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难道这是主题? ”。。。On a theme eight measures long are built masterly variations and a coda“,数拍子没数清楚, 从之后敲八下开始就比较清晰了。。那前面就叫引子好了。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The final movement is the great Passacaglia, cap-stone to the whole edifice. Some may find in it the same esthetic significance as in the finale of Beethoven's "Eroica." On a theme eight measures long are built masterly variations and a coda. The pervading motive is always present, in one or another form, and with different orchestrations. It is variously altered and disguised, but if examined shows how closely Brahms is sticking to his text. After each one of the variants it would be fair, to applaud, save that some of them go too deep for applause and can only be rendered silent homage. One of these is the twelfth variation for the solo flute, over soft chords of horns and violins; others are the fourteenth, with its chorale for the trombones; the passionate seventeenth and eighteenth; the song of the wind instruments in variation 28. But it is inadvisable and superfluous to con-fuse the listener by reference to details in this movement. Indeed, nothing is more striking than the manner in which the variations are put together. 'Thus the movement is not a series of episodes, but rather of linked evolutions of a single thought, with a final great sweep from the sixteenth variation, when the theme is uttered with such magnificent energy by the brass choir, to the end. It could be said that Brahms had been unconsciously preparing himself for the composition of this Passacaglia through many years of gradually acquired mastery of the variation form. The movement is his last symphonic will and testament. Some consider that the Fourth Symphony represents the end of a long musical epoch, and they explain its pervading spirit as the farewell of a master whose thoughts turned away from the present and back to the faith of his great forbears--Bach, Handel, Beethoven, Schubert. But this noble and reflective work appears more secure, and more rather than less in touch with living musical thought as the years pass. If this be resignation it is the resignation of strength, faith, awareness of the indestructibility of thought and beauty.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 知道这里有不少勃拉姆斯的忠实粉丝,甚至还有研究过总谱的勃拉姆斯专业户,给你们大显身手的机会来了!

    • 《哥德堡变奏曲》我也听不出像变奏曲。
      • 不要look around and say something else, 请直接回答问题。
    • It's a way worn topic, give me a break, give Brahms a brick。。。
      • Yes, there have been many discussions/expositions about Brahms. Isn't it surprising that such an important topic has not been touched?
        Many think the last movement of his fourth symphony is his best creation.
    • 唉,没早订票,柏林爱乐今明两天在旧金山演出,只剩225和275两档的票了......
      • 啊?比东边的票价贵多了,是不是硅谷的nerd们都喜欢古典音乐啊?
        • 不是硅谷的nerd们都喜欢古典音乐,而是那里的nerd们钱太多。。。
          • 纽约有钱人也不少,但票价要便宜很多。
            • 纽约人见过大世面,知道艺术的市场价值,鬼谷那里玩HIGH TECH的人们比较容易HIGH,所以票价也HIGH。那花花大世界的大上海,票价不是更雷人?还不是因为不晓得艺术的市场价值。。。
        • 定价是15, 40, 60, 75, 125, 175, 225, 275,可是便宜的票都sold out了。
    • 没一个义人?还是都在学勃拉姆斯搞长期酝酿?
      • 实在是楼主的题目太~深。春秋题,连赶考的橘子都怕,何况我等酸梨了。
      • 想学也学不了, 生计第一。。。
    • Wiki上说,恰空是在某一和声行进的基础上进行变奏(如巴赫的D小调Ciaconna),相对于passacaglia用一个旋律低音pattern为基础进行变奏(如巴赫的C小调Passacaglia)。在实际的音乐构筑上,两个从来就没有区分过,很多时候是二者合起来用的。
      勃拉姆斯的这玩意儿肯定不是based on a melodic bass pattern, 所以不能理直气壮地姓帕。至于是不是遵照一定的和声行进,我没研究过(也没那水平研究),耳朵更听不出来,但不妨让它先姓着恰,这样一般人不会有意见。
      • Quite the contrary, I feel the movement is very distinctively based on a bass pattern - exposed in the opening of the movement. But it's just my feeling.
        • 最开始那个铜管啊?
          • 录像中的19‘‘到32''处,我认为这就是整个乐章的低音pattern。
            • 他一共搞了8下,前6下第一拍听上去象是同一个和弦,变化在第二拍上,往上一挑一拨弦,第三拍休止,第7和第8下已经很弱,第一拍的和弦也变了。然后这个pattern就没了。
              • 7分多的时候又出现一次。。。
                • 我觉得这八下完全贯穿了整个乐章,并不一定要explicitly出现,在每个变奏中都能感受它的presence。
                  • 最开头的24小节听出什么来了吗?
          • 嗯,继续。。。
      • wiki的东西不太可靠,比如上面说passacaglis一般都是三拍的就有问题。
        • 这个铜管的引子过后, 从19“的八下到随后弦乐组的主题介绍不正好是3/8 拍吗?
