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看了楼上这么多评论,很纳闷,不知其它学区是怎样定义GIFTED PROGRAM 的,我从PEEL REGION 找到这样一段话

Program Description:

The Peel District School Board provides gifted education programming to students in elementary and secondary schools. At the elementary level, the Program includes two distinct service delievery models designed for students identified as Exceptional Intellectual-Gifted: (1) In-School Enhanced Learning Program (ISELP) and (2) contained Enhanced Learning Classes (ELCs). At the secondary level, specific subjects across grade levels are offered that extend and enhance the curriculum. As part of the identification and placement process, an Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) considers the student's intellectural ability using the results of standardized educational assessments, a teacher nomination checklist, student achievement, and adaptive behavior. Identifacation and placement decisions are reviewed annually.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 诚心请教:是不是有天才班的学校的学生可以优先上天才班呀?为什么我看有一个学校Percentage of students identified as gifted 居然有22.5%,而一般学校才百分之1、2,还有零点几的?
    • 1, no. according to the policy. but based on my experience, looks like that case. not 优先 though, just the teachers more understand the characteristic of the gifted, then if you are (gifted) , you are easy
      to get a chance to be tested. but not easy to get in. you will have to be assessed as other qualified kids.

      2, you sure that high? impossible? what's name of the school?
      • Clinton Street Junior Public School。顺便问问有没有同学了解这所学校。
        • 这个学校有giftted program,gifted students 计入统计,算分子,每年级两个普通班一个gifted班,你说gifted学生占多少比例?而且这个学校EQAO成绩应该被gifted学生拉高不少,那俩普通班成绩如何,被掩盖了
          • 我看这个学校还有special needs和Learning Disability Program,EQAO成绩低可能也是这个原因吧?感觉这个学校有点怪,gifted的学生多,special的学生也多。我们想上这个学校,不知怎样才能得到更多信息。
            • Gifted Education
              • 不过为什么这个学校,Gifted Program 、Learning Disability、Developmental Disability Program是分着的呢?
                • they all seperate! can you imagine a kid who is hearing-imparired stay/learn w/ kids who do not have this problem? s/he need sign-language, right? special needs!--that means these kids need differnet way to learn.
              • I can't agree with what you said. At the review meeting, they specifically mentiioned my child is identified as gifted, not other exceptionalities.
                One of the board members asked the principal one question: "Does she have any communication problems or do you have any concerns about her? " The principal answered: "Definitely not. She has great social skills and she is a respectful child".
            • 在你所在学区的话,就去教务室问去贝。Gifted、Learning Disabiilty、Developmental Disability 都属于Special Education Program,正常孩子也进不去,关心它也没用
          • gifted students DO NOT mean they are good at academy! they just learn differntly from other kids. some gifted students still get Ds, Cs in report cards, kids in common classes do not mean they are not good at academy.
            • 不会吧,我孩子班里5个孩子,测试gifted. 全部是学习优秀的孩子。
          • because the gifted kids mostly are from other schools in the catchment area, not mean that the school has more gifted students than other schools.
    • Gift kids from other schools have option to move to the school with Gift class.
      • 是不是有gifted classes的学校,老师和学校的设施都更好一些?
        • not really. a school w/ large # of gifted kids might has advantage in funding(because the board offer ? $ per gifted kids--funding
          )--the schools w/ GP usually are same, only because chines parents think a school w/ GP will be better!. most Canadian parents wouldn't think the same ways.
        • 这个问题,我问过我们的trustee, 为什莫不在我们的home school 设置gifted class, 她说:不是想设就设的,教育局要拨经费的。they spend more money on gifted students because every subject they learn 比普通班的学生会在难度和深度上更大
    • 哦!长了不少见识。
    • 據説,gifted学生成绩不好,容易学坏,也不smart,相当于国内的工读学生,是一群问题学生,尽量远离gifted班学校。
      • 据说这种学校里(如果不是全部),gifted班和普通班学生互相BS,老死不相往来。我的一个同事20多岁CBC从那里过来的如是说。
      • we should be fair, no discrimination about the GP,right? some G kids do have problems here and there, but
        generally speaking, they are gifted, (exceed smart, by defination), they are well-behaviour kids. there are problem-some kids every where. the G class just like other class, except the kids' IQ are higher than normal. so the teachers need to handle this very carefully.
        if you are new to this topic, get the first-hand information yourself, and do your homework. then you will understand this program. but don't trying to get into it --if you are G, then you should go, if you are not, don' go, don't tryingto go neither.
      • 哈哈,笑死了。那约克区每个孩子都有机会且踊跃参加的GIFTED 筛选,敢情是淘汰赛啊
        • 嗯,你这淘汰赛3个字,也就不弱于原贴了。你们都是Gifted
          • 也就是说相当于“工读生”啦,呵呵,LS不带这样埋汰咱GIFTED的
    • 看了楼上这么多评论,很纳闷,不知其它学区是怎样定义GIFTED PROGRAM 的,我从PEEL REGION 找到这样一段话
      Program Description:

