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还没到更年期, 才40岁,但每月一次没有了,人也开始变胖,好象浮肿,有没有办法让例假再来,去浮肿?谢谢.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 还没到更年期, 才40岁,但每月一次没有了,人也开始变胖,好象浮肿,有没有办法让例假再来,去浮肿?谢谢.
    • 最近体检过吗?也许是内分泌的问题。
      • 是内分泌的问题, 想知道如何恢复月经?谢谢
        • 一些经验之谈,要注意营养和保持良好的心境,多吃些红色补气血的食物,象樱桃,花生,枸杞乌鸡之类。
    • 确定是浮肿而不是中年发福?若是前者的话要抓紧看医生并让家庭医生推荐看专科. 全身浮肿有可能是肾的毛病,肚子和腿有可能是卵巢或子宫或肝/胰脏, 手脚则有可能和心脏有关,具体怎样还要看别的症状. hurry up!
    • 先看医生,如果不是病理性的,是不是压力太大了

      1. 看家庭医生,家庭医生建议吃避孕药,本着是药三分毒的原则,没采用;

      2. 多喝自制大豆豆浆,服用蜂胶,褒乌鸡汤, 阶段性有用,过一段时间就无效了;

      3. 终于朋友介绍一位足底按摩的女中医,每周30分钟足底按摩,坚持了快一年了,效果很好。她给我按的第一个月,就一切正常了。而且内分泌正常了,人也瘦下来了,并不是故意减肥,胃口很好,经常性吃吃喝喝, 人精神很多, 精力比以前好,眼睛都亮亮的。 重要的是中医可以随时保养,比如睡的不好,就改按几个穴位,改善睡眠。

      现在还是每天喝自制豆浆, 每天喝乌鸡当归汤,早睡,减少压力,锻炼身体,保暖,不吃生冷,不要太累。 中医还提醒要少吃红肉,所以现在只吃海鲜和蔬菜。 总之,身体是要调养了,但并不是太大问题。

      • 能告诉那位女中医的联络方式?
        • 我可不是托, 中医这件事是要讲医缘, 对我有用,不一定对你有用. 不过可以试试
          我用的是黄安裕医生, 她现在在休假,应该快回来了. 你可以打电话问问她的appointment时间表,

          Yu An Foot Nerve Therapy Clinic,
          4211 Sheppard Ave E. Suite 206, Scarborough
          Tel. 416-335-1883
    • 已经多久没有月经了?是不是排除怀孕的可能???或是就月经不调???建议你还是先到医生那里做个全面检查,没有大问题再说其他的比较好。
    • 多谢大家. 我现在每天喝豆浆, 不吃鸡肉,(有荷尔蒙), 医生也看了. 这里的医生也不做什么. 真不知道怎么办?
      • 我是看家庭医生的时候做了很多检查的,包括荷尔蒙水平。也是一切正常的。
        当时有3个月没有吧,人很乏,脸上有疙瘩,特别是下巴上。喝豆浆, 蜂胶或蜂王浆是为了补充雌激素. 蜂胶或蜂王浆不是每个人都能喝,如果有肌瘤的,好象不建议喝.

