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5. "Das irdische Leben" – The Earthly Life, 人间生活,类似于三年自然灾害,孩子饿得好可怜。。。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛[ "Mother, oh Mother! I'm hungry;
Give me bread, or I shall die!"
"Wait a little, my darling child;
Tomorrow we shall sow quickly."

And when the corn had been sown,
The child wailed again: ]
"Mother, oh Mother! I'm hungry;
Give me bread, or I shall die!"
"Wait a little, my darling child;
Tomorrow we shall harvest quickly."

And when the corn had been harvested,
The child wailed again:
"Mother, oh Mother! I'm hungry;
Give me bread, or I shall die!"
"Wait a little, my darling child;
Tomorrow we shall thresh quickly."

And when the corn had been threshed,
The child wailed again:
"Mother, oh Mother! I'm hungry;
Give me bread, or I shall die!"
[ "Wait a little, my darling child;
Tomorrow we shall grind quickly."

And when the corn had been ground,
The child wailed again:
"Mother, oh Mother! I'm hungry;
Give me bread, or I shall die!" ]
"Wait a little, my darling child;
Tomorrow we shall bake quickly."

And when the bread had been baked,
The child was lying on the funeral bier.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 曾热打铁,继续忽悠马勒。Mahler Anthology (6) Das Knaben Wunderhorn (少年魔角)
    (1) Der Schildwache Nachtlied

    (2) Verlor'ne Muh
    (3) Trost im Ungluck

    (4) Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht?

    (5) Das irdische Leben

    (6) Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt

    (7) Rheinlegendchen

    (8) Lied des Verfolgten im Turm

    (9) Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen

    (10) Lob des hohen Verstandes

    (11) Urlicht (used in 2nd Symphony)

    (12) Es sungen drei Engel (used in 3rd Symphony)

    (13) Das himmlische Leben (used in 4th Symphony)

    (14) Revelge

    (15) Der Tamboursg'sell

    • sheldon现在最急需的是搜狗拼音输入法里南方模糊音的设置。不用谢。
      • 不要有地域歧视嘛。
      • 唉,不仅趁写成曾,Des 也写成Das了,没脸在这混了,我隐退。。。
    • 这个男声、女声到底是怎么划分的啊?我都糊涂了。现阶段感觉还是不要男声女声混在一起的好。一种声音唱一首挺好的。歌词内容上看起来是有对话,但是并没有一定要求两个singers一人一句的效果啊。
      • 两种我都喜欢,伯恩斯坦那个年代大家喜欢搞男女对唱,现在基本上都是一人唱一首。
    • 谢谢sheldon的文献检索和分享工作,受益ing~~
      • 这是哪位老虾的MJ?容我琢磨琢磨。嘿。
        • 你这个斑竹严重失职!
          • ~绝密~
            • 赫赫~~
              • 呵呵。。。:)))
          • 以大师的判断力有问题啊。。。
            马儿一般是隐居,不出岛的。连Roy Thomson Hall都没见他去过,他会赶到Ann Arbor去听马勒?
            • 你不要忽悠我!
              • 啧啧,夏老师快来呀!
              • “这么阴柔细腻的口气”。。。哥~,安啥地给您留下酱紫的印象??不好,不好。。。
      • 不谢不谢,我也是有私心的。。。
        • 都是有代价的,等你们密西根回来,来个免费电话就可以了。
          • 好说好说,下次去芝加哥回来也一定给你免费电话。:)
    • 点开一看,一个认识的字儿都没有,这叫什么忽悠啊?待俺有空volunteer一把,把歌词贴上。。。
      • 就是想要折腾一下这些歌词。赶紧volunteer啊~~~期待ing~~~
    • 先把每个标题的意思整明白了,词儿慢慢贴。。。
      1. "Der Schildwache Nachtlied" – The Sentinel's Nightsong

      2. "Verlor'ne Müh" – Labour Lost

      3. "Trost im Unglück" – Solace in Misfortune

      4. "Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht? – Who Thought up this Song?

      5. "Das irdische Leben" – The Earthly Life

      6. "Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt" – St. Anthony of Padua's Sermon to the Fish

      7. "Rheinlegendchen" – Little Rhine Legend

      8. "Lied des Verfolgten im Turm" – Song of the Persecuted in the Tower

      9. "Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen" – Where the Fair Trumpets Sound

      10. "Lob des hohen Verstandes" – Praise of Lofty Intellect

      11. "Urlicht" – Primeval Light

      12. "Es sungen drei Engel" – Three Angels sang a sweet air

      13 "Das himmlische Leben" - The Heavenly Life

      14. "Revelge" – Reveille

      15. "Der Tamboursg'sell" – The Drummer Boy
      • 义人那,义人!
      • 5. "Das irdische Leben" – The Earthly Life, 人间生活,类似于三年自然灾害,孩子饿得好可怜。。。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛[ "Mother, oh Mother! I'm hungry;
        Give me bread, or I shall die!"
        "Wait a little, my darling child;
        Tomorrow we shall sow quickly."

