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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛今年10个在加拿大的旅程












回顾过去,在加拿大10年的历程,告诉我一件事,“耐心,毅力和热情将增长的一生中最好的水果。”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下拾英 / 人生足迹 / Ten year journey in Canada
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Everything seems to happen just yesterday, yet, I have been in Canada for 10 years. I think I need to write something down lest I forget.

    Ten years ago (1999.09.11), as a couple of newlyweds, we arrived at toronto Pearson International Airport. The mixed feeling of excitement, uneasiness, expectation, ambition, loss etc made me sleepless for quite a few days before and after the arrival. We only brought in limited funds, and so the first priority for me is to find a job ASAP.

    I still remember how I went against the snow / wind in the early morning and waited in the empty bus station for half hour in November just so I can show up in the downtown library as a first reader so I could get the latest IT books (those are reference books and cannot be borrowed outside), and I also remember when I tried to order a can of Coco-cola, I said “I want to have a bottle of Coco-cola” and the guy kept on bringing me a different bottle where my finger pointed, but I kept on saying “No, I want that bottle” (where the bottles and cans are on the same shelf), I guess the sales guy was confused why I want to have a specific bottle instead the one in his hand. Finally a gentleman behind me mentioned to the sales guy, “He wants a can not a bottle.” I was embarrassed but I learned the word.

    I also remember the first time I went to see an agent, she told me the address over the phone that her office was at “111 xxx street”, she said 111 as “one eleven”, but I only recognized / wrote down the last word, i.e. eleven. So no doubt, I was going up and down the whole street trying to figure out where number 11 was. After about two hours walking, I was almost crashed because of cold and thirst, I later went to a public phone (I had no cell phone) and called home and my wife (榕) told me the agent called back asking whether I left home for the interview, and I then got the correct address and finally got my first interview.
    Those days were tough not because of any physical hardship, but because of the psychological one that we did not know whether we could survive gracefully before our bank balance dropped to zero and more importantly whether our pursued dreams could be realized especially after our countless job searches brought us nowhere and no matter how hard we tried.
    The despair of hopelessness and helplessness can indeed drive a man crazy.

    Fortunately, three months later, I got a job offer from a company in Nova Scotia in mid Dec, 1999, and there was another possible job offer from Rogers in Toronto as well but they could not make a decision until three weeks later when all decision-makers returned from vacations. After long discussion with榕, I finally decided to accept the first offer and go there alone because榕 had just started a paid three-month ESL program and we decided that once she finished her program, she would join me in Nova Scotia.
    I never realized that this was the worst decision I had ever made because three months later榕 did not join me and four months later, we decided to divorce due to various reasons. I lost about 10 pounds within two weeks during which I finalized the divorce decision. The experience of those days was and still is beyond the description of any languages I can use.

    Life was indeed never easy, however, we all survived.

    I later changed my job from NS to ON, and finished my MBA and during which time I was laid off in 2003 because of my company being acquired by another company. From the laid-off experience, I realized that the workplace here was totally different from that of China, where I believe the best survive. While in Canada, even if you are better in terms of skills / experiences (assuming other conditions equal), you can still be laid off if your project/team was unfortunately cut / downsized, while the guy next to you can still work on his surviving project even though he asked you technical questions all the time (To lay off this less skilful person will trigger lots of consequences from a legal perspective and thus almost no company is willing to take such risks). From then on, I started my professional contractor career as I do not want to be in the pity of other peoples’ hands. I worked across Canada, from parliament library in Ottawa, to BC government in Victoria, from Alberta government in Edmonton to non-profit organization in Vancouver, and now works for an international giant in education field.

    Ten years ago, I could never dream where I am today.

    Ten years ago, I looked for any job available. Today, I am looked for to fill up a job vacancy by several agents when I am on market.

    Ten years ago, I was willing to accept the minimum salary. Today, I decide my own rate with my client depending on the project.

    Ten years ago, when my landlord said she would sell her house to me for $200K in Toronto, I simply returned her a bitter smile. But today with two houses in Vancouver, I feel I have prepared myself well for the better future.

