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or maybe this one:


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / me: about 9 yrs ago....Hang Zhou China
    有人说那时的我是贤妻和良母,现在是 wildcat 一个。lol
    • 这是你贴的照片中最差的一张。得出一个可怕的结论:wildcat比贤妻良母更有风情~~
      • 贤妻良母本来不是靠风情吃饭。。wildcat才是。。
      • LOL........
    • 挺好,很贤良的样子,,现在的你,只不过变了,因为所有人都在变
    • 你没化妆吧?。。。还是加拿大养人。
      • 是吗?公司春游。。。孩子刚生不久。。。我一向不太化妆。。。除非晚上出去跳舞。。。
    • 哈哈,终于今天看到pp了。真的,看自己的照片也觉得,在加拿大比在中国显年轻,关键是心态不同。。。
      • agree.....
        • 在国内,结婚了就觉得是少妇了,服装打扮都老气规矩起来,其实才25岁~~~
          • That's YOUR problem...who said so?!
            • i have to agree with 苏 on this one. the pics i sent to my mom from here, she has to keep them out of my dad and my bro- in law!!!!!
              • I've never been bothered by "what you should wear at a certain age", anywhere, anytime.
                • we are talking about if we were in china...we have to be careful what not to wear....right?
                  • anywhere including china...please.
                    • oh....noooo.....my mom will say nooooooooooo
                      • I dont care what your mom says...LOL ....kidding.
                    • 新时代女青年的作风就是如此,good girl!
                      • thanks...
      • Disagree。。木PP木真相。。反正你自己能删贴。。上吧。。
        • LOL..............
      • 贴一个。。。贴一个。。。大家一起喊。。。lol.......
        • 响应号召,铁一个。。。 铁一个。。。
          • 同意。
          • 最近一周的照片,可是都照得不太年轻了,呵呵~~~
            • wow.......... 混 teenager 都没问题...............
            • I like this one the most in 3 of yours...:)
              • i like the one 10 yrs ago.....
                • 同感。
            • 这张脸部表情比较没那么柔和。
              • but very very natual.
                • true......
              • 抓拍的,前两张是摆拍,请原谅,呵呵
            • 阿苏越来越年轻水灵了啊,,,,滋!,,,请允许我流点口水,呵呵~~~
            • Oops自己贴错地方了,把队形弄乱了
              • 酒香不怕巷深,好帖不怕乱贴,呵呵
            • 这腿不错. 一定要顶!
              • ROFL..........
        • 哎,以前贴过的,证实一下吧,十年前的~~~
          • wow..........Beautiful..............
          • hang zhou too???
            • Shanghai
          • 顶!!!!!支持上PP, 近照更好!
          • how about after 十年, now ?
            • 在加拿大比在中国显年轻,一定更漂亮。
              • 贴一个。。。贴一个。。。
          • 鼓掌。向苏斑竹学习。向海棠同志学习。让我们自力更生,奋发图强,掀起革命的贴片新高潮。
            • +1000000000!
          • 俺就是中意苏版这样的眼睛。。带钩的。。
            • LOL....yes.....like a half moon.....
              • 巧笑傅兮,美目盼兮
                • that is it.........
            • 一笑起来,天都黑了,呵呵
          • 喜欢这样清清爽爽的。。。
          • 好气质!当年忘记去当琼瑶电影的女主角?
          • 好漂亮。 旁边那个小朋友好可爱
            • 谢谢,儿子
              • 儿子都十几岁了, 妈妈还那么年轻漂亮
          • 喜欢这样清清爽爽的。。。 比现在整天脸上画的左一道右一道的好
        • 两年前的
          • WOW!仍然很漂亮!
          • 只有一个字:
          • 很有亲和力
          • 这个一定要顶!
    • wild cat...lol......
      • 那肚腩,唉~~~
        • LOL........thats why i have to lose 10lbs.........
          • 加油! 加油! .. lol
        • 呵呵
      • 真年轻啊。。。
        • thank you....
      • I like this one the most in 3 of yours.
        • thank you...u dont mind that 肚腩..... lol......
      • 很阳光
        • thank you....sunshinegg.....how about u 很阳光 too, i guess? ....
      • 今年20,明年18的广告应该你来演
        • lol........thank you Steven
          • 午饭有片片看,真好
      • 姐胖的不是肉,是风情
        • LOL........thank you anyway....BTW, we miss u here....come often pls.....
    • 9年前你可以当老婆,现在只能当女友了。
    • 羡慕。俺是到了加拿大才老的,一年要老两岁都不止的,刚来的时候混teenager都没问题,现在是,大妈一个,简直是---不忍目睹。
      • 点解涅。。。
        • 俺来加拿大前在一个世外桃源读书,结束时回中国,所有人都说,哇,一点没变。现在。。。
          • come on......u can do it too......i have faith in u....all of us.....
      • 没pp没真相。
        • LOL.........
      • 铁一个, 铁一个。。。
      • Same here. It is very true that one will look much older if she couldn’t have a good sleep at night.
        • work@nite??? i hate that.......pat pat.....
          • co-hate. co-pat, haha.
    • or maybe this one:
      • 怎么几张看着都不象啊。:)
        • 知道女人多变了吧。。。。lol........
    • 顶!!!!!支持上PP
      • thank you
      • 叶公好PP?
        • LOL........
    • 对在这里贴pp的,能说得只有一个字
      • lol........thank you
        • 青山绿水,多好.
    • 谢谢苏妃跟 pics 。。。。。。
      • Don't know how to post pics here.
        • Z....... 梨花找你。。。
          • He dares not talk to me now.....
            • 梨花不老实吧?隔壁能贴,这边就不会贴?
              • you can upload from hard drive there, but I don't think you can do so here.
                • link for 隔壁 ur pic pls......
                  • dont' you know that all links to there is blocked by rolia?
                    • PM then....lol
            • LOL..........how dares he?....he is just busy now..............
        • 你也想贴PP,,,我们可以教你呀,呵呵
          • I don't have and not gonna set up an online album only for this purpose. Tell me another straight forward way.
            • but this way, its hard for ppl to save as the pic...read only basically...
              • Come on, I dont' have any problem to save yours!!!!!
                • really??? how smart u are!!!! how do u do that? i didnt get what Z said last time....lol.......
                  • there is a "save"icon on your pic. that's it.
                    • no....there is no save icon here in my pc....
                    • win7 没有“SAVE” icon on the 相片上。
                      • what a pity.....