        And when the corn had been sown,
        The child wailed again: ]
        "Mother, oh Mother! I'm hungry;
        Give me bread, or I shall die!"
        "Wait a little, my darling child;
        Tomorrow we shall harvest quickly."

        And when the corn had been harvested,
        The child wailed again:
        "Mother, oh Mother! I'm hungry;
        Give me bread, or I shall die!"
        "Wait a little, my darling child;
        Tomorrow we shall thresh quickly."

        And when the corn had been threshed,
        The child wailed again:
        "Mother, oh Mother! I'm hungry;
        Give me bread, or I shall die!"
        [ "Wait a little, my darling child;
        Tomorrow we shall grind quickly."

        And when the corn had been ground,
        The child wailed again:
        "Mother, oh Mother! I'm hungry;
        Give me bread, or I shall die!" ]
        "Wait a little, my darling child;
        Tomorrow we shall bake quickly."

        And when the bread had been baked,
        The child was lying on the funeral bier.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 有点像舒伯特的魔王
          • 我觉得比魔王还惨。当娘的觉得孩子饿死,自己有很大责任,后悔莫及。。。
      • 13 "Das himmlische Leben" - The Heavenly Life, 天上生活, 整天杀牛宰羊烤面包,就是我们那时想象的共产主义。。。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛We enjoy heavenly pleasures
        and therefore avoid earthly ones.
        No worldly tumult
        is to be heard in heaven.
        All live in greatest peace.
        We lead angelic lives,
        yet have a merry time of it besides.
        We dance and we spring,
        We skip and we sing.
        Saint Peter in heaven looks on.

        John lets the lambkin out,
        and Herod the Butcher lies in wait for it.
        We lead a patient,
        an innocent, patient,
        dear little lamb to its death.
        Saint Luke slaughters the ox
        without any thought or concern.
        Wine doesn't cost a penny
        in the heavenly cellars;
        The angels bake the bread.

        Good greens of every sort
        grow in the heavenly vegetable patch,
        good asparagus, string beans,
        and whatever we want.
        Whole dishfuls are set for us!
        Good apples, good pears and good grapes,
        and gardeners who allow everything!
        If you want roebuck or hare,
        on the public streets
        they come running right up.

        Should a fast day come along,
        all the fishes at once come swimming with joy.
        There goes Saint Peter running
        with his net and his bait
        to the heavenly pond.
        Saint Martha must be the cook.

        There is just no music on earth
        that can compare to ours.
        Even the eleven thousand virgins
        venture to dance,
        and Saint Ursula herself has to laugh.
        There is just no music on earth
        that can compare to ours.
        Cecilia and all her relations
        make excellent court musicians.
        The angelic voices
        gladden our senses,
        so that all awaken for joy.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 有了第5段,就能理解为什么马四的天堂为啥那么物质了,就不觉得歌词俗气了,主要是小时候给饿坏了。。。

          There is just no music on earth
          that can compare to ours.
          • 《此间的少年》节选:”天宫的生活真是好啊,圣彼得啊,在宰猪啊,圣约翰啊,烤面包啊……” (Heavenly Life节译,我倒)
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛为了避免自己在某种哲学思辨中彻底发飙然后跑上街找匹老马抱着痛哭,段誉决定读手里那份曲目介绍的小册子。小册子印得金光灿烂,装饰着大中华风格的万字,介绍说这次首演是大宋国家民乐团的一次伟大尝试,用古筝、古琴、编钟、唢呐等中国民族乐器演奏西域吟游诗人马勒的第四交响曲,气势宏大之余更具中国传统气息,完美地结合了西域独神宗教体系和中国天人合一的哲学思想云云。












