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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 第一次碰见这样:去酒吧玩,一群人当中一个女孩和我聊天,聊了一会儿,她要去washroom,叫我陪她,礼貌地拒绝了。后来又聊了一会儿,我要去washroom,she offered to come with me together, had to turn it down again :D
    • 参考::深吻 -lifesucks(你全家都是精英!); 17:22 (5902 bytes. #5943376@0)
      • don't think it's that bad, but it was too weird. seriously that washroom fucking stinks! i'd turn down a free blowjob if it had to be in that shithole, lol. actually she tried to get me stay the night with her, but i left after a warm hug to her. :-)
        • You could've taken her with you. Too bad you didn't ask.
          • i knew what she wants when she approached me like that , she pretty much threw herself at me, but i wasn't in the mood (read horny) that night. still it's funny to get the invitation to go to a washroom together, lol
            • She's not hot. Got it!
              • 你快說說lz爲啥可以坐懷不亂
                • 好像我先说答案你后提问。。
                  • He's not not. Got it! -z24(Quick!冬天快过去)
                    • 这个钟点了你们都不睡觉。。等着拨表呢么?
                    • 哥跟你说一千道一万。。根本原因She's not HOT HOT
              • of course not victoria's secrect type girl!!! maybe 7/10 face, as tall as me, but i really had something else on mind at that time and left the bar after a while, otherwise probably wouldn't say no to a free meal, lol.
                • so it was not because of the sting washroom just because of thoes things in you mind a.t.m stopped you had a free meal?
                  • the truth? i was working on another girl, couldn't take offer from this one, had to behave!!! that's the ultimate reason, lol
    • 需要加强礼貌性陪厕学习。。
      • lol
    • 原來是XB貼,估計別的GG沒有被勾引過的經驗,都看得眼直燎~~~
    • 楼主莫非就是传说中的柳下惠?
      • YW也不错,,容易留下好名声
    • 借楼主的贴问个常识性的问题:你们大家去酒吧都会备着TT吗?
      • 不带。Most of the chances are, run into some guy as disable as Genjuro. LOL~~
      • 不带,都喝过头了,,,,用不上..
        • 哈哈~!
      • 楼上两位,注意安全。
        • 沒有brake,安全靠運氣
          • how do i ask a decent girl to a pub? say...hm, a rolia girl... serious.
            • Who's serious?
              • me, i'm serious. did you ever ask? lol
                • You're a girl? You can always ask yourself out.
                  • Sorry. Me not thick road.
                    • 你是希瑞斯么?不,我是可婷。哦,你好,我是薄候道
                      • 博起来还差不多。。。。博厚道就歇菜吧。。。。哈哈。。。。
    • 这么mean的WSN居然还有人同玩。。。。俺永远/从不turn down女孩的任何要求。。。。哪怕一个巨丑的傻大妞。。。。因为。。。。
      • 给点钱我就干,呵 -hcmatter(H+C);
    • Stay away from those wild girls, especially in bars, I think you are still in China? the bars in China are very dangerous places, don't expect anything from the bars, be real
      • 谢谢你的话,我会记住的.其实我主要是周末去喝酒解闷,和人聊天,那里多数是学生,比较轻松,当然偶尔也确实能hook up with someone and have fun. 多谢你的提醒 :-)
    • XB贴,鉴定完毕。
      • XB贴,不用鉴定。
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