      The Peel District School Board provides gifted education programming to students in elementary and secondary schools. At the elementary level, the Program includes two distinct service delievery models designed for students identified as Exceptional Intellectual-Gifted: (1) In-School Enhanced Learning Program (ISELP) and (2) contained Enhanced Learning Classes (ELCs). At the secondary level, specific subjects across grade levels are offered that extend and enhance the curriculum. As part of the identification and placement process, an Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) considers the student's intellectural ability using the results of standardized educational assessments, a teacher nomination checklist, student achievement, and adaptive behavior. Identifacation and placement decisions are reviewed annually.
      • 进Gifted的孩子,有各方面都很优秀的,也有严重偏科,很难管教的,总之不能一概而论
        • 同意你的看法。我觉得这本来是GIFTED PROGRAM的最初的出发点,可是随着中国和印度孩子的大量的加入,有点儿变成了国内“重点”班的样子了。
          • yeh, because these people think the GP is for ACADEMIC ADVANCED kids, they are not really understand what the GP is all about. sign...
          • Gifted program is not a reward to academic achiement. it is all about sending right kids to the right learning environment. Theoretically, these high IQ kids are potentially learning better than normal people if they are sent to the right place.
      • 大多数 gifted 同学学习成绩都高于正常孩子,少数调皮捣蛋的,也是因为脑瓜太灵、学得不饱,找机会发泄精力的。论坛嘛,别人说法听听而已
    • 不止一家学校有这种情况。有心人查一下就知道了.
    • 忽然很不解:如果照楼上所说--gifted的比例高是因为天才班的孩子算分子的话,那不设天才班的学校的gifted学生比例应该是零呀?如果那些孩子在原学校算入比例,不管是百分之一也好,百分之零点几也好,
      • 只在3年级和6年级,在哪个学校考的EQAO算哪个学校的。很多被认定gifted的(还有被认定disability的)不愿意离开原学校去特殊教育班,或者在waiting list,所以没有gifted班的学校也有一些special needs的孩子。
        • 哦,原来是这样呀,那这个数据对学校来说基本说明不了任何问题。
      • 本校不设天才班而考入到有天才班学校上学的,理论上还是算原校的学生,如果新学校较远需坐校车,校车都是在每个学生的原校接送,而不是在家门口
    • 借楼主的帖子问一下,有没有孩子是参加了所谓的Gifted training 班考上GIFTED PROGRAM的?这种考试是不是可以准备的?
      • 哪里有啊?这事跟买营养品开按摩发票一个性质的问题,不好明目张胆来吧?
      • hi, there, it's illegal to do that. can you pls check my other posts in 51 regarding Gfited education? besides, even you can get in after the "preparation", you hardly can do those works which designed for high IQ kids.
        • I know somebody sent their kids for this kind of training. Good to know it's illegal.
          • must be Chinese? ! :-). Kindly let them know, it's illegal and it's not fair to those Gifted or non-Gifted kids--well, all kids. and sorry ,
            i don't know how. maybe type Gifted? or something? i know somebody told me that they have searched for my posts before in 51, but i didn't ask them how.
        • by the way, could you give me a link of your post in 51?
      • 这个真的完全没有必要,几乎要毁掉你的小孩,你最多让他稍微重视一点,发挥出自己的水平,这个班不等于中国的重点中学,强行考入没有任何意义。
        • Agree.