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为支持一位网友关于海豚和whale 的文章,我将我女儿今年参加演讲比赛的文章“海豚和自由”post 出来。女儿曾多次被不同老师邀请去班级演讲,她希望有更多的人能阅读她的文章,有更多的人和她一起来保护海洋动物。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dolphin and Freedom

May 2010

Hello everyone, my name is XXX. Today I would like to share with you my experience with dolphins, and what I learned from them.

Last Christmas, I went to California with my family to visit Grandma Jane. I was very excited about the trip when I heard the plan of visiting Sea World, a very famous marine park, in San Diego. My parents always take me to different parks every time we travel especially marine parks since I love dolphins very much.

In the Sea World of San Diego, we went to a place called Shamu where different marine animals, dolphins and whales, make a lot of shows. The trainers asked each marine animal to come outside to play in front of the audience. Some of them didn’t want to come outside to meet people; mostly the trainer has to lure them with treats. It was amazing that these marine animals can do many challenging tricks.

On our way back home, we visited Ventura and went on a boat for whale watch. After a long ride in the Pacific Ocean, we still couldn’t find any whales. Suddenly my mom shouted out “I see something over there”. All heads snapped into attention of the direction where my mom pointed and we saw a dolphin’s tail sticking out of the water. Instead of whales, we found dolphins chasing our boat. Seconds later around 10 dolphins were swimming beside our boat! They swam so fast with the boat that they looked like a streak of lightning that are gray and in the water. There was always a dolphin in lead, and they kept on changing the leader when the ex-leader got tired. It was around 30 minutes when they started to leave and I think there were around 30 dolphins playing with us.

It was then I realized that the dolphins in the Sea World weren’t happy. After our trip in California, I thought about what a big difference between the wild dolphins and the show ones. Well, the show dolphins has enough food, shelter and caring from the trainers, but they don’t have freedom! They can’t swim where they want to. They can’t see the whole wide world; all they can see is the audience and the small pool. All they can do is eat, sleep and doing tricks.

Wild dolphins in the ocean might not get enough food or get protected from their predators, but they have freedom! They can go wherever they want, and do whatever they like. They are full of life within the natural habitat, the ocean.

I bet that the dolphins in the Sea World never know what freedom is really like if they were born and kept in the marine park all the time, but they do feel unhappy, since we took a very important part from them - Freedom just for our amusement. I know there are so many people who try very hard to protect or fight for their freedom today. So, how about those animals, our friends on earth, our friends who have no ability to fight for their liberty? Should we just think a little about their life, their happiness and limit to catch them for our amusement and give the freedom back to them?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 为支持一位网友关于海豚和whale 的文章,我将我女儿今年参加演讲比赛的文章“海豚和自由”post 出来。女儿曾多次被不同老师邀请去班级演讲,她希望有更多的人能阅读她的文章,有更多的人和她一起来保护海洋动物。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dolphin and Freedom

    May 2010

    Hello everyone, my name is XXX. Today I would like to share with you my experience with dolphins, and what I learned from them.

    Last Christmas, I went to California with my family to visit Grandma Jane. I was very excited about the trip when I heard the plan of visiting Sea World, a very famous marine park, in San Diego. My parents always take me to different parks every time we travel especially marine parks since I love dolphins very much.

    In the Sea World of San Diego, we went to a place called Shamu where different marine animals, dolphins and whales, make a lot of shows. The trainers asked each marine animal to come outside to play in front of the audience. Some of them didn’t want to come outside to meet people; mostly the trainer has to lure them with treats. It was amazing that these marine animals can do many challenging tricks.

    On our way back home, we visited Ventura and went on a boat for whale watch. After a long ride in the Pacific Ocean, we still couldn’t find any whales. Suddenly my mom shouted out “I see something over there”. All heads snapped into attention of the direction where my mom pointed and we saw a dolphin’s tail sticking out of the water. Instead of whales, we found dolphins chasing our boat. Seconds later around 10 dolphins were swimming beside our boat! They swam so fast with the boat that they looked like a streak of lightning that are gray and in the water. There was always a dolphin in lead, and they kept on changing the leader when the ex-leader got tired. It was around 30 minutes when they started to leave and I think there were around 30 dolphins playing with us.

    It was then I realized that the dolphins in the Sea World weren’t happy. After our trip in California, I thought about what a big difference between the wild dolphins and the show ones. Well, the show dolphins has enough food, shelter and caring from the trainers, but they don’t have freedom! They can’t swim where they want to. They can’t see the whole wide world; all they can see is the audience and the small pool. All they can do is eat, sleep and doing tricks.

    Wild dolphins in the ocean might not get enough food or get protected from their predators, but they have freedom! They can go wherever they want, and do whatever they like. They are full of life within the natural habitat, the ocean.

