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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


1. 刚在一起时, 他说, HONEY, DO YOU MIND NOT ORDERING ME TO DO THINGS? 你一愣, 说, 我从来没命令你呀? 他说, YOU SAY “GIVE ME THE GLASS” “PASS ME THE SALT.” 你心里嘀咕, 没有命令他呀, 于是你注意他平时怎么对你说话, 发现不同之处, 他用长句子, 你用短句子, 比如, 他说, HONEY, DO YOU MIND PASSING THE SALT TO ME? 你说, PASS THE SALT TO ME. 他谢谢不离口, 你从不说谢谢, 自家人客气什么. 后来你明白了, 在英语国家, 你这样说话的方式叫RUDE. 你自己心里辩解, 我只是比较节约一点, 短句子经济嘛. 不过, 现在全变成长句子了. 每天也变成, DO YOU MIND…, COULD YOU DO ME A FAVOR, THANK YOU… 嘻嘻
2. 回了趟中国, 让弟妹(SISTER-IN-LAW)帮助买了件东西, 你对她说, 谢谢, 她一愣, 谢啥, 自家人, 你再这么见外, 我跟你急, 看来她真有点急了. 你和弟弟说, 你可不可以帮我个忙… 弟弟说, 有话直说, 绕什么圈子呀, 肯定是帮忙阿.

3. 于是记住, 说英语时, 长句子. 说中文时, 短句子
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  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 自家人要说谢谢
    1. 刚在一起时, 他说, HONEY, DO YOU MIND NOT ORDERING ME TO DO THINGS? 你一愣, 说, 我从来没命令你呀? 他说, YOU SAY “GIVE ME THE GLASS” “PASS ME THE SALT.” 你心里嘀咕, 没有命令他呀, 于是你注意他平时怎么对你说话, 发现不同之处, 他用长句子, 你用短句子, 比如, 他说, HONEY, DO YOU MIND PASSING THE SALT TO ME? 你说, PASS THE SALT TO ME. 他谢谢不离口, 你从不说谢谢, 自家人客气什么. 后来你明白了, 在英语国家, 你这样说话的方式叫RUDE. 你自己心里辩解, 我只是比较节约一点, 短句子经济嘛. 不过, 现在全变成长句子了. 每天也变成, DO YOU MIND…, COULD YOU DO ME A FAVOR, THANK YOU… 嘻嘻
    2. 回了趟中国, 让弟妹(SISTER-IN-LAW)帮助买了件东西, 你对她说, 谢谢, 她一愣, 谢啥, 自家人, 你再这么见外, 我跟你急, 看来她真有点急了. 你和弟弟说, 你可不可以帮我个忙… 弟弟说, 有话直说, 绕什么圈子呀, 肯定是帮忙阿.

    3. 于是记住, 说英语时, 长句子. 说中文时, 短句子
    • 东北饺子劳工是个西人巴。
      • wow, 我的一个敏感,大胆且八卦的猜测竟然要引发一个热点话题了,(才乖乖看会儿书,又忍不住瞄一眼坛子〕其实婚姻真的象鞋子,舒不舒服只有自己知道,只要自己开心就好,别再意别人的评论。

