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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛THIS IS A SERIOUS ISSUE, READ ON~!!!

This has happened in Canada. For your information, a
couple of weeks ago, in a movie theater, a person sat
on something sharp in one of the seats. When she stood
up to see what it was, a needle was found poking
through the seat with an attached note saying, "You
have been infected with HIV."
The Centers for Disease Control reports similar event
have taken place in several other cities recently. All
of the needles tested HAVE been positive for HIV. The
CDC also reports that needles have been found in the
coin return areas of pay phones and soda machines.
Everyone is asked to use extreme caution when
confronted with these types of situations. All public
chairs should be thoroughly but safely inspected prior
to any use. A thorough visual inspection is considered
the bare minimum. Furthermore, they ask that everyone
notify their family members and friends of the
potential dangers, as well. Thank you. The previous
information was sent from the Regina City Police
Department to all of the local governments in the
Saskatchewan area and was interdepartmentally
dispersed. We were all asked to pass this to as many
people as possible. This is very important!! Just
think, you could save somebody's life. Just by passing
this on. Please take a couple ofseconds of your time
and Pass this on. Thank You!!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / THIS IS A SERIOUS ISSUE, READ ON~!!! ( ZHUAN)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛THIS IS A SERIOUS ISSUE, READ ON~!!!

    This has happened in Canada. For your information, a
    couple of weeks ago, in a movie theater, a person sat
    on something sharp in one of the seats. When she stood
    up to see what it was, a needle was found poking
    through the seat with an attached note saying, "You
    have been infected with HIV."
    The Centers for Disease Control reports similar event
    have taken place in several other cities recently. All
    of the needles tested HAVE been positive for HIV. The
    CDC also reports that needles have been found in the
    coin return areas of pay phones and soda machines.
    Everyone is asked to use extreme caution when
    confronted with these types of situations. All public
    chairs should be thoroughly but safely inspected prior
    to any use. A thorough visual inspection is considered
    the bare minimum. Furthermore, they ask that everyone
    notify their family members and friends of the
    potential dangers, as well. Thank you. The previous
    information was sent from the Regina City Police
    Department to all of the local governments in the
    Saskatchewan area and was interdepartmentally
    dispersed. We were all asked to pass this to as many
    people as possible. This is very important!! Just
    think, you could save somebody's life. Just by passing
    this on. Please take a couple ofseconds of your time
    and Pass this on. Thank You!!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Oh, My God! Important!!! :-(
    • 真的假的?从哪转来的?语调上跟那些连环信一样,不可信。
      • 不管真的假的,宁可信其有吧,小心点没坏处。
    • There are dangers lurking around everywhere in your life, that's the fate, why bother to worry so much about unpredictable?
    • 真的吗? 好烦.
    • I got this in my e-mail from my friend last year, too. And just after that she sent me another mail said that it was not true. I'd rather forget it than believe it.
      But till now I always remember when I sitting down to a seat in movie theater... He He
    • 可能性不大吧,据说艾滋病菌离开人体就不能存活,不知道是不是真的
    • 好像去年在广播里听到过这个新闻,不过,他们说检验结果是针头没有HIV。对于病毒,防不胜防,能做的就是增强自己的体质,提高抵抗力。
      • 呵呵,啥时候能把体制增强到HIV都能抵抗了,可算是超人了