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Also I would like to claim again that SOHO is more like a place to accumulate some info and personnel.

A lot of articles written by managers, CIO, founders of company or group share their experience and lessons. I don't think it has to be posted every day. While IT guys get used to view only new stuff, business itself exists since human appear on earth. Disciplines of business could take effect for decades.

Just think about simple questions like: why Chinese people can not group together? Why so many companies break apart when start making money? Why many people is actually only argueing, not discussing problems?

Please see what's inside there, behind people's stories, not what's new for today.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 新手测试/软件开发
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛最近听朋友介绍,刚刚到 rolia,看到几个帖子都是关于软件技术经验心得交流的,还有要练兵找主题的,也想随便谈谈。
    从 beta1 算起,在 ASP.NET + C# 平台上已经写了 1 年半的程序了。总觉得在这个新平台上其实可做的事情还很多。比如在 windows app 中有各式各样的控件,目前在 web 平台上,尤其是基于 asp.net, xml, xslt 的控件并不多,应该有很大的空间。举几个例子:做 web 应用开发的人都会知道一些著名网站专门提供 dhtml 控件的,但是在真正的应用中这些控件离实用还差一些距离,比如很多控件只具备基本 UI 功能,但 client side or server side data binding API 并未实现。还有一种情况就是控件做的非常好,但不能 cross browser。这都给程序迷们留下了很大的空间。如果真有时间,有精力,有实力,可做的事情太多太多了。
    软件行业单兵作战,个人英雄主义的时代早已过去,但做控件是个例外。做这些东东有时候要求的技术蛮杂,可能涉及 js / vbs / htc / css / dhtml dom / w3c dom / xml / xslt / asp.net / c#,要求的经验较丰富(知道项目需求中哪些部分是 generic 的,哪些部分应该如何封装,应该用什么技术,数据绑定该在 browser side or web server side),但总的来说还是有可能单人完成的。只要真的做过一些复杂 web 应用,就会知道哪些控件会收到大家欢迎。而且就算是一些 ms 或 netscape 提供的现成的成熟控件,也可以考虑将其移植到对方平台上去(ms 总假设 netscape 只有 nn3,netscape 总假设 ms 只有 ie 3,其实将 IE 5.5+ 的东东用 ns6.2 实现就会是很有挑战很酷但同时也很可能的,毕竟都支持 w3c dom, xml, xslt 了)。
    可惜中国的软件精英好像从来不屑于做这种 freeware or shareware,颇有千钧之弩不为鼷鼠发机的味道。
    首先承认,如果有人做出这类东东,我确实有坐享其成免费 d/l 之心。不过既然求名求利求酷之心人人见仁见智,看到有人嚷嚷下雨天打孩子闲着也是闲着,不妨考虑考虑这一提议。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 高手啊!有机会向您讨教。我前天刚安装了.NET开发平台,正不知道从哪里入手呢,能否指点一二?谢谢!
      • 偶是新手,不是高手的说
        .NET 太大太大了。如果你碰巧想要了解 asp.net,而且用 c#,如果碰到问题我可能能回答 1% -2%。
        还是等真的碰到问题,post 出来大家一起研究吧。
        • 刚好我想从VC++向C#方向转。
          • 那会比较容易。要再有 java 的经验就更容易乐... ;-)
      • 为什么是黄的?
        • because it's a reply to your post.
        • 天冷涂的蜡
    • If you have clear idea about what you want to create, may be you can look for some parteners from: www.aimoo.com/soho. It is not a general forum, but for all kinds of guys working together.
      • 注册了一个 id 看了看,好像人气并不旺的说。
        要说 clear idea about what I want,目前可能还得算 enjoy life... ;-)
        • That place is not targeting for 人气, if you can see it is not for F4 fans. I could have contacted you for a job offer. But seems you're already too busy. And the sense is so negative, forget it. Enjoy life.
          • 很高兴您也是 F4 的泛 ;-D
            我其实只对 alt-F4 词儿熟。;-)
            人数旺不旺并不重要,但您推荐的 URL 的帖子在 3.9 之后就没有什么实质性的 follow-up 乐。虽然我也注意到“以后的邮件将只发给联络过的人”,但既然您给出了个 link,我想潜水艇们也想了解故事的发展。
            顺便问一句,the sense is negative 到底是什么意思?
            • Happy to know that you are still concern about the Travel project.
              They are installing the program for their clients now. Also financing is under going, although a little bit slow. But they are native canadians, mostly they will get the money.
              I organized a group of people developing some C# web service for the company. The founders of the company are close my friends. The pay is pretty low right now. But I will squeezeout money to pay our guys for sure.

              I agree that SOHO is not so hot. Just like poeple's proposal in here, none continue long enough so far. What could be the reason?
              • I guess
                The most possible reason could be that the game rule is not well defined from the very beginning... That's 'why so many companies break apart when start making money'. Maybe the team will be much more reliable if the team member assumes each other are untrusty? ;-)
              • AI让人钦佩!行动胜于宏论。曾经参加过一次早期soho创业组的座谈,有点个人感受(负面的哦:-):

                (2)成员组成是个难点,技术人员如果没有利益和友谊驱动很难做到坦诚以对。把share knowledge作为驱动不是不可以,但成员水平参差而且擅长领域不同就非常有问题(现在可能好多了吧)。

                • 听上去很诚恳哦
                  提到的问题也正是 soho 站点里没能澄清,阐明的东东...
                • 非常感谢,肺腑之言.说来说去还是难以恰当解决.后来有些转向
                  因为大家都是出于兴趣来做, 就没有办法按正规的项目来管理. 都要生存嘛,只有业余时间放进来. 曾经先后确定过项目, 做了分工, 但没等做出来, 兴趣就变了, 比如有了面试, 或发现其他领域, 就想转行了. 你只好祝他好运.

                  还有其他问题, 比如出主意时谁都不服劲, 谁都不愿做别人的想法, 事务性的工作没人愿意付出. 当然我只是说个别情况, 毕竟还是有很多收获, 如资源积累, 经验积累, 等等.

                  于是转到去找项目, 项目拿来了, 想做的人能力不够, 有能力的人嫌钱太少, 等等. 当然有些在进行, 毕竟一个项目不会容纳很多人.

                  关于如何合作, 利益如何分配, 在SOHO里讨论很多. 最终还是中国人的特点, 谁也不服谁, 没有结论.

                  想想一年多了吧? 还是有很多有热情的人, 相信成功的机会仍在. 只是不要太理想化, 起步阶段可能会几年也正常, 毕竟大环境仍无实质改善.
    • Also I would like to claim again that SOHO is more like a place to accumulate some info and personnel.
      A lot of articles written by managers, CIO, founders of company or group share their experience and lessons. I don't think it has to be posted every day. While IT guys get used to view only new stuff, business itself exists since human appear on earth. Disciplines of business could take effect for decades.

      Just think about simple questions like: why Chinese people can not group together? Why so many companies break apart when start making money? Why many people is actually only argueing, not discussing problems?

      Please see what's inside there, behind people's stories, not what's new for today.
      • excuse!
    • 另一点在SOHO中曾提到, 搞技术的不要有一技之长就傲视于人, 或者不敢露短,耻于开口, 或者不给别人CREDIT. 市场, 销售, 管理, 融资, 仍是一个企业的主导, 搞技术的人应当多和外行联系,多捧捧他们.