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除了peace本身,还有一些差不多的peace,我见过chicago peace,多色花,我以为花开起来很漂亮

2,double delight


以上2个品种都多次获奖,直到现在一直是大家非常喜欢的玫瑰品种,不过缺点因为是hybrid tea系列,所以抗病虫害差,强光下花会褪色(fade),因为是多色的,可能种出来的和照片上的不太一样,冬天要加以保护,总之养起来比较麻烦,不过看到花开就会把辛苦都忘了。



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 推荐2个我认为比较好的玫瑰品种

    除了peace本身,还有一些差不多的peace,我见过chicago peace,多色花,我以为花开起来很漂亮

    2,double delight


    以上2个品种都多次获奖,直到现在一直是大家非常喜欢的玫瑰品种,不过缺点因为是hybrid tea系列,所以抗病虫害差,强光下花会褪色(fade),因为是多色的,可能种出来的和照片上的不太一样,冬天要加以保护,总之养起来比较麻烦,不过看到花开就会把辛苦都忘了。


    • Rose always catch one's eyes. Which CT is open? shepperd/Leslie? I'm looking for a wild rose shrub. I like its natural beauty and strong screen function as a high hedge. My neighbour gave me two branches last autumn. Sadly, they all died.
      • It maybe not exactly the same one, just looks similar.
      • mississauga heartland centre
      • I bought one from Walmart(Kenedy&Shepperd), Hansa.
        • i am looking for wild roses too, i like the smell of it.
          • 你在哪里见到有卖的了吗?我邻居给我2个枝条,我已经插到土里了,希望能发根健康地活下来。不过如果看到有卖的,我还是会买一个的,毕竟扦插是一种尝试。
    • 非常心动double delight,walmart看见有,一直惦记着。去年买的peace,绝对喜欢。
      • 你的peace和照片一个颜色吗?
        • 真漂亮!谢谢分享!请问开花是从何时至何时?年年开? thanks. 
          • 年年开,营养阳光好的话,hybrid tea应该是从春天一直开到秋天
        • 只开一两朵的时候,颜色鲜艳。同时开6朵的时候,颜色发白,没劲了。而且是种在盆子里,营养有点跟不上
          • 忘了回答问题,是一个颜色,照片绝大多数没有经过后期处理
    • 我看上chicago peace了,去年在轮胎店看到开着的,非常漂亮,可惜当时没地了,所以没买。
    • I have both of kinds. there are also Mr. Lincon, Garden Party, Tropicana, and Evelyn in my Garden. Very beautiful while blooming.
      • 看来我们的观点差不多
      • i just bought Mr, lincoln and another white color rose from walmart last weekend, just want to know if they need to be bring back inside home or not in winter? Thanks.
        • My roses are planted on the ground. I cannot bring them inside. They were doing okay with the hardness of winter, and all begin to sprout. I just piled mulch around the root to cover the graft union during the winter time. It looks helpful.
      • Love peace too. Just bought another one this year. The only problem is the winter protection. I also have some explorer series and they seems to be much stronger than the peace.
    • 有没有比较好养且又漂亮的玫瑰?
      • double knock out, disease free.有红色和粉红色2种,花小了点,但是花很多,花期也长。
    • 玫瑰是我最喜欢的花,可以一直从初夏开到入秋,可我的有一棵染上黑斑病,折磨死我了,我剪啊喷药水啊,最后几乎把那棵剪秃了,可还是不能根治,还有扩散给周围其他玫瑰,真发愁啊
      • double knock out是disease free的。有红色和粉红色。花小点,但是花期很长。
    • 如果你喜欢多色花,可以买joseph's coat,花的颜色各不相同,很绝。
      • 不错呀,哪里有卖的,可惜我的climbing rose都种满了
        • google
        • 我有玫瑰花,但每年开花很少,求各位行家指点。 谢谢。
          • 多施肥,多晒太阳
            • Thanks a lot for your advice.
          • 玫瑰花的养护很有讲究的。春天来了,玫瑰发芽后,要剪去一些多于的枝,这个就很有讲究。查查书看怎么剪枝。
            • Thanks a lot.
      • do you know which type of rose will have big rich yellow color with long stem? Thanks. I have a red one and a white one. I want to have a yellow one as well.
        • google 'yellow hybrid tea rose'
          • Thanks
        • Radiant Perfume Hybrid Tea Rose fragrant yellow rose with an irresistible, strong citrus scent
    • 今天在沃马买了chicago peace,才9刀。请问冬天需要特别保护吗?有的网站说Zone 4, 有的说Zone 5,到底多少呢。
      • 一般如果是卖的网站,那个都会标的耐寒一点,USDA zone 7b and warmer

        Hybrid Tea / Large-Flowered.
        Pink blend. Mild fragrance. 45 to 60 petals. Average diameter 6". Large, very double bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season, occasional repeat later in the season.
        Height of 4½' to 6' 7" (135 to 200 cm).

        USDA zone 7b and warmer. Disease susceptibility: susceptible to blackspot . Spring Pruning: Remove old canes and dead or diseased wood and cut back canes that cross. In warmer climates, cut back the remaining canes by about one-third. In colder areas, you'll probably find you'll have to prune a little more than that. Requires spring freeze protection (see glossary - Spring freeze protection) . Can be grown in the ground or in a container (container requires winter protection).
        • 那冬天是不是又挺难过的了,我家是zone5a
          • 大不了放大盆里养,冬天搬车库。
            • 只能这样了
              • 唉,养个花比养个人还累,那个网站的信息不准确,不必在意,不过hybrid tea在多伦多冬天一定要保护
    • 感觉double delight挺好养的,反而是有阳光的时候鲜艳,但是阳光太多了容易蔫,half shaded 比full sun要好。