    Looking back, the 10 year journey in Canada has taught me one thing, “Patience, persistence and passion will grow the best fruit of life.”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 哇,好犀利呀~~~~~
        • 早晨早晨!
    • 阅历好丰富的十年!
    • 留中。。等秘书翻译成中文俺再读。。
      • 哇,u 好犀利呀~~~~~ -echos999(同言无忌);
      • 义务劳动,google的中文版
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛今年10个在加拿大的旅程












        回顾过去,在加拿大10年的历程,告诉我一件事,“耐心,毅力和热情将增长的一生中最好的水果。”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 自己读了一遍。快笑趴了。对不起,楼主,知道你这十年不容易。只是google太搞笑。我比你早八天landing,同贺同贺
        • google 好搞笑呀! 妙趣横生嘛
        • This translation is not too bad comparing to many translated documentations in China.Just like that.
    • 摘要: 楼主单身,有俩房,still on the market, ready for the future.
      • 快CC 悠悠和单身
        • 不如CC幸福家庭。。给危机男女一点希望。。离婚才是Happily ever after 的不二法门。。
          • 别添乱。。。。没说=/=没有。。。。Vancouver是著名的小蜜村。。。。LZ光在Vancouver就有两房。。。。你们要厚道点别把人家累坏了。。。。
    • 哇,好犀利呀~~~~~ -echos999(同言无忌);
      • 关键之关键。。。。MBA+抗踹。。。。
      • xi xi
    • 要是十年在中国会是啥样? 英语有点不够,似乎只要一年的样子?
    • 看了 想不通 新婚夫妇 四个月分居 就离婚了 婚姻这么脆弱?
      • 两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝暮暮?
      • +1
      • 天要下雨娘要嫁人。。。。底潮。。。。一眼看不住就得出事。。。。早散好过晚散。。。。
    • Well written! Way to go! Could you share a few tips on how to improving writing?
      • Thanks for all your comments
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛To 同言无忌, thanks for your compliment.

        To buma: No, I am not in the market any more as I already have a happy family here in Vancouver. :-)

        To 大忽悠: You are probably right, I think MBA education helps me to think things in more westen style (thus 顺应主流) and also no doubt has enhanced my communication skills. I once even represented my universtity to attend one national MBA case competition.

        To (QuickDoSth.Springly): No, I do not agree that "离婚才是Happily ever after 的不二法门", I think divorce should be the last thing you need to consider unless your partner breaks the bottom line of your tolerance.

        To 豆泡果 之 樱桃果果: marriage is indeed very fragile under certain conditions. If we did not migrate to Canada, I do not believe this will ever happen. Nonetheless, I have never regretted my decision.

        To alan01: I do not have any tips, if I do, I have to say I was forced to write tons, tons of reports / papers duing my MBA study and also I write a lot of technical blogs / articles in my IT field.

        Again thanks all for your reading and I hope my last sentence in my original post should not be ignored easily as that's a lesson learned with 10 years time and practice.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • "marriage is indeed very fragile under certain conditions.", I agree. However, a solid foundation is the prerequisite for a stable marriage.
        • The last sentence is the most important words and it will encourage everybody all the time.
    • 没写你以后的感情生活怎么样。有时候觉得可能没有了那个爱的人,做的一切,拥有的一切都没有了意义。
    • 都是些很空洞的东西,对人没啥实质帮助
      • 幸福如履薄冰
      • Lucky person has the same story, unlucky varies --
      • 仁者乐山,智者乐水
    • good point,天道酬勤
    • 前半部分最初移民找工的艰辛很有同感,我当年为了准时去面试特地周日让老公陪着提前去踩点,单程转车,地铁就要2个小时,而且我还是路痴+地图盲,10年后的今天回头想想过去的点滴一点不后悔,这就够了。最后祝楼主:All best!
    • 很喜欢。//读来有些苦涩和沉重的文章,被很多“倒浆糊”跟帖搞坏了。// 很欣慰楼主的happy ending.
    • Life is a journey of hope...
    • If God could give me an opportunity, I would like to be myself 10 years back. When dream comes true, your hair comes gray ... But 10 years back, I have both, the dream and the black hair...
      • yes, strongly agree.
    • 我比LZ早不到一个月到加拿大。10年以后回头看也有很多感慨,觉得自己一直很幸运。我和LP曾经分开过一次半年,一次一年半(中间互相有visit),但我们一直非常信任对方,感情非常稳固。你的EX太脆弱,太不坚定了。
      • 钦佩楼主。他对待逆境的态度值得借签。我正处于逆境中,看了楼主和楼上一贴子受到很大鼓舞。坚信自己能走下去度过人生的又一劫。
        • 还要防止变老,絮絮叨叨地谈自己的经历。
          • 你以为自己不会变老? 年轻人应该做事情,不该泡在网上。反正我没有逃过年轻时最藐视的岁月。
    • Well done and very good attitude.
    • It made me recall the first winter in Toronto, and the first grocery store we stepped in.
      The owner of the store was talking about the heavy snow and the -30degree harsh winter.

      We met a mandarin speaking PhD at a bus stop, and the next day he came over with his wife to have dinner with us. It was a cozy night...