            王语嫣无法想象有人能做这种创意,把英文的唱词逐字逐句翻译成中国乡土风情。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 马四里好象听到了牛叫羊叫,没听到猪叫,可能猪还是不够清真。
              • 猪比较贴近大部分中国百姓不够清真的生活现实,呵呵。
    • 1. "Der Schildwache Nachtlied" – The Sentinel's Nightsong
      • 谢谢!这些歌曲和格林童话一样包含着很多黑暗或暴力的东西,唉,德国人啊。
    • 2. Verlor'ne Müh
    • 3. Trost im Unglück
    • 4. Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht?
    • 5. Das irdische Leben
    • 6. Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt
    • 7. Rheinlegendchen
    • 8. Lied des Verfolgten im Turm
    • 9. Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen
    • 10. Lob des hohen Verstandes
    • 11. Urlicht
    • 12. Es sungen drei Engel
    • 13. Das himmlische Leben
    • 14. Revelge
    • 15. Der Tamboursg'sell
      • 辛苦了辛苦了,这是奖励: Little Drum Boy: Video essay on Gustva Mahler by Leonard Bernstein -sheldon(BaScBeMoWa); 21:34 (4230 bytes. #5961632@0)
        • 这个已经看过了,来点没看过的。
          • 此时此刻在YYSX上看和以前看是不一样滴。;)
    • 累死我了!八叔给点赏钱吧?
      • 太感谢了!等的就是这个~我可以开始工作了,嘻嘻。
      • 敝岛先替8叔给!嘿~~。
      • 八叔太难听了,还是叫“巴舒贝莫瓦”吧。:)
        • 难道不是 巴舒贝莫娃 么?
          • 也行,也行,留点ambiguity :)
      • 要是能有中文的就更好了。。。还是看不懂啊。
        • 面包会有的,中文版也会有的 :)
          • 急需文献及音频资料支持!罗老师的歌词与音乐会节目单上的歌词有出入。经Google Translate把German转成English,验证节目单上第一句就有错误。但是,节目单上歌词好像更接近真实演唱的版本。手头没有CD,求援!
            • 周五用特快专递把CD给你。:)
              • 其实看着YouTube也行,问题是曲目和顺序在罗老师的资料上、在音乐会演出上、在CD上以及在YouTube上的版本都有一定出入。本人水平不高,但是一旦治学,还是追求严谨滴~~
                多谢巴舒贝莫娃!据说《少年魔角》与aged cheddar cheese一同快递会节省一大笔handling and delivery 的费用。要不就递一个搭一个吧?
        • 标题意思整明白了给CTO做个小小见面礼。待我有时间一首一首慢慢译来。这个得细水长流,比不得罗老师一气呵成。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. "Der Schildwache Nachtlied" – ”The Sentinel's Nightsong“ 哨兵的夜曲
          2. "Verlor'ne Müh" – ”Labour Lost“ or “Wasted Effort” 徒劳
          3. "Trost im Unglück" – ”Solace in Misfortune“ or “Solace in Sorrow” 不幸时的慰藉
          4. "Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht? – Who Thought up this Song? 谁作了此歌谣?
          5. "Das irdische Leben" – The Earthly Life 人间的生活
          6. "Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt" – St. Anthony of Padua's Sermon to the Fish 向鱼布道的圣安东尼
          7. "Rheinlegendchen" – Little Rhine Legend 莱茵的传说
          8. "Lied des Verfolgten im Turm" – ”Song of the Persecuted in the Tower“ 塔楼被迫害者之歌 or “Song of the Prisoner in the Tower” 塔楼囚者之歌
          9. "Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen" – Where the Fair Trumpets Sound 当美妙的号角响起
          10. "Lob des hohen Verstandes" – Praise of Lofty Intellect 赞美崇高的理性
          11. "Urlicht" – Primeval Light 原光
          12. "Es sungen drei Engel" – Three Angels sang a sweet air 三位天使甜美的歌
          13. "Das himmlische Leben" - The Heavenly Life 天堂的生活 (又译1:我尝到了天上的欢愉,即歌词第一句; 又译2:天宫生活真红火)
          14. "Revelge" – Reveille 起床号
          15. "Der Tamboursg'sell" – The Drummer Boy 少年鼓手更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • Reference 1
            • 多谢啊!啥,那个岛主,版主,此贴一定要加精啊, 不入导读,没良心啊。
              • 我也在减肥中,不饿。
              • CTO的赞扬比什么精华啊导读啊要珍贵多了!
                • CTO指点一下新人:编辑帖子的时候,在普通文本状态下怎么编辑字体颜色、大小和不同字体?怎么插入表格和columns?是不是要在html格式下功能才多一些?用html语句?
    • 这么好听的东西得一顶再顶。
      Nos. 9, 14, 6, 7, 13, 10, 11, 15, 5, 1, 2, 4

      3, 8, 12