    I bet that the dolphins in the Sea World never know what freedom is really like if they were born and kept in the marine park all the time, but they do feel unhappy, since we took a very important part from them - Freedom just for our amusement. I know there are so many people who try very hard to protect or fight for their freedom today. So, how about those animals, our friends on earth, our friends who have no ability to fight for their liberty? Should we just think a little about their life, their happiness and limit to catch them for our amusement and give the freedom back to them?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我觉得你女儿很了不起,小小年纪就能体恤弱势群体(例如dolphin),真的很了不起,非常棒!
      • +1
      • dolphin 是她的最爱。每年生日她都会寄钱给海洋动物保护组织,领养一只dolphin 。她渴望能有美人鱼的尾巴,能和dolphin一起在海洋里游泳。
        • 我怎么觉得你家孩子比其他孩子要成熟很多,是天生的还是培养的?想必她一定看了很多书,这些想法是她书里看来的,还是自己想的?她的Leadership怎么样?
          • 天生早熟,刚满11岁,已提前进入Teenager,提前和老妈闹别扭。老师说天生具备领袖素质,是个众望所归的leader ,要我们多加培养。突然发现这位半懂不懂的未成年领导正在尝试做家里的LD。所以老领导们一致决定不再培养了。
    • 选题有深度. 写的也不错. 小学生谈自由有点早熟. 我们孩子班上获奖的是讲金毛狗, 另一个班上是海伦凯勒.
      • 我以前也是这么想。但是,前2天她受邀参加6年级的辩论,我就觉得现在的孩子都不简单。他们的题目是“人有没有权利杀人”?正方认为在“死刑”“战争”和自卫的情况人,人是有权利杀人的。女儿的反驳是“死刑”是在重复杀人犯的错误。事实上还有无辜的人被判死刑。

        • 孩她爹,讲的好!
        • 提倡尽一切可能用和平的方式解决问题。 很好呀. 我国发言人也经常这么说...
        • 有想法总比没想法好。很多问题根本就不能和平解决。除非那一天真的世界大同了。在西方这样的世界里,大部分小孩都比较天真。
        • 这题目有些吓人. 我个人认为, 应该避免让小学生接触到社会丑陋恐怖一面, 就象暴力电影少儿不益, 家长老师合谋扮演圣诞老人... 庆幸的是, 我们这里的辩论都比较浅.
          • 似乎学校将G4作为一个分水岭。对待方式很不同。
            • 我们这里一直到七八年级都没听到过这种沉重话题, 有些论点听起来很荒唐可笑, 但是学生的论证都很有创意. 既然正方反方都是指定的, 不是学生自己的看法, 不理解为什么不选些轻松话题.
              • 我们是老师定题,学生根据自己的观点选代表。女儿只是G5,因为她的演讲拿了学校的trophy,而反方的支持者较少,所以他们请她做反方的代表参加G6的辩论。至于命题好不好?我也说不上,毕竟我不是专业老师。但我很理解她的观点,她读了很多关于战争&孩子的书,反战是自然的了
                • 没错,学校里,政治色彩,很难避免!这就是教育的可怕之处。老洋们,这个,玩的最好。 为您捧个场, 凑个伴。 我们这是7年纪的玩意。
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛No one should ever experience violence. This is especially true for children and teenagers. However, some are not so lucky. This holds true in countries such as the United States, as well as third-world countries such as Sierra Leone. The Freedom Writers Foundation helps teach students in the United States and Canada who have experienced violence, particularly gang and racial violence, to learn and actually take it to heart. It is true that a lot of teens who have experienced violence are sent to school, but they are often looked down on and treated unfairly, thus making them unwilling to actually learn. The Freedom Writers Foundation teaches teachers across the country the ‘Freedom Writer method’ of teaching, a method proven effective by the founder of the Foundation.

                  This foundation began in a way unique from other non-governmental organizations (NGOs). If one somehow looked back in time, one would find oneself in classroom number 203 in Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, California, during a period of time following shortly after the Rodney King riots. Long Beach, at that time, was filled with gang violence and racial tension, and this did not cease to exist inside school boundaries, especially in classroom 203, where all the ‘un-teachable delinquents’ were put. Almost all of these ‘under average’ teens were in racial gangs, and most had a deep hatred of those of a different race than themselves, a deep enough hatred to kill. A teacher and a student teacher were assigned to this class. This is what began it all.
                  Neither teacher nor student teacher likely knew what to expect. However, on the very first day of school, the teacher abandoned the student teacher, Erin Gruwell, to escape from these teens, leaving her to attempt to teach them by herself. Although she had a rocky start, to say the least, with the class that was now hers, one significant event changed her thoughts of these young adults. After intercepting a racial caricature of Sharaud, a student who had been expelled from his last school for supposedly bringing a gun to class and threatening his English teacher with it (but presently one of the Freedom Writers), Gruwell told the class that this was the exact kind of propaganda the Nazis had used during the Holocaust, only to find out that all but one of the students had never heard of the Holocaust. Something as well-known in history as the Holocaust was something that even this class should have known, is what was likely thought.

