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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Who is an IT Specialist?

An IT Specialist’s role and responsibilities may range from implementer on up through management levels.

An IT Specialist typically concentrates on one of two Technical Focus areas: Solution Development or Solution Delivery. Within each of these two Technical Focus areas, various Streams and Sub-Streams are identified against which the individual IT Specialist may certify.

l Streams within Solution Development include (but are not limited to): Business Analysis, Application Development, Packaged Application Implementation, Data Integration, Business Information Management, Infrastructure Design and Testing.

l Streams within Solution Delivery include (but are not limited to): Infrastructure and Applications Management, Systems and Hardware Products (comprised of such Sub-Streams as Storage, Networking, Server and Cross Systems) and Software (encompassing Sub-Streams including Application Development Products, Application and Integration Middleware, Data Management, Content Management and Portal and Collaboration Software).

Who is an IT Architect?

An IT architect is an individual who not only understands multiple aspects of information technology from a technical and development or implementation perspective, but who also understands how the proper application and use of IT can help an organization or company meet its goals, improve productivity or profitability and, in general, help organizations work more effectively. Thus, an IT architect brings an understanding of and appreciation for business or organizational needs, goals and objectives, and can assess the value of information technology investments in terms of the returns they bring and the opportunities they enable.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 做architect和做specialist是个选择,这其中有取舍,和钱没关,和技术强弱没关。好的specialist挣钱更多,在业界更让人尊重。但我相信,天才除外,对大多数人来说,你做不好both.
    人脑有限,有地方强就有地方弱。先想清楚了自己的强弱,明白自己想干什么,再看看最近关于技术上的讨论,很有意思。另外,我觉得离sales cycle越远的职位越危险。中国印度的能人多了,你一定觉得你比他们更聪明,更便宜,对资本家更合算吗? 我的建议,如果不打算自己开店,有机会最好能找那些需要天天和用户见面的活,直接推动销售额的事,能干的长远点儿。


    architect要博,要懂行业知识,要会consulting, 要会PM, 要会methodology and paperwork,要big picture, 要能白活,可能曾经在某个技术领域精,但作为一个合格的architect,不应该寻求在技术领域都的深入,而应该把自己有限的经历资源放在这个职位要求的地方,勇敢的依赖specialist, so called leadership, 你要把活都干了,哪来的leadership呢?


    这两者之间的对话有时会产生冲突,specialist往往认为自己才懂技术,是大拿,是真正干活的;architect经常会觉得specialist没有big picture,钻牛角尖,难以管理。常穿对方的鞋是正理。
    • Roles/responsibilities of an architect is quite different from a PM’s. Depending on where you are based consulting is not a must for an architect. There are also huge differences between an solutions architect and an enterprise architect.
      • 咱不钻牛角尖,会什么和干什么是不同的。PM和architect should be best friend.
        • Roles of an architect at IBM is very different from many others' perhaps. Very often roles of a position are very clearly defined in large companies. One is not supposed to or try to go over the line or conflicts start.
          • actually i am following the definition from open group.
            • You may have to bear responsibilities of a PM as an architect working for a consulting firm managing budget and other resouces etc. but you don’t need to if you work at e.g. at RBC.
              • Good thinking.. but will that architect (at RBC) care about mile stones, time lines, resources, critical success factors, risks ? I will say PM and architect share a common set of objectives and responsibilities in many cases.
                • Yes but without compromising a PM’s responsibilities /mandates working on a team.
                  • Absolutely. That's why they should be best friend.
      • 我们公司的specialist 就是 programmer , 工资也不高。
    • 老猫说的有理,但是跟俺说的不相关。俺谈的不是要做architect还是做specialist。俺是给average joe programmer写的。
    • Exactly. They should have different focus in a project. Architect’s main responsibility is the big picture, not how to do a specific job. Specialist should care about get the job done and meet the requirements.
      Of course, this doesn’t mean architect shouldn’t do ANY low level works and specialist should ignore the big picture completely. There’s no clear cut for this. In fact, in the programming world, most architects evolved from developers. And developers must have some basic architect skills. But these two types of people shouldn't cross the line too often.

      Specialist is Darth Vader, Architech is Darth Sidious.
      • "Specialist is Darth Vader, Architect is Darth Sidious" - LOL...
        better said than all the words in my post
    • Architect 是车夫;Specialist 是拉车的驴。:-)


      作车夫固然是首选。然而有的小车又驴既可。 更何况你看当今。。。不少车是。。。车夫比驴多!

      • wow, 这世界最终还得靠老佛爷!
    • 既然讲到Architect和Consultant, 俺心中有个疑问, 想请教一下猫哥, 一个Principal Consultant面试一个Architect职位候选人是否合适?这个Architect是经常出差Consulting性质的那种, 谢谢先
      • job title could be different from company to company. having said that, an architect should perform some consulting functions and understand consulting methodology. i see nothing wrong to be interviewed by consultant.
        • I'm referring to IBM here
          • apart from the talks of career path, at the end of the day, money talks. As long as the position satisfied both parties' desire and need, it is just business as usual. I've seen many people being both "managing consultant" and "certified architect"
        • 事情是这样的
          俺一个礼拜前被一个IBM Principal Consultant以Dinner形式面试, 职位是Architect, 大家言谈甚欢, 但是当他问我是什么职位时, 俺说是Architect,然后他就开始保持沉默了, 还是俺主动找话打破沉默, 沉默之前他对俺的技术问题答案很满意, 还说对俺的技术很有信心, 但是沉默之后他开始找借口草草结束晚餐, 从此就杳无音信, 也许是俺太敏感, 但是自从俺说出了职位以后反差好大, 俺明显感觉到了.

