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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

First Job: Interview - Communications (6)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I wanted to write about communications for a long time. However, it came last in my "First Job" series and after a long pause of 3 months. I started writing many times but could hardly make progress. The reason? I didn't have good examples.

An example is worth a thousand words, they say. A good example not only illustrates a point; it often makes a point.

When preparing for interview, make sure you have good examples for every point you want to make. Go through your resume, make sure you have a couple of examples for every claim there. You say you're a team player, give them an example. Good analytical skills? Excellent communication skills? Superb problem solving skills? Everybody makes such claims. The only way to convince the interviewers is through examples.

Recently my son had to go through an interview for volunteer work. The place gave him the questions before the interview. One question was: what are your strengths?

My son doesn't talk much, so I helped them with this tough question. I told him he's dependable. Why? Because he does his own laundry every Sunday at 11:00 AM. Because he sweeps the kitchen floor every other day. Because he delivered newspaper even in an ice rain. I'm sure these are enough to convince the interviewer.

A while ago, I was playing with the Spring Framework. One day, a sample program failed to compile. The error message said a Spring class was not found. Without spending a second checking the issue, I suspected that my version of Spring was outdated, even though the Framework was downloaded only 2 weeks ago. I updated Spring and that indeed fixed the problem.

I feel this is a good example of problem solving skills. It shows the ability to reach a conclusion with very limited information. Years ago, my first boss, even though not a programmer himself, would go into our source code at a client's place and fix problems in minutes. Same thing.

For this installment on communication skills, I actually planned to write about misunderstandings. However, I again couldn't make progress due to lack of good examples. After a while, I decided to leave it alone. If you have examples on misunderstandings, I'd like to hear about them.

A while ago, I read an article on Rolia. The author said his mom loved him to the extreme. I guess we could all make such claims. However, after reading his examples, I'm convinced that his mom is indeed different.

Example #1: his mother's sister once spanked him for running around the fire place and refusing to stop even after warnings of danger. His mother had a big fight with her sister over the spanking. She even stopped talking to her sister for many months.

Example #2: he once had a debate with his friend over which is faster: train or airplane? He said train and his friend said airplane. They went to his mom for a decision. What did his mom say? Train.

I conclude this article with a bad example.

A while ago, someone on Rolia made such a claim: 真心喜欢一个人,就要告诉她你的最最致命的弱点,好让对方在你内心变黑暗要失控的时候还能把握住你,不被你欺负. We can hardly understand what the author has in mind without some exmaples. What is "内心变黑暗"? How "失控" is "失控"? What is "欺负"? What kind of weakness is "致命的弱点"?

------ to be continued ------更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / First Job: Interview - Communications (6)
    • good article. continue..
      • Based on the last paragraph of the article, it was for mikesmith to pick up from there!:-)
        • something is better left unsaid.
      • 谢老猫大度。
    • waiting for more...
    • Bravo! ... from a loyal wincity fan. Just to contribute another useful example -- when you are asked about your leadership experience, here's how you could respond:
      I have been a parent of (n) children for years!
      • Very weak example.
        • How about this one then? When asked about team-work/inter-person skills, one could reply:
          Are you kidding me? I have been living with a picky wife (grumpy husband) for (n) years and we are still together!

          - where n > 10 at least, to make the case stronger.
          • You and your wife do some type of team work that other people typically don't do at work.
          • Neither of your "examples" is an example.
          • Besides, neither is convicing. It's like saying I'm a good employee because I've worked for the same employer for N years (where N > 10). A not-so-good employee could also have lasted that long. Even a bad employee.
          • Going in your direction, here're my "real" examples of "leadership" and "teamwork".
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Leadership: using effective reward to motivate subordinates.

            My 5-year old refuses to eat lunch at school. He doesn't like the food: sandwich, lasagna, macaroni, salad, etc. Also he is used to being fed at home but nobody feeds him at school.

            One day, he fell in love with a Transformer backpack at a store. I said no. But he kept asking. Sensing he's a little crazy about it, I told him that if he eats lunch at school for a week, he'd get the backpack.

            Next 5 days, he indeed ate everything at school: sandwich, lasagna, macaroni, even salad. He got his backpack on the weekend. To my delight, he kept eating lunch ever since.


            Teamwork: compromise with team members. Accept the negative, appreciate the positive.

            My wife is a little disorganized. She leaves the light on, the drawers open, and things everywhere. She loses things often. Instead of arguing with her or trying to change her, I accepted her the way she is. I pick up after her. I watch out for her credit cards. Happily. Why? Because she has a lot of positives. She's a good worker around the house, fast and effective. She's even a handyman (or woman). I'm very clumsy so I really appreciate it when she puts up a curtain or changes a shower head or hooks up the karaoke machine.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Confirmed. We now have the second LEADER.
        • more like we have a second daddy and husband at work.
          • Interesting. Are you saying "夫唱妇随"?
            • maybe office affairs are good example of team work?
              • Possible but only to certain extend I guess.