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They will flower couple of times but it is limited.

The other type of tomatoes (indetermintate type) will keep on growing until the winter kills them. If we don't have such a cold winter, they will last for multiple years. But for tiny tim, it will die after couple round of fruits. (I don't remember when they died since it is couple of years ago when I had it.) But the good thing for tiny tim is that it doesn't need much of care other than watering and fertilizing and it doesn't need to much space. It is a good variaty for people who have limited space or for growing in a pot.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 请问番茄怎么打叶子?家里圣女果品种的番茄已经开了10朵花了,第一颗小番茄已经在成长了,听说要打叶子,请问过来人怎么个打法?什么时间,打掉多少,谢谢!
    • 去年oasis 教过,请看这里:
      • 谢谢,看了一下,难道只需要掐掉主干和叶子之间的小芽?每个大支上面都有6-8片叶子不用管?
        • 侧枝是最消耗能量的,你还可以把最低的花以下的叶子全部打掉,都没什么用,叶子还是需要的
          • 你的cherry tomato是不是 sweat 100。到底要长到多高的时候打枝。我听说cherry tomato和别的不一样,不需要打枝。另外我的是种在地里,要多高的杆子能做支持。我在网上看到都是那种很大的。
            • 所有indeterminate的都需要这么做,determinate的不需要
            • should be sweet 100.
          • tiny tim是不是不需要?
            • I don't think you need to worry about pruning tiny tim.
              Tiny tim is derterminte type of tomato. It will grow to a fix height and die after the fruit are all ripe.
              • 是说它们只开一次花,结完一次果后就不会再继续结果了是吗?
                • They will flower couple of times but it is limited.
                  The other type of tomatoes (indetermintate type) will keep on growing until the winter kills them. If we don't have such a cold winter, they will last for multiple years. But for tiny tim, it will die after couple round of fruits. (I don't remember when they died since it is couple of years ago when I had it.) But the good thing for tiny tim is that it doesn't need much of care other than watering and fertilizing and it doesn't need to much space. It is a good variaty for people who have limited space or for growing in a pot.
                  • 照这么说,它不需要把第一批花摘掉啦?
                    • Depends. If it already has flower when it is still in the small pot, you might still want to take out the first round of flower.
                      I think the reason to take out the flower is to let the plant to concentrate ongrowing the root. If your tomato wasn't root bound when it's taken out of the nursery container, I don't think you need to take out the flowers evn for other type of tomato. Just my two cents.
                      • 谢谢!
                  • 明白了,谢谢你
            • 不需要,它是属于determinate的
              • 谢谢
    • 谢谢.我种了14颗SWEET粒100,还没有STAKING和PRUNING.已经长好高了,现在做,还来得及吗?
      • Yes.
        That's a lot of sweet 100. They are one of the best cherry tomatoes but can you eat that many?
        BTW, have yours fruited yet?
        • 现在看来,是太多了.只种了三棵大西红柿.都开花了.
    • 那个,后来西红柿长得太高了,我改用绳子了,在这里,有兴趣的可以参考一下,最后长成了估计能有10尺高
      • 讨论一下:如果留2-3个侧枝,是不是会长的矮一点。我觉得搭这么高的架子,对我来说太费劲了。我必须买到2米以上的竹竿。
        • 应该会矮一点,就是横向太宽,太浪费地方,
          • 如果像你那样种在盆里,你用了什么土和肥料。放在阳光只有3-4小时的位置如何?
            • 我去年只用了compost,结果总是缺水,应该和top soil混合一下,我每个星期都上肥,如果阳光不行,不会长的很好
              • 每个星期都上肥,是化肥吗?
                  • 多谢。我现在基本有些概念该怎么种了。很有受益。