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what you list I know all. Don't list more model.it can't mean you know more. not kidding. more website

Actually if you search from google you can find more infomation.
So don't make it seem you know much. I think many people interest car will have more knowledge than you. It's true and don't make you unhappy.
you should provide you opinion.
Depand on your reply I think you think everyone will have the same knowledge as you. Do you know other people have more knowledge.OH come on. so you often provide some infomation.
I must say these are basic knowledge. then you can get some conclusion. Study Hard.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 那几位争论车的朋友就别费那个劲了,这事要真能争出个结论来,去年我们就争出来了。现在看看,除了别人说俺“罕见”俺还会驳几句,其他的基本上都麻木了。
    • 罕见,非常的罕见。xixi
      • 咱们让MM们评比一下,如果有两个同等条件的帅哥一个开COROLLA,另一个开JEEP,LIBERTY,同时在门口接你,你上哪个车?
        • 我是JJ,我选jeep。我自己选车都想买jeep呢。
          • 可俺没钱买JEEP咋办?你没车坐了.
            • 坐腿上....
              • ......
                • 他是三句话不离本行
                  • 他是干一行爱一行。劳模。hehe
          • 我明天就去买JEEP SAHARA。然后去找你。
            • 我建议你还是买JEEP LIBERTY,JEEP SAHARA 还是太夸张,里面内饰也不如LIBERTY。
            • LIBERTY是最新的设计,发动机用了BENZ的技术。
              • 我知道啊,TJ里面比较粗糙简单的。兄弟,但我主要是喜欢那东西夏天可以揭了棚,简直爽透,我以前BABY JEEP 是可以开棚的。那感觉就和我以前玩摩托一样。何况我们还有大VAN和几部小的可以玩,我准备叫我拍档去买部老林肯,那感觉就齐了。
                • 巨支持,那天开到BC来让咱们也爽一把。
                  • 你来这里想开什么都全力支持,我都包了!BC我有个老妹子在那里,可能会去找她玩,不过她是准备买林肯或凯迪拉克,当然是旧的,我准备帮她开回来TORONTO。
                    • 我一朋友从美国LA开了一旧凯迪拉克来我们BC玩,车上装满了人和东西,开了几千公里也很好,现在车就停在库里,但美国那边保险到期了,我这个朋友又回国了,续不了,谁也不敢再开它了。
                      • 什么型号,年份,公里,我看看。
                        • 等我查过了再告诉你。
                          • 如果合适我叫我姐们儿买了开来。
        • 嘿嘿,应是RV4 vs. Liberty, 不是一个级别的不要比。
          • Corolla vs. ?
            • Coralla 适合接大妈,MM当然要上Z24啦。
              • 声明:俺的Z24是用来接LD的,不同Corolla抢MM。口黑口黑
            • Corolla Vs. Neon of Chrysler, Focus of Ford , or Cavalier of GM @ same price range of new car.
        • 又该有人说你不平等对比了,呵呵
        • 上旁边的那辆Benz
          • 哪怕上面坐一老头?
        • 想再找一个和我“同等条件的帅哥”,也不是绝对不可能,难呀,厚厚
          • 那劝你赶快买一辆LIBERTY,以免被没有你帅的青蛙抢去了心上人儿。
          • 罕见罕见...
        • 谁的也不上. 等着我老公开Land Rover接我. Dreaming...:)
        • I am not a JJ or MM, but I think if they really like to live with that guy for the rest of her life. She should choose the one with COROLLA. Because car is nothing but a tool. Why bother to spend too much money on it.
          He can invest those money to have a better life. That is my personal oponion.
          If JJ or MM just want to play with that boy, that is a different story.
    • 坛子里开日本车的人不少吧,怎么没人说美国车这不好那不好。我就是烦那几个开美国车的共同特点,张口闭口垃圾车,别人花自己的钱,你 不喜欢就不喜欢,有什么权利指责甚至人身攻击,罕见罕见。。。
      • 你不正在”管闲事+对别人攻击 “吗?都只管自己的事,还要论坛干吗?讨论难免指责对错,除非一边倒
        • 拜托你把以前的帖子看清楚再说话
    • There are some people dare to say "Neon is a good car, better than corolla"! I think their rules are "I have it, so it is the best!"
      • 这才合乎逻辑,否则自己都不觉得是最好的那为什么要买呢?类似的最好的例子是娶老婆,如果自己都觉得碍眼,那还有什么可说的呢?
      • 很有道理呀,不过要有个限制, I have it, so it is the best FOR ME!如果这样想,俺看不出有什么争论的必要,呵呵.
      • Corolla太轻。我一朋友今年下雪天开Corolla在高速公路上被后面的车撞得原地打了一个转。车报废了,人吓得半死。现在换了台宽宽大大笨笨重重的美国车。
      • 依我看,花同样的钱,买美国车比日本车舒服,包括驾驶和PASSENGER 的空间
        • 舒服的是大中型美国车,小车neon, focus,cavaliar也不咋的。
          • pay attention to 花同样的钱, buy a compact japanese car can buy a midsize america car.