          这个职位是IBM 经理主动联系我, 然后找他的这位同事面试我的, 以前曾被这位经理找其他人也是以Dinner形式面试过, 但是职位是PM, 当时英文太烂而失败.
      • 请教一下猫哥,在IBM,Principal Consultant和Architect谁的Band高些? 谢谢先, 因为俺想直接给那位经理回一封Follow up email, 探听一下那个面试人究竟给出什么原因
        • architect has 4 bands - associate architect 7, advisory 8, senior 9, executive 10... I guess the position you are talking about is either 8 or 9. principal consultant ? hmm.. I am not sure..
          • Thank you so much, 猫哥
          • 这么说architect 和developer在工资上没什么区别,就是名字好听一点。老猫可不可以写篇文章介绍一下那个IT Architect认证?正在考虑明年弄个level 1的。
            • 只是分工不同,谈不上谁高谁低,architect对业内人, 其名字也未必好听。
          • 俺绞尽脑汁, 不知道该怎么写这email, 这位经理对俺的印象还是很正面的, 时隔不久能再给俺机会也说明了这一点, 但是这个好印象恐怕要给这个Principal Consultant给破坏了, 俺以后还想混进IBM呢, 这个经理在美国, 以后去美国混也可能要找他, 怎么写才能保住俺的名声?
            请猫哥, 兵哥和Rolia各路大侠指点, 谢谢先
            • 你怎么老想着IBM,难道这世上就没有其他公司了?
      • I'm also have a question. Would you guys give us something you are proud of in your work? Like you resolved some problem by some way etc?
    • 老猫能不能先给个specialist何architect的定义?我上一家公司,specialist在architect之下,一堆specialist(好像什么人都能作),寥寥无几的几个architect。 现在的公司根本没有specialist这一级,architect 成堆。
      • 抄来的。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Who is an IT Specialist?

        An IT Specialist’s role and responsibilities may range from implementer on up through management levels.

        An IT Specialist typically concentrates on one of two Technical Focus areas: Solution Development or Solution Delivery. Within each of these two Technical Focus areas, various Streams and Sub-Streams are identified against which the individual IT Specialist may certify.

        l Streams within Solution Development include (but are not limited to): Business Analysis, Application Development, Packaged Application Implementation, Data Integration, Business Information Management, Infrastructure Design and Testing.

        l Streams within Solution Delivery include (but are not limited to): Infrastructure and Applications Management, Systems and Hardware Products (comprised of such Sub-Streams as Storage, Networking, Server and Cross Systems) and Software (encompassing Sub-Streams including Application Development Products, Application and Integration Middleware, Data Management, Content Management and Portal and Collaboration Software).

        Who is an IT Architect?

        An IT architect is an individual who not only understands multiple aspects of information technology from a technical and development or implementation perspective, but who also understands how the proper application and use of IT can help an organization or company meet its goals, improve productivity or profitability and, in general, help organizations work more effectively. Thus, an IT architect brings an understanding of and appreciation for business or organizational needs, goals and objectives, and can assess the value of information technology investments in terms of the returns they bring and the opportunities they enable.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Principal Consultant 究竟是什么东东?
          • not in my area of expertise. anyone knows ?
            • 俺知道IBM内部有很多不同的Group, 猫割所属的Group, 没有Principal Consultant 吗?
              • nope
            • "I’m a principal consultant with ThoughtWorks..."
          • Principal Consultant 是个level上的衡量,Consultant I < Consultant II < Sr. Consultant < Principal Consultant. 有的公司Principal Consultant相当于Group Manager
            • 这贴还在这里, 俺太萎缩了, 用如此阴暗的心理揣测别人, 太小心眼了, 呵呵, Principal Consultant也要干具体任务, 据给我面试那位PC说他现在是一个人在做一个Project, 天天到处乱飞, 其实干的活与Consultant干的内容和形式都没有分别
      • 要是单从specialist的定义看的话,那不就是BA, 程序员这些具体干活的嘛。
          • 不然。从来没有人把BA叫specialist。BA不干具体技术活,只做需求分析和成本比较等,BA需要跟Architect紧密结合(有的公司BA/Architect合二为一),BA也需要把需求准确传达到Specialist。
            • depends
              • elabration, please.
                • by open group definition, BA is an IT specialist and there is a certification stream for it.
                  • thanks, good to know.
                    • you are very welcome
    • 这话有理。我就发现我做architect比specialist更出色,除了感觉自己的语言能力离职位的要求更远了一些以外,总体来说更得心应手,老板也更倚重。比较可悲的是,specialist做不好的人,很难有机会得到architect的职位。