                  Erin Gruwell took the class as her own. Soon, she began to teach them with books such as ‘Anne Frank: the Diary of a Young Girl’ and ‘Night,’ and had them write journals every day (that were later published). She began to establish a bond with them, and returned the next year as a full teacher, to teach a new class of freshmen in the same position. When learning about the Freedom Riders, these students named themselves the Freedom Writers. Since the school was not willing to give books to this class, Gruwell, who bought them with her own money, was forced to have two other part-time careers. However, as the Freedom Writers’ and Erin Gruwell’s fame grew, John Tu, multi-millionaire and co-founder of Kingston Technology, began to sponsor the Freedom Writers, and he donated 35 computers, which were later given away to the 35 Freedom Writers with the highest marks at graduation. Erin Gruwell was able to teach the Freedom Writers during all four years of high school, all the way up to graduation, and they later went on to college, earning credentials, bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and even PhD’s. These so-called Freedom Writers changed remarkably from that first day as a freshman.

                  The founder of this foundation, Erin Gruwell, played an essential part in this organization. She should be commended for the feat she accomplished – to teach the Freedom Writers and, against popular belief, show that these students were, after all, just like all the other students attending school. Overcoming labels and peer pressure from her colleagues, she proved that these teens were normal, not dumb, stupid, idiotic wastes of time. This was a feat that she accomplished, and not only that, but accomplished well.

                  This remarkable individual had a rather modest background. Erin Gruwell was born on August 15, 1969 in California. She graduated from Bonita High School and the University of California and earned her Master’s Degree and teaching credentials at the California State University. Surprisingly, Gruwell originally wanted to become a lawyer, but after watching footage of the Las Angeles riots in the 1990’s, decided that being a teacher would enable her to leave a more powerful influence in a larger number of lives. Her choice allowed her to accomplish more than she could ever have dreamed of by the time she left Woodrow Wilson High School in 1998. However, that did not bring to an end her living legacy. In 1997, a year before she left Woodrow Wilson, she founded the aforementioned organization and in 2000, she ran for Congress in CA-38. She published an autobiography titled ‘Teach with Your Heart: Lessons I Learned from the Freedom Writers’ in 2007. There is no doubt that she will work more miracles with the Freedom Writers in the future, as well.

                  The Freedom Writers Foundation was founded in 1997 by Erin Gruwell. Their mission is to (quote their website), ‘positively impact[s] communities by decreasing high school dropout rates through the replication and enhancement of the Freedom Writers Method.’ The Foundation’s purpose is to create opportunities for students to do their best in school, encourage a motto of diversity, and show students their roles in their communities. The organization reaches out to communities in the United States and Canada, holding workshops across these countries to teach other teachers the ‘Freedom Writer method.’ This group is not an NGO in a conventional sense, as although it strives to help, it does not target third-world countries, but rather one that some may think is perfect. This, however, does not make this organization’s purpose any less important than those of other NGOs.

                  The story of the Freedom Writers, Erin Gruwell, and the Freedom Writers Foundation is truly astonishing and remarkable. All children and teens deserve a chance for an education, no matter if they are a former juvenile delinquent or an everyday six-year-old child. As the Foundation shows, it is not impossible to educate an ‘under average’ teen, as long as the teacher is willing to learn. This organization, whose purpose, as mentioned before, is to, basically, help decrease high school drop-out rates and increase actual learning, is doubtlessly not a worthless attempt and waste of time. No matter race or history, all youth should get to experience a caring teacher, a class of interest, a place of hope. Violence is something that will likely not happen if proper education and understanding teachers are present, as well. It is a comparatively simple answer for a comparatively large problem. Although this may be debated, when one considers the previous proof, it is obvious the Freedom Writers Foundation is worthy of thought and support.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • +1, we don't visit that kind of places neither.
    • 写得很好,不管是不是符合主流思想,孩子能从不同角度思考都很可贵。
    • SAVE,THANKS for sharing
    • 现在的小屁孩们,脑子里也不知装了多少东西。啥都知道,但社会意识极强。昨天,带着小朋友散布。同时教她辨认不同型号的车子。当问及,16岁时,老爸应送她个啥的时候。人家讲,减少污染是每个人的责任。电动交通工具是她唯一的选择。。。
      • 我家那位要求我们每月有个烛光夜晚。不开灯,不用空调,不看电视,不用电脑。我们只好早睡觉。
        • 看您这泡网的时间,好像是在“阳奉阴违”嘛。哈哈哈。。。
          玩笑!小孩被教的,社会意识强,物质欲望差。是好,是坏,只有天知道。 不过一生之中,女孩子比男孩子,要多一次机会。 从这点上来讲,你们那位领导,已有所表现。 哈哈。。。
          • 是啊!为此小领导将她的Netbook贡献出来说这个比较省电。
    • 这个题目从哪里来的, LZ应该说清楚 -- 这不是自由命题, G5的英语LIST上有一篇文章, 写的是IN CAPTURE的海豚连杀三人的悲剧, 每个学生都被要求写作文, 说明自己是支持还是反对. 至于辩论啊, 到别的班级去啊, 都是日常交流.
      • 是这样啊
      • 我们这个是演讲比赛,从班级到学校,有5/6年级和7/8年级。每个人的演讲内容自定,和你说的写作是2件事