China, --- terrible!
        • U.S. over Canada, copied from XiXi's forum
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Posted by Scott on April 22, 2001 at 21:08:50:

          In Reply to: Re: Huge king size of immagration to Canada !!! posted by sensibility on April 22, 2001 at 20:21:41:

          I am not proving U.S citizenship is better, but here
          is something we have to look at:

          (1) Job opportunity and payrate:

          It is generally believed that if you divide the
          # of job opportunities by 2 and divide the salary
          by 2, you get those of Canada.
          For example, in US., a
          fresh computer master's entry offer is between $50K
          -$75K, with median $65K which corresponds to CN$50K
          when divided by 2.
          In the same time, I've looked the # of job ads
          in a local newspaper and compare that of Toronto.
          At the time when I was looking, there are 400 ads in
          Toronto area, while 800 ads just in the state I
          am in (I am not talking about California, or Texas).

          Additionally, think of your kids. When they are
          facing a land of opportunity in the south, will
          they not flying south?

          (2) Social welfare
          There is no immediate worry that U.S.'s social
          welfare system will bankrupt. Even when such a crisis
          would develope, I believe it can be solved because
          such a system is backed up with the strongest economy
          in the world. But Canada has such a problem.
          It would be miserable in the eldlyhood to see
          such a system collapse, or semi-collapse like
          we have it in China.

          It is said it's safer to put money in your
          own pocket than in governments's pocket. The taxes
          you saved during your worktime serves very well
          when you become old. You don't need "good" welfare
          from the government. You can do it on your own.
          Certainly, governement will give you some minimum
          welfare so that you will not hunger to death.

          In short, I am not saying US's welfare is better.
          I am saying that Canadians are paying too much of
          the taxes when they are working. The money they
          get bakc when they are old is not worthy of the price
          they have paid.

          (3) Trend of future

          U.S. can be proud of itself because it is leading
          the world. Its main stream will become the main
          stream of the world. There are so many things in
          every aspect of life an American can take pride of.
          This is much more important than the monetary facts
          I mentioned above.

          Probably, the negative sides of U.S. are sometimes
          magnified, but looked in perspective, U.S. reprents
          sth young, energetic, healthy and promising. I am
          not saying U.S. will be properous forever, I am saying
          that at the time of this writing, +-100 years, U.S.
          was and will be leading the world, leading the
          human civilization. --- This is the spiritual value
          maybe an individual wants to realize.

          Especially, when you have a child, this is the place
          you want him/her grow and become properous. After all,
          most of us wish the two things for ourselves and
          our kids:
          (1) live well
          (2) realize our and their dreams.


