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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

...that...it's common...sense...


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 周末家庭作业。。。。请准确翻译下列句子:1,Shi A, . . . Hao Xian, Kan Lai Wo Tao Guo Yi Jie Le. . . Haha -tina7(爱你); 13:36 。。。。2,油输得KNOW宰他。。。。一次炕门34.。。。。 -tigar25(大忽悠); 13:32。。。。有大奖。。。。。
    • LOL
    • 我现在就放弃这个大奖。。。从来最怕猜谜。。。
    • 有。。。。大。。。。奖。。。。有。。。。大。。。。奖。。。。有。。。。大。。。。奖。。。。有。。。。大。。。。奖。。。。有。。。。大。。。。奖。。。。
    • 1...Yes, so dangrous, it seems I had a narrow escape...TINA
      • you are sooo.. smart! how about the second one?
      • 2...You should know...charge him heavily.... One comment $34....
        • 前面差不多可以算对。。。。一次炕门34。。。。这句需要再再再斟酌。。。。大奖等着您拿呢。。。。
          • 一次西油爱慕$34。。好平。。
          • One comment one sandwich....
          • each comment ...?
            • I think you are right
              • 凭啥他是Right。。俺们是Left。。?
              • 正确答案在这儿呢: o ...that...it's common...sense... -nicotine(火上焦油); 16:23 (#5741864@0)
    • 好险,看来我逃过一劫了?
      • 嘿嘿,应该是这句了吧
      • 忽悠兄长快来发奖了,这里答对了,嘿嘿
      • Hey, unfair!!! Just because I can't put in Chinese now! But I answered in English earlier!
        • WHERE, WHERE,嘿嘿
          • Hei Shao......
      • 为啥么不可以是。。好鲜,看来我讨过一截了?要联系上下文的吧。。。
        • 一截啥呀?鲜的? lol
          • 心中有花,看的即是花。。。
            • xiao s le... have a good weekend!
              • bye。。。吃饭时不要想。。。lol
    • 2, You should know ... ...
      • ...that...it's common...sense...
        • wow!!! pfpf!!!!!!!! i bet this is 100% correct!!!!! u are tooooooooo smart!!!!!!
          1, why am i sooo dump?? i couldnt figure it out...
        • Good one! :)
          • yeah.... have a very good weekend!
            • 悠兔!:D
              • lol
        • omg! i admire 大忽悠 sooooo much!!! he is toooooo funny!!!!!!!
          油输得KNOW宰他。。。。一次炕门34. = you should know that.... its common sense.. lol
          • LOL
        • thank you! smart girl!!!!!
        • Nice..... I admire you more....
        • 火上浇油成为我第一偶像,大忽悠退居第二位~~~
      • then what?