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Then walk away...


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / Should I break up with him?
    Sorry cannot type Chinese. I like somebody very much but he doesn't like me that much, well, he is just not that into me. I've tried and now feel really tired. Should I end this bitter relationship and what is the best way to end it? A big fight? (I'd love to have a big fight with him then walk away ;0). The problem is, I still like him and I don't know whether I can bare with not seeing/talking to him anymore. Any suggestions?
    • 咋整得和幸福家庭一样?不可以友好分手吗?
      • Never "hand in hand", how can we say 分手?
    • 不可以友好分手吗?
      • So many suggestion on "友好分手". What is "友好分手"? Keep in touch after breaking up? I am now at this stage, I feel so unfair to myself since I like him but he doesn't like me. That is why I am searching a solution to end this.
    • 找个心理医生吧
      • Why? I am not crazy...
        • 哦,那就省钱了
    • Give him a big big kiss!
      • Then walk away...
        • Sometimes you need a ride to end it up quickly...
          • Or a bicycle...
            • Very funny. I am looking for a car, or a bike ;-)
    • 哈哈哈,他不爱你,分不分手不由你定,别作了.
      • Since we still keep in touch, he still calls me from time to time (maybe he thinks that is at least he can do). But I feel really difficult to continue
    • 那就直接告诉他你的想法吧,明确地问他要不要继续发展,说了就不那么难受了。然后听他的反应。通常男人们还是会反映比较明确的,会给yes还是no的答案。如果是no,你也别担心,你已经尽力而为了
      • I've told him, and been rejected. I hate to keep in touch with him but cannot help myself. Any suggestion to end this?
        • 原来是这个样子的。看来友好“断链”是不可能的啦。那就制造一次事故,FIGHT一场,比如按情人节没有送礼物为由,义正词严地DUMP掉HIM,扬我中华MM的志气。
          • 啊,大哥这么决然,嘿嘿
            • 或者塞个枕头在衣服下面,制造一个怀孕的假象,然后毅然决然地,坚强地,头一甩走开,让TA内疚。
              • 喔,等男生发现真相以后,你就和他永远没有机会啦。为什么一定要把路给堵死呢?嘿嘿
                • 有啥办法?大家一开始就在说友好分手,但LZ只听你的“友好分手”,就是不听我们的友好分手。
              • Hey, we've never been "hand in hand" yet!
                • 手都没拉?那就“友好分精神”。或者用精神的办法DUMP也可以。
                  • 越听越神乎。。。
        • 既然已经明确拒绝了,我觉得你还是早些远离他吧。不要有任何恨的感觉,告诉他把他当作朋友了。通常这类情况在你人生中是会激励你以后找到更好的能够互相接受的人,所以是件好事。如果是糊涂的走到一起,然后又分开那类,之后会成为内心障碍的,就给自己平添折磨。
      • 最好是安静地走开,然后看他如何反映,嘿嘿,其实YES OR NO不重要,有时男生也弄不清楚自己的情感,如果这个时候逼迫他给一个NO或者YES,也未必就是他真的答案。总之,安静地走开,然后WAIT AND SEE,因为楼主还爱他
    • 当然最好不要用FIGHT来结束感情啦。不做情人还有可能做朋友,而现在不成情人也不意味着以后不可能再从朋友成情人了。所以,结束的时候,最好给彼此留下美好的印象,为以后的可能留下伏笔,如果你还这么在乎他,不能破罐子破摔
      • Thanks squirrel. How do you define "结束"? Totally disappear? If that is 结束, I'd like to have a really big fight -- 破罐子破摔. My question is, will my life be easier after wards?
        • 我们怎么DEFINE结束不重要,重要的是你什么时候READY FOR结束了。你的帖子让我觉得你是不想结束的,所以,就不需要一个结束的形式。就这样不了了之了,慢慢地,该结束的会自己结束的。不该结束的,依然会继续,总之,

          • Hmm, good point. It seems that I have to live with it till it dies itself. I need more strength to do so....
      • Of course not. If you know him, you must know me. ;-)
        • You are not in Toronto, are you?
          • Does it matter?
            • Nope. Just wondering if you are the one I know.
              • It doesn't matter. After all rolia is a virtual world and we'd better keep it as is.
    • since you can not bare with not seeing/talking to him, sell yourself to him as a slave ;)))
    • lol 他都拒绝你了,你做什么都对他没什么影响力,就直接跟他说不想再联系啦,早点撤,给自己留点尊严
    • 多简单的事儿,他再找你,你不接电话不就行了。两、三次以后他也就明白了。他如果真的不待见你,问都不会问就自己走开了。
      • +1
    • 去旅行吧,离开几天,回来也许就知道了
    • yes, u should ... when u ask this question
    • 挑戰自己的bottom line直到自己心灰意冷。。回頭看看浪費一大堆青春在一個不值得的人身上
    • Do him do him until he becomes medicion garbage.
      • what if he passed away during that?
        • 马上风。。人生最完美的归宿。。
    • 天下歪脖树有的是,何必非在一棵树上吊死?
      • This is the question I am asking myself. I don't know how long I can get over him. Hope there is a way to 快刀斩乱麻
    • Well, you said it yourself, he is not that into you. Why waste your time. Find another one - fast.
      • It is easy said than done...
        • At least try it. If you don't try, you'll never get it done
    • 死缠难打只能让人感觉不值钱。big fight好,才能逼到自己再没机会回头。
    • 亲爱的,我没这个被REJECT的经验,但是有这种感觉对方NOT THAT INTO ME AS I DO的体会,而往往这种时候另一个人却会出现给予你PRINCESS的感觉.所以,要勇敢明确地告诉他,自己也许不是他的茶,但是感谢他在生命里给自己带来美好的感觉,现在自己要把最好的感觉留给珍惜自己的他.
      • Surprisingly, it is almost as you said. ;-) But with so many years of 暗恋, it is difficult to cut if off.
        • 感情还是个单链,强扭的瓜不甜,散了八~
        • 暗恋是最无意义的,他的美好都是出于你的想象,你难于CUT OFF的是自己对爱的幻觉,而不是对他的爱.如果不想继续忍受这种暧昧,不妨带个自己的爱慕者出现在他面前.即跟他划清了界限,又在他面前闪亮了一把(一定要找个至少比他好的,嘿嘿).
    • 你都说了, he's just not that into u 不是都明白了, 怎么还不清楚该怎么做呢, 外面的世界很精彩的,总有你的那份缘等待着你。
      • I know what I should do, but I'm lack of courage and method.
        • 记得哪位大师说过(我不记得他名字了,嘿嘿):当你不知道怎么做和做什么的时候,就什么都不做。所谓一动不如一静。
          • Thanks squirrel. I guess I have to swallow the self-pity and do nothing. Let's see what time can do.