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Last year, I planted 7 棵蓝莓, I will get less than 10 蓝莓total this year. I do not check them anymore.

I planted 2 棵黑莓last year. On May they bloom, and now I have lots of 黑莓, I expect they will ready for eat on July. I bought them from HD.
I have two 红莓rasberry planted 6 years ago, now every day I can get about 1lb 红莓. Kids say they have enough 红莓.
I planted one 草莓 6 years ago, now it becomes a 草莓园, kids do not like 草莓 too.
I have a peach tree planted 6 years ago, until now I still do not know what it will taste like.
Last year I bought a mulberry tree, two cherry trees (van and bing). This year I bought another mulberry tree because I want more mulberries. I got less than 5 cherry this year (just 白里透一点红, can not wait they become red since birds and squirrel are waiting too). Mulberry tree is best, now I can get more than 10 mulberry from my last year tree.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 有种红莓,蓝莓,黑莓等的来探讨一下
    1,红莓rasberry 今年才种的,20棵中有十几棵结果了,植株没怎么长,莓小。
    • Last year, I planted 7 棵蓝莓, I will get less than 10 蓝莓total this year. I do not check them anymore.
      I planted 2 棵黑莓last year. On May they bloom, and now I have lots of 黑莓, I expect they will ready for eat on July. I bought them from HD.
      I have two 红莓rasberry planted 6 years ago, now every day I can get about 1lb 红莓. Kids say they have enough 红莓.
      I planted one 草莓 6 years ago, now it becomes a 草莓园, kids do not like 草莓 too.
      I have a peach tree planted 6 years ago, until now I still do not know what it will taste like.
      Last year I bought a mulberry tree, two cherry trees (van and bing). This year I bought another mulberry tree because I want more mulberries. I got less than 5 cherry this year (just 白里透一点红, can not wait they become red since birds and squirrel are waiting too). Mulberry tree is best, now I can get more than 10 mulberry from my last year tree.
      • thanks for sharing
        this year I add called Gooseberry, redcurrent.
        I would like to add more,but last year spent too much
        and maintain this 100 arcs hobby farm is very hard(not like China,more people rich and has time enjoy county life.........)
      • wow, 你家后院岂不就是果园了, 羡慕ING
      • 好羡慕呀!我懒,不常打理花草的,但是又馋这种莓那种莓的。请问种莓要防动物小鸟虫害之类的吗?另外,需要用raised flower bed去种吗?因为是吃的,担心院子里的土里含有害物质。
        • I am lazy too, and I do not have time. All these berries and trees do not need 打理. My house is more then 40 years old, so I think my back yard should be OK (no 有害物质). I used top soil and compose for all plants.
    • 我种了草莓和红莓,草莓长得少且小,但繁植太快,把地全占了,后来干脆斩首; 红莓结果不少,而且不停地结,几天不摘就熟透了,繁植也快, 只好控制边界。
    • 据说蓝莓6-8年树龄是结果高峰期。蓝莓喜茶叶和鱼肥。HD有售鱼肥。
      • Thanks. The 莴笋and 香菜 you gave to me grow very well.
    • 若干年前种了一棵红莓,疯长,孩子不喜欢吃,挖走给邻居了,
      去年种了蓝莓一棵, 因家里地方小,就买了一棵,当时看标签说是 self fertile,但只开花没结果。今年又补充了一棵,估计今年能收获20粒。去年还买了一棵 cranberry, 但去年,今年都没开花,叶子倒是长得不错,不知缺啥。几年前也也种过草莓,招蚂蚁,全铲除。

      去年种了两颗樱桃,今年结了不少,还在陆陆续续的摘,一棵 bing , 一棵3合1, 3和1 的很好,有的枝先成熟,有的枝后成熟。去年也种了一棵意大利李子,直到今年还没见到花。三,四年前吃杏时,随手扔了一个核在土里,现已成树,明年该开花了。
      • 三合一的甜不甜?地方小,没地方种两棵。
        • 已经摘了两个枝的,挺好的,没啥区别,第三颗的还没红透。买的时候,让他给你选,不是每个3合1都是一样的。我的是,Van,stellar, 和 reainder, 不知道拼的对不对。
          • 太好了。你是在哪买的?
            • bayview & elgin mill 南的一家garden。
              • 多谢!
    • 去年种了一棵蓝莓,买的时候才5。99,没施肥没浇水,今年有10几个果。
      • 真的一颗也能结果?什么品种?
      • 我也是去年买的一棵,5.99, 开了花,但没结果。我是在loblaws 买的,以W开头的一个品种。
        • 我俩估计买的是一个品种, 我也是在loblaws买的。第一年光开花不接果。今年接了10多个,也不指望吃,希望明年多接些,现在 长的还没到我膝盖。能接果,我想是因为周围邻居也种了
        • 在网上查了一下,我的品种应该是Chippewa, self fertile。