          PS. can you list some reasons why most Canadians
          do not apply GC or U.S. citizenship even though
          they work in U.S.A.? Thanks. --- I am interested
          in knowing this.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 中国人就喜欢一窝蜂,人云亦云,随波逐流,希望所有申请的人想想清楚再申请,免得排队占位拖延了我们这些真正想去加拿大的人的时间,也免得他们去了以后不开心,影响到他人的情绪。
      • 唉,你这种想法。。。我怎么觉得不舒服?
      • 就你这种心态,估计来了加拿大也快活不到哪里去。
        • ok,好,就算我不快活,但至少比那些后悔来的人和不愿去打工的人要快活很多。我会乐观积极的面对新生活,再说这也不是第一次。
          • 您这就不叫“怨天尤人”了?
        • 难道我的心态不对?那么请教你又是什么心态呢?
          • 对于这个问题俺也懒得和你讨论。一句话,如果你没问题,那么和俺一样回你帖子的同志就有问题,到底谁有问题就难说了。另外,把名字亮出来吧,怕啥?有问题的时候就大哥大姐,别人有不同意见就藏着掖着的?
            • 好像不能这样“二分法”吧?
            • 呵呵...,同意同意,亮出字号再理论. 心态好不好,落地三个月之后见分晓,现在争论,为时尚早,先喝早茶,再吃小炒,吃饱喝足,开始争拗......
      • 为什么你就比较合适来加拿大,能说说吗?
        • 因为我的心态好,我不会怨天尤人,自寻烦恼,就算打几年工又怎么了,可以边打工,边读书,八十年代初去美国的不都是这样过来的吗?你觉得加拿大不好,就不要来,没有人拿枪逼你,不要来了以后说这也不好,那也不好。有得必有失!
          • 我真的认为你可以来,因为我的心态和你一样。所以我大多数时间很乐观,当然也有消沉得时候。
          • 如果你念完书,你念的那个行业不时髦了呢?今年的电脑就业就有这个味道。这里美国博士改行在加拿大读电脑本科的都有。这个世界在变,没有什么不可能发生的事。
            • 难道全加拿大的人都是在干专业时髦的工作?
              • 不时髦的就更没你什么事儿了,这里行业保护很厉害,比如机械,建筑更难进入。大家改电脑一个原因就是行业保护少
          • 呵呵,你听错了巴,在美国念书的绝大部分都有奖学金,至少我没见过打工的,大陆如果没有全奖一般签不出去, 而且至少我那时候改行的人不多(93-96)。 一般改行的都是留学生的家属我们叫她们“F-2”们。。呵呵,,几年时间非常宝贵,绝对是浪费不得得,以后你就知道了
            • 请问读书怎么能说是浪费时间呢?我相信,吃的苦中苦,方为人上人。
              • 在这里真正要念书,学东西,绝对没有时间打工的,你想得太简单了,打工很累。。念书更累,除非你混。。但那又是浪费时间了. 不过可以贷款,在加哪大念书,但出来后压力会大些。。
        • 吃不到苦的苦比吃苦的苦更苦。
      • 你怎么知道你来了一定会开心。
        • 因为我不是娇生惯养温室里长大的花朵,我更经历过苦日子和孤独失败,我的心理承受能力很强。我更不是看到人家移,我也移,我身边就有好多人这样的。所以我劝自认为在国内过的挺好的人想清楚,免得过去后后悔不该来,难道这有错吗?
          • 看看这里
          • 没错,没错,你怎么知道别人就是温室里得花朵,别人心理承受力就差,别人就是人云亦云,这年头,大家都不是傻子,哪一个不是想清楚了才做决定,都是有家有口的人,这可不是一件小事。我了解你的想法,想要大家慎重,尤其这个时期,但能否说的稍微技巧一些呢?
      • 看完了这人的所有观点,他的想法是大部分没landing人的正常想法。还美得屁颠屁颠的,到时候就傻了。能来的人有几个是娇生惯养,怨天由人的?你以为你情愿打工人家就会要你啊?哭着求可能都不理你。劝你还是夹着尾巴好好想想吧。
        • 我看你就是
        • 女孩子说话怎么这么粗鲁?
        • 人家不要你不等于不要别人,照你这么说,去年移民的3万多中国人都怎么过的,都在讨饭?是你适应能力差吧。
    • 什么叫”可怜现在中国还有不少人羡慕人家移民“,当初你又为什么移民呢?
      • 我移民两年了,说实在我所在的城市对移民当时就不以为然,我在单位也是牛人,单位不行了,而且我们是比较大的合资企业。现在我的情况还不好都不好意思和老朋友联系。和我类似的人不是个别的。
        • 在国内牛到加拿大就不牛了,这就对了。国内什么环境?小人得志的环境。并非所有得志都是小人,但小人得志的概率比较大,我到加拿大是去追求过正常老百姓的生活,不是去做牛人,所以不会有做牛人的痛苦。
          • 你也不要骂人,其实我在国内一点都不得志,我也是因为狠小人才出国的。
            • 我又不认识你,干嘛要骂你,你不必对号入坐。你移民加拿大,起码也说明你是个有追求的人,至于追求什么,人各不同,又何必把自己的观点强加于人。你现在不是已经到了加拿大,摆脱那些小人了吗?人生苦短,多想快乐的事吧。
          • 相反国内一些公认的小人,因为和领导关系好,有了一些别人没有的EXPERIENCE混的不错的也有
            • I know a lady whose relative is the head of a province, so she got the chance to have a training in England for two years. Then she has good background and her English is good. Therefore she found a job quickly.
    • 鲁迅: 地球上原本有很多路,走的人多了,却也没了路.
    • 好笑!