        鸡肉是白肉,应该可以吃的。红肉,猪,牛,羊少吃。豆浆要自己做,买organic 的黄豆。

        如果你体检一切指标正常的话,不防看看中医, 看可不可以吃吃乌鸡白凤丸. 你的情况应该不是第一次的,最好调理调理。

    • 瞎猜的,会不会是甲减?
    • 以前在中国的时候,同一办公室的一个同事最后检查出是脑垂体有问题,你GOOGLE一下查查资料
      • 本人也范同样的问题,已经有好几个月没来月经了,之前做过一些荷尔蒙测试,说是男性荷尔蒙太高了,再来就是甲状腺出现一点问题,看家庭医生好像没什么用,现在想找个妇科中医调理一下,有好的可以推荐吗,在加拿大还没看过中医,不知道那一个好?谢谢了
    • 与其在这里辖猜,还不如做个生物能测试。找出原因,再对症下药或做有针对性地检查,这样有什么问题都好解决。身体好了,应该还会来的。
      • 这个 "生物能测试" 恐怕连瞎猜都不如吧
        • 去这家网站看一下 http://www.biomeridian.com/ 就知道什么是生物能测试。是德国医生DR.Voll用了近五十年的时间,经过反复实践,发明的。
          现在准确率已经达到了99%以上。对了解自身健康状况非常有帮助。具体过程是:在手上脚上二十多个穴位检测,查出相对应的器官比如:心脏,肺,甲状腺,子宫等等,包括了身体所有的器官和腺体。通过电脑显示出生物能量的强弱还是平衡,如果是平衡就好,超强可能该器官就有炎症,超弱,器官就有问题。检查完后电脑会自动根据每个人的情况排列出投十项最有问题的项目,可以说是一个身体的全面检查。目前在多伦多有一些西人的自然诊所用了这台仪器,作为诊断的辅助工具。但收费要150-200元/小时。个别中医诊所也有用的,收费略为便宜大约是100- 150元。
          • 请PM诊所的联系方式,谢谢
          • It's a complete scam. 这么牛B的仪器, 多伦多哪个正式的医院在用?
            • Quack "Electrodiagnostic" Devices.
              The devices described in this article are used to diagnose nonexistent health problems, select inappropriate treatment, and defraud insurance companies. The practitioners who use them are either delusional, dishonest, or both. These devices should be confiscated and the practitioners who use them should be prosecuted. If you encounter any such device, please report it to the state attorney general, any relevant licensing board, the FDA, the FTC, the FBI, the Better Business Bureau, and any insurance company to which the practitioner submits claims that involve use of the device.
    • 你在误导别人。这个仪器叫做Bio-MeridianTest, 不是什么 Quack Electrodiagnostic Devices. 发帖子的时候先搞搞清楚。这只是给大家多一个选择。如果对自己不了解的新事物一杆子打死,社会就无法进步。
      • 我还没说你在这儿行骗, 你倒说我误导. 自己睁眼看看连接网站的内容. 讲的这个Biomeridian的今世和前身, 在美国是违法用这样的装置诊断疾病, 在加拿大也是违法.
        Subsequent variants include the Accupath 1000, Asyra, Avatar, BICOM, Bio-Tron, Biomeridian, Computron, Dermatron, DiagnoMètre, Eclosion, e-Lybra 8, ELAST, Interro, Interactive Query System (IQS), I-Tronic, Kindling, LISTEN System, MORA, Matrix Physique System, Meridian Energy Analysis Device (MEAD, MSAS, Oberon, Omega Acubase, Omega Vision, Orion System, Phazx, Prognos, Prophyle, Punctos III, Syncrometer, Vantage, Vegatest, Victor-Vitalpunkt Diagnose, Vitel 618, and ZYTO.
      • 多谢你提供的连接。看了之后,更清楚你说的和我说的完全是两码事。请看这个连接:http://www.biomeridian.com/quality.htm
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛FDA 510k
        The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determines and regulates the status and classification of all medical devices that are sold in the United States. Individuals and companies cannot, of themselves, determine if their device is medical or non-medical, nor can they decide what classification, if any, a device falls into. BioMeridian's current line of GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) devices are regulated and fall into a Class IIa medical category. It was necessary for us to apply for and be granted an FDA 510 (K) market clearance. This allows us to market our devices, with certain restrictions, here in the US. Our 510 (K) is only the first step. There are many other requirements we and any manufacturer, must continually meet.

