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一个自称Christian Warrior的网友对基督教徒价值观的描述。我觉着他回答得非常直接,可以帮助理解西方国家对世界的看法。大家看看rolia上的基督徒们是否认同他的观点。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛请允许我描述一下基督徒的价值观,西方国家的大多数人都相信跟其它的非基督教国家相比我们是站在道德高点上的,因为我们有神与我们同在,我们的法律,我们的社会,我们的生活方式都是来源于圣经,都是取悦于神的。很明显,我们也确实被神护佑着,它提供给我们丰富的食物,水,和其他的自然资源。我们会不惜战争来保护我们的生活方式。没有人可以吓倒我们应为我们是神的子民。但是,因为越来越多的西方人开始背弃神,我们的道德高点的信心也受到挑战。。。。
Please allow me to describe Christian values in the following way; a vast majority of the people in the West believed we stand on a higher moral ground than non-Christian countries because we have God on our side, our laws, our society, and our way of life are rooted in the scripture and pleases God, and we are clearly blessed by God with our abundant supply of food, water, and other natural resources. We would go to war to protect our way of life. No one on earth can intimidate us because we are a people of God. But as more and more people in the West move away from God, this confidence of our high moral ground is at question. Let’s take the case of “Lai Cheong Sing”, if he is guilty of being a “snake-head” and bribing government officials, trafficking thousands of Chinese migrant workers and burdening them with huge debt loads, to be repaid by enslaving them in cheap labor or forcing some to prostitution, reducing them to a life of despair and hopelessness. Then, Lai Cheong Sing should be punished for the horrific crimes that he has committed against God and his people. On the other hand, our government does not believe China’s accusation of his crimes because China does not have a moral ground to stand on. After years of non-serious investigations in combination with our ill-conceived refugee laws, Lai is still walking free on our streets in Vancouver. Where is God’s righteousness in all of these because it states, if he is guilty, punish him and if not, then set him free. So, what is the truth behind this unfortunate incident? It’s lack of understanding and trust. As a result, everyone suffers except for Lai and lawyers. The Chinese are furious with Canadians and our idiotic refugee laws. We rebuff back on human rights. And this vicious cycle continues.

另一个网友的评论很有意思,“do what I say not what I do"更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 一个自称Christian Warrior的网友对基督教徒价值观的描述。我觉着他回答得非常直接,可以帮助理解西方国家对世界的看法。大家看看rolia上的基督徒们是否认同他的观点。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛请允许我描述一下基督徒的价值观,西方国家的大多数人都相信跟其它的非基督教国家相比我们是站在道德高点上的,因为我们有神与我们同在,我们的法律,我们的社会,我们的生活方式都是来源于圣经,都是取悦于神的。很明显,我们也确实被神护佑着,它提供给我们丰富的食物,水,和其他的自然资源。我们会不惜战争来保护我们的生活方式。没有人可以吓倒我们应为我们是神的子民。但是,因为越来越多的西方人开始背弃神,我们的道德高点的信心也受到挑战。。。。
    Please allow me to describe Christian values in the following way; a vast majority of the people in the West believed we stand on a higher moral ground than non-Christian countries because we have God on our side, our laws, our society, and our way of life are rooted in the scripture and pleases God, and we are clearly blessed by God with our abundant supply of food, water, and other natural resources. We would go to war to protect our way of life. No one on earth can intimidate us because we are a people of God. But as more and more people in the West move away from God, this confidence of our high moral ground is at question. Let’s take the case of “Lai Cheong Sing”, if he is guilty of being a “snake-head” and bribing government officials, trafficking thousands of Chinese migrant workers and burdening them with huge debt loads, to be repaid by enslaving them in cheap labor or forcing some to prostitution, reducing them to a life of despair and hopelessness. Then, Lai Cheong Sing should be punished for the horrific crimes that he has committed against God and his people. On the other hand, our government does not believe China’s accusation of his crimes because China does not have a moral ground to stand on. After years of non-serious investigations in combination with our ill-conceived refugee laws, Lai is still walking free on our streets in Vancouver. Where is God’s righteousness in all of these because it states, if he is guilty, punish him and if not, then set him free. So, what is the truth behind this unfortunate incident? It’s lack of understanding and trust. As a result, everyone suffers except for Lai and lawyers. The Chinese are furious with Canadians and our idiotic refugee laws. We rebuff back on human rights. And this vicious cycle continues.

    另一个网友的评论很有意思,“do what I say not what I do"更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Who is “Lai Cheong Sing”?
      • 赖长性
    • 他说的有代表性。应该说,年长的基督徒已经认识到了这一点。国际交流比较多,眼界开也知道这些情况。听说北美本土出生的基督徒在减少,基督徒已经在注意下一代的培养,这是很了不起的。不过,我想,即使这样他们仍然认为北美的社会风向
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛比起其它地区的国家要好的多,这的确也是事实。LAI也是从我国来的,污水会染清水,而清水又不会逆流,在全球化的社会,文化的大融合,好树的根和坏树的根交错在一起,千流入川归大海,时间长了我们也搞不懂谁在污染谁。不过有一点是可以肯定的:一个国家,基督教的兴起,这国家的社会、政治风气就向上;反之将倒退或坠落。打个比方,前一段看到新闻,国内有一贪官,每次受贿将钱放在他所拜的偶像底下,求保佑,然后再求更多的受贿。类似这种现象,在国内肯怕不少。但对基督徒来说,这是不敢想象的,因为这样做,神早灭了他们。上帝的爱是与义和人的忏悔有关的,不是万事可包容的溺爱。有的宗教讲所谓的‘义’却脱离信与爱;有的宗教又从另一方面行类似的教条,所以会让信的人容易跌倒。主 2000来年前就教导我们:是好树还是坏树,就看它结什么果子。这点大家都很清楚。

      关于北美,主要就是美国,美国的问题也是由于这20来年在信仰上偏离了神的道,以至丧失了政治道义(特别是从2001年3月开始),最后搞成‘三子闹街’。我说‘三子闹街’是没有什么夸张的,是事实;华街的‘三子’就是‘呆子’、‘傻子’和‘疯子’,就是做MODELLING的、做TRADING的和做MARKETTING。2005年9月跟朋友说,1年半后你们的房产要倒,他们不信;2006年9月,联储还在加息25各点,风了,跟他们说1年半内你们有MORTGAGE 银行要倒,他们说我不懂;去年11月份,很多人认为金融市场也就这样了,坏不到哪里去了,我说不到2009年4月份你想都不要这样想。这么简单的道理就是不懂,为什么? 就是被油蒙了眼睛,因为背离了神。当然,希望这只是暂时的,美国人民的确是伟大的人民,我们期盼信靠 神的人多起来。说得有点走题了,这无聊的政治。

      今后25年,两年前我和朋友说,将是创建世界新文化的时代,而加拿大提供了肥沃的土地。在校的学生们要努力啊,请审视至少2500年的历史, 按主基督的指点:是好树还是坏树,就看它结什么果子。请立住你们的根基,我们的弟兄姊妹会为你们向 我们的主祷告!预祝你们成功!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 后面的英文看着怪费劲的,就说说前面的中文部分。我相信任何一个国家的大多数人都相信自己是站在道德高点上的,这跟东西方没关系,跟是不是基督徒或者是不是基督教国家没关系。而从基督徒的角度来看,真正的基督徒只会从基督那里学到谦卑、顺服,


      -- 《罗马书》12章17~21