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To her and 红颜s

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I heard that you’ve made some comments on this posting and I wish you would keep following up with this and see this response. Just so you know that I know that my husband had been calling you for over 30 hours last months after he come back from China, and most of the time, right after the one minute phone call he made to home and telling me or my 6 yrs old or my 2 yrs old that he needed to work overtime, and then come home at 9,10,11pm.

I know it was you that he had been calling the minute I saw his cell phone bill but I wasn’t mad at you because this is a problem between him and me. Until my husband throw me the words that you and him discussed this and thought it is my fault regarding this birthday gift issue ( I saw him making the phone call that night at 1am and he didn’t have the guts to tell me who he was calling and I have to discover it on his over $100 cell phone bill later myself)

You have your own family, your daughter and the luxury to call him and pick up his phone call at your work time and talk to him for about 3, 4 hours ( I can see the 13 hours timing difference works how perfectly for you otherwise it would be your husband’s question that is haunting you by now). Do you know when he was “working” overtime my parents and I have to look after two kids, feed them, reason and coax and yell to one to finish his homework and piano practice, and try not to neglect the younger one at the same time? Do you know how many times the kids have asked when daddy will be home and I answered that daddy have to work overtime to keep his job and to earn us extra money? Do you know my parents walked 40 minutes to a supermarket to buy walnuts for him because they thought he had been working so hard lately and walnuts is good for the brain? Do you know that my heart was bleeding for not being able to tell them the truth and just to watch my parents literally run downstairs when they heard the door open at 9,10,11 pm and warm up supper for him after he worked his “overtime”?

I heard you said that I was unreasonable and had no reason to be mad at my husband over the birthday gift. All of a sudden this just made me so furious that I have to say something.

I had to, when I was 5 months pregnant, work in a factory on the line, standing 10 hours daily, to work my 600 hours for me to qualify for my EI benefit. I worked till 20 days before I delivered my first son. While at the same time my husband was staying at home and working on his English skills so that he could find a job in his field. Had you worked in a factory at a hot summer when you were at your late pregnancy for $10 per hour, you would learn to respect the $150 that got wasted on a fake iphone that you won’t be using and earrings that could not be worn.

You probably didn’t hear this during your long telephone conversation with my husband that when it was Chinese New Year, 2007, at 4pm my husband was still sleep on bed due to a hangover from last night’s alcohol while I was 6 months pregnant and looking after my 3 years old. I asked my husband to get up and make some dumplings with me just for the sake of my son because I wanted him to know this is Chinese New Year and to feel the joy, and we got into a fight because he wanted to sleep and I stormed out and got dragged back by a neighbor. He probably won’t tell you that the first thing he said to his six month pregnant wife was why she had to run out and humiliated him in front of the neighbors. That was the coldest winter in my life.

He certainly won’t tell you when his dad was here and had his eye accident that requires regular visits to the eye doctor, it was me that take him to see the doctors EVERY TIME for more than ten times. Mind you that I am working too and I had to take time off my work every each time. And ask him on your next phone call when my mom ran to our bed room at 2 o’clock at night because my dad had trouble breathing and need to go to emergency, ask him if he had bothered get up to check on my dad.

Had you know this, you probably won’t jump to the conclusion that I was unreasonable to ask him to be a little bit more thoughtful in the birthday gift rather than to grab something that is on sale on his company’s website.

I don’t think you intended to break a family (although this is what ended up happen). It isn’t fair to blame you on the problems that already exist. However, I want to tell you that it is very selfish to be enjoying your happy marriage and still try to stay in “the secret and softest place” of another man’s heart. Since my husband would rather lie for you and not willing to apologize to save the marriage, you have been very successful in staying in his heart. You know it is not hard for me to hurt you the same way you’ve hurt me, because when it come to defending our families, you and me are equally vulnerable. I won’t do that because it won’t help me or my kids, and will not stop my heart from bleeding knowing that my mistake has and will continue to cause a lot of damage to my kids and parents.

And by the way, never ever judge a wife who you don’t know just by what her husband had told you, especially when you are a woman and had a little history with that man long times ago. You are older than me and can’t be that naive. The fact that the husband got along with the wife fine when he needs her to fight beside him and only start to complain that she is not sweet and tender when he had achieved something speaks a lot about him.

