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  • 推荐 OXIO 加拿大高速网络,最低月费仅$40. 使用推荐码 RCR37MB 可获得一个月的免费服务


CHEQUING ACCOUNT 完全没有利息,SAVING ACCOUNT有利息,但比较低;日常服务需要收费,可以选择适合的服务计划,如果CHEQUING ACCOUNT 每日的BALANCE都大于一定金额,可以豁免该月的服务费。
CHEQUING ACCOUNT 和SAVING ACCOUNT其实都相当于国内的活期存款,有多余的钱可以存定期,比如GIC。如果有美金也可以建立美金的SAVING ACCOUN和GIC。美金的GIC不如加币的灵活,加币的GIC存满30天后可随时转出;美金的GIC的不可以,不过现在利息是存期越短利息越高(可能和美联储降息有关),可以考虑选择存一个月,然后自动转存。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 各位移友,我想现在就开 BMO 的帐户,不知开什么类型的帐户,好象每种帐户,和基本上的服务都要收费,还有,有没有必要现在就申请信用卡,得将钱冻结一年。 另信用卡的签帐额是什么意思?是不是一个月只能用那么多钱?那不是很不方便?
    • 有谁知道吗?
      CHEQUING ACCOUNT 完全没有利息,SAVING ACCOUNT有利息,但比较低;日常服务需要收费,可以选择适合的服务计划,如果CHEQUING ACCOUNT 每日的BALANCE都大于一定金额,可以豁免该月的服务费。
      CHEQUING ACCOUNT 和SAVING ACCOUNT其实都相当于国内的活期存款,有多余的钱可以存定期,比如GIC。如果有美金也可以建立美金的SAVING ACCOUN和GIC。美金的GIC不如加币的灵活,加币的GIC存满30天后可随时转出;美金的GIC的不可以,不过现在利息是存期越短利息越高(可能和美联储降息有关),可以考虑选择存一个月,然后自动转存。
    • 你说的“签帐额”是不是CREDIT LIMIT?即信用额度,即你的帐户最多可以欠这么多钱。
      • 我也不清楚,原话是这样的:
        " 另请留意,加拿大的信用卡与国内的不同,信用卡可签帐额是预定的,例如每月1000加元,不是按您户头内的存款数字而浮动 " 好象只能用 1000 加元每月。否则要加大 类是 保证金的钱 ?那可要冻结一年呐。 不知理解的对不 ? ( Thank you Rollor and fionah )
        • 是啊,这里的信用卡一般都是有限额的.刚开始给你的少点,当你用了半年一年的时候,他们会自动给你涨,你也可以自己要求涨.而且,信用卡里一般没有存款.你说的象是这里的银行卡.
        • 你说的银行帐户跟信用卡是风马牛不相及。信用卡,一切都建立在信用记录上。对于新移民来说,没有北美信用记录,Visa,MasterCard,AmericanExpress这些信用卡机构会根据你的情况给予一定信用额,一般发卡银行要求你存一定数额的现金作为deposit以做抵押。
          • 对对,现在明白一些了,国外的信用卡和国内的是不一样。 谢谢这么多朋友!
            • You can get credit card without deposit since you have a job. I got a gold card 2 months later.
              • 这里年薪只要到达$35,000,就可以申请到金卡。金卡的Credit Limit 从$5000 开始
                • First at all, you should get the sufficient proof, such as the credit report, from credit bureau during the past 6 months. That's what you god damn TD bank guys told me and why I couldn't get one from them. :P Sorry, Raymond.
                  • Shou, you are correct.
                    The history of your credit is also important.
                    For the credit limit, you can ask them to increase it after one year.
                    It makes no sense that you obtain a golden card but never use it.
                    Don't hold two many cards at the same time.
                • 嘿嘿, 金卡容易被人盯上呀.还是小心一点好.一般$1000的够用了,如果你每个月按时还钱的话.
                  • To housewife, it's enough. I don't think it's enough to me, that's why I got another Gold card.
                  • If you buy tickets to Cuba, you will running out of your credit. Then how do you pay for the food and board in Cuba?
                    • Thats right. Even for accommodation, 150$/night, you wil find $1000 is too limited.
                      • 我身上常带的卡都是$1000限额的,我的金卡藏在箱子里呢. 而且,一般出去旅游都是事先定好机票房间的, 而且,付款也用各种方式,我想各位不会只有一个信用卡吧?
    • 你在哪呀,国内还是....
    • I am in Beijing and opened my acount in BMO days ago.
      It is very important to apply credit card now. You can get your credit card as you land in Canada and begin to established your credibility quickly. You have to deposit some money for the card buy the deposit also help to waive the cost for the banking service.
    • 请问BMO是那家银行呢?在北京怎样联系呢?谢谢!!!
      • 在这里翻译为:满地可银行(bank of montreal).我不知北京的office.check their website
        • 谢谢,rosedale.
      • I find it. 加 拿 大 蒙 特 利 爾 銀 行 北 京 分 行(address:建 國 門 內 大 街 7 號 光 華 長 安 大 廈 1016 室)--phone: (8610) 6510-2233 email: bofmbj@public.btu.net.cn
        • 可是,能在北京办信用卡吗?
          • What is the purpose for you to have a credit in BJ. It's not too late for you to apply one after you land.
            • 你说的也是,不过我是在考虑怎样带美金出境的问题。如果BMO在北京能开展业务的话,那不就方便了吗。
              • Don't be silly. You still have to be charged for the transactions by Bank of China when you make deposit to the accounts of BMO.
              • 即使你在北京开了户,带美元出境也不会变得方便.关键在于你的钱是存在汇户还是钞户.
          • 可以在北京BMO申请信用卡.实际上,你需要将你的资料寄到香港BMO,但是可以在北京办事处咨询
    • 呀,我真是老土。现在银行将生意做到国内啦,打起新移民的主意啦。1.刚开始,金卡的不要,信用额不易太高(丢了被盗被仿冒签字有麻烦)2. 如果相信internet banking,有的金融机构services是免费的。
    • My opinion about banking services in Canada
      If you don't want to pay service fee and you can maintain 1000$ balance in your checking account, try TD.
      If you want better service, try Royal Bank.
      Although I implemented www.bmo.com, but I don't know if the service is good enough.

      The credit limit is very important. My companies will check your credit before they issue you a job offer.

      • What? "My companies will check your credit before they issue you a job offer." How could that happen?
        • Sorry, spelling error, It shoud be "Many companies".
          • I think this kind of credit check does not hurt new immgrants because they do not have creidt history, neither bad credits. The companies are more concerned about bad credits and the so called Security Clearance, especially governments and the banks.
      • That's exactly why it's said the credit report is very important in western society
      • TD的政策已经改了,新客户已经得不到“余额千元以上免交易费”的方案了。
      • try president's choice. It's free including check, service.
    • As I know, you can open a saving account and chequing account. It is good for you to apply for a credit card.
      You can open a saving account for saving your US$ because the rate of interest is higher than chequing account. And also open a chequing account. This kind of account is fexiable. You can withdraw and deposit your money easily and open a cheque to others. Generally, it is not service fee if your balance in your account keeps above CAN$1000.00. For credit card, if the limit is $1000, it doesn't mean you can just use 1000.00. You can save money into your credit card account(It is other kind of account) , for example, 1000.00. Of course you can spend 2000 using your credit card. Hope that the above is helpful for you.