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How to overseed your lawn?

cut your rlawn to a lower height than usual--about 5cm(2")
remove weeds
rake the lawn well to expose all the bare patches
fill in any holes or uneven areas with top soil
put down a light layer of topsoil, 0.5 to 1.5cm (1/4-1/2")
apply grass seed using broadcast spreader or sow the seed by hand and walk vertically, horizontally and diagonally across your lawn, throwing down the grass seed--apply generously
walk all over the lawn so that the seed is in firm contact with the soil--failing to do this is the majoe reason why grass seed does not germinate
make sure the seed is lightly watered every day, either by rainfall or sprinkler
once you start to see hte seeds germinating--between 8 and 15 days--you can cut back on the watering;
let the new plants grow to about 10cm(4") before mowing

to overseed a lawn of 1000 square feet, you will need 1 to 1.5kg (3 to 4 lb) of grass seed

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 大概查了一下种草的方法,是不是先要刨地,再压平,再撒混合黑土的草籽,盖土,再压平。过程是这样的吗?那对于已有的草坪,草比较稀疏,想补种一些,可不可以直接撒混合黑土的草籽呢?那盖泥怎么盖啊?要把草地都盖上泥吗?
    • 要盖泥吗?就巴拉巴拉土可以不?
      • 我也不知道,但看人家的介绍都是要盖土的。
        • 家有懒人,想请人掀草皮,请问有好的公司推荐吗?
    • 我去年补种过一些,先是直接撒到地里了,也没掺土,大概都叫鸟吃了。后来有混合土撒,一浇水,干种子都浮起来了。最后是在一个大桶里把种子和土混合,然后喷水,土要潮潮的,放一两天后撒到地里。我觉得夏末种比初春种好
      • Good to know. Thanks a lot.
      • 这个方法成功的话,应该是补种的最好方法了吧!谢谢分享!
      • 现在适合补种吗? 4 月底
        • 草任何时候补都可以(冬天除外),俺都是直接撒草籽薄薄的盖上top soil,hhorse这法子不错,下回试试。
        • 现在撒种子有点晚,但应该还行。我之所以认为夏末种比初春好,是因为夏末土壤温度高,种子发芽快一些,天冷下来之前还能有足够的时间扎根。初春土壤温度低,发芽慢,种晚了,根又扎得不够深,夏天太阳一晒很容易死,当然你勤浇水就不会了。我基本不浇草地的。
          • 今年不浇水看来不行呢
            • 今年比较干,必须浇水,否则春肥都在表面上呆着,无法到达土里让草根吸收。另外,建议LS,如果新种的草或者草不是很壮,应该减少剪草,草叶发达根才发达,根茁壮了草才能茁壮。
      • 我也打算用你的方法。请问把混了草籽的土铺在该铺的地方之前,还要不要把长得稀稀拉拉的草拔干净?地要不要刨松?之后,要不要把铺好的混了草籽的土压一压?
        • 我很多是补缺口的,都松了土才撒的种子。稀疏的地方我就直接撒了。因为土和种子都是湿润的,我没有压过。
          • 我结合了你的方法和毛豆的方法,已经Overseeding了。才一天,还没发芽。
            • 今天去 canadian tire 买了三合一那种,先撒了几把在稀疏的地方试试
    • How to overseed your lawn?
      cut your rlawn to a lower height than usual--about 5cm(2")
      remove weeds
      rake the lawn well to expose all the bare patches
      fill in any holes or uneven areas with top soil
      put down a light layer of topsoil, 0.5 to 1.5cm (1/4-1/2")
      apply grass seed using broadcast spreader or sow the seed by hand and walk vertically, horizontally and diagonally across your lawn, throwing down the grass seed--apply generously
      walk all over the lawn so that the seed is in firm contact with the soil--failing to do this is the majoe reason why grass seed does not germinate
      make sure the seed is lightly watered every day, either by rainfall or sprinkler
      once you start to see hte seeds germinating--between 8 and 15 days--you can cut back on the watering;
      let the new plants grow to about 10cm(4") before mowing

      to overseed a lawn of 1000 square feet, you will need 1 to 1.5kg (3 to 4 lb) of grass seed
      • 明白了,要踩一踩。谢谢。