My reaction to the birthday present is the nature of me, who had been sharpened and toughened by life for the past ten years. Therefore, before you use your soft little voice to tell my husband how you would appreciate the present if you were me, PLEASE, you are not me, and I’ll guarantee you, you can’t be me, who will have to get up in the morning to send the older one to bus stop; send the younger one to daycare; rush to work; leave work at lunch time in winter to pick up the younger one because she doesn’t want her parents to walk in the cold weather; rush back to work and stuff something to her mouth before afternoon’s work; rush out of work to the older son’s after school to pick him up; take the son to piano lessons; take the sons to skating and swimming; help her son with his homework and piano practice; chat with the younger son about what you should do when Luke in his daycare took his fire truck; after the sons are asleep, spend some time with her parents because she felt so guilty for keeping them here helping; watch her husband come home from his “overtime”, wondering if there are more lies behind everything; and then go back to her bed to wash out all the fake faces and cry herself to sleep to gain enough courage to face another day.

Just ask yourself, even though I believe that nothing had happened between you two so far, do you believe yourself that nothing won’t be happening if you two have the convenience of being in the same city, same country?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 幸福家庭 / 请问我是不是有理由生气
    • 礼物即使不合你的意,也是人家的一片心意。这你也要生气,那我们从来没收到礼物的还不得跳楼了。
    • 为什么生气?他问你的时候你可以告诉他,什么是你喜欢的.他不知道买什么好,可能以为这个是你需要的.如果不喜欢,就放一边,但是不要伤害他一片好心.
      • 难道不尊重对方的意愿也是应该感激的吗?还是我对婚姻的期待太高?
        • 請問你希望受到什麽禮物?
          • 任何用心去选的礼物,一张写着爱我的卡片,一件我需要的实用的东西,而不是公司打折买之前都没见到的首饰!说实话,我收到了他给我的礼物比没有收到还伤心。
            • 你可以生氣,可是生氣並不幫助下次再來,好男人都是女人training出來的,努力努力吧
              • 请教training方法,如果连老婆生气都觉得不可理解?
        • Check your PM, please
    • 支持生气,拜托,结婚10年了还不知道老婆没耳洞,老婆说的话听不进去
      • 支持支持生气,这个老公太不象话了
    • 能理解你的感受,你老公很自我中心,觉得自己好的就是好的,听不进别人的意见,所以还是给你买了iphone,耳环倒是很可能他也不懂,耳环怎么挂的,以为都是一样的。至于买便宜货,很多男人都是这样的,对老婆就觉得不需要撑面子了,都是买打折品,不管好看不好看。
      • 介个山寨iPhone估计早就买好了提前几天问不过是探探口风。。
        • 本来是打算送红颜滴,,,红颜呸。。。然后。。。
          • 纯属挑拨离间!
          • 山寨手机送山寨红颜?
          • 红颜咋那么挑,呸
            • 千金为买红颜一笑,不为买红颜感激,ok?
              • 给你说的,那个红颜小三儿还做得理直气壮了,呵呵
                • 红颜是红颜。。小三是小三。。小三不配作红颜。。红颜不屑为小三。。
                  • 4D 4D
                  • 一般意义上来讲,红颜只存在于婚前
                    • 为什么你不去心潭?
                      • 因为
        • agree
    • 你老公平时是不是很倔,有了主意很少改变的?你们都生活十年了,还会出这种事,还会为这种事吵架生气?我老公以及他父母都是这种性格,比方他们要买什么东西,要做什么事,任你说破嘴皮,给他列举为什么这样不好,都没用,不撞南墙不回头。
    • 有礼物真好..
    • 不会收发短信。。现代文盲。。有咩资格跟文化LG生气?
    • 不需要生气也不需要感激,我觉得。
      • 妈妈教导你的滴水之恩当涌泉相报,何况还一山寨呢
        • 哎呀,生日礼物,报以嫣然一笑好了。。。感激,我觉得重了。xixi
          • 礼轻情义重嘛,感一下还是有必要的嘛。再说了,你给对方送,对方也感你一下呢。大家看的不是礼物,而是心嘛
            • 恋人间随意的礼物,嫣然一笑是风情,认真地说感激,是压力,我觉得。
              • 恋人间自然如此,但是十年夫妻,就很难说了。同意楼上说的礼轻情意重。
              • 就算陌生人送我一根小草,我也会真诚地说声谢谢。如果能天天怀着一颗感恩的心去感悟生活,你的天空会变得更加灿烂,你的生活会更阳光。
                • 拜托啦。。。有时候说感谢会显生份啦。。。行动!行动!
                  • 老公老婆之间也应该经常说谢谢啊,问题是这个老公太不象话了,送东西乱送,还要送山寨版,又送明明用不了的东西,何必呢,应该生气,绝对要生气,让老公去跪CPU,反过来那种
                    • 不可以不生气不感激,当没事发生咩?
                      • 那下次就会再买山寨版IPHONE充电器做礼物了
                  • 问题是收了礼物,偶觉得两公婆含情脉脉的搂在一起,一句轻柔的“谢谢你,宝贝儿”,再加一个深深的热吻,没什么不好哦。 呵呵
                    • 这个,如果心里面知道这不是自己期望的礼物,很假呀。。。
                      • 就算送我一根小草,我也会真诚地说声谢谢 -pickles(吃饱了,撑); 13:03 (#5902946@0)