          • 为什么说铜管吹的是引子?
            • 难道这是主题? ”。。。On a theme eight measures long are built masterly variations and a coda“,数拍子没数清楚, 从之后敲八下开始就比较清晰了。。那前面就叫引子好了。
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The final movement is the great Passacaglia, cap-stone to the whole edifice. Some may find in it the same esthetic significance as in the finale of Beethoven's "Eroica." On a theme eight measures long are built masterly variations and a coda. The pervading motive is always present, in one or another form, and with different orchestrations. It is variously altered and disguised, but if examined shows how closely Brahms is sticking to his text. After each one of the variants it would be fair, to applaud, save that some of them go too deep for applause and can only be rendered silent homage. One of these is the twelfth variation for the solo flute, over soft chords of horns and violins; others are the fourteenth, with its chorale for the trombones; the passionate seventeenth and eighteenth; the song of the wind instruments in variation 28. But it is inadvisable and superfluous to con-fuse the listener by reference to details in this movement. Indeed, nothing is more striking than the manner in which the variations are put together. 'Thus the movement is not a series of episodes, but rather of linked evolutions of a single thought, with a final great sweep from the sixteenth variation, when the theme is uttered with such magnificent energy by the brass choir, to the end. It could be said that Brahms had been unconsciously preparing himself for the composition of this Passacaglia through many years of gradually acquired mastery of the variation form. The movement is his last symphonic will and testament. Some consider that the Fourth Symphony represents the end of a long musical epoch, and they explain its pervading spirit as the farewell of a master whose thoughts turned away from the present and back to the faith of his great forbears--Bach, Handel, Beethoven, Schubert. But this noble and reflective work appears more secure, and more rather than less in touch with living musical thought as the years pass. If this be resignation it is the resignation of strength, faith, awareness of the indestructibility of thought and beauty.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 伯恩斯坦说:这个就是主题。
                今天很有空嘛,西边无战事? :)
                • 感觉是前面3部分才把”主题“说明白;第二部分的8下只是整装一下,第3部分才正式上路。。
                  中午回来吃饭。 :-)
                  • 似乎是那么回事啊。最开始的管乐奏出的八个和弦是主题,但它没有基础低音。也不能说完全没有,是有但听不见,只是在那里暗示着。这八个和弦定义了整个乐章的基调,发动了接下来的八下地震和后面的余震。。。
        • 有什么问题啊?你难道考证过是三拍的passacaglia多还是双拍的多?
          • 就像有人要知道竖琴是什么,回答说一般都是女人弹的一种琴。
            • 也许俺无知,但巴赫的C小调就是三拍的,passacaglia特征多么明显啊!
              • 是啊,TSO, NYPO等弹竖琴的都是女的,多有女性魅力啊。。。
                • 扯什么呢?我不知道passacaglia的到底是三拍占主导还是双拍占主导,在问你呢。你的意思是双拍才是它的特征,就算你能找出个双拍的passacaglia,并不能说明WIKI上说的三拍就错啊!
                  • 我说定义里面不应该包含三拍这个特征, 因为三拍,二拍都可以。这里是Handel的Passacaglia in double meter
                    • 就知道你就会举这个例子,已经熟之入骨了ba?也许这只是一个例外?要多取点样再说三拍是不是特征?
                      • triple meter is as much a characteristic of passacaglia as female player is a characteristic of harp.
                        • 瞎比喻。竖琴没人弹也是竖琴,passacaglia源于舞曲,舞曲就得有一定的节拍pattern。
                          • “passacaglia源于舞曲“ 又看wiki了吧?Passacaglia 最早是西班牙吉他的一种伴奏方式。。。
                            • 看了WIKI还能没说对? 因为想到了恰空。。。
                              • 我知道有几个聪明的teenager在wiki上写了一堆胡说八道故弄玄虚的东西,结果过了两年才被发现,删除。所以我说wiki不可靠。
                                • 我也没说它就可靠。但是我想这个几拍子的问题最开始应该有规定的,既然它和恰空那么密不可分,到底严格到什么程度姑且不论。
    • 现在听音乐很少这么听了(结构,曲式什么的) 一个字:累;
      • 不是原来某人在此大肆宣扬此乐章是passacaglia么?有人不甘被忽悠,才有此问。。。
        • 读过一段这样的介绍, 还真把那个主体(巴赫康塔踏多少好来着?)找来听了一下,也没听出个所以然来;但总觉得这个不重要,音乐已经活生生的在那里了,还有解刨的必要吗?