        European Union / CE Mark
        World Class Compliance: European Union Standards - CE Mark, CB Scheme member

        BioMeridian also sells its products in foreign markets. Many of the requirements that the FDA mandates here in the US are also mandatory abroad. There are also requirements that go beyond the US procedures. The most common is called the CE mark. There are currently 24 countries around the globe that require the CE mark on any product sold within their borders. BioMeridian meets these requirements and currently has passed all the testing and has a CE mark on all of its products. Moreover, many nations that are not part of the CE mark with the European community, are part of a program called the CB Scheme. This means that many, if not all, of the test requirements for these countries fall within the procedures needed for the CE mark. This makes BioMeridian a truly globally compliant company, with the ability to sell in literally any market. This gives extra assurance to you, the customer, that we manufacture to world class standards更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • If you really read the FDA clearance letter, you will smell sth fishy or feel sth is hidden behind. It is true that the letter is for their marketing, but only for the purpose they claim for their machine, which is conducting skin response testing.
          This is the only use for their machine approved by FDA. There is nothing for diagnosis and treatment.

          This is my understanding after I read FDA document
        • 搞了半天英文也不识. 我再抄一遍在这里, 看你还有什么话说. !!!!!Biomeridian!!!!!
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛EAV History

          The first EAV devices were developed by Reinhold Voll, a West German physician who had been engaged in acupuncture practice in the 1950s [2]. In 1958, he combined Chinese acupuncture theory with galvanic skin differentials to produce his EAV system. His first transistorized model was the Dermatron. A few years later, one of his students (another German physician named Helmut Schimmel) simplified the diagnostic system from approximately 850 points to 60 points, made small modifications to the equipment, and went on to help create the first model of the Vegatest. Subsequent variants include the Accupath 1000, Asyra, Avatar, BICOM, Bio-Tron, !!!!!Biomeridian!!!!!, Computron, Dermatron, DiagnoMètre, Eclosion, e-Lybra 8, ELAST, Interro, Interactive Query System (IQS), I-Tronic, Kindling, LISTEN System, MORA, Matrix Physique System, Meridian Energy Analysis Device (MEAD, MSAS, Oberon, Omega Acubase, Omega Vision, Orion System, Phazx, Prognos, Prophyle, Punctos III, Syncrometer, Vantage, Vegatest, Victor-Vitalpunkt Diagnose, Vitel 618, and ZYTO.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我不想和任何人争论。每个人有自己的判断。我自己做过还有我的几个朋友都做过。大家的反馈是很准确地反映了自身的情况。很有帮助。另我也在google 上查了别人的反馈(bio meridian test result) 我看到99%以上是正面的。
        • 除了他们自己的相关网站没有太多有关信息,不过还是找到一个相对有点影响的医生的评价,Is-Having-a-Biomeridian-Stress-Test-Worthwhile-----Dr. Weil.。。。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Q Is Having a Biomeridian Stress Test Worthwhile?

          A relative of mine had a biomeridian stress test. The results were very interesting, but how accurate are they? What is your opinion on this type of testing?

          A Answer (Published 2/25/2010)

          As I understand it, biomeridian stress tests and biomeridian testing in general involve the use of a machine that supposedly measures energy flows along channels (meridians) connecting acupuncture points. The practitioner uses a stylus connected to the machine to do the "measuring." If you access the websites of manufacturers of the machines used for these tests, you'll see that some mention an FDA 510 (k) clearance (which is not the same as FDA approval). This clearance was obtained by claiming that the devices are used only for biofeedback or measuring electrical resistance of the skin. But on the websites of some practitioners who offer testing, you'll see that the devices are inappropriately used for other purposes.

          Biomeridian tests purportedly reveal weaknesses in energy, sensitivities to substances such as dust or mold, and spinal misalignments that disturb energy flow. Results also are said to indicate the dietary supplements that should be taken to restore healthy energy balance. Those supplements are conveniently sold by the practitioner who conducts the tests, and you may be told to come back as often as once a week or once a month for follow-up testing to learn whether or not the treatment is working. Since none of this is covered by health insurance, you'll have to pay for it out of your own pocket.

          I can find no scientific data attesting to the validity of biomeridian testing. However, studies in England and Australia have shown that it does not accurately diagnose allergies.

          While the test itself is non-invasive and won't hurt you physically, relying on this highly dubious method can be harmful if you have a serious disorder and can delay proper treatment. My advice: save your money.

          Andrew Weil, M.D.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net