                        • 唉,你真的要多多了解女人。。。那个是与你同枕共眠10年的LG,,,不是陌生人,不是朋友!
                          • 10年的话,如果她仅仅跟我说声生日快乐,温柔的给我一个吻,我都觉得强过礼物无数,我都会感激说声谢谢的,呵呵
                            • 叔叔,生日快乐,温柔的给我一个吻,,,是你想要的呀~~~讲你都唔明。
                              • 鸡同鸭讲,呵呵。 能跟自己的爱侣一起风风雨雨走过10多年的日子,就足以让你感激天感激地了,礼物是什么能算什么呢? 难道跟你结婚一年给你块银子,两年就得给你块金子,三年五年只有给钻石你才会高兴会感激?
                                • 叔叔,问题不在贵重,在窝心,,,自己人,不需要作假。。。记得有句名言是:对你爱(爱你)的人,永远不用说对不起、、、
                                  • 对自己的爱人更要懂得珍惜和感激,有时候甚至还要违心的说对不起。 小家伙儿,你还没有经验,等以后你就慢慢知道了,呵呵。 回家回家
    • 这种情况跟男人生气最没用了。最低级的办法。他以后再也不会积极给你买礼物了。要撒娇。。。没耳洞,去穿一个呀。不喜欢iphone,撒娇说,LG你喜欢iphone你用吧,再给我钱我自己去买别的东东。千万不要生气。
      • 高人!
      • +1
    • 让人明白什么叫吃太饱撑着...:)
    • 生气,明明不要iphone还非要给,最后给的还是山寨版的,这不是成心添堵吗;-)
    • 估计早就买好了(应该是给你买的),所以不能浪费了,只能说明你太不会说话了
      • +1
      • +1
    • 你老公式在变相表达他很想要一个iPhone.你就从了他吧.
      • +1
      • 如果是真的,这个男人就有点儿恶心了。最讨厌这种跟自己老婆耍心眼占小便宜的男人。
        • 男人想要个手机还得跟LP耍耍心眼。。最讨厌这种霸道的女人。。
          • 自己怂,偏赖在女人身上,真是令人无语。
        • 顶这句!
      • +1
      • 严重同意...
    • 您真是有点有福享不了啊. 情人夫妻间的礼物, 越不实用越浪漫
      • +1
    • don't get upset....maybe he wants you to piercing
    • 结婚十年了LG 还让你问别的女人会不会因此生气, 你这不是生气太多, 而是脾气太好, 老婆生气老公的责任是安慰, 不是追究原因, 更不是上网调查 ---- 生气没什么应该不应该的, 女人生气, 无须理由! 这样办吧,
      你叫他去退货, 一定要原价退回原处, 打电话跑断腿, 然后继续买继续退, 买到合适让你开心为止.