          • Cantata 150里的恰空吧?我也听了,似乎有那么个影子。是不重要,但有时候解剖有解剖的乐趣,就象知道公式怎么用就够了,但知道咋么推出来的用起来更放心。:)
            • 这可能是另外一个乐趣吧; 原来上音乐欣赏课时也是用范例解释什么是奏鸣曲式,回旋曲式,变奏曲式什么的; 如果听音乐时能随时指出每刻是什么调,什么曲式, 什么和声,也是让人羡慕的音乐高人了;
              • 再说,听音乐又不是只能听一遍,而是可能无数遍,咱可以先感性地听,听多了再理性地听。。。
                • 我原来也老这么听, 书上说的,别人说的,老这么理性的验证一下;现在不了,变懒了 :-)
                  • 为人师表啊,不要吃老本,要与时具进。:)
                • 这样很好。让大家从不同的角度去看,去分享。
      • 夏老师开始进入欣赏古典乐的高境界了。洒家一向以为,搞什么劳什子结构,曲式,释谱等,如同当年的贾岛(不是马岛)的歪诗:僧推月下门,还是僧敲月下门,推敲个没完没了。太累,就两个字。。。
        • 错了。马岛和曲式是同一派系啊
        • 别学夏老师, 夏老师是朽木不可雕也;要学马岛不学贾岛--摆谱不用推敲;
          • KKK ! 在别人看来,这是潇洒的轻轻一拍,实际上表哥我后边都内伤了我!
            • 楼主到处找你,你怎么又躲起来了?马岛再不把勃拉姆斯大旗打出来,我都要叛变了我;
        • 这个好听不好听啊,浪漫啊,秋日的忧伤啊等等,完全是个人品位,忽悠起来根本就没谱,说多了更没啥意思。但曲式结构是客观的,有证可查,越辩越明的,是忽悠的正道啊。
          • 伯4交常被认为悲剧性, 音乐真诚有力, 伯拉母斯的创造性更表现在不对技法机械应用的自由上;从最初级的曲式去找伯拉母斯音乐的创新和音乐特点是不是在原木求鱼?
            • "常被认为悲剧性, 音乐真诚有力, 伯拉母斯的创造性更表现在不对技法机械应用的自由上"--- 这句话太空,言之无物,忽悠的典型啊!:)
              • 伯恩斯坦说的;
                • 他啊,他是忽悠大师!
            • 你不会是说勃拉姆斯的高明之处在于他比别人更懂感情吧?作曲家的高明当然表现在他的作曲表达方式上。
              • 从音乐性格来说,勃拉姆斯的高明之处正是他比别人更懂感情还知道恰当的表达方式; 但人们分析他的表达方式时一般竹节分析音乐的有机演变, 这个演变正好又是围绕音乐内容的;
                • 难怪很多美女被音乐家忽悠了的,听到美妙的音乐就以为作曲家肯定更懂感情了。。。夏老师是过来人了也这么认为?LOL
                  • 这音乐总要又个内容吧? 难道就是音符的游戏?
                    • 说什么好呢,还是对夏老师的纯真表示一下羡慕。:)
                  • 我的意思是说他表达了这个意思, 不管大家如何忽悠玄的, 面对最基本的问题时,没人敢说伯4交响曲没有感情; (但有人敢这么说巴赫)
                    • 但有人敢这么说巴赫。。。这就是无知者无畏了。
              • 另外您老模糊了一个概念; 曲式和结构; 曲式是最初级的那么几个音乐模式,如第一乐章都是奏鸣曲式,第4乐章常用回旋曲式或变奏曲式等;具体到结构,则每一首曲子是不相同的;需要属节分析;
                • 这个主题帖讨论的是passacagla这个曲式,但虽也没有说曲式与音乐结构是一回事啊。不过,如果连是不是passacaglis这个曲式都没有搞清楚,还谈什么结构啊?
                  • 您老做的是把大家熟悉的东西要贴上一个陌生的洋标签,害的我查了半天passacaglis,不就是变奏曲的吗? 这个第4乐章是变奏曲有争议吗?
                    • 是变奏曲没有争议, 但passacaglia是一个特殊的变奏曲式. 听听这个
                    • passacaglis如果按ro-ro给出的定义, 按和声和低音来变奏的话,这是对变奏方法最粗的框定, 只要不把主题倒过来,再怎么扩张,变化, 变奏部和主题的和声行进都是一样的。
                      • 马岛怎么露个头又不见了, 要不我们等他拿出总谱来看吧, 我先干活去了.
          • 忽悠古典乐的真谛在于:古典乐给人带来的若隐若现,似曾相识,思绪万千的意境。那些有案可查,板上钉钉子的“曲式结构“有啥可讨论的?任何人都能引经据典地拿砖头砸别人就不好玩了,好玩的应该是:当楼主正在自我陶醉于某大师作品时,被飞来横砖砸蒙了。。。
            • 你以为任何人都能引经据典地拿砖头砸别人?真那末简单这个passacaglia就不会到现在这里还没有人能说清楚了。
            • 不能因为不爱回答某个问题就说这问题没有意义,特此对以夏二师提出批评!
              • 7,估计您老又是看了什么东西被忽悠了, 然后当宝贝在这里出题然后躲在后面下判子, 我们才不上当;