        Enjoy your life.
    • Yes, I am going to visit Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec this summer with him. I wish I could meet some friends there. Are we welcome?
      • Yes, of course
        • 拉倒吧, 带个洋人来参加中国人的聚会, 除非那洋人已经是个中国通,或者除非中国人的洋文都很顺畅,否则只会让大家尴尬。 你说在中国可能还有不少人围着他说英语,在这里,难道自己的聚会还想练英语。
          • I am here to make friends who are open-minded, who appreciate multi-culture which we are intending to build as a Canadian.
          • 你这个人好像有点不讲道理。网友聚会从来都是自愿参加,来者不拒。有个把洋人参加中国人聚会,有什么大惊小怪的。就好像你想打入西人社会,参加洋人活动一样。别少见多怪。
            • 说的好!
          • 欢迎 欢迎 ,这说明我门rolia 腐败聚会的吸引力正在不断的壮大,让西人也了解了解东方文化有什么不好, 你不打开open-minded,别人如何了解你,我看挺好的
      • Don't know why
        Don't know why, I never feel comfortable when ever I came across a Chinese women who live/marry/fxxed (chose a word you like)with laowai, The feeling tells me that they think they are different from the rest of Chinese simply because they are on white man's bed. No offence!
        • How do you think about a chinese man who lives/is married/fxxed a white girl? heihei, everybody has his own way of living, everybody has his right choosing his favorite partners.
          • ah! they are not like Chinese woman that eagerly show off, thay still act like Chinese but wemen... hehehe you know what i mean, inferior complex.
            • Do you know why "hurricane" is named after a woman? Because they are just like women, they come wild and wet, and they leave with your house and car... haha
              • Hey That was copied from "Traffic". Don't apply that to lumlum.
                • lumlum is a good girl, not a woman. And I can tell she's gonna make lots of money in the future, so, I will be the hurricane. hehe
                  • Well, I better prepare myself wild and wet.
                    • maybe wild and strong.. heihei
                • Hi, long time no seen. How about your offer?
    • We are in a country which allows no discrimination against sex, race, religion, and national origin. Why when people see mix marriage, 总会触动一些人的神经. 爱要依赖于金钱, 肤色, 年龄, 国家, 出身吗? 尊重是彼此给的.
      • The problem is: they already have prejudgment when they see things... that's what I feel. Hey, let's have a serious discussion on this matter, don't get too emotional... how about that?
      • 可惜中国人的种族认同感还是非常强烈的。而且还是个那么大的民族。我是觉得和洋人通婚的人就象是游离母体外的分子。
        • WOW, 上升到民族感情和中国大同论上来了. 那么诸位来到这样的国家干吗, 为啥不在中国来体验强大的民族性呢
          • 别生气, 无意冒犯。也许这就是 MULTI CULTURE 中存在的冲突。你现在体会到了吧。
        • 那么大的民族?是指汉族吗?记得侯德健说过,他写《龙的传人》时说中国人是“黑眼睛黑头发黄皮肤”,但后来见到吾尔开西,就知道自己错了。他已经把歌词改了。都二十一世纪了,你怎么还这么封建?
      • 爱怎么会不依赖金钱,肤色,年龄,国家,和出身呢? 问一问你自己。 一个50岁的老头,没钱,但很好人,会很爱你,你会对他有爱吗? 本来爱就是因为各种因素触发的, 没有那些因素,你会产生爱吗?
      • If yourself is financially independent, why you care your lover has money or not? If you feel you can have wonderful 20 years together, why you care he is 18 or 58? I have a black friend, he is
        a very nice person. Why you care his skin is black or white? It depends on what you want from him.
        • 选择爱人,本身就是用最带有 歧视眼光来挑选的。
      • go ahead, don't care others. some men feel uneasy just because they don't have that chance to have a 'white girl'.
    • EMOTIONAL到不至于. 其实只是想发些关于MULTICULTURE的随想供大家参考. 同时, SUMMER北上时也可MEET SOME FRIENDS. 再说, 俺妈60了, 都没把我们扫地出门.
      • Just come and FB with us. Let the talktive guys talk themselves. Follow you way to join us! ha!
      • That is really encouraging. Thank you very much.
      • why you care that? just do you should do. you don't have to ask others accept you.
      • yes, you are right. I don't care how people think about me. I just want to meet some friends who like to meet me too.
      • Ah! so fast, alright i'll mak my post more readable: My ill feeling toward this, is because I had some debate with some racist Americans and indians,
        To prove they are not racist, they claime they even have chinese wif or gilr friend, after all these racist slur thay end the debate with something like," As Punishment to you all $%^$Chinese, I will screw my chines wif/GF hard tonight" Oh!.... F#%$!!! that's really makes my blood boil, I don't know what's wrong with our women, you just have no idea what are tthey talking about you with their buddies when you not around....
        • “东北饺子” 情况不同,毕竟她找到了自己的婚姻和爱情。
          但你说的事情也正是我感到不舒服的。 不少的中国女人找了洋人, 然后扬言怎么幸福怎么快乐, 作为中国男人, 听到那些白人黑人男子对中国女子的下流表白, 感受着无处不在的歧视, 看着少数中国女子的言行,心里实在没法认同。
        • 你和所有有中国妻子的白人争论过么?不要把某些人当成所有人。再说她不过是想认识些朋友,如果容不下她,也用不着找些冠冕堂皇的理由,上升到民族气节之类的。
          • agree. 白菜萝卜,各有所爱。你管得着人家着什么样的老公呢。就冲着她叫“东北饺子”,就不应该把她置.之门外。“饺子”, 来吧!