      普通男人, 这么折腾几回就一定吸取教训了, 不需要十年
      • 太狠了! 这种女人要不得
        • 人家楼主是上来问姐妹的意见, 你是姐妹吗? 你不是姐妹, 冒充女人凑什么热闹, 是姐妹, 要女人来想干啥 ---- 当女奴?
          • 不就实事求是的说了一下你嘛,别生气嘛
      • 要是我,做法肯定跟你一样,看他以后还会听不进我说的话,看他还敢。。摆明就是没当老婆一回事。重罚。
        • 太狠了! -pickles(吃饱了,撑); 11:27 (#5902472@0)
      • 支持7y7! 本来嘛,礼物就是要送到人心,何况10年的夫妻呢。就得去退货,然后买新的,买到满心欢喜为止!我给对方买东西也都要花心思的,不是什么都能糊弄,要不还不如直接给钱得了。
      • 恐怕最后不是退货,而是退人。一物降一物,适合你们的,不一定适合她们的。
    • 生气还需要理由吗?想生就生啦
    • 惜福好过生气:)
    • 换成我, 会生气. 如果他事前没问过你喜欢与否, 那就没必要生气.但是你已经明确表示不喜欢了,而且他应该知道你没有耳洞. 可是生气归生气, 也不必太过了, 好好教育一下.
    • 这不贪得无厌吗? 呵呵
    • 这老公如果不是真傻,就是真耍心眼. 明明LZ说了不喜欢的东西还偏送, LZ生气是理所当然的.说不定那些东西是买给其它女人的, 别人也不要, 就塞给LZ. 也有可能是变相买给自己的. 那些东西肯定是事先买好了的, 要不然,问了一遍不够,还问第二遍, 傻不傻啊.
      • 子曰:唯女子与小人为难养也!
        • 有本事,你就别娶老婆, 打一辈子光棍好了.
          • 我不喜欢打架,再说光棍也没惹我啊。 我干吗要打人家一辈子啊?
    • 生气的唯一结果就是——LG想买了这么多礼物还生气,下次还是啥都别买了
    • 应该生气..否则他不知道规矩.家里谁说了算
    • 该不该不好说,你要想下次还有礼物,就不能生气
    • “当女人说不的时候,实际上是愿意。。。。。。”楼主的老公是太相信这句话了........
      • 大面包,这理论只可能在女人跟你刚相识不久的时候才能成立,都结婚10年了,还要不好意思?明明想要还要说不?谁这么傻呢
    • 1,你的老公知道你为什么生气吗?2,要是你事先说明你要什么做礼物,你接受这种方式吗?还是会认为他不够知心而有所遗憾?
    • 不要相信国人的女性杂志,小报上教你如何撒娇的文章,相信了到头来适得其反。对此脾气好的老公只是不胜其烦,脾气不好的,呵呵。
    • 这年头不用iphone, 不打耳洞的女人也太out了~
      • 盲目跟风只能说是不懂得生活。
        • 结论:你没耳洞
        • 男人嘛,总希望自己带出去的女人比较有面子,满足一下虚荣心
          • 女人丑,打多少耳洞都木用;女人漂亮,穿免裆裤扎草绳都让你有面子
            • 男人跟男人也有不一样的哈
              • 其实我想说的是,东施效颦并不好看
                • 至少效了颦之后千古留名了呢~
      • 不打耳洞的女人就out了? 为了满足男人的虚荣?
        • 懂得戴耳环的女人更有女人味,也比较时尚嘛,自己漂亮了,你不也更开心?
          • 时尚是要看总体,配合气质。单戴个耳环,然后穿得个衣不合体,不知道能起个什么效果呢?
            • 慢慢来呗,罗马又不是一天建成滴
      • 山寨iphone is iphone?
        • 多会过日子的LG啊,知道iphone就是个摆设,买个山寨的既充了门面(反正她也不想要的),又省却了不必要的开支。。。
    • 该气,光生气还不够得一哭二闹三上吊,给他点color看看
      • 吊完了,醒过来一看,给丈夫扔马路边儿的垃圾堆里了
    • 有的礼物就行了,还生什么气啊?估计你老公早就买好iphone了。
    • 你不要生气. 但根据你描述的情形,你生气是应该的.
      • 哈哈,我同意你的。十年夫妻,互相应该很了解了,发帖排解一下就好了,不要生气了。
    • 应该高兴才对,无论LG买了什么作为生日礼物,那都是他的心意,虽然不合你的心意,但也要领会LG的好意. 要谢谢他,你想哦,如果你每年的生日都能收到LG的礼物一直到老,那是多浪漫的事啊.
      • +1
    • 如果你老公问你lv的事估计假lv早买好了。假iphone是不能退的,你让他怎么处理。万事和为贵。
    • 干嘛生气?!做个顺水人情,问你LG喜欢那iphone否,喜欢的就给他,然后让他陪你再去买你喜欢的礼物。本来是开心的日子,又有礼物收,又都十年了,不喜欢就换个呗。生气只能让彼此都添堵,扫兴,又不解决问题。真要发威也该是在刚相处恋爱时,现在太晚了。
    • 虽然我不是姐妹,但觉得还是该生气。这比不买还差。
    • 是可忍,熟不可忍,离!
      • To her and 红颜s
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I heard that you’ve made some comments on this posting and I wish you would keep following up with this and see this response. Just so you know that I know that my husband had been calling you for over 30 hours last months after he come back from China, and most of the time, right after the one minute phone call he made to home and telling me or my 6 yrs old or my 2 yrs old that he needed to work overtime, and then come home at 9,10,11pm.

