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原意就是抛砖引玉,这里藏龙卧虎,很多孩子都非常优秀,想多看到学生文章,好丰富孩子自己的阅读和思路.还真为买同龄人的优秀文集费了很多时间,可惜都SOLD OUT........呵呵
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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / A letter to Prime Minister (8 years old)
    • Very good start!:-)
      • 抛砖引玉,贴个小孩子的课上作业.知道这边有个写作RECOURCE,全是孩子自己写的文章,很畅销.书店网上都一直没有买到.家长孩子们有兴趣来贴一贴,好打印出来一起借鉴学习. ..:)
        • 是个好主意。我儿子提议练吉他的小哥们们(10岁左右)能不能组一个小band,做慈善演出?
          • 好主意.
    • 很可爱的文章,你孩子写的?
      • :)
    • 八岁能写这样的文章真了不起。
      • 谢谢夸奖...抛砖引玉,希望看到更多孩子们的文章
    • 8岁,文章写得不错。你怎么鼓励他呢?
      • 都是课上作业,这不学期结束,也才看到...
        老师说他是位an excellent writer, has a sophisicated thought process and understanding of the world around him.一直专著于天天陪他痛苦D练钢琴,其它都顺其自然了...这周他在外野营,帮他整理文章,才感觉比我小时强多了,文笔有趣幽默,有篇谈到BULLY的文章还很认真.

    • 真不错!夸夸
      • 谢谢
    • Encourgar him more
      This is good as a 8 years old boy, Carry on to encourage him to participate more to write, or let him express him self in his own opinion in all different area. Such as, The politicical, the society, the community, the family, etc....

      This will initiate him, how should he think or judge in the maters that all around.

      Suggest to keep this letter, and show it to him every two years after, let him read it again.(or ask him rewrite the same letter), By doing this, It will reminds him, what he was thinking when he was 2 years younger.

      I believe he will re-think what he said on the 1st letter. Doing this, he will be able to judge that. did he say it correctly or worng,(When he was 2 years younger) because he has learned more, have more experence in his young life, in turn, his judgement will have more elemant to use to make the opinion.
      • 嗯,很好的建议...他有个BLOG,都整理到那里,他自己也会去看看
    • yihan, 这是我儿子对此问题的进一步讨论,他很感兴趣。:-)----- This is good, but can be better (good for an A, though)
      This is great for an 8 year old, but please consider the facts. For your first paragraph, you wanted to stop producing gasoline cars. This is an good idea but what happens when solar cars become popular? The gasoline cars end up in a landfill, or the furnace. That's a waste of metal, and effort. Also, what happens to the gas stations? They will become bankrupt because no one wants to go there because all the cars are solar powered.

      Your second paragraph was also good, but then an over dosage of carbon dioxide will harm the trees. And there isn't a point in doing this because at night the trees will breathe the carbon dioxide back out. And if the trees get harmed, what happens to the paper industry? The paper we use may become frail or even turn black.

      Your third paragraph is great though. However, your idea is already in use. Some universities have a program where people plant trees, and some groups have been made to plant trees as well.
      • interesting.....
      • 他外出了,周末转给他...看看他怎么回复这些问题...另外你家孩子很可爱,思想有深度....:)
        • 他加入了一个什么叫“eco club”...他说以后绝对买smart car, 我说那是小纸盒子,我还是要买大的。代沟啊。
      • 逸涵和牛哥的娃都很棒!!!有思想,会表达。
        • are 逸涵和牛哥 a couple? ummm......perfect match!
          • 哪和哪,也就谈孩子方面有交集而已...忒能幻想,联想牌大脑?
    • My opinion.
      As perent. it is our responsbility to teach our kid. What and How should judgement is made when they seeing things.
      No matter how good or smart they are now, All are only from their young age's experence,(westen expression they still "Green"). right or worng. time will tell as they grown up. As perent's we have to guide them out as they growing up.
      • 俺对孩子的世界观方面比较放羊.感觉这边教育很正面.让孩子自己去吸收成长吧..........
    • it's parents' responsibilities to teach their sons and/or daughters to tell the truth, not speak perfunctorily and obsequiously.
      • 英文非母语,看不大懂...只能对龙喊猫~~~

        原意就是抛砖引玉,这里藏龙卧虎,很多孩子都非常优秀,想多看到学生文章,好丰富孩子自己的阅读和思路.还真为买同龄人的优秀文集费了很多时间,可惜都SOLD OUT........呵呵
    • 现在孩子的世界和我们当时已经是大不相同,我给他们建立了blog, 一会工夫,他们就熟练的利用google提供的工具,把界面按照自己的口味加以修改,希望那些sharp, critical thinking 的小朋友们,互相交流。
      • 嗯.我家的电子产品造几年前都是孩子指点我了...但也喜欢无电子返朴归真的乐趣...
        • library有summer reading club.
          • 谢谢!都忘了,我们每年都去的,孩子喜欢那里的POSTER.还能中LUCKY DRAW...明就去...:)
            • 谷歌博客在国内是被屏蔽的, ....孩子们的博客,,,,遗憾.
              • 罢工,本来的滑板篮球游泳都去不了.还好在家附近找到个TDSB的暑假中文班,整好还有最后的空位.原来报的班改自学练习了...可能你们北边也有类似的中文班
                • 你孩子喜欢上中文课吗?如果现在用不上,他们为什么喜欢?
                  现在没有中文课,又没有什么中文方面的活动,我也就不push, 学了半天用不上,浪费时间。
                  • 他4岁学粤语,学校里也有中文班,上习惯了,不反对...没啥特别热爱,送出去随便怎样的班比在家省我心而已...国人的后代多学点中文没什么坏处吧,好多都是粤语父母接送,还有混血的孩子去上呢
                    • 学点东西没坏处。。由于工作的机会,我们计划把孩子们明年送回国内一年,,,在国内上一年学,,,他们听了,