            • not really, 22k-23k can buy a loaded compact Japanese car, and a loaded midsize US car will cost more for sure.
              • Agree. Compact car/Base model 02 MSRP: Corolla/CE $15765; Civic/Dx $15900; Neon/LE $18505; Fous/LX $15970; Mid-size/Base mode 02 MSRP: Camry/LE $23755; Accord//SE $24800; Taurus/LX $24550.
              • totally wrong! please attention to base model include equipment between midsize america car and compact japanese car. I never heard some person buy a corolla less 21000 $. never! and next guy's data also wrong.
                you can buy tauras about 25000$ can you buy same carmy .even you can it's v4 not v6.
                • Ok,继续较真,俺不否认,同类日车比美车稍贵,不过midsize美车和compact日车价格一致吗? 都说了compact 日车价格22k-23k左右,这价格能拿下midsize美车?
                  • 以我的经验,MID SIZE的美车和日车价钱几乎差不多,所不同的是日车贷款利息高.如果你用现金买,差不多.
                  • SO it's right: 依我看,花同样的钱,买美国车比日本车舒服,包括驾驶和PASSENGER 的空间
                    • not really. 至少compact 的美,日车比较,驾驶和PASSENGER 的空间美车没有优势. 如果买小车,我宁愿多花1-2k买日车,midsize, 我会选美车.美车的优势更多的体现在大车上.
                      • campact america car start 12000( not sure)! Chv cavalia and how much will br japanese so 花同样的钱,买美国车比日本车舒服,包括驾驶和PASSENGER 的空间
                        • 仔细看看这车的配置先.用这个标准衡量,楼上Corolla/CE $15765也成立.
                          • expensive almost 4000$ pluse tax think about! actuall no onw will buy cavaliar 12000$.
                            so buy a corolla will be more than 21000$. plus 1000-2000 you can buy malibu. and low rate. so 花同样的钱,买美国车比日本车舒服,包括驾驶和PASSENGER 的空间
                            • FYI. 02 Cavalier 4 doors MSRP VL $14500: VLX 4 doors MSRP $17500; LS 4 doors MSRP $21275; Z24 4 doors MSRP $22475.
                • "You never heard" Sure, how many did you heard ? Check the canadian car price at this web site: http://www.canadiandriver.com/, you will heard. Learn, then comment.
                  • are you kidding me! I even don't know the price. I have more website. even yahoo.ca or msn.com have more detail. list price is diffirent the price you get a car. did you buy a car before? visit some dealers :)
                    • No kidding, just facts. Using MSRP is better than the purchase price in comparing car prices in same class. BTW, I did buy some cars before( new 02 Acura 3.2 TL , new 95 Camary, used 88 Nissan Sentra....) Thxs.
                      • do you agree you will spend more 21000$ buy a corolla then you will can drive? And you will pay 24000$ to drive (Malibu v6 for example)
                        and you will pay at least 29998 (from toyota.ca) to drive LE model (basic model v4) and pay almost 39000$ for advance model.
                        think about interest rate and then
                        花同样的钱,买美国车比日本车舒服,包括驾驶和PASSENGER 的空间 is right.
                        IIf you have an american car and check MSRP you will feel good because the price is high. but the real situation is different
                        • Not agree. 1. Once again, just fact: 02 Corolla CE MSRP $15765 or LE $21356 + tax/misc. (you can get it for less) 2. Corolla is a COMPACT car, Malibu is MIDSIZE car. not same class. 3. My new 02 Acura TL just cost
                          me around $43000 (including everything, car, tax, destination, PDI, admin, registration.), I don't understand how a Corolla can go $39000.( "Advance model ? " How advance ? This is real news, I really never heard that someone buy a "advanced Corolla of $39000". Why ? ) Thxs.

                          BTW. Relaiblity, maintenance cost, resale value, reputation and less car problems are part of driving comfortable too, not just size, space, and power,
                      • you are wrong
                        I am suprise you know malibu is midsize car. Compare price collora and malibu.
                        I say the LE model and advance model means camry. do you think this price is cheap than malibu. compare the carmy and malibu. and compare corolla and malibu.
                        do you get a conclusion.

                        did you konw why resale Japanese car expensive than ammerican car. think about malibu and Carmy the sale price.
                        do you think about insurance fee. this is also important.
                        Even American Car have some problem do you think change a light or other small equipment waste you many money.
                        engine and transsmision's problem I don't think America car much high Japanese in recently years product.
                        ... ...
                        I don't want to discuss with you total Japanese car and American Car because other Dx already talk it. If you have time study them.
                        • Suprised by midsize of Malibu? not me. Market rule #1. price is earned , not marked. Market is the price-maker. Sony TV priced at $1000, RCA with same features priced at $750, same thing? I don't think so. BTW,
                          You want the cheapest price on car of same class, go with Huydai, you will not be disappointed for the price, but the value is an another issue.

                          Conclusion: Here is free market. Evrything has to earn its price ( ,not just for car)
                          • I don't know what you said.
                            I only say 花同样的钱,买美国车比日本车舒服,包括驾驶和PASSENGER 的空间 .and you you gave much stupid price and something.but that it's not real situation. are you dream.don't dream to TV. I don't want to discuss Japanese TV and American TV. It seem you not only know the car but also Tv. But I am sorry I don't know the TV and I even Don't know the malibu is a midsize car. I f I don't say it's a midsize car that means I dn't know. do you think it's so stupid thinking. So next time follow the topic please see it careful. don't 文不对题. I also don't want to discuss with you about free market. It seem you will discuss some North American economic topic. You are so so Multi-knowledge. I 服 you.
                            • It is OK to say something you don't know. Here is another "surprise" to you. By market, actually, Malibu is not considered at same level (competing) with Camary. Malibu's (V6/base) competing vehicles are
                              Sonata GLS 4dr of Hyundai, Jetta GL 4dr of VW, Stratus SXT 4dr of Dodge and Taurus LX 4dr of Ford etc. Competing vehicles of Camary (V6/XLE) are Concord of Chrysler, Intrepid of Dodge, Maxime of Nissan and Accord of Honda etc. As Corolla (LE), competing vehicles are Cavalier of Chevrolet, Neon pf Dodge, Civic of Honda, Elantra GLS 4dr of Hyundai and Sentra of Nissan etc.
                              Have you heared above info.? if not, here is source: www.edmunds.com.

                              There is no reason to be upset just because something you don't know. This attitude will hurt your learning.
                              Have a nice day.
                              • what you list I know all. Don't list more model.it can't mean you know more. not kidding. more website
                                Actually if you search from google you can find more infomation.
                                So don't make it seem you know much. I think many people interest car will have more knowledge than you. It's true and don't make you unhappy.
                                you should provide you opinion.
                                Depand on your reply I think you think everyone will have the same knowledge as you. Do you know other people have more knowledge.OH come on. so you often provide some infomation.
                                I must say these are basic knowledge. then you can get some conclusion. Study Hard.
                                • 1. From " don't know to know all ", I wonder how much you really know. 2. It doesn't make sense to show you "know all" by your listing of web sites or book names. 3. Here we just exchange car info, not running an
                                  intelligence contest. Nobody will say you are stupid because you don't know something. Nobody knows all. (but I am not sure about you, you said you know all. Just kidding ? ) 4. Don't be upset, calm down. It is not big deal if you say you don't know something, which may push you to learn. 5. Enjoying Rolia

                                  Thanks for your reply and comments, there are a lot of funs to talk to you.
                                  • I don't know if you are understand my first topic at all. I didn't say anything just 花同样的钱,买美国车比日本车舒服,包括驾驶和PASSENGER 的空间.
                                    and you list some price. it seem you know much. I don't think so. because the price is not really final price. just price list some website. One and more times you use one website. Just like you style, you only see you only see a tree without see a forrest. Don't 一叶障目 and this will be helpful for you.Do you have really have experience for car price ? Or just have some book knowledge.
                                    sometime relate this topic to TV or Free market. I am really angry for argue with you because you are so 大脑缺根弦. Don't make you like a gentleman. I need the truth and I just said one of this.
                                    • Hi, Man, you take this dicussion too personal. You said you need the truth, but it seems you can not handle the truth. Just look at your posts, flooding with words such as like " stupid thinking ", "lost mind ",
                                      " are you dream" , " no brain ", "see a tree without forest", "not real situation", etc. Is there any truth or fact ? I did see it. By wording like this you are losting your credits. This is not good for you. Learning is good thing to do.

                                      You keep saying "same money", Let me tell you that " your one dollar may be not equal to his one dollar because of value". You need change the way you think.

                                      • hi I don't think so
                                        but I find you like see it. Follow the so simple topic and receive much words I give you. Do you feel good. I find you are so comfotable because you are so cheap! This is my style and you can follow my topic I have to supporse you like this. If you don't like it, Let me know and I can change for you! I already saw you reply to other guys. are you feel you are so humor. Ha !Stupid. (this is last one).
                                        Only one question use the same money buy a American car is bigger than Japanese car(normally I can't buy a special American car that is small than JP car)?
                                        If it's yes. My opinoin is right!
                                        • I can feel your angry because you can not win this topic by knowledge. It is too bad, especially for a kind of person like you. A mental-ill person does not realizes that himself has mental problems, instead he
                                          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛belives that all other normal people have problems, and wonder why people can not understand him. This is very sad for all of us.
                                          Using "bad words" in the reply can only show that you are a non-educated person of low-class and a loser. I will not low myself to your level which is really cheap and stupid.
                                          This discussion is going too far away from the original topic, but I hope you can learn some lessons from it.. Knowledge make you strong, not the dirty wording !

                                          Below to answer your question of "same money for more space" by facts,
                                          Here we have "same money" on an US car and a Jap. car at same class and same level, which one has more space? you do the math.

                                          Cardillac CTS (USA) MSRP CA$39900
                                          Interior volume (L) 2775
                                          Front seat leg room (mm) 1077
                                          Rear seat leg room 940
                                          front seat head room (mm) 978
                                          Rear seat head room 937
                                          Trunk volume (L) 362
                                          Fuel tank capacity (L) 66

                                          Infiniti I35 (Japan) MSRP CA$39500
                                          Interior volume (L) 2888
                                          Front seat leg room (mm) 1155
                                          Rear seats leg room 920
                                          Front seat head room (mm) 1029
                                          Rear seats head room 950
                                          Trunk volume (L) 422
                                          Fuel tank capacity (L) 70.0

                                          Have you got the point ?
                                          Done !

                                          Sources: www.gm.com; www.infiniti.com, www.canadiandriver.com更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net