        I know it was you that he had been calling the minute I saw his cell phone bill but I wasn’t mad at you because this is a problem between him and me. Until my husband throw me the words that you and him discussed this and thought it is my fault regarding this birthday gift issue ( I saw him making the phone call that night at 1am and he didn’t have the guts to tell me who he was calling and I have to discover it on his over $100 cell phone bill later myself)

        You have your own family, your daughter and the luxury to call him and pick up his phone call at your work time and talk to him for about 3, 4 hours ( I can see the 13 hours timing difference works how perfectly for you otherwise it would be your husband’s question that is haunting you by now). Do you know when he was “working” overtime my parents and I have to look after two kids, feed them, reason and coax and yell to one to finish his homework and piano practice, and try not to neglect the younger one at the same time? Do you know how many times the kids have asked when daddy will be home and I answered that daddy have to work overtime to keep his job and to earn us extra money? Do you know my parents walked 40 minutes to a supermarket to buy walnuts for him because they thought he had been working so hard lately and walnuts is good for the brain? Do you know that my heart was bleeding for not being able to tell them the truth and just to watch my parents literally run downstairs when they heard the door open at 9,10,11 pm and warm up supper for him after he worked his “overtime”?

        I heard you said that I was unreasonable and had no reason to be mad at my husband over the birthday gift. All of a sudden this just made me so furious that I have to say something.

        I had to, when I was 5 months pregnant, work in a factory on the line, standing 10 hours daily, to work my 600 hours for me to qualify for my EI benefit. I worked till 20 days before I delivered my first son. While at the same time my husband was staying at home and working on his English skills so that he could find a job in his field. Had you worked in a factory at a hot summer when you were at your late pregnancy for $10 per hour, you would learn to respect the $150 that got wasted on a fake iphone that you won’t be using and earrings that could not be worn.

        You probably didn’t hear this during your long telephone conversation with my husband that when it was Chinese New Year, 2007, at 4pm my husband was still sleep on bed due to a hangover from last night’s alcohol while I was 6 months pregnant and looking after my 3 years old. I asked my husband to get up and make some dumplings with me just for the sake of my son because I wanted him to know this is Chinese New Year and to feel the joy, and we got into a fight because he wanted to sleep and I stormed out and got dragged back by a neighbor. He probably won’t tell you that the first thing he said to his six month pregnant wife was why she had to run out and humiliated him in front of the neighbors. That was the coldest winter in my life.

        He certainly won’t tell you when his dad was here and had his eye accident that requires regular visits to the eye doctor, it was me that take him to see the doctors EVERY TIME for more than ten times. Mind you that I am working too and I had to take time off my work every each time. And ask him on your next phone call when my mom ran to our bed room at 2 o’clock at night because my dad had trouble breathing and need to go to emergency, ask him if he had bothered get up to check on my dad.

        Had you know this, you probably won’t jump to the conclusion that I was unreasonable to ask him to be a little bit more thoughtful in the birthday gift rather than to grab something that is on sale on his company’s website.

        I don’t think you intended to break a family (although this is what ended up happen). It isn’t fair to blame you on the problems that already exist. However, I want to tell you that it is very selfish to be enjoying your happy marriage and still try to stay in “the secret and softest place” of another man’s heart. Since my husband would rather lie for you and not willing to apologize to save the marriage, you have been very successful in staying in his heart. You know it is not hard for me to hurt you the same way you’ve hurt me, because when it come to defending our families, you and me are equally vulnerable. I won’t do that because it won’t help me or my kids, and will not stop my heart from bleeding knowing that my mistake has and will continue to cause a lot of damage to my kids and parents.

        And by the way, never ever judge a wife who you don’t know just by what her husband had told you, especially when you are a woman and had a little history with that man long times ago. You are older than me and can’t be that naive. The fact that the husband got along with the wife fine when he needs her to fight beside him and only start to complain that she is not sweet and tender when he had achieved something speaks a lot about him.

        My reaction to the birthday present is the nature of me, who had been sharpened and toughened by life for the past ten years. Therefore, before you use your soft little voice to tell my husband how you would appreciate the present if you were me, PLEASE, you are not me, and I’ll guarantee you, you can’t be me, who will have to get up in the morning to send the older one to bus stop; send the younger one to daycare; rush to work; leave work at lunch time in winter to pick up the younger one because she doesn’t want her parents to walk in the cold weather; rush back to work and stuff something to her mouth before afternoon’s work; rush out of work to the older son’s after school to pick him up; take the son to piano lessons; take the sons to skating and swimming; help her son with his homework and piano practice; chat with the younger son about what you should do when Luke in his daycare took his fire truck; after the sons are asleep, spend some time with her parents because she felt so guilty for keeping them here helping; watch her husband come home from his “overtime”, wondering if there are more lies behind everything; and then go back to her bed to wash out all the fake faces and cry herself to sleep to gain enough courage to face another day.

        Just ask yourself, even though I believe that nothing had happened between you two so far, do you believe yourself that nothing won’t be happening if you two have the convenience of being in the same city, same country?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • wow, up!
          good writing by the way
        • 原来背后的故事这样的,支持生气,老公哪有不买老婆心水礼物的,明显就不关心老婆,借礼物敷衍老婆。和老公摊牌看看他到底还想不想珍惜这个家,还想不想珍惜你!
          • Thanks. But when love is gone, nothing would work. Besides, who am I kidding?
            My parents thought that we are geting better because there's no fight any more, but my 2 years old would look into my eyes, give me the sweetest smile and say: "Mommy, smile please"; While my husband would just consider this as another way that I am trying to get my way. How sad is that.
            • 看得眼泪都下来了。只有经历过的人才知道when love is gone的家庭是一种什么滋味。但是看到孩子无邪的眼睛,真的又狠不下心来打破这个家庭。
        • 你错啦!不是你做的不好, 而是做的太好。你和父母把家中的事全包了, 间接的给老公创造了overtime的条件。
          有的人(男女一样)日子过的太舒服了,不是感恩知足惜福, 就想找事,想必你老公是这一类?一点建议:
          1. 给自己时间空间享受生活,每星期至少有时间做自己enjoyde事, 可别把孩子和家当成唯一的爱好
          2. 周末给父母放假, 让老公照看孩子, 没有付出是不知道珍惜的
          3. 每天让老公带孩子做作业, 和孩子培养感情, 其它时间让他overtime
          4. 过段时间和老公谈谈, 为孩子尽量保持一个完整的家。

          Ps: 你那长篇写得不错, 但是该给老公看的, 而不是红颜,红颜可以是任何人, 这个玩完,可以再找下一个。
          • It sounds that her husband didn't really love her enough, or too lazy and selfish to be caring enough.
        • 再说两句
        • wow, up! This is way better than I can possible write. Support.
        • 都是英文,还贼长,看不懂。谁给翻译成简体版?
          • By http://translate.google.cn
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我听说你已经就这一张贴一些意见,我希望你会继续跟进这点,看到这个反应。只要让你知道,我知道我的丈夫一直要求超过30小时,过去几个月你回来后,他来自中国,最正确的时间一分钟后,电话,呼吁他向家里,告诉我和我的6岁以上儿童的或我的2岁以上儿童的,他需要超时工作,然后在9,10,11下午来到家中。











            只要问自己,尽管我相信,如果你们之间发生了两到目前为止,你认为自己没有什么不会发生,如果你有两个在同一城市被,同一个国家的方便?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • u should get him a gift that only u can use...haha
    • 可能你老公第一次问你之前就已经买了那个iphone了。看你不喜欢,又买了别的。不知道你没有耳眼,可能是知道但买的时候没考虑到这个问题。男人买耳环这种东西,考虑不周也很正常。
    • how is the iPhone functioning ? pls PM the model .. tks !
    • 我觉得没什么可生气的,估计IPHONE你LG自己觉得不错,想送给你,早就给你买好了,所以才一直问你。关于耳环,男人一是比较粗心,另外他可能在暗示你